This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Top Ten Reasons Obama Kept Biden on the Ticket

1. Biden remarks to Obama every morning how handsome he looks today.

2. He tells Obama everything he does is a "gutsy move."

3. Biden promised to have a red light implanted on his forehead that turns on every time he is about to say something stupid.

4. Obama hopes Biden will help with voters who don't speak English.

5. Biden has a copy of Obama's college transcripts.

6. Biden threatened to strip down to his underwear and commit hari-kari in front of the Air and Space Museum.

7. The only 3 am phone call Obama gets is Biden sobbing to keep his job.

8. Biden promised to eat fish three times a week to improve brain function.

9. He promised to campaign mostly in Guam.

10. Michelle really likes Biden's comb over.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Obama Would Double Down in a Second Term

By David Limbaugh

              Do you know what's scarier than the possibility that President Obama could be re-elected? It's that in a second term, he would double down on his failed policies.

Don't take my word for it; he's admitted it on the campaign stump.

In a speech to his fellow cultural icons in Hollywood, he said, "Everything we fought for in 2008 is on the line here in 2012. And I need your help to finish what we started. ... We've come too far to turn back now."

Note that Obama did not say this:

"My agenda obviously isn't working, so I have decided to make major adjustments. Rest assured that my wholesale failure to get the economy moving again, to create jobs, to reform entitlements and to reduce deficits and debts will not be repeated in a second term.

"I will quit misleading the public with the absurd claim that 7.8 percent unemployment is encouraging, especially when so many have quit looking for work and many who are working have only part-time jobs. I'll stop insisting that I have proposed cutting $4 trillion from spending, when the lion's share of those "cuts" were either forced by Republicans or not scheduled expenditures (on the wars) in the first place. Truth be told, my most recent 10-year budget projects annual average budget deficits of almost $1 trillion -- $9.5 trillion over the next decade. Nor will I throw away hundreds of billions on ill-conceived stimulus plans and green energy boondoggles. I'll also quit making meaningless, unintelligible statements like, 'I will grow the economy from the middle out.'

"I'll quit punishing and bad-mouthing American businesses and entrepreneurs, calling them soft and lazy and accusing them of not building their businesses. I'll finally allow the private sector to breathe. I'll discontinue my empty talk about expanding opportunity until I prove I'm serious about pushing individual responsibility instead of expanding the dependency class. I'll never again accuse the U.S. Chamber of Commerce of taking foreign money and demanding it prove otherwise when I have absolutely no proof it occurred. I'll quit waging war on the coal, natural gas and oil industries. I'll stop taking credit for growing domestic oil production, as any increases have occurred on private, not public, lands. I'll get out of bed with labor unions, Occupy Wall Street and ACORN at the expense of business, producers and the democratic processes. And I'll quit scaring seniors at the expense of future generations.

"I'll quit apologizing for America, groveling to dictators and mistreating our allies, especially Israel, and I'll stop this insane gutting of our military. I'll cease the class, race and gender warfare; sorry about that. I'll quit dishonoring the conscience rights of health care providers. Recognizing that health care costs are soaring and that tens of millions are still falling through the cracks under Obamacare, I will finally defer to the will of the people by repealing Obamacare and implementing market reforms. At long last, I will fulfill my cynical promise to be transparent; I'll quit carefully scripting my news conferences and evading questions, lest the public continue with the false impression that I am actually on top of current events and can answer tough questions off the cuff.

"I will fight my admitted propensity to be intellectually lazy and to avoid the unglamorous aspects of my job to pursue my passions of campaigning and community organizing. This means I'll delegate less to bogus blue-ribbon commissions formed to give me political cover to avoid commitments I have no intention of honoring, such as deficit reduction. It also means I'll start attending national security briefings, play less golf and cut back on extravagant taxpayer-funded vacations.

"I'll rein in my hyper-politicized Justice Department and make sure it begins honoring the Second Amendment, stops shaking down banks and discontinues its crusade to administer justice in a race-conscious manner. I'll quit bragging about killing Osama bin Laden and implying that his elimination spells the end of our war on terror, especially after the recent attacks in Egypt and Libya. I'll man up and admit these attacks were preplanned, not the result of a controversial video, and that we failed to take precautions to protect our embassies. I'll also stop blaming President Bush for my failures and accept responsibility for my actions as any mature adult would do."

Sadly, you'll never hear anything like this, because Obama is psychologically incapable of admitting his mistakes and ideologically bound to repeat them. He still evidences no concern over our crushing national debt and our declining military power and influence in the world, and he gives no indication that he has any confidence in the private sector to rebound on its own, despite presiding over the worst economic recovery and longest periods of high unemployment in 50 years.

If Obama is re-elected, he'll finish the job he started, all right. Bank on it.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



                       Don't Lie... Obuma Hates The Competition

I won't beat around the bush.  I watched all of the GOP debates, I watched the Biden-Ryan debate and I even sat through all three of the presidential debates, and I don't think it's fair that I only get one vote that can be canceled out by the vote of one of those louts who got a free cell phone, thanks to Obuma, or one of the guttersnipes who befouled our streets as a member of the Occupy Wall Street movement.

In spite of that, I am feeling pretty confident about the upcoming election.  It's not just that Romney buried Obuma in the first debate and more than held his own in the final two, or that Hoe Biden, when confronting Paul Ryan, came across like one of those bizarre-looking characters who were always menacing Batman and Dick Tracy.  I just figure that when Big Bird tells Obuma not to use his name in vain and even the AARP tells Team Obuma: "While we respect the rights of each campaign to make its case to voters, AARP has never consented to the use of its name by any candidate or political campaign.  AARP is a nonpartisan organization and we do not endorse candidates nor coordinate with any candidate or political party."

I know, I know.  I, too, started chuckling when I got to the part where they claimed to be nonpartisan.  You sure could have fooled me when they worked harder to push through ObumaCare than Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi and Henry Waxman, put together.  Still, if I were Obuma, my blood would have run cold when I realized that even the AARP was deserting me.

Like a great many conservatives who were tuned in to the final debate, I kept waiting for Romney to nail Obuma to the wall over all the lies that he, Hoe Biden and Susan Rice-Aroni, have told regarding the attack on the Libyan consulate.  But I then realized that if the moderator, Bob Schieffer, wasn't going to bring it up, Romney was wise to leave it alone.  For one thing, even the lap dogs in the mass media are finally pressing the issue, no longer leaving it to Fox News to demand answers.  The bottom line is that the media simply won't allow left-wing politicians to treat them with the same contempt that both display towards the American public.

For another thing, if it had been Romney who brought up the White House cover-up, it would have wound up like the petty squabbling that broke out during the second debate, when Romney pushed Obuma to come clean about there being a reduction in the number of oil leases that had been granted on federal land over the past few years.  After all, when a guy is running for president, he doesn't want to come across like a seven year old yelling "You did so!" while the other brat is yelling "Did not!" in rebuttal.

The Democrats spent six months painting Romney as a wealthy robot who didn't concern himself with the plight of others, but all Romney had to do in the first debate was to speak honestly without having his words filtered through the liberal media.  Once he did that, the voters got to see a man who was decent, compassionate and, best of all, ready and able to restore America's greatness.

On the other hand, the Obuma they saw was the one that the rest of us had seen since Day One: an arrogant, lazy, narcissistic, incompetent, who wanted nothing less than to radically transform America in his own socialistic image.

Prior to the third debate, David Axelbutt and the rest of Obuma's handlers had attempted to win back the female vote by portraying Romney as a warmonger.  Watching the propaganda roll out, I was reminded of 1964, when LBJ destroyed Barry Goldwater by pretending that the Arizona senator only wanted to be the president because he yearned to get his finger on the nuclear trigger.

It took people a while to wake up to the fact that Goldwater had more character in his big toe than Lyndon Johnson had in his entire body.  As for warmongering, it was sweet irony that Johnson met his own Waterloo over his mishandling of the Vietnam War.  He went from garnering over 61% of the vote in 1964 to failing to get his party's nomination four years later.

Something that far too many Americans can't seem to grasp is that a robust American military doesn't cause wars, it helps prevent them.  Still, when war is inevitable, winning is a far better option than losing.

One of the problems with Democrats is that they still believe, as they did during the frostiest days of the Cold War, that a unilaterally disarmed America sets an example that will be copied by our enemies.  It was idiotic when our enemy was the Soviet Union, an evil empire that had already gobbled up all of Eastern Europe, and it is no less idiotic when we have to deal with enemies in North Korea, the Islamic world and a Russia governed by a neo-Stalinist like Vladimir Pooptin, who learned everything he knows about diplomacy while heading up the KGB.

The idea that, in spite of the fact that Obuma's own Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, has stated that a cut in our defense budget would threaten our national security, Obuma could only defend the cuts by telling Romney that we no longer need horses and bayonets.  But, then, this is the same creep who pulled security out of the Benghazi consulate because the impression that things were stable in Libya was more important to his re-election campaign than the lives of Ambassador Stevens and his three colleagues.

As of the first of the year, thanks to sequestration, the military budget will be automatically slashed by half a trillion dollars.  And anyone who believes Obuma when he says the Pentagon is just fine with those cuts shouldn't be allowed anywhere near sharp objects, heavy machinery or a voting booth.  In the present circumstances, sequestration is a fancy term for castrating the U.S. military.  During the debate, however, Obuma, who did absolutely nothing to avert the lunacy in the first place, confidently announced that it would never take place.

For a brief moment, I was reassured.  But then I remembered that in 2008, he vowed he would slash the national debt by five trillion dollars; that he would work to bring people together, including Democrats and Republicans in Congress; and that he would lower the unemployment rate to 5.6% by the end of his first term.

Fool Americans once, shame on you.  Try to fool us twice, you better remind Michelle to start packing up Bo's chew toys along with the kids' video games and the White House silverware.

And don't forget to leave the key under the mat.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Could Hurricane Sandy delay the election?
By L.V. Anderson of Slate
Slate Explainer: If millions of people don't have power on Election Day, state officials could postpone the vote.

As Hurricane Sandy batters the East Coast, many people in the storm's path are preparing for days of power outages. Meanwhile, pundits are asking how the storm could affect the outcome of the presidential election. If there are still widespread power outages on the East Coast come Nov. 6, could the election be postponed?

Yes, but the details of the postponement would vary state by state. Many states have constitutional provisions or statutes that detail their ability to suspend or reschedule an election in the event of an emergency. For instance, a section of the election law in Maryland (which is being hit heavily by Sandy) allows the governor to postpone an election or specify alternate voting locations when issuing an emergency proclamation, and it allows the state election board to "petition a circuit court to take any action the court considers necessary to provide a remedy that is in the public interest and protects the integrity of the electoral process" in the event of extraordinary circumstances that don't constitute a state of emergency. As for states without specific provisions of statutes, the governor could still reasonably use his or her emergency powers to suspend the election during a state of emergency. The exact person or people who get to decide whether an election is postponed or extended varies from state to state, too; in some cases, it's the governor or the secretary of state, while in others the power belongs to the state board of elections.

State and local courts, too, have on rare occasion suspended elections. In 1985, a county court (at the request of the county's election board) suspended a state election because of flooding and rescheduled the election for two weeks later. And on Sept. 11, 2001, a New York state judge suspended local primary elections due to the terrorist attacks.

Since the United States Constitution grants states the authority to administer all elections, even federal elections, the federal government does not explicitly possess the power to suspend or postpone a presidential election. However, Congress does have the right to mandate the timing of federal elections, and since the Presidential Election Day Act of 1845 presidential elections have been held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday of November in election years. Hypothetically, given Congress' authority over the timing of federal elections, Congress could pass a law regarding emergency rescheduling of a federal election. Similarly, the president could use his emergency power in such a way as to disrupt states' ability to conduct elections, but this has never happened (and would likely be highly controversial if it did happen).

Although states may reschedule a canceled or suspended election at their discretion (or according to their individual election laws), they must choose their presidential electors by the "safe harbor" deadline, which is six days before the Electoral College votes. This year, the Electoral College convenes on Dec. 17, which means that even if states do postpone their elections because of Sandy, they must choose their electors by Dec. 11.


I have mentioned this a number of times in my posts:

Supreme Court is the biggest issue in this election

By Jonathan Bernstein

Ezra Klein argues that the 2012 presidential election is more important than most because it will decide the fate of the Affordable Care Act — and more broadly, the future of health care in the United States.

He's certainly correct that the future of the ACA is at stake, although if Democrats wind up holding even in the Senate or even gaining a bit, then some sort of deal is still very possible. But as important as that is, I don't think it's the No. 1 thing at stake.

That thing is the Supreme Court.

It's likely that the next president will replace at least one justice. If Mitt Romney wins next month and his party benefits from an improved economy by 2016 (not a certain scenario, but one that wouldn't be surprising), then we're talking about eight years and a very good chance of putting four justices on the bench.

In other words, not only is there a fair chance that the rough balance that the court has maintained for a couple of decades could be broken, but a new balance — either somewhat more liberal or quite a bit more conservative — could get locked in for a very long time.

Remember, there hasn't been a strong ideological flip on the court since George H.W. Bush nominated Clarence Thomas to replace Thurgood Marshall. Some ideological movement isn't unusual; Clinton nominee Ruth Bader Ginsburg is probably more liberal than the moderate Byron White, and solid conservative Samuel Alito replaced the moderate conservative Sandra Day O'Connor. Those were nudges, however.

If Romney wins the presidency and holds it for eight years, he very likely would replace not only moderate conservative Justice Anthony Kennedy (born in 1936) with someone closer to Alito, but he also would probably have the chance to replace either Ginsburg (both in 1933) or Stephen Breyer (1938). On the other hand, if Obama wins, it's possible that he could wind up replacing at least one conservative justice, perhaps Kennedy or Antonin Scalia (also 1936). 

Granted, the reason that ideological change is rare is because most justices appear to time their resignations to assure a somewhat similar replacement. It's far more likely that Scalia would retire with Romney in the White House than with Obama still there. But of course court vacancies are not always timed that way, and the court has been aging. There's every possibility that we're finally about to get some major ideological change.

The changes in the nation that could result from such a change on the court are breathtaking. And no, I'm talking not just about abortion or marriage, although it certainly would affect those. On every issue that's at stake in the election, whether it's the economy or executive power in national security or climate or yes, health care, a court in which Chief Justice John Roberts is the median voter would be enormously different from one in which, say, Elena Kagan is in the middle. Or, more to the point: A nation with a court in which Roberts decides split cases will rapidly become very different than one in which Kagan decides them.

None of this is guaranteed, neither the retirements nor the ideological bent of their replacements, but it is reasonably likely. I think it's the biggest issue in the election, and I'm not sure it's even close.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



     "Flag of Freedom vs. Flag of Not, American Flag vs. Obama's inappropriate
     'O' flag for sale at his online store"

"Obama's new 'O' flag looks disturbingly like the bloody handprints at the
US embassy/consulate in Libya that was attacked on September 11 by Muslim terrorists –
equally disturbing is that requests for additional security were denied by the Obama administration"

Obama's Narcissistic Personality Disorder Flag:

I understand they are not selling well at all.  You
probably can get one for free after Nov. 6th.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Huge Ohio Turnout at Romney Rallies, Romney Now Ahead of Obama in Ohio

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is resonating with more Ohio voters per the latest polls — as of this morning's Rasmussen poll, he leads Barack Obama by 2 points in the swing state.

While Obama is braying about even more ugly, inefficient wind turbines to be funded by taxpayers, Romney is talking about real jobs. The turnout of Ohio voters for Romney at rallies has been awesome, even with inclement weather.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


An email from Anthony who is stuck with ex-girlfriend Sandy:

I am blogging from an undisclosed secret hidden underground location (Einstein's Bagels) because I woke up to no power.  And if I don't have my coffee in the morning, I die inside.  And I make everyone around me wish they were dead.

Starbucks was closed, which caused me to throw a rock.  And I want to apologize to the young couple I hit.  You were just in the way.

Brew Ha-Ha, a local Starbucks competitor, was also closed, and so they have lost the favor of my custom for the next six months.

Dunkin Donuts has no place to sit comfortably, considering that I travel with at least $50,000 worth of digital gear in the event the Mayan apocalypse occurs and Mayan hell has spotty Wi-Fi.

New York City got hit wicked bad.  Almost FOURTEEN FEET of water in Battery Park City, and lights out south of 39th Street, which comprises my old hood.

But here I am, stuck in this fresh hell called Delaware.  A state so insignificant, even Delaware Online, the main news source here, privileged the damage caused to New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and New York, even though the southern part of the state was hit very hard.

I'm about to take off and scope out the rest of the area, looking for looters, burglars, and other political types.


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


A Tweet from Obuma in the middle of Sandy hitting the east coast:

by: Barack Obama @BarackObama

This weird, insulting-to-women tweet from our self-absorbed, 10 year old President Obuma, sent in the midst of the monstrous Hurricane Sandy slamming the East Coast, flooding major cities and endangering the homes and lives of millions of Americans.

Get a clue, Mr. President.... for once, try to NOT make it about you or your election.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


This campaigning cancellation feels so, so un-Obuma-like.  Since when has Barack I. H. Obuma cancelled ANY campaign appearance?  Most definitely not after the US consulate attack and massacre in Benghazi, Libya, when after his Rose Garden address, he quickly skedaddled off to Las Vegas and then to various TV appearances.

Hmmmm.... this deviates from his modus operandi re-election strategy.

Either he is trying to undo the uproar from voters that has swelled over his self-driven interests after the Benghazi terrorist attack, or he fears for his own safety from Mother Nature in Virginia and will hang out in the White House until Sandy blows over... or he realizes that voter turnout in Sandy's path will be non-existent... or Obuma has been abducted by a UFO and a remarkably lifelike, more compassionate Obuma Robot has taken his place in the Oval Office.

Take your pick.

Reported by Weasel Zippers:

Obama Cancels Campaign Events For Hurricane Sandy... Didn't Cancel Anything After Benghazi Terror Attack...:
WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House says President Barack Obama is canceling campaign appearances in Northern Virginia on Monday and Colorado on Tuesday so he can monitor Hurricane Sandy. The storm is currently forecast to make landfall along the Eastern seaboard at that time.

Obama is still scheduled to make campaign visits to Orlando, Fla., and Youngstown, Ohio Monday before returning to the White House. Other changes to the campaign schedule will be announced as warranted.

The White House says Obama is being regularly updated on the storm. He has directed his team to work to bring all available resources needed by state and local governments preparing for the storm, which could affect a third of the country with high winds, heavy rains and flooding.

Now, this is more like the Obuma we're grown to distrust...

Reported by Gateway Pundit:

Obama Flies to Florida on Sunday Night Then Cancels Rally & Flies Back to DC to Play Hero:
Barack Obama flew to Florida last night then decided this morning to cancel his campaign rally.

The president flew back to Washington DC this morning to play hurricane hero.

Look for nonstop reporting on Obama's selfless heroics in the days ahead.

Maybe he can enlist more cute little kids to sing another creepy song about his awesomeness...

....Or maybe he is writing his "Farewell Speech".... Warph
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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