This and That...

Started by Warph, September 04, 2012, 01:52:35 AM

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Quote from Patriot:
See jarhead.... told ya she was the ex-spurt in Delaware deviance. More useless data in there than there was flammable gas in the Hindenburg.

Ex-spurt !! Now that's some funny crap----I will definitely use that one in the future. ;D

Fire Elk

Quote from: jarhead on September 30, 2012, 01:22:28 PM
Quote from Diane:
Jello shots are safer and rather pretty when lit.

. By the way, you spelled cradle wrong.

By the way, you spelled Jell-O wrong  :police:

jarhead, I think Diane would have to admit that you got her on the spelling of Jell-O. One point for jarhead. If you want to talk to someone that knows Jello-O history you can't beat a Marine of jarhead's age posting on a Elk County Kansas forum. I have no idea if jarhead drinks or not.I also guess jarhead thinks the getting drunk by enema is asinine. But using what I know about Marines, people of jarheads age, people from Kansas, men etc. jarhead can correct me if he wants to on his personal thoughts and experiences. To signify the difference between my generic statements above and the person on here that is jarhead; I will use Jarhead (capitalized)  to represent not jarhead but the generic person I mention above. You could also just substitute any 50 to 70 year old man born in Kansas for Jarhead.

Jarhead, while no stranger to the effects of alcohol would never do the alcohol enema to get drunk. He also, at his age has not had a colonoscopy, probably not a prostate exam. If he has, he switched his doctor from the guy that played center for Oklahoma to that little female Japanese doctor that his wife goes to visit.  


Diane Amberg

Sorry guys," jello shots" is a generic name.They can be made with any brand of gelatin. Jell-O would be using the brand name, which they have not given permission to use. Keep on having fun.


I have no idea if jarhead drinks or not.


I can see that you don't know this age old formula.


Whether it be store-boughten or homemade, this boy has not passed up a drink in his lifetime. 

Right, Jarhead?  Ol' buddy!

Larryj :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...



Gallup Poll: Rural Whites Prefer Ahmadinejad To Obuma,29677/

LOL... what do MSNBC and the Iranian State News Agency have in common?  Besides a hatred of America, I mean...

Paul Krugman of the NYTimes and Lawrence O'Donnell over at MSNBC were taken in by a satirical piece published on, referencing it as fact.  Well, they shouldn't feel so bad.... at least not about that. The Iranians are not doing much better.  Seems they mistook an article in the Onion, which makes stuff up in the pursuit of yucks... unlike MSNBC, which makes stuff up in the pursuit of bucks... for fact.

This FARS post from today (datelined Tehran) is a word-for-word copy of this article that went up on The Onion's website on Monday, headlined "Rural Whites Prefer Ahmadinejad To Obuma," joking that West Virginia voters would rather have a beer with the president of Iran than the leader of their own country.  However, the FARS story does contain one slight omission... a phrase describing Mahmoud Eimahjerkwad as "a man who has repeatedly denied the Holocaust and has had numerous political prisoners executed."

Now anybody who knows anything about rural whites knows that they're predominately.... hold on, need to hone-in on my SpellCheck.... got it.... Premillennialist, and so are fans of Israel.  Now, granted, that puts them in a tough spot when having to choose between Obuma and Eimahjerkwad, but I'm guessing they'd give the edge to the president, because an American Muslim would be preferable to a foreign-born one.

Okay... in other NEWS: Muslims burn down Buddhist temples in Bangladesh because it has been a good two weeks since they've burned something down, and you just can't sit around and wait for YouTube to produce something indecent in that regard.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Actually, Jarhead's favorite drink is a Anchovie Surprise.  
(He tells everyone that it's a Grape Pucker Pleaser.)


I understand he got the recipe from Da`o Phuong, who's a real tet flower at the
Hotty Toddy House out in the bush in Nam.  I heard he swears by 'em.  

The recipe: One 3-ounce package grape Jello
                1 cup water
                1 cup grape juice
                1 can whipped cream
                20 or more anchovies from a can

                Makes 20 shots.

       1.  In a very small GI helmet, bring water to a low boil.

       2.  Pour grape Jello into a medium heatproof bowl.  
           Then add the boiling water and stir until the gelatin
           is dissolved. Allow to cool.

       3.  Add the grape juice to the cooled mixture.  Stir
            until well combined.  Refrigerate in a bowl
            until thickened and slightly set.  About 15 minutes
            or the time it takes to drink a tiger beer

       4.  Pour mix into your little cups.  Using a chopstick,
            push an anchovie into the middle of each shot,
            making sure that it doesn't stick up out of the shot.  
            The trick is to hide it well.  Chill until firm, about
            4 – 6 hours.  Then add any type of alcohol and
            whipped cream.

            After 5 or 6 of these and some koon sa, if you're still breathing,
            it will be time to call ol' peter pilot and his evac huey to haul
            your sorry butt to the LBJ Ranch.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Quote from: Warph on September 30, 2012, 12:06:34 AM

So we have one more story linked to the Michele Obama enforced-famine program.

New federal guidelines stemming from fat butt Michelle Obama's "Let's Move" campaign have resulted in limits on protein and bread, and an increase in vegetables and fruits.  The changes have also come at an increased cost.

Students at Parsippany Hills High School held a strategy session on Thursday to discuss a potential lunch strike, on Friday, over what they have called inadequately sized meals.


"This year you're eating lunch and you're like 'Did I even eat?'  You're not even full," senior Brandon Faris told NY's CBS 5.

"If somebody's obese why should someone like me who's not obese have to suffer, and eat a small meal when I'd rather have a bigger meal?" he said.

Well Brandon, because an obese person didn't build all that blubber.  Government helped.  And so government has to take responsibility by making everyone suffer.  It's only fair.

For example, why should only some people be singled out for chemotherapy?  Because they have so-called cancer?  That's diseasism.  The Obama administration wants you to know that both chemotherapy and radiation will be dispersed among citizens equally.  All must share the burden of hair loss, nausea, and anemia.  For which you will then be taxed so the government can provide medical benefits.  It's the circle of life.

Our local food critic on channel 3 Phoenix, tried to speak with some of the Parsippany students, but most were too weak to work a cellphone, and one had become so osteoporotically thin that she actually passed into another space/time dimension, where she is now being spoon fed by a spirit demon named Cecil.

Please note that I will be following this story as news continues to break from schools around the nation.  The Great Obama Purge Scourge shall not go unreported!  Unless I've got a golf game to go to or something!

Sooooo... here we are again.  So now that Fat butt Michelle Obuma has joined with food activists to push through changes in school lunch menus as a way to combat childhood obesity and promote better nutrition... weez have a whole lot of trouble brewing.   School children are rising up in revolution.  A new generation of anti-big government, anti-nanny state meddling, is born!  The Tea Party is passing its generational torch to the School Lunch Party.  Too bad they are not old enough to vote.

The following is from:

A new product has popped up on the city's black market and it's selling in an unexpected place: Greater New Bedford Vocational-Technical High School, which has become ground zero for a new underground economy based on trade in chocolate syrup.

Students said some of their peers are buying the contraband liquid for 50 cents and squeezing it into cartons of white milk to give it flavor. It's their way of coping with a ban on flavored milk — and a long list of other items — that took effect Aug. 1.

"Of course they got rid of dessert, (but) flavored milk ... I don't understand why we can't have that," said Paige Lame , 17, of New Bedford. She added that she thought the nutritional difference between white milk and chocolate, strawberry or coffee flavored milk was too minimal to have an important impact on health.

The changes reflect stricter nutrition standards imposed in January by the federal Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act, which was championed by Michelle Obama and her "Let's Move" initiative.

They are also part of a law passed by the state Legislature in 2010 as a step toward combating childhood obesity. That law states that milk with more sugar than nonfat or 1 percent white milk may not be served a la carte starting in August 2013.

The rules, which apply to schools across the state, also reduce the amount of protein served to high schoolers, and increase servings of fruit and vegetables — going so far as to specify how many servings of green vegetables, legumes, and red/orange vegetables should be consumed each week. . . .

The changes are especially hard at the elementary school level, where hummus and black bean salad have been a tough sell, said Nancy Carvalho, director of food services for the New Bedford Public Schools, adding that bowls of chili served Wednesday to comply with the legume specifications were "not a very good decision." . . .

At Voc-Tech, the changes have produced complaints from some students that portions are too small — particularly since the price of lunch has increased 10 cents to $1.95, again due to a federal mandate."How do they expect us to go through the day and work hard when they give us smaller portions and we're hungry?" said Ashley Chaneco, 13, of New Bedford.

"You're paying more for less," said Erik Cortez, 16, of New Bedford. "I get it, but why should they have the right to tell you what you can and can't eat?"

Imagine trying to get elementary school-aged kids to eat humuus... or egg plant!

Hungry school children are now bringing their lunches and eating more snacks. 
See this report:


And this new rising generation of radicalized students, newly opposed to big government and nanny-state meddling, are battling the oppression with the tools that they have.  Not only setting up black markets for chocolate syrup and other newly-controlled substances, but using the new information technology to promote the cause.   Consider this very creative video they made, which has now, of course, hit You Tube: 


....Warph [/color] [/font][/size]
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Larry & Warph,
As soon as I sober up I'm heading west to whup some ass. It really hurts my feelers you two terds think that a fine person such as myself would drink more than a jigger full of the devils brew.
Ah, the ol tiger beer---I presume you are talking about "33" beer known as tiger piss beer.
The LBJ Ranch was for Army medics who were taking their own Darvons and shooting up morphine---and drunk'n swabbies---and Flyboys that were caught visiting "ho" houses in Saigon !!
PS: Doc, what the hell you doing in politics ? Get your sorry ass back in the coffee shop where you belong.


Quote from: jarhead on October 01, 2012, 06:20:44 AM
Larry & Warph,
As soon as I sober up I'm heading west to whup some ass. It really hurts my feelers you two terds think that a fine person such as myself would drink more than a jigger full of the devils brew.
Ah, the ol tiger beer---I presume you are talking about "33" beer known as tiger piss beer.
The LBJ Ranch was for Army medics who were taking their own Darvons and shooting up morphine---and drunk'n swabbies---and Flyboys that were caught visiting "ho" houses in Saigon !!
PS: Doc, what the hell you doing in politics ? Get your sorry ass back in the coffee shop where you belong.

Jarhead, ol' pal, ol' buddy, here are some things you might want to reconsider......

A.  "Sobering up" has never been, is not now and never will be an option.
B.  Marines don't know their rearend from a hole in the ground, so you don't know which way is west.
C.  You will never make it through those flying golf shots that Warph makes when trying to tee off.
D.  If you do get this far, R.A.M.B.O. just loves Marines for lunch.
E.  Ah...good ol' Darvons...........oops sorry I got carried away there.

But, you are right.

Larryj (back to the coffee shop) j
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...



Ryan: We are seeing Obama's foreign policy unravel on our TV screens

By: Jim Hoft


Paul Ryan slammed Barack Obama's failed foreign policy this week on FOX News Sunday. The Republican VP nominee told Chris Wallace the "ugly fruits" of a foreign policy of weakness is unraveling before our eyes on our TV screens.

"The Obama foreign policy is unraveling literally before our eyes on our TV screens. And so what Mitt Romney is going to do is lay out a very different vision for foreign policy. One, that is a policy of strength that I would articulate or claim the president's policy is one of weakness. We're seeing the ugly fruits of the Obama foreign policy unravel around the world on our TV screens."
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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