More fireworks at Monday's county commission meeting... times are tough

Started by Patriot, August 30, 2012, 02:51:18 AM

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Steve: I couldn't agree more about the EPA and them sticking their nose in on a lot of pissant regulations, for lack of a better word, but in this instance I'm glad they were there. Yes I know you all are going to think poorly of me for the sin I am about to admit to: I was in BK's Bar and Grill (!!!!!) and the big talk in there (and at the Mini Mart and at my own drive-in) were the rumors flying around town that the City of Longton was turned into the EPA. Why, you say? From our level headed, know everything city council who decided that it was a good idea to tear down Brighton Hall (because of mold and possibly asbestos) that they deemed would cost too much money to repair. So they had the county excavator tear the building down, then the City of Longton loaded their dump truck and hauled the rubble of this building (boards, rock, brick, cement, plaster, nails, iron, mold and possible asbestos) down to dump in the Elk River, near the citys' dam to fix a spot on the bank that was washing out. I don't assume that anyone had thought that directly across this gigantic river, all of 20 or 25 feet, is the Citys' water intake that leads to the water treatment plant which pumps water to our water tower and feeds directly into our homes. In any case, someone contacted the EPA and as I stated before, this is a rumor because I have heard nothing from the city about it, but was told they were ordered to clean it up. Just how safe is the water? It's always been in question from month to month, especially during a long 2 year drought (but it's always high quality H2O during election time) the water looking and smelling like a septic tank and now we have to worry about whether we're going to get stomach, bladder or intestinal cancer through the stupidity that runs rampant in local government. My opinion and yes I'm pissed off about it. They should have their asses fined (and fired) and more people need to know, that's why I'm throwing it in here. If I'm wrong and the EPA did not come down and everyone in town is a bunch of liars other than City Government, then I hope they will step forward and tell me that the rumors are wrong and I will issue an apology and remove this post. -----Mr. KSHillbilly, concerned citizen




Well i don't consider it a sin. The EPA originally had a mission to protect water.  On this issue, like i said concrete isn't going to hurt the water supply.  BUT if your dumping building material, and it contains lead, asbestos, all kinds of known toxic materials then someone has to step in and stop it.  First  of all that area is a public area. Owned by all.  Secondly only 2% of the water on this planet is useable by us, and only 1% is drinkable.   By far water is our most precious resource above oil above coal above anything on the planet. Cause without water, we die.  

I am no eco weenie.  BUT i am a proponent that supports keeping our water clean.  The biggest offender of pollution of our waterways is Government!  One example is the City of Atlanta Ga.   FOR YEARS they have been paying the fines imposed by EPA instead of fixing their sewage system.  They dump hundreds of thousands of tons of raw sewage into the chattahoochie river every year.  Yet they get a free pass by paying a piddling little fine for it.  ITs cheaper for them to pay the fine than to fix the problem.   Why?  IF it were a business, the business would be shut down.  BUT since its government they get to operate without any repercussion. Just raise the water rates and pay the fines.  

The EPA HAS a place only in certain things. They do not have a place in micro managing every aspect of everyones life.  Common sense dictates how we live. IF Your buisness is a feed lot, you don't go operating right next to a waterway. You don't pile up your manure next to the creek or river. THats just plain common sense. You build a berm around your manure piles and let them compost out and then turn them into useable soil to spread.  It only takes a year to compost out the material so that it won't nitrate the waterways.  

Those folks that dumped that building by the water, need to be fined, pay every dime in clean up out of their assets, and quite frankly serve a possible jail sentence as they have commited a crime.    The fella in question about dumping concrete into a ravine, he may have technically committed a crime under epa rules but is it really a crime? DOes the material jeapordize water supply?   The last i checked concrete never hurt the water. IN fact most dams and bridges use concrete  around the water supply.  

BTW i have drank EK water before but i will not drink it now. That has to be some of the nastiest foul smelling water i have ever came into contact with.  When your water is yellow you don't drink it. and even after yall got the water piped around the county, i'ves seen cloudy yellow water coming out of the tap.  Yuk.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Steve, et al... methinks you've missed the point.  This isn't about the EPA, yellow water or manure pits.  It really isn't even about one man's intent to shove concrete off into a ravine on private property....

Quote from: Patriot on August 30, 2012, 02:51:18 AM
Just wonderin... how could someone agree with a private contractor to dump refuse on their private property without official involvement of the county & then be all bent out of shape when the majority of the county commission would not approve removal of it at taxpayer expense?   I imagine Mr. Liebau's intentions were good, but it just didn't work out.  All things considered, the whole plan had an appearance of impropriety , in my opinion.  There may have been no nefarious, illegal or unethical stuff here, but (given facts & the reaction) it sure didn't pass the smell test.

Doesn't pass the fiduciary responsibility test either, IMHO.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


This is for steve -

I'm not sure what you meant by "I have drank EK water"  but not all water that is distributed in Elk County is the same water.  Howard still produces their own water with Polk Daniels lake being the source.  They supply the 'new' rural water district (Elk County RWD #2) that serves the NE and NW areas of the county.  The 'old' rural water along and about four miles either way from K-99 north of Howard is actually Greenwood County RWD #1 that comes out of Eureka.

Longton still produces its own water, sourced out of the Elk River.  They will eventually be connected to Public Wholesale Water Supply District No. 20, as an extention of the mains for Chautauqua County RWD #4 when it gets built in NE Chautauqua County.  This wholesale water comes from the treatment plant on Quivira Rd, east of K-99 that draws from the Boy Scout Lake.

Moline and Grenola no longer run water treatment plants.  They and Elk County RWD #1, that serves the south half of Elk County and into Chautauqua County a bit, are supplied by the aforementioned PWWSD No. 20.

Hope this clears up any misconceptions about where treated water in Elk County comes from and stops generalizations like "even after yall got the water piped around the county, i'ves seen cloudy yellow water coming out of the tap.  Yuk."

Flin T. Auqua
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


MR hillbilly not fisrt time junk been dumped in Elk River  the howard co. shop dumped barrels  back in thelate 80s early 90s in the same spot that washed out by LIZ"S new house , some of it they did'nt know what it was

i can hide 2 cowards

 If I'm wrong and the EPA did not come down and everyone in town is a bunch of liars other than City Government, then I hope they will step forward and tell me that the rumors are wrong and I will issue an apology and remove this post. -----Mr. KSHillbilly, concerned citizen

Well mr ignorant...where were ya at at last nights meeting since you are so concerned...were ya at the bar gettin drunk and runnin your mouth again..or serving up shit at the hole in the wall....carefull ya dont shit where ya eat......back to my point where were ya with your video camera...i too heard the rumors and was very concerned so i went..and i found out that......wait a minute..if you are as worried about it as you say you are why dont you find out for your self...and by the way you owe them an apology...and the reason it was tore down was it was unsafe due to mold and strucural stability..not asbestos..before you go runnin your mouth get your facts right you twit...geeez.....and i apologise to the other forum members for my attack on mr dumbass..but it is time to act opon his accusations...i take great offence to his words


Quote from: i can hide 2  cowards on September 12, 2012, 11:51:53 AM
Well mr ignorant...where were ya at at last nights meeting since you are so concerned...were ya at the bar gettin drunk and runnin your mouth again..or serving up shit at the hole in the wall....carefull ya dont shit where ya eat......back to my point where were ya with your video camera...i too heard the rumors and was very concerned so i went..and i found out that......wait a minute..if you are as worried about it as you say you are why dont you find out for your self...and by the way you owe them an apology...and the reason it was tore down was it was unsafe due to mold and strucural stability..not asbestos..before you go runnin your mouth get your facts right you twit...geeez.....and i apologise to the other forum members for my attack on mr dumbass..but it is time to act opon his accusations...i take great offence to his words

You offence (sp) is obvious... but, wow, what a vulgar first post.  Just sayin.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

i can hide 2 cowards

what you call vulgarity what i call the truth
..sorry you cant handle it ..most people cant


Quote from: i can hide 2  cowards on September 12, 2012, 11:51:53 AM
Well mr ignorant...where were ya at at last nights meeting since you are so concerned...were ya at the bar gettin drunk and runnin your mouth again..or serving up shit at the hole in the wall....carefull ya dont shit where ya eat......back to my point where were ya with your video camera...i too heard the rumors and was very concerned so i went..and i found out that......wait a minute..if you are as worried about it as you say you are why dont you find out for your self...and by the way you owe them an apology...and the reason it was tore down was it was unsafe due to mold and strucural stability..not asbestos..before you go runnin your mouth get your facts right you twit...geeez.....and i apologise to the other forum members for my attack on mr dumbass..but it is time to act opon his accusations...i take great offence to his words

To Whichever City Council Member I Have Upset: I stated mostly truth into the RUMORS that were going around town. Apparently all, except one small part, was true. The part in question: the asbestos. Mr. or Mrs. City Councilmember (i'm gonna go with MR.) if you would've been to ANY city council meeting prior to you being APPOINTED office and before you even MOVED here, you would've known that there were questions and concerns on whether there was asbestos in Brighton Hall. Point being, I still LOVE how the City Council looks out for the welfare of the citizens of Longton by dumping debris and rubble adjacent to the water intake that supplies the homes of Longton with drinking water. Not the brightest choice. Have you EVER heard of the Kansas Open Meetings Act??? I can take a tape recorder or a video camera into your little meetings and record to my hearts' content! That is MY right within the law, so maybe you all should make sure you are acting WITHIN the law when I'm doing so! It's hard to hide from the truth when you're on video! With that being said, I suppose that what pisses you off the most is that everyone knows the ignorance that is abound in at least one chair at city hall. I hope that the money it cost to haul the debris down there, dump it and now clean up and dispose of it doesn't bankrupt the City of Longton who never checked into the legalities of said dumping in the first place. Seeing you know EXACTLY where my little drive-in is located, my house is located and that I go to BK's Bar and Grill, I'm not hiding. Why are you? Are you letting your big mouth overload your grease monkey ass? I hope MY house don't catch fire; I doubt the fire department would show up. Yours Sincerely, Mr. Robert L. Walker, aka KSHILLBILLYS 




I wouldn't doubt that it would happen There Mr hillbilly.  But i suspect your like i am, if someone does something like that they are guaranteed to be caught!  Nothing like those wireless mini cams to put around your properties.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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