More fireworks at Monday's county commission meeting... times are tough

Started by Patriot, August 30, 2012, 02:51:18 AM

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Brighton Hall was torn down not so much because of mold, but because it was unsafe due to the roof. The cost to repair the roof was extensive enough to warrant moving the city hall to a different location.  As to the water in Longton: the dumping of the debris from Brighton Hall would not affect the drinking water if the water plant is operated correctly. There is and always has been nasty stuff in Elk River, ie dead animals, run off from chemical spraying, livestock urine and feces, etc.  Your water certainly shouldn't be smelling and tasting like sewer water.  If the epa did come down on Longton it was more than likely because of the possible harm to flora and fauna in the river. There are many water plants that take the sewer water and run it through their water treatment plant for drinking water.  So, any fears that the debris dumping is harming your drinking water is pretty much unfounded. I would look somewhere else for the cause of your poor drinking water.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all


Thanks for the info Sarge. I went down and looked at where the chunks of cement were dumped, to help with erosion of the river bank by the dam. The cement chunks are 50-100 yards below where water is taken out of the river so unless the water runs up stream it shouldn't effect our water source. I guess down river would be a totally different story.
Robert, I wonder if something might be wrong with the waterline leading to your place because the water here has been fine. I have no answers to why your water tastes so bad but yet it is OK here at my house
Being one ,that in my lifetime, has spent more time in the river than most would in 200 years, I can tell you I have seen stuff in the river that would gag a maggot. Now before someone asks why I spent countless hours in the river----I was patrolling the waters to make sure there was no illegal fishing, like noodling, going on.


Quote from: jarhead on September 12, 2012, 07:19:08 PM
---I was patrolling the waters to make sure there was no illegal fishing, like noodling, going on.

What did ya catch... besides a cold.  lol
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Caught a case of VD, then found out a Flyboy was swimming up river---smart ass !!


the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all


Quote from: Sarge on September 12, 2012, 08:03:04 PM
You leave the flyboys alone- grunt!

Chalk it up to the head injury he received when pulling his boat

out of the river.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Jar, I tried to help you.  I told you to stay in that bunker!  By the way I'm about ready for another long trip.  More chrome diopside, you know. ;D


Well it seems that I can hide 2 does not want to be known as they were a guest on here. Who ever did report the city thought that they were doing it as a safety measure for the people of Longton. As for kshillbilly not being at the meeting he does have a business to run. If you have never eaten at the Drive In then you have no right to question how the food is. So before you put you foot in your mouth you might want to try the food first. It is a nice place the food is good and anyone that says different should stop and try it first. Some people can be so mean and nasty on here and some of you do know who I'm talking about.

I can hide 2 you need to grow up and think before you leap. Do you really know all of the facts?


Quote from: rosewolf on September 13, 2012, 07:14:02 AM
As for kshillbilly not being at the meeting he does have a business to run. If you have never eaten at the Drive In then you have no right to question how the food is.
I can hide 2 you need to grow up and think before you leap. Do you really know all of the facts?

I agree with you Rosewolf. I don't get over that way often, but when I do if I even have a ting of hunger I stop for a bite to eat. I have had some really good hamburgers at their place. I aslo enjoyed visiting with the cook, they are my kind of friendly personable people.

I don't understand the negative attitude by some people.

Sounds like someone just wants to damage Elk County's economy.

I'd prefer to support our economy by stopping in Longton for a good hamburger, rather then stopping at McDonalds in Independence.
It's not easy to run a business in Elk County because of the limited population so bad mouthing the business without knowledge is just wrong.

I don't suppose it could be a competitor, if it were discovered that is what is going on, I would think that would be bad for their business as well, IMHO.

Times are bad but, do we need to make them worse in this manner?

I'll be in Longton this evening and will be stopping in and picking up a couple of hamgurgers and I haven't decided what else.


      Mr Hillbilly, you might check the anode rod in your water heater, if the heater has sat unused for a while it can produce some real foul smelling water. Flushing it out might help.  ;)

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