James C. Lear Elk County Sheriff Candidate

Started by James C. Lear Sr., July 03, 2012, 03:19:27 PM

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What is it that you like about Elk County? If you do not like anything or anyone why stay? Are you always so negative?


Quote from: proelkco on September 12, 2012, 04:01:53 PM
What is it that you like about Elk County? If you do not like anything or anyone why stay? Are you always so negative?

If you're asking me... You asked once & I've already answered that several days ago.  But just to be clear... I stay because I like a picnic... even if there are a few flies.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Patriot on September 12, 2012, 04:27:00 PM
If you're asking me... You asked once & I've already answered that several days ago.  But just to be clear... I stay because I like a picnic... even if there are a few flies.


I really like that. I stay in Elk County because I like the picnic, too, with the flies and ants. LOL


No Janet---you stay in Elk County because if try to move elsewhere, they would tar & feather you and send you packing back to elk county ;D
That's payback for not helping me carry my boat up the river bank :angel:


Merle Hey's Dad always said that if you settled in Elk Co. you would always be too poor to leave.
the older I get the more I know how little I knew when I knew it all


Fire Elk

Don't you all know you are off topic?  That is not allowed here? :laugh: Not that I care, but apparently it is important to some of the more prolific posters on the forum. :police: I guess when you are the one doing it it is ok. Just not when others do it on your topic. time to get off the forum and go back to that episode of Hillbilly Handfishin' I got on the DVR.


You have Jarhead on tape?

Darn, that's off thread, isn't it?

Diane Amberg

Yup. I know how it happens. Someone says something interesting and people  just add to it without checking to see if it's on topic. I know I'm guilty of it too occasionally...like now.  :angel:
    OK back to Mr Lear.

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