More fireworks at Monday's county commission meeting... times are tough

Started by Patriot, August 30, 2012, 02:51:18 AM

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The commission took up an interesting issue.  It seems that during construction of the wind farm, Commissioner Liebau made a private agreement of some sort to allow the contractors to dump a substantial quantity (tons) of rock & excess cement onto his private property.  By some means, Mr. Liebau also made preliminary arrangements to have that material crushed so it could be used on county roads (arrangements I don't think you will find vote approved in any earlier commission minutes).

The cost to the county was to be in the neighborhood of $80,000 (about $2 a ton MORE than what we normally pay for road rock).  In addition to the crushing expense, the county would have to load the material on our trucks using our own equipment & labor (an added expense we don't normally incur).

Anyway, Commissioner Hendricks indicated she wasn't positive that this material & plan was something she was interested in pursuing.  Commissioner Ritz made a motion NOT to crush & haul the material.  Ms Hendricks seconded, and the vote was 2 to 1 in favor of the motion not to take the stuff.  A financially wise choice by Commissioners Hendricks & Ritz, IMO.  And do you know what crushed concrete does to vehicle tires?

Well, both the discussion & vote were, uh, heated?.  Just as with the "I am not a (profane explicative deleted) crook" outburst we witnessed last month (though no one had claimed he was a crook), Mr. Liebau was visibly distraught at the vote.  He commented angrily, that, "We had a tentative agreement." (about taking the material), and when the Chairperson asked for any opposing vote on the motion made by Mr. Ritz, in a rather loud & agitated voice, Mr. Liebau said, "Hell No!".  Liebau then went on to complain that he would just 'get his dozer & push the stuff into the ravine at his own expense'.  Say what?

Touchy, touchy.   Just wonderin... how could someone agree with a private contractor to dump refuse on their private property without official involvement of the county & then be all bent out of shape when the majority of the county commission would not approve removal of it at taxpayer expense?   I imagine Mr. Liebau's intentions were good, but it just didn't work out.  All things considered, the whole plan had an appearance of impropriety , in my opinion.  There may have been no nefarious, illegal or unethical stuff here, but (given facts & the reaction) it sure didn't pass the smell test.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I don't believe anything has to be illegal to stink.
I believe some ethics and understanding of where the lines are drawn between being a private citizen and a county commissioner is drawn should be understood. And then don't overstep those boundaries which would show ethics and good judgement.

I do believe Elk county needs two new county commissioners.
I think the lines are to terribly blurred, especially with the two Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and that there is a serious problem in the area of using good judgement. Which could cost us all, a lot of wasted money and perhaps already has.

November Elections are just around the corner.


Quote from: Patriot on August 30, 2012, 02:51:18 AM
The commission took up an interesting issue.  It seems that during construction of the wind farm, Commissioner Liebau made a private agreement of some sort to allow the contractors to dump a substantial quantity (tons) of rock & excess cement onto his private property.  By some means, Mr. Liebau also made preliminary arrangements to have that material crushed so it could be used on county roads (arrangements I don't think you will find vote approved in any earlier commission minutes).

The cost to the county was to be in the neighborhood of $80,000 (about $2 a ton MORE than what we normally pay for road rock).  In addition to the crushing expense, the county would have to load the material on our trucks using our own equipment & labor (an added expense we don't normally incur).

Anyway, Commissioner Hendricks indicated she wasn't positive that this material & plan was something she was interested in pursuing.  Commissioner Ritz made a motion NOT to crush & haul the material.  Ms Hendricks seconded, and the vote was 2 to 1 in favor of the motion not to take the stuff.  A financially wise choice by Commissioners Hendricks & Ritz, IMO.  And do you know what crushed concrete does to vehicle tires?

Well, both the discussion & vote were, uh, heated?.  Just as with the "I am not a (profane explicative deleted) crook" outburst we witnessed last month (though no one had claimed he was a crook), Mr. Liebau was visibly distraught at the vote.  He commented angrily, that, "We had a tentative agreement." (about taking the material), and when the Chairperson asked for any opposing vote on the motion made by Mr. Ritz, in a rather loud & agitated voice, Mr. Liebau said, "Hell No!".  Liebau then went on to complain that he would just 'get his dozer & push the stuff into the ravine at his own expense'.  Say what?

Touchy, touchy.   Just wonderin... how could someone agree with a private contractor to dump refuse on their private property without official involvement of the county & then be all bent out of shape when the majority of the county commission would not approve removal of it at taxpayer expense?   I imagine Mr. Liebau's intentions were good, but it just didn't work out.  All things considered, the whole plan had an appearance of impropriety , in my opinion.  There may have been no nefarious, illegal or unethical stuff here, but (given facts & the reaction) it sure didn't pass the smell test.

ROTFLMBO  well he jumped out of the frying pan into the fire.  Dumbass!

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Say, what?

Can't Commissioner Liebau Grandfather it in or something?

Perhaps, he could borrow one of those something different thingy's from Commissioner Hendricks?

Can't twist enough words to get the county taxpayers to pay for it. what a shame?


      I wonder what favors Enel did for him in return for taking the debris off THEIR hands. They would have had to haul it elsewhere otherwise. I also wonder what Wildlife and Parks will think about him "shoving it into a ravine". Enel wouldn't have been able to introduce foreign material just anyplace. Aren't ravines part of our watersheds ?  ???


Quote from: Bullwinkle on August 30, 2012, 07:56:56 AM
      I wonder what favors Enel did for him in return for taking the debris off THEIR hands. They would have had to haul it elsewhere otherwise. I also wonder what Wildlife and Parks will think about him "shoving it into a ravine". Enel wouldn't have been able to introduce foreign material just anyplace. Aren't ravines part of our watersheds ?  ???
Pretty much but then again i don't approve of EPA regulations and wouldn't even think about turning him in. its his property and he can do what he wants with it
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


QuoteI think the lines are to terribly blurred,

And that right there states the whole juxt of this thread.


Quote from: srkruzich on August 30, 2012, 08:22:08 AM
Pretty much but then again i don't approve of EPA regulations and wouldn't even think about turning him in. its his property and he can do what he wants with it

I'm not suggesting anything of the sort. It's just not very professional of a commissioner to spout off such a comment, especially when he should be well aware of the regulations.


Quote from: Bullwinkle on August 31, 2012, 07:28:28 AM
   I'm not suggesting anything of the sort. It's just not very professional of a commissioner to spout off such a comment, especially when he should be well aware of the regulations.

I agree.  Guess folks need to think of that when november rolls around.   It has become apparant that there is a major lack of  professionalism inthe government.   
You know i met a judge yesterday who could mix professionalism and a kind attitude towards others.  He was very helpful to me in my case he was hearing, and when it came time for him to be a judge he became a judge. BUt before and after he was just a kind individual. BUT he was top notch professional all the way when it came time for that!   
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.



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