Elk Road Dept Manhours... where are they working?

Started by Patriot, August 30, 2012, 01:47:58 AM

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From January through July, 2012, your road department logged the following man-hours in each county commission district:

District 1:  1256 hours (the number of hours on Rd 5, 7, Limestone, etc. in this district by the wind farm contractors is not known - it was likely a bunch)
District 2:  1863 hours
District 3:  1242 hours (and this group also did added work in Dist 2)

Think it's all about the Road Super?  I don't, but I could be wrong.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


      Well there certainly wasn't much of a presence on Limestone by the county, a couple of days cutting out ditches, perhaps. The rest was Harrods and Starbucks. Before that, Max Jantz.

      They have been working on Rock, but I haven't checked it out. Good question, Patriot.


This question might not quite fit the thread, but------

When the districts were redrawn, moving Union Center from District Two to District Three, who became responsible for the roads in Union Center?


Quote from: Wilma on August 30, 2012, 11:25:01 AM
This question might not quite fit the thread, but------

When the districts were redrawn, moving Union Center from District Two to District Three, who became responsible for the roads in Union Center?

Honestly, Wilma, I'm not positive.  But I think the road areas remained unchanged.  Perhaps one of the roadfolk could enlighten us.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Found some added info in my notes that might help.  Seems the road districts may well follow commissioner districts & were changed at the same time...

Total miles of road in each district:

Dist     Miles     Hours Jan-Jul 2012     Hours per mile
1         270             1256                  4.65
2         158             1863                11.79
3         300             1242                 4.14

Looks to me like District 2 (Howard/Paw Paw Twps) got about 2.7 times as much attention as the other districts.  Begs the question:  Are the roads in Commissioner Hendricks' district really twice as bad as roads everywhere else?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


In my estimation then, shouldn't the personnel in the road department be shifted, also.  Shouldn't Dist. 3's personnel be increased and Dist. 2's decreased?  Instead, I have noticed more workers at the yard in Howard instead of fewer.  How does the number of workers compare to the number of miles in each district?


Honestly I didn't bring all this up to demonstrate anything other than the fact that all areas are being given considerable attention.  The reason is that I've heard of some folks saying there was a MUCH bigger disparity between the districts than there really is.  And... if one accounts for the efforts in the commission approved 'major' upgrade plan on areas like Rock Rd  in Paw Paw township, the differences aren't that remarkable.  Are there some other issues that may impact all this... probably.  But, overall, anyone who says a district is getting as few as a couple of hundred man hours of attention is obviously mistaken.  Facts can be funny that way.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


      One thing about time clocks though, they don't know what was done by the one punching them. Without someone watching, one could log hours every day and do nothing. I'm not saying that is happening, rather, I have seen it happen.

     Obviously the work on Rock is in part due to a tow charge incurred when a feed truck got stuck out by the Palmer ranch, which I was told the county paid. Sure would be nice to have some of that mud right now. ;D


I have to admit Rock road looks better but the size of that gravel is hell on tires.  You can't afford to drive on it.  You'll be replacing a tire every month
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Very observant of you Wilma to notice the increase of men in the District 2 Howard shop area. The roads do seem to be more important in District 2 area and that would suggest why men and equipment from Moline and Longton were pulled to come to District 2. I know you're not the only one that has noticed this, but while District 2 gets miles of ditching, tree pulling, new culverts, thousands of tons of new rock, etc., the rest of the county is going to shit. This is not just my opinion; drive the roads and compare. Thanks for being so observant about such a massive effort to repair roads before District 2 and 3's Elections...---Mr. KSHillbillys



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