Who Does the Government Intend to Shoot? . . .

Started by redcliffsw, August 21, 2012, 05:52:05 AM

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Oh my.  It's starting to sound like a courtroom, with Diane on trial.  What happened to freedom of speech and open discussion?
All quotes aside, what are you truly prepared to do?  And how can you say with certainty what your actions would be should the situation actually arise?

Diane Amberg

I hope you didn't mean me. I've got two generations behind me to do whatever is needed to stop crazy self serving loonies from wandering like zombies and turning into uncivilized criminals. If they really need me to fight, we are in very bad shape. Yes, I can shoot but I don't want to have to.
   I would be right back on the ambulance picking up the pieces of those who would really rather act like cave men. I know Pugs, Chip, Scott and my other military friends would do the right thing.


      Sounds to me like someone is drinking the same kool-aid as Joe BS Biden. ::)

     Shooting through the door? Hmm. Not the brightest of tactics. Famous fried chicken and crab cakes ? Never heard of them, not even when in Delaware.

     Glad I have my own support/ arsenal / friends if the need arises, because I wouldn't want to depend on anyone vouching for Biden. You might as well say you trust Pelosi, Feinstein or Boxer to protect your liberty.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 22, 2012, 08:22:40 PM
... picking up the pieces of those who would really rather act like cave men.

Absent some clarification, I'm sure there are a lot of people in uniform, defending your liberties, who are unimpressed with your 'cave men' description.  I don't imagine the minutemen at our founding would have appreciated it either.  I know I didn't.

It seems too easy for some of our 'moderate' citizens, having never offered their lives in defense of liberty, to sit on the sidelines and throw out pejorative labels & then call their remarks a simple 'gaffe'.  But go ahead and play the Biden gaffe card.  I suppose we can attribute it PTSD resulting from the trauma experienced during some film in a first aid training class.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Considering it is all a hypothetical situation, I'll take grape please. :angel: If you visit Delaware come to my house and I'll fix my great fried chicken and crab cakes for you, even if you are very narrow minded. We welcome all kinds of people here.
 Remember, I'm a moderate Independent. I'm not afraid of anybody!
   I just can't imagine what you are so worried about. ;D( That was sarcasm.)  Banking, yes, interest rates ,yes, job rates, sure, health insurance, maybe. Hugely rich folks, maybe.
   I have no idea how old you are, so I don't know where you are on your "working to retirement scale."
  I'm not crazy about the economic collapse either, but we worked hard for many years, always with multiple jobs  I still have part time, but very well paid work when I want it, and can hang it up whenever I want or need to...all based on decisions we made...as anyone could, many years ago.    
  I went after the education I needed to succeed in the field I chose. Anybody can do that! We have a lot of savings because we invested and worked hard on it. It wasn't dumped in our laps.  
  Better keep an eye on that hurricane or the Rebubs. could  be scattered to the winds!

  Patriot......You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. No, the "cave men" were not military and I really resent the implication .
   Al gave his polio legs to the military because of his loyalty to this country. He didn't run off to Canada or try to get some religious deferment or say he was "too good" to go into the military.  He was very brave considering what he was dealing with. His father didn't create a national guard unit for him to hide in or try to get anyone to get him off once his health records were refused .They were taking anybody who was conscious. He didn't even have ROTC because he couldn't pass the physical!  Unfortunately he got a low draft number and in 1968 he went to Fort Bragg.
   As for me personally, you don't and won't ever know much I did, or the risks I took and fortunately got away with.( Do you even know who David Fine was?) HA!  Gaffe my foot! Is there nothing mean enough that you wouldn't say it to me? You sir, have a ugly heart of stone.
    PTSD? I'm a counselor! Perhaps you mean spirited hateful ones should look in the mirror .Maybe PTSD is your problem. So much for civil discourse. Geez!


Quote from: Diane Amberg on August 23, 2012, 01:54:13 PM
You sir, have a ugly heart of stone.

As you oft remind us here in flyover land concerning yourself...you know absolutely nothing of me, either.  Perhaps being so personally judgmental is your nature.  I don't know.  And thanks for adding to Al's ever growing biography.... but Al isn't and never has been at issue here.  In case your reading comprehension levels are dropping, notice I said, "Absent some clarification..."  Thanks for providing 'some'.

Now, about those 1.4 million rounds of ammunition Janet and her pals at DHS are ordering....

And speaking of Janet N and her girlfriends:  http://www.jewishworldreview.com/michelle/malkin081712.php3

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


      Sorry, you're not going to get a biography from me. :P  If I wanted fried chicken, I'd go to my sister's house and for crab, I'd go to New Orleans where it's all good.

     Back on track, Wildlife and Parks certainly doesn't use that much ammo, they aren't even allowed to go on private property without the sheriff . Sounds like a real crime wave happing in the woods back there, pot, meth, fugitives, lions and tigers and bears, OH MY!

Diane Amberg

I agree about the food in NO. Wonderful good :D! But the crabs are here, no long trip involved and we grow kazillions of chickens downstate too.

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