Paul Ryan Is No Ron Paul . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, August 14, 2012, 05:58:25 AM

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Paul Ryan - this guy is much closer to Obama than Ron Paul.  He's not a conservative - he's a Republican.


at this point i don't care anymore.  :)  Ron paul has no chance of getting, and even if he does he has no chance at undoing what has been done. To do that he would have to replace 2/3 of the entire congress that are exactly as he believes.  That is if he wants to do it constitutionally. Any other way just makes him like the rest of them.

Right now we know if we get obama we are fubard completely.  With romney in place at least jobs will come back.  As i said, my give a dam has gone out the window with this president.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on August 14, 2012, 06:43:55 AM
at this point i don't care anymore.  :)  Ron paul has no chance of getting, and even if he does he has no chance at undoing what has been done. To do that he would have to replace 2/3 of the entire congress that are exactly as he believes.  That is if he wants to do it constitutionally. Any other way just makes him like the rest of them.

Right now we know if we get obama we are fubard completely.  With romney in place at least jobs will come back.  As i said, my give a dam has gone out the window with this president.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Isn't this just hunky dory news  ? As a Libertarian leaning republican if I was to cast my vote for Johnson or Ron Paul, and hand Prez Odummy another term, just so I could gloat that I kept Romney from winning, I would crawl into a hole and pull the 'hole opening" closed behind me. IMO anyone who does this has no love for this country---period !!!

Libertarian Party eyes spoiler role in 2012 race
By Joseph Weber

Published August 18, 2012

Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson almost certainly can't win the presidential election this year. But his supporters claim he could determine who does.

Johnson, the former New Mexico governor who briefly and unsuccessfully competed for the Republican presidential nomination before joining the Libertarians, is polling barely above 5 percent nationwide. Yet his numbers in key battleground states suggest he could make a difference in what is shaping up to be a tight contest between President Obama and Mitt Romney.

He was rating at 13 percent in New Mexico and 9 percent in Arizona in recent polling -- not enough to win, but certainly enough to disadvantage whichever major-party candidate he's drawing votes away from.

The Libertarian Party is now touting that possibility. An emailed statement from the organization earlier this week carried a rather sensational subject line: "Libertarian Presidential Candidate Gov. Gary Johnson Could Deprive Mitt Romney of 5 battleground states, 74 Electoral Votes, 27% of the Electoral Votes needed to win in 2012."

Libertarians reasoned Johnson, then, "could determine the winner" of the election.


Jarhead, well said. Ron Paul does not have any chance at winning, and if he and his followers care about the future of this great country they would be pushing the Romney ticket.


The Republican Party has had four (4) years to select a conservative which they can not do because
of their Marxist heritage from beginning to the present day.  Now you Republicans want us to choose
your favorite Marxist, instead of a real American. 


Quote from redcliffsw:
Now you Republicans want us to choose
your favorite Marxist, instead of a real American.

What it has boiled down to is Romney or Obama. Like it or not, it is what it is. So I guess you are saying vote for the "Marxist" or vote for Obama, the real American. I think I know what you mean but in Nov. to cast your vote for Paul or Johnson or whomever else is voting for Obama, plain and simple. If you want 4 more years---or maybe more---of an, American hating, Muslim Prez then you gotta do what your conscious tells you to do---and I will do the same.


Quote from: jarhead on August 19, 2012, 11:34:02 AM
Quote from redcliffsw:
Now you Republicans want us to choose
your favorite Marxist, instead of a real American.

What it has boiled down to is Romney or Obama. Like it or not, it is what it is. So I guess you are saying vote for the "Marxist" or vote for Obama, the real American. I think I know what you mean but in Nov. to cast your vote for Paul or Johnson or whomever else is voting for Obama, plain and simple. If you want 4 more years---or maybe more---of an, American hating, Muslim Prez then you gotta do what your conscious tells you to do---and I will do the same.

This counrty won't last another 4 years of obama.  with romney and ryan it actually has a chance.  I actually like ryan. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Jar, the Republicans are matching up to Obama - pretty hard to see any real differnces.

Ron Paul was the only true conservative running and people don't seem to want that in the USA.
How can we expect the 2nd amendment to hold if we don't hold on everything?

The Republican Party is liberal and Marxist - no question about it.   

Diane Amberg

Not meaning to stir the pot, but I thought this time everyone wanted all the old time, long term  DC congressmen given the boot. What happened to starting over fresh? Ryan is very experienced, but is also one of the " inside the beltway" people.
   Please look up his voting record! He voted for TARP and some other things that make me wonder...but I suppose I'm stuck with him. I also have heard that some very interesting things will happen at the convention. But then again, talk is one thing and action is something else.
So, Red, you think the whole ticket on both sides is "Marxist?" :P

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