Obuma Lies

Started by Warph, August 12, 2012, 01:16:24 AM

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Below is a list of Obama's documented lies.

Lies, Lies and more Lies

1.)  I will walk on that picket line with you, if workers are denied the right to bargain.  Barack Obama in Spartanburg, SC. Nov. 3rd, 2007:
"And understand this: If American workers are being denied their right to organize and collectively bargain when I'm in the White House, I'll put on a comfortable pair of shoes myself, I'll will walk on that picket line with you as President of the United States of America. Because workers deserve to know that somebody is standing in their corner."

2.)  In his 2012 State of the Union Address, President Obama said that American oil production is the highest that it's been in eight years:

In his 2012 State of the Union Address, President Obama said that "American oil production is the highest that it's been in eight years."
But on Wednesday, the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service released a new report that finds that the overwhelming majority—96 percent—of the increase came from land not owned by the federal government.

In 2011, oil production on federal lands declined by an average of 275,000 barrels per day, whereas production on non-federal lands increased by 395,000 barrels per day.  The CRS's analysis aligns with that of the Energy Information Administration, which found that oil production on federal lands dropped 14 percent in 2011.

U.S. Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL), a member of the Environment and Public Works Committee, said President Obama should boost oil production on public lands:

Increasing domestic production on public lands would create jobs, reduce the deficit, decrease our trade imbalance, grow the economy, and place downward pressure on gas prices. America has potentially more oil resources than almost any nation on earth. The people of Alabama, and across the country, have a right to benefit from its exploration. I hope President Obama will reverse course. Through determined and bold action, America can become the dominant producer in the worldwide energy market. Instead of transferring our wealth overseas, other nations will send their money overseas to us.

3.)  I've done more for Israel's security than any President ever did:

Barack Obama has asked U.S. allies gathered at the G8 summit to back his calls to provide financial assistance to Tunisia and Egypt, countries at the forefront of the Arab Spring uprisings.
The U.S. President said both countries will need help stabilising and modernising their economies as they attempt to transition to democracy
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1391071/G8-summit-Barack-Obama-David-Cameron-ask-allies-bankroll-Arab-Spring-countries-embrace-democracy.html#ixzz23JQmuXm8

4.)  Virtually every Senate Republican voted against the tax cut last week.

On Monday, President Obama falsely claimed that no Republicans in the Senate voted for the payroll tax cut. "Virtually every Senate Republican voted against the tax cut last week," he told reporters.

There's only one huge problem.

The statement is completely false.

According to the Senate Roll Call, twenty Republicans voted for the measure to proceed, including Idaho's Mike Crapo and James Risch.  On the other hand, every Democrat but one voted against it, including Washington's Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell. Only John Kerry (D-MA) did not vote. Not one single Democrat voted for cloture.

Nevertheless, Obama took to the podium to falsely declare just the opposite.

The Daily Kos, always eager to prop up Obama, claimed the President was talking about another bill, S.1917, which includes a surtax on millionaires. Most Republicans did vote against that measure because of the surtax.

But even on that vote, Obama was not telling the whole truth, because one Republican - Susan Collins of Maine - voted for the Democratic measure.

It's not that Republicans oppose a tax cut, it's that they want the tax cut paid for without a surtax on job creators. Democrats, on the other hand, really do not want tax cuts, but an end to the Bush tax cuts and a campaign issue.

And the President is willing to say anything, no matter how untrue it is.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


          Obama That I Used To Know -
  Gotye 'Somebody That I Used To Know' 

   (Over 13.4 million hits on you tube)


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Our Dishonorable President
By Derek Hunter

After the massacre in Tucson that saw six murdered and U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz., and 12 others wounded, President Obama gave a speech at the memorial where he called for raising the tone in politics. To honor the memory of those killed and wounded the president said:

The loss of these wonderful people should make every one of us strive to be better in our private lives -- to be better friends and neighbors, co-workers and parents. And if, as has been discussed in recent days, their deaths help usher in more civility in our public discourse, let's remember that it is not because a simple lack of civility caused this tragedy, but rather because only a more civil and honest public discourse can help us face up to our challenges as a nation in a way that would make them proud.

Moving words. Also a lie.

President Obama had no interest in having "more civility in our public discourse," no concern for those grieving families. He said what was expected of him as president – touching, well-delivered words we now know had as much meaning to him as his promise to cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term.

The president has stood silently while his supporters, surrogates and staff have engaged in some of the most transparently desperate and disgusting campaign rhetoric of the modern age.

Without proof or even proof to the contrary, Democrats have accused Mitt Romney of being a felon, a tax cheat, a racist and a murderer. With each charge, the president avoided leveling the charge himself. But he said nothing ... did nothing to stop them.

The media only recently bothered to ask his staff about the latest lie his allies have propagated – that Romney's actions at Bain Capital are somehow responsible for the death by lung cancer of the wife of former steel worker and current liberal activist Joe Soptic.

Their response? The natural instinct of liberals when challenged – to lie.

First, we learned Mrs. Soptic didn't die until seven years after Romney left Bain Capital. Oops.

Then, we were told the president had no knowledge of Joe Soptic or the basis of his claim Romney was responsible for his wife's death. But then we learned White House staffers pimped Soptic's story on a conference call back in May, and the campaign still pimps his wife's death on its website. Ooops.. another huge lie:

Even then, they wouldn't admit they were lying – liars never do. They admitted only the story Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter had been telling on national television the day before was not in line with reality. Cutter, the Obama staffer who hosted the conference call featuring Soptic, and a regular in the media, promptly canceled her appearance on ABC's This Week and was replaced by head campaign hack David Axelrod. It's much easier to deny a lie on behalf of someone else because the video of the lie will not be of you.

While all of this happened, while the president's own press secretary first denied any knowledge of the ad, then refused to comment or condemn it, Barack Obama was silent.

No reporters have asked the president directly about this because they haven't had the chance. He has avoided questions from the media for weeks – as if his henchmen have threatened to take away his golf clubs if he opens his mouth.

But when his flying monkeys learned Mitt Romney's campaign had rejected a proposal from a pro-Romney SuperPAC to link Obama to his racist pastor of 20 years, they feigned outrage and demanded Romney – who truly was uninvolved – condemn it.

None of this occurs naturally. All of it comes from the top. And the top is Barack Obama.

You can tell all you need to know about a man's character by comparing his words with his actions.

Every day he and his allies refuse to repudiate this disgraceful ad, every hour they continue these reprehensible lies, every second they embrace these dishonorable tactics, they spit on the graves of those victims in Tucson the president himself said he wanted to honor. The longer Barack Obama refuses to condemn and end the vicious tactics and words used in his name, the more he dishonors the memory of Christina Taylor Green and the other victims.

At that January memorial for the victims of that massacre, Barack Obama said this of the Green, the youngest murder victim:

If there are rain puddles in heaven, Christina is jumping in them today. And here on Earth, we place our hands over our hearts and commit ourselves as Americans to forging a country that is forever worthy of her gentle, happy spirit.

Did he mean those words when he said them? Or were they the utterings of a sociopath who exploited the death of a 9-year-old girl for the moment and quickly cast her aside like he's cast aside so many others?

Sadly for our country and their memories, the answer is clear.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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