Open Meetings Act... We don't need no stinkin Act...

Started by Patriot, August 05, 2012, 06:24:32 PM

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Our County Commission appears to bypass the Kansas Open Meetings Act (KOMA)..... again.

Were you aware that all of our county commissioners met with the county auditor last Monday morning... before the regular meeting in an unannounced meeting to discuss county budget issues?  My understanding is that this 'gathering' was not called as a special meeting of the board by Commissioner Hendricks, nor was it properly called to order or properly adjourned by her.   I'll be interested to see if there are any published minutes.

Are these folks so ignorant of what triggers an open meeting under the Kansas Open Meetings Act... or are they just so arrogant they don't care?  In either case, concerned citizens must question their trustworthiness.  Must they do these things behind closed doors? 

Given Commissioner Liebau's unprovoked tirade at a recent commission meeting where he bemoaned that some view him as unethical and that he was "G-d damned tired of being accused of being unthical..." (the audio is fascinating), one must wonder... would he know ethics if he saw them? 

From the Kansas Attorney General's website and a discussion of the Open Meetings Act by Michael J. Smith, Assistant Attorney General (2009): 

MEETING--If a body is subject to the KOMA, the KOMA applies only when the body has a meeting as defined by the statutes.

A. A Meeting is (1) any gathering or assembly, in person or through the use of a telephone or any other medium for interactive communication; (2) by a majority of the membership of an agency or body; (3) for the purpose of discussing the business or affairs of the body or agency.  K.S.A. 2008 Supp. 75-4317a.

Yes citizens, elections are coming... how about electing someone who can follow the simplest of laws and involve the public as representatives rather than rulers?

Conservative to the Core!
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