Teaching Tolerance in Schools . . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, July 29, 2012, 06:43:54 AM

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HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...

Diane Amberg

That's OK, as teachers we never let the local kids here pick on the little kid with the thick southern accent from Mudflat Junction. We often got kids who came up from the more Southern states to work the mushroom houses and horse farms. Some were very bright but hard to understand, and others weren't. We always had a good tolerance policy, and I'm glad we did. I'm sorry that isn't the same where some of you are. Now I'll see if I can stay away from here.


Quote from Catwoman:
Jar, you are too funny!! lol White Anglo-Saxon Protestant...You are too cute when you play dumb...lol

Cat, I wasn't playing dumb. I did not know what it meant. After much thought I figured that it meant "White Ass Stupid Person". I was getting ready to twist Diane's tail for being a bigot, talking about me and my friends that way.
Speaking of Diane---I'm kinda PO'ed at her right now. She keeps scolding me for bringing up the Black Panthers, so I quit and what does she do? Brings them right back into the conversation------

Quote from Diane:
The black activists, especially the ones who promote violence on a regular basis are just as bad.


Doc, That did no go un-noticed !! Just waiting for the right time to pounce !! :angel:

Diane, I recall you saying on several occasions things like "just because a person was in the military eons ago that doesn't make them an expert today" so when you say something like "That's OK, as teachers we "---tell me one more time how many decades ago that it was when you were a classroom teacher and how many years you actually taught. I'm getting old and forgetful .

Diane Amberg

I know I'm going to regret letting you trap me, but since I like to talk, I'll just have to take my licks I guess.
   I really wasn't going to answer either of the questions/comments but.... as far as black activists, I was referring to the Farrakhan type, not necessarily the BPs. It really depends on what they have been up to and who we are talking about. Some of them are very mild but a few, Jerry Jackson for one, can be a serious problem if he thinks he has an excuse.They have a stable of lawyers who keep them just on the hair width side of legal most of the time. The police know who the real trouble makers are, but then may have to deal with harassment charges.
  As far as how long, and when I was teaching, why does it matter?  I'm still in and out a lot, especially Newark Charter. I do teach all day once in awhile now, but usually it's just a few hours at a time. If I really wanted to go back full time, I'd take a couple of night classes at UD to get the rust off the way math is being taught now. I'm still good for the reading, science, history, classroom management, etc.  Just give me the teachers manual and get out of the way.
I have no plans to change what I'm doing. Part time suits me just fine. By the time I'm 70 I expect to have retired all together, except perhaps some kid's visits to the firehouse. I was at Safety Town yesterday morning ,this morning and will be there all day tomorrow.
  Oh, I started teaching in 1966 and finished full time 12 years later, but started teaching very busy part time right away as an elementary school resource teacher.  I had already started teaching the EMT classes part time in 1974.Some nights, some weekends.  Between one thing and another I was/am very busy.
   Remember, I didn't quit teaching full time out of choice. My doctor made me stop.
  I knew something wasn't right when I was student teaching for 15 weeks, but the medical problem didn't really blossom until about October of each school year. I developed a lung allergy to chalk dust ,of all the crazy things. I got severe bronchitis.  Every summer it would clear up. I fought it off and on all school year, but after 12 years, my Doc wanted to know if I could use my teaching in some other way, and so I did.
  Even now if I'm in a school that still uses a lot of chalk, on the fourth day I can feel the congestion starting in my lungs. Fortunately dry markers don't bother me at all. Now with all the smart boards computers etc. I'd do fine.
   Aren't you sorry you asked? Now may I leave please? I really don't want to be here where the mean people and my sworn enemies  tend to hang out.
   I need to go over my teaching outline for the parents fire safety workshops tomorrow. 9-12 and 1-4. and no, I'm not paid to do it.


That durned ol Black Panther voter intimidation thing just won't go away. Bill O'Reilly had it on his Talking Points  --again--tonight with a follow up on it. Looks like the Assistant Attorney General might be facing perjury charges over statements he said pertaining to why Holder didn't prosecute the thugs. Silly ol Bill---it happened almost 4 years ago so why keep beating a dead horse. Oh, and Bill lives in New York so why concern himself with the matter?.


Jarhead, like my old Top Sergeant in Korea said, "If you are feeling froggy, son, go ahead and jump!"

Larryj :laugh:
HELP!  I'm talking and I can't shut up!

I came...  I saw...  I had NO idea what was going on...


Larry, my jumper is all wore out. A lurch is the best I can do anymore . What are you doing in politics anyway ? :D


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 30, 2012, 12:04:32 PM
Bigots shouldn't be tolerated anywhere, I don't care where in the country it is "in."  Calling blacks "chimpanzees" is rotten to the core. Just being born a WASP doesn't automatically make you better than everyone else.
The black activists, especially the ones who promote violence on a regular basis are just as bad. They try to infiltrate inner city schools and neutralize what any teacher is trying to teach. They even call the kids who are trying to get ahead "Oreos" and worse names.They can't even go home without being hassled!  You aren't true to your ancestors if ya get educated. You are a traitor.
   No wonder kids drop out! The gangs are the outlets and the thugs are the heroes.
Ya won't see any of them enlisting either.  Ya gotta die on the street to be a hero.It is all screwed up!
  But somehow it's all the schools' faults. Phooey! Come back and talk to me after you've taught in a ghetto school for one year. Be glad you have it easy like ya do and your kids do too.

The fault is in the acceptance of lower standards across the board. Used to be the kids were required to sit down shut up and learn and if they didn't they were tossed out of school.   Kids were taught that education wasn't free, it cost someone something and that they had better earn their eucation.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 30, 2012, 07:01:24 PM
That's OK, as teachers we never let the local kids here pick on the little kid with the thick southern accent from Mudflat Junction. We often got kids who came up from the more Southern states to work the mushroom houses and horse farms. Some were very bright but hard to understand, and others weren't. We always had a good tolerance policy, and I'm glad we did. I'm sorry that isn't the same where some of you are. Now I'll see if I can stay away from here.

LOL, sheesh.  Thats why most kids are wimps.   We used to deal with bullies ourselves.   IF they were bigger than i was, i would catch em on their way home from school and whip their ass with a big stick.  Had one that got rescued one time from me he was 17 year old i was 12, and my dad caught my baseball bat in full swing and if he hadn't i would have scored a home run with his head. That boy NEVER EVER messed with me again
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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