Teaching Tolerance in Schools . . . . .

Started by redcliffsw, July 29, 2012, 06:43:54 AM

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Just a reminder :P

Quotes from Diane:
Reply # 3180
, as I don't go on the political threads any more.
Reply # 174
That's why I've given up the political threads
Reply #270
keep in mind I don't go on the political forums any more at all


Reply # 65
I left the politics threads never to return,. .


Its a good thing i educated my kids about tolerance. You don't have to be tolerant of deviants, thugs, or communists, criminals and that includes illegals!  And they will raise their kids up the same way!  I was forced to go through "tolerance" programming at a company i worked at for 3 days. It ended with the instructor being absolutely and completely frustrated whe she couldn't get anyone of us to agree to their agenda.  I remember one of their "corp" policies was that we had to support all groups in the company even to the point of attending their "functions" and helping with the support of it.   Well i draw the line at queer parties and deviants.  won't happen in my lifetime ever!   They claim that being a queer is protected under the 1st amendment.  Thank God the courts have not deemd it so. Shows the SCJ still have some morals up there.

It takes about 4 hours a day to undo what the government schools indoctrinate into our youths. You have to go over what was taught and show the kids what the truth is.  Its just simpler to teach the kids yourself these days.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


You got that right.  The government schools are behind the centralized government movement plus
the government schools promote and teach its liberal agendas.  Indoctrination. 

That shouldn't be too hard to understand.


      Educate all you want, you ARE being tolerant of the illegals, homos, racists, etc. because they are all around you and gaining more for themselves everyday. Unless you take some form of action against it, you are being tolerant, and simply preaching that it is wrong is not the kind of action that will get results.

Diane Amberg

Jar, you are right. I forgot that the tripe about tolerance being taught in schools was in the political thread.
 I dislike reading things from people who make assumptions, but are clueless about how things really work in school.
  The school secretary would toss out all sorts of inappropriate mail that came to the school every day. It can't be distributed unless permission is given.
  During August I'll be requesting, and receiving, the annual ''letter of permission to deliver" from the district superintendent's office to allow us to take the annual fire prevention contest topic and rules packets around to our public local schools that teach K-8 The superintendent has to see and approve every page. We then give the letter of permission to the school secretary, (who has to buzz us in as the doors are locked,) who reads and initials it before we are allowed to drop anything off.  I deleted the other.
  I keep forgetting how 19th century some are on here. You've got more ways to educate your kids than ever before, between Christian private schools and Catholic schools, expensive private academic schools, some that even board, targeted Charter Schools, industrial arts schools  some with apprenticeship programs sponsored by local companies, and home schooling, what's the problem? Chronic complainers? ;) :angel:


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 30, 2012, 10:04:02 AM
I dislike reading things from people who make assumptions, but are clueless about how things really work in school.

Or don't understand that what 'is' in one part of the country doesn't make it a universal truth everywhere else.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Bigots shouldn't be tolerated anywhere, I don't care where in the country it is "in."  Calling blacks "chimpanzees" is rotten to the core. Just being born a WASP doesn't automatically make you better than everyone else.
The black activists, especially the ones who promote violence on a regular basis are just as bad. They try to infiltrate inner city schools and neutralize what any teacher is trying to teach. They even call the kids who are trying to get ahead "Oreos" and worse names.They can't even go home without being hassled!  You aren't true to your ancestors if ya get educated. You are a traitor.
   No wonder kids drop out! The gangs are the outlets and the thugs are the heroes.
Ya won't see any of them enlisting either.  Ya gotta die on the street to be a hero.It is all screwed up!
  But somehow it's all the schools' faults. Phooey! Come back and talk to me after you've taught in a ghetto school for one year. Be glad you have it easy like ya do and your kids do too.


What is a "WASP" ? Unless you mean the kind that sting.


Jar, you are too funny!! lol  White Anglo-Saxon Protestant...You are too cute when you play dumb...lol 

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