Prayer for Matty.

Started by Judy Harder, July 21, 2012, 09:15:58 AM

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Judy Harder

This young man (20) was lifting weights in the weight room at Ottawa University getting ready for football.
His weights were over 300+ pounds and as he hefted it above his head, his foot slipped and the barbell with weights came down on top of him. It did damage to his spine. Matt has had surgery to his spine, and at this time (they don't know Matt and his gumption) is a paraplegic and looking at a lot of time in a rehab hospital in Denver who deals with spinal cord injury's. At this time he is still in a hospital in Overland Park, (KC) and I just know God has something special for this young man. Forgot to say he is soon to be step-son of my sisters son and that makes him FAMILY. Please join me in prayer to keep Matt doing what he needs to and that he will sometime soon be walking again. Thank you.

Well another day has finished and another day has begun. Matt Bollig made alot of progress today as well. I can't believe he already got up and in his wheelchair today. He continues to blow the nursing staff away as he pushes himself. They were wanting to sit him up on the side of the bed and then possibly get him transferred to the wheelchair tomorrow. Not Matthew, he said lets do it now. He simply amazes me and those around him with his drive and courage. He is determined to walk again...plain and simple. To be honest with you.....I AM ONE PROUD MOMMA!!
Today, I want to make a difference.
Here I am Lord, use me!

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