Civil War Terror: Sherman's March To The Sea

Started by Warph, July 07, 2012, 09:58:14 PM

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    Screech, the WAR IS OVER !


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 12, 2012, 03:53:14 PM

Many people here had already given up slaves and moved on long before the Civil War.
well mine never oned one slave!  But still fought for the south and states rights.

QuoteThe south did their share of horrible things too. Ya ever hear of Andersonville? Ever go there?
Yep been there, fact of war when you have POW camps.  Ohhh but Andersonville wasn't the only one.  Try  Emlira or Fort Deleware.  Those were worse than Andersonville espcially when the northerners cut the rations of the prisoners to punish the south even more. 
At least the union solders were fed until they started running out of food to feed them.

QuoteThey fought  (the slaves)for the same reason they fought in previous wars and wars afterward: "to position themselves.They had to prove they were patriots in the hope the future would be better...they hoped to be rewarded."
Like I said nothing but a dumb nigger who has no clue as to what hes fighting for.  They couldn't possibly believe in the souths culture and beliefs and the protection of the states rights now could they.  They couldn't possibly know anything about their families being threatened by northern troops.  kinda like the fact that shermans troops took the dumb slaves and forced them into labor for the campiagn as well as letting around 10000+ starve to death that were following his troops.

QuoteMost didn't have a choice to stay home during the war.
ROTFL yeah right....  No choice huh. The facts are they fought side by side with the white soldiers.  There was no coercion and force. Some were lent to the military by owners but not many.

QuoteAs for Nathan Forrest...has a rep as quite a fighter, took his own slaves with him and others joined him figuring it could help them.They couldn't be much worse off, now could they?
  By the way, you should work on your grammar and spelling. Snap!

Bedford was a brilliant fighter and honorable man.  His slaves were freed upon the end of the war.  But more importantly his "slaves" stayed on with him because he was a honorable man.

BTW your spelling nazi side is showing...
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: ELK@KC on July 12, 2012, 05:53:33 PM
WAY TO GO DIANE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You didn't answer my question.  Do you or do you not think that tthe veterans deserve honor?
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Bullwinkle on July 12, 2012, 06:01:31 PM

    Screech, the WAR IS OVER !

you trying to say something?  I usually don't pay attention to childish behavior. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 12, 2012, 03:53:14 PM

As for Nathan Forrest...has a rep as quite a fighter, took his own slaves with him and others joined him figuring it could help them.They couldn't be much worse off, now could they?

Did it occur to you that slaves fought for the South for same reasons as any other Southerner?  Whether slave or free, they fought for the Constitution and that's not where your interest is.   


       you trying to say something?  I usually don't pay attention to childish behavior. 

   I don't usually pay attention to the fabrications of idiots myself, especially one who believes the Civil War isn't over.   


the south never surrendered in full and are still at a state of war with the union.  There are 3 colonies established, one of which is rumored to be lost :)  but not really.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

     How can a southern state supposedly defend the constitution and then demand to leave the union. The constitution wouldn't apply to them any longer! No more federal taxes to support poor southern states, no education funds or subsidies. No more national park support in those states.  No more military bases in the south for employment and the local economy boosts they provide. No representation in DC. No federal firefighters, no infrastructure help, no federal medical help and on and on.
   Go ahead and leave, how would things be better? Makes no sense to me.  No one could demand that some treatment they received is unconstitutional.. It wouldn't apply to them. 
   As for the slaves fighting for the constitution...since it was for a time illegal to educated them, it was at the whim of the master as to what they were told. Most couldn't read it. There were many oral reports taken down after the war from slave interviews. They are very mixed in nature. Most just wanted their freedom any way they could get it. One of the big objections was the splitting up of their families.
   As far as Civil War prisons, they were all horrible, including our Fort Delaware, better known to us as Pea Patch Island. It's a state park now and nobody holds back on the truth when visitors come from all over the world. It's all historically interesting but it's all in the past and should stay there.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 13, 2012, 10:12:03 AM
     How can a southern state supposedly defend the constitution and then demand to leave the union. The constitution wouldn't apply to them any longer! No more federal taxes to support poor southern states, no education funds or subsidies. No more national park support in those states.  No more military bases in the south for employment and the local economy boosts they provide. No representation in DC. No federal firefighters, no infrastructure help, no federal medical help and on and on.
Because the United States of America did not exist until afte 1865. :) It is a legal fiction a corporation.  The south defended the original constitution before lincoln violated constitution authority with his suspension of habeas corpus and use of torture against northern and southerners.  one of his favorite tools is water boarding.  Hmmm he violated 1st amendment, 4th and 5th amendments, 9th,10th amendments all through his term.  Then after lincoln johnson i think it was manipulated and added the 13th amendment and 14th admendment illegally, by throwing out senators that refused to ratify those amendments and replacing them with northerners that supported the addition.   This type of tyranny was just one of the things that were perpetrated on the south along with the authorized theft of southerners land, and resources.

QuoteGo ahead and leave, how would things be better? Makes no sense to me.  No one could demand that some treatment they received is unconstitutional.. It wouldn't apply to them. 
Sure it is.  YOu obviously haven't read the Confederate states constitution now have you.  :)  It is the constitution before lincoln modified it to fit his agenda.

QuoteAs for the slaves fighting for the constitution...since it was for a time illegal to educated them, it was at the whim of the master as to what they were told.
who said they fought for the constitution?  I never said that i never said that the south fought for the constitution, i said they fought for states rights and sovereignty.

QuoteMost couldn't read it.
Does it matter?  Most could not read the bible yet they knew it book chapter and verse by memory.

QuoteThere were many oral reports taken down after the war from slave interviews. They are very mixed in nature. Most just wanted their freedom any way they could get it. One of the big objections was the splitting up of their families.
Then why did 80-90k slaves fight and die for the confederacy volentarily. HOW do you explain the The Louisiana Native Guards and the 1st native guard?  No white man owned them and no whites forced them into fighting.   They volenteered of their own free will.  This happend all over the south.

QuoteAs far as Civil War prisons, they were all horrible, including our Fort Delaware, better known to us as Pea Patch Island. It's a state park now and nobody holds back on the truth when visitors come from all over the world. It's all historically interesting but it's all in the past and should stay there.

No one holds back on the prisons.  Andersonville was a tragedy that broke not only the hearts of those men in it but the ones that held them too. The conditions didn't happen by choice, they had no real choices.   When the food ran out then there was real problems.Lincoln declared medicine a contriband of war and denied medicines for those held in prisons.  NOW whos more to blame?   The food ration to the prisoners held there was exactly the same as was given to the Confederate soldier, including the guards at Andersonville. yet the North refused to allow food to be sent to their own men. Again, it is seldom pointed out that there was a food shortage in the South, particularly when Sherman was pillaging Georgia.  As a matter of fact, the death rate amongst the Confederate guards at Andersonville was higher than that of the prisoners. 
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from Diane:
No more federal taxes to support poor southern states, no education funds or subsidies. No more national park support in those states. No more military bases in the south for employment and the local economy boosts they provide. No representation in DC. No federal firefighters, no infrastructure help, no federal medical help and on and on.

The  "poor" southern states, Kansas included, would probably be better off. We would keep the kazillion dollars we send to DC that is collected as Federal fuel tax.  Instead of sending in your federal income tax, give it to your state. Bet in the long run the states would be much richer. Of coarse Pakistan and every other starving ass nation in the world would probably be pissed off when the states didn't send them billions every year to arm our enemies. The down size would be how would we know if motorist swerved to run over a snake but also swerved to miss a turtle unless some university got big buck to do a study---or how much methane gas a farting cow emits ?
What's a federal firefighter ? Don't think I ever saw one of them in Elk County. 

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