James C. Lear Elk County Sheriff Candidate

Started by James C. Lear Sr., July 03, 2012, 03:19:27 PM

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Quote from Patriot:
Let's make this easy, Marine: W e b s t e r
The dictionary people. LOL Now... go take that hill!
S'ok, Wilma.... Jarhead likes worms.

Sorry Flyboy---no hills left around here. They all melted down to noth'n but a bump on the ground.
Hey I don't like worms. Had them once back when I was a pup. Ma saw me out in the yard scooting around dragging my arse in the grass and gave me a couple of Ball Bluing to get rid of them worms. Still got green butt cheeks from the grass stains. Next time I see ya I'll show them to you. Real cool look'n I think .


Quote from: jarhead on July 30, 2012, 05:52:04 PM
Next time I see ya I'll show them to you. Real cool look'n I think .

Thanks, but I'll pass. :P

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.



Maybe Mr. Lear just wants to earn his votes one at a time I guess or maybe he just hopes everyone votes republican.


This time around I am definitely voting Republican.  That is all that is on my ballot.  Next Nov., we will just wait and see.


Quote from: Janet Harrington on July 28, 2012, 07:43:19 PM
In the case of my dis-election, the county wanted change and they got it. Good or bad, they got change. A lot of people would say for the good and they are welcome to their opinion.

Ahhh, Janet. There are those of us who miss you, yet thoroughly understand your reasoning for not running again. Continue to wish you the best in the future.  :D


Where have James Lears leadership qualitys got him so far in life? Does he work? what does he do ? Has he been unemployed longer then he has worked since he has lived here? He says he has five kids but didnt raise any of them as far as I know, how does he think he can run a sheriff dept.I think hes a guy that likes to hear his head rattle.


It seems to me the major qualification for any office in Elk County is that you are born and raised here?

Except for two County Commissioners that threw in Elk Konnected as what appeared to be a qualification,
during the Meet and Greet the Candidates?

What exactly makes Elk County politics tick?

Is it just hearsay, rumors and good old boys that work?

I have asked plenty of questions on another thread and there doesn't appear to be any born and raised from here that can respond with proper and polite and truthful answers. And I wonder why?

Is it because I wasn't born and raised here?

Do you think you have enough born and raised here to copulate and re-populate this area?

You born and raised here are going to have to learn to accept the outsiders sooner or later or watch your communities die.

These are facts of life.

Isn't it time to join the diversification of the rest of the world?

Where is that Elk Konnected think positive attitude for Elk County?


I think the elk connect think positive attitude voted.


Quote from: ELK@KC on August 08, 2012, 07:10:12 AM
I think the elk connect think positive attitude voted.

That remains to be seen doesn't it?

Or has the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners released the information to the special people?

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