James C. Lear Elk County Sheriff Candidate

Started by James C. Lear Sr., July 03, 2012, 03:19:27 PM

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Just Another Citizen

Mr. Lear is out of town visiting family so he might not be able to post on here for a few days. Also all social networking sites are just another tool for reaching voters. After analyzing all different types of media and the people that use it, the findings are conclusive that to reach all ages of voters than one has to be open to all avenues. Plus if you are worried about big brother watching your every move, you should probably just go off the grid completely with no phone, computer or even a car. If you really think big brother is worried about littly timmy going swimmy tomorrow and asking his friends who want to go on facebook than our government has spend too much time checking this stuff on facebook than worrying about high unemployment and the growing deficit.


      The only worry I have is WHAT THE YELL DOES THIS YOKEL HAVE TO OFFER ? 

     If you are his spokesperson , then you need to learn a little about communication, ( or lack of ).


Hey, he doesn't have to campaign until after the primary.  What's the hurry?  If you are so anxious to hear from him, why don't you go call on him?  Isn't it possible that we will be getting tired of the signs that are already out for a candidate that doesn't have any competition in the primary?


Yokel ?? Kinda harsh words for someone you profess to no knowing. I wouldn't think that someone who lives so far away would have so much interest anyway in a "Yokel County" election.

Just Another Citizen

I am not his spokesperson but I have talked to Mr. Lear and I like him. He is a conservative republican, a very decent and well mannered person, and he has experience in the law enforcement. If people are wanting to know more about him than they should call him up and send an invitation to sit down and talk to the man. Mr. Lear has also talked at numerous functions in quite a few different cities. I feel if you are happy with your current situation than don't change a thing but if you feel that there should be some differences and in all the years that the current sheriff has been in office and hasn't improved on a thing, than give Mr. Lear your vote.


     No hurry. Just figured since he joined the forum that he might tell a little more.

    Sorry for using the yokel word, Jarhead. I just think we're all yokels on this bus. What makes you think I'm so far away?

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Bullwinkle on July 13, 2012, 07:08:02 AM
     No hurry. Just figured since he joined the forum that he might tell a little more.

    Sorry for using the yokel word, Jarhead. I just think we're all yokels on this bus. What makes you think I'm so far away?

I really don't care where you live, Mr./Ms. Bullwinkle and I don't care who you are. I do care that you think everybody on this forum is a "yokel". I am not a "yokel" and you can use that derogatory term in reference to yourself and not to those of us on this forum. No one on this forum is naive or a gullible inhabitant of this area.

Definition of yokel
noun \ˈyō-kəl\

Definition of YOKEL

: a naive or gullible inhabitant of a rural area or small town

Examples of YOKEL

<a lame comedy about the misadventures of yokels in the big city>

Origin of YOKEL

perhaps from English dialect yokel green woodpecker, of imitative origin
First Known Use: circa 1812

Related to YOKEL

Synonyms: bumpkin, chawbacon, churl, clodhopper, cornball, countryman, hayseed, hillbilly, provincial, rube, rustic, hick

Antonyms: cosmopolitan, cosmopolite, sophisticate

Rhymes with YOKEL

focal, local, socle, vocal


    Back to the thread, I don't think face to face  meetings are quite as good as someone putting their thoughts, ideas, reasons for running for an office right here in a public forum. What goes on behind closed doors may differ. To risk being called a "Ross" , I think this is the perfect place to express what your agenda is. I don't take the term Yokel ,(Obviously ) the same as others. I don't have a problem with it , after traveling the country, I actually take it as a term of pride, that I am" country".

Janet Harrington

Being called "country" and being called a "yokel" are two totally different. "Yokel" = "naive" "country" = "location, area, land, hick, hillbilly"

I am not naive and I don't believe that anyone else on this forum is either.


Quote[I don't think face to face  meetings are quite as good as someone putting their thoughts, ideas, reasons for running for an office right here in a public forum. What goes on behind closed doors may differ. To risk being called a "Ross" , I think /quote]

Whoa! there pardner!......Face to face is the only way we know how the person is saying what he/she is meaning.  The forum strips all inflection, intonation and personability away from the thought.

What goes on behind closed doors only applies to copulation, Commissioner's sessions, and Vegas (Mafia not excluded)

Tread lightly  there Winky!

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