James C. Lear Elk County Sheriff Candidate

Started by James C. Lear Sr., July 03, 2012, 03:19:27 PM

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As you know Janet, when it comes to "EX" relation it is better to keep ones mouth shut---pro or con. To open it one way or the other only pisses one side or the other off. Now you quit trying to get me to stick my foot in my mouth---again---like I usually do. :D

Like you ,I'm not sure why people are so upset with Mr. Lear for not answering all their questions on this forum. I do not know Mr. Lear and wouldn't know him if he ran up and kicked me in the arse but I think someone said he was out of state at this time. Maybe he has a job that takes him out of state--I don't know, but it's possible he is a busy man trying to make a living . Maybe he don't have time to be on the forum all the time like a few of us ---I mean, some of you are. :angel:
Hell, maybe the poor guy only types with one finger---one letter at a time, like I do, and does not have 30 minutes to labor over a message, like I just did, typing this.


I just think things are good in the sheriff deparment the way it is. I know alot people had some big regrets in Sedan some years ago. Getting some one new and full of beans scares me a little bit. Anyone I have met from sheriff dept doesnt seem to have any kind of god almighty with a badge attitude and I never set on the road stalled for more than 10 minutes that one didnt come along and offer help.
What worrys me is that he may not be intirely truthful. He says he lived in Howard for several years how many is that, I heard 3 or 4 and thats only a few years to me.I dont know if that means anything or not. I looked at his facebook page and seems its only for show too. I heard he can blow smoke up your rear so fast you will love him when he walks away and wont realize he insulted  you for about 20 or 30 more minutes.


     His post said he looked forward to addressing any concerns people might have. If so, why not here ?

    I see no reason to wait until later. If all he was doing by posting was getting a free political ad, nuf said.


Amazing!  I see one candidate (of many in Elk county) post a simple introduction on this forum, giving very open contact information, and inviting the electorate to call, write, email or even personally visit to discuss any questions or concerns they may have.  Yet here are those who are too lazy to dial a phone or write an email who pillory him for not living here on this forum at your beck and call.  What about all the other folks running for public office?  Where are they, and where are all your voices regarding their lack of accessibility on the forum?

You've even had positive reports by third parties here regarding this man & his children, yet still you whine.  Since your vote is a personal & private matter, I would challenge you who are complaining to do your civic duties... you investigate the candidate, you contact him, you research the facts... rather than sit on your laurels and expect to be hand fed on your schedule.  I don't believe Mr. Lear suggested that you question him here, rather he gave you valid avenues of contact.  Do you have no lives away from your precious keyboards & outside this forum?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Wonder of all wonders, I have to applaud Mr. Patriot for his post.  He just put in plain words and better words than I could have used, my exact thoughts on this matter.  If this is your only avenue for information on the candidates, I feel sorry for  you.  You are not going to get what you want by tapping a keyboard.

Besides, Mr. Lear does not have any competition in the near election.  His competition will be in the Nov. election.  What's the hurry about campaigning now and giving the voters a chance to get tired of you?  Better to concentrate on the candidates who do have competition this time around


Janet Harrington

@jarhead - I really wasn't trying to get you to stick your foot in your mouth. Really, I wasn't.

@ Patriot - You rock!


Janet is still as smart as I always knew she was.


Posted by: Patriot
QuoteWhat about all the other folks running for public office?  Where are they, and where are all your voices regarding their lack of accessibility on the forum?

Patriot...I find this ironical as you chimed in along with Ross on the Elk Konnected forum and tried to ask the same questions of the now running Ms. Hendricks.  And we know where that got us 1500000 pages later with the same unresponse.
I have come to the conclusion that no one in Elk County talks to each other. 

Janet: I am not bothered.
I personally do care if certain people take over this foum and turn it into a Topix...which I find disguesting...

and p.s.   I have a life outside of this forum.
ready to retire


Quote from: readyaimduck on July 29, 2012, 05:52:38 PM
Posted by: Patriot
Patriot...I find this ironical as you chimed in along with Ross on the Elk Konnected forum and tried to ask the same questions of the now running Ms. Hendricks.  And we know where that got us 1500000 pages later with the same unresponse.
I have come to the conclusion that no one in Elk County talks to each other. 

Unlike Elk Konnected, Mr Lear never INVITED folks to use this forum as a primary means of communication.  Two different fruits, ready.  Let's stick with apples here & let the prunes stay with Elk Konnected.  By not posting here, Mr Lear has not made himself out to be untruthful.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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