James C. Lear Elk County Sheriff Candidate

Started by James C. Lear Sr., July 03, 2012, 03:19:27 PM

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      Sorry, I missed that tidbit.  :-[ Sounds more like an apprenticeship. I'm guessing this is quite common. Good thing about the Forum, you learn things all the time. ;D

    OK, next question, who minds the store when said trainee is off at school ? A deputy? I guess Andy did leave Barney in charge once in a while.  Mr Durbin's question is certainly more pertinent however.


Quotewhether Mr. Lear was a certified Kansas law enforcement officer

I interpreted that to ask is he now, and if he is not, do you as taxpayers want to send him through training.
My question to Janet, as she has been in this position:  Is it better, or more advantageous to have someone in that position that has a background in the field, or is it better to start off with no preconceived idead?
  Would be interesting to hear from Mr. Lear himself?????!!!!



The undersheriff is usually in charge while the sheriff is taking his training.  However, there is the time between his election and actually taking office that the old sheriff is still in office.  The new sheriff getting the necessary training during that period depends on whether there is a class available during that time.


I have been to classes at the taxpayer's tab.  It is not cheap with class fees, food and lodging. gas for the vehicle. 
Again, is this what you want to do if you believe in Mr. Lear? 
Who cares who is in charge while he is getting his education. 
If he is not certified, then he gets his education for free, so to speak, and he gets to move on at your county's expense.
If he is certified, then let's hear from him.



QuoteHi my name is James C. Lear Sr. I’m running for Elk County Sheriff on the Republican ticket. I’m 49 years old, I have lived in Howard for several years. My experience is 28 years in law enforcement, security and military combined. I also have experience in several other safety fields. Honorably discharged from the United States Air Force. I’m married and have five children. If you have any further questions you can email me at jamesclearsr@gmail.com and I will be happy to answer them for you. You can also find me on Facebook. If you would like to meet me in person and set down and talk. You can come by my house I live at 746 E. Jefferson St. Howard. I look forward to meeting people and addressing any concerns you might have.

I guess that explains it.  He will only meet you face to face, or by email.  and this forum is different than e-mail because??????

ready to be confused.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: ddurbin on July 22, 2012, 12:03:07 AM
Pardon my butting in here, but the question was asked in post #25 whether Mr. Lear was a certified Kansas law enforcement officer, but I don't recall there ever being a definite yes or no answer provided.  Shouldn't that be established before getting too far along on who pays for the training if he isn't?

I think this is a question that Mr. Lear should answer. I don't know if he is a certified officer or not. He can answer that question.


Mr. Lear ,You say you have lived in Howard for several years, we know your children have but can you tell us exactly how many years you have lived in howard? For what reason did your children not live with you for so many years? You also say you have 28 years in law enforcement ,security and military combined but can you tell us besides your security guard and military job do you have any other law enforcement experience. How long were you in the miliatry and what branch and title?


I can't answer many of your questions but I beleive in Mr Lears first post he said he was Honerably discharged from the US Air Force

Janet Harrington

And, the last I knew, Mr. Lear was out of state.

Ok, now let me go through this again. If Mr. Lear wins the office of sheriff, he would attend a 2 week sheriff school at the training academy during the last week of November and the first week of December or the first two weeks of December. This is required for all newly elected sheriffs. This is before he takes the office of sheriff.

If he is not a Kansas certified law enforcement officer, then he would be required to attend the 12 week program when the academy could get him a spot after he takes office in January..

His undersheriff, (which he is required to have), will run his office.

All Kansas law enforcement officers go to the training academy at the expense of the tax payer. Mr. Hanks went there at the expense of the City of Longton, I believe.

Janet Harrington

Quote from: readyaimduck on July 22, 2012, 11:59:40 AM

My question to Janet, as she has been in this position:  Is it better, or more advantageous to have someone in that position that has a background in the field, or is it better to start off with no preconceived idead?

The only answer I can give you, ready, is this..it depends on whether or not the Elk County voters want change or not? Simple answer. If the voters don't want change, then so be it. If they do want change, it will happen.

I want you to notice that I said VOTERS. It is not the citizens who make these decisions. It is the citizens who are registered voters who make these changes or not.

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