Story About Barack Bilbo, Head Race Baiter & His Lil' Race Baiters

Started by Warph, June 28, 2012, 09:32:19 PM

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Barack Bilbo
By Jeffrey Lord on 6.28.12 @ 6:09AM

First is this one: First is this one, which shows President Obama in the White House Rose Garden announcing he is issuing an executive order that allows millions of illegal immigrants -- read: Hispanics -- to remain in this country regardless of their illegal status.
It which shows President Obama in the White House Rose Garden announcing he is issuing an executive order that allows millions of illegal immigrants -- read: Hispanics -- to remain in this country regardless of their illegal status.

The second?: This is a clip of a more modern Theodore Bilbo (and one for whom video is available). That would be Alabama Governor George Wallace, a Democrat, giving his inaugural address on the steps of the Alabama State Capitol in which, just as President Obama was doing in the Rose Garden, Wallace makes a defiant stand in favor of racial politics. After running a winning campaign for governor built around a Bilbo-style appeal to the little guy, pledges to spend money on building schools -- and making sure, in Wallace's own words, that he was never "out-segged" -- meaning losing because he wasn't sufficiently appealing to the white segregationist vote.

In other words, the first clip with Obama is all about a smooth racial pitch to Latinos.

The second, from Wallace, a bit more unsophisticated if still exactly on target, is all about a racial pitch to whites.

You might call the first video the Party of the Klan goes Latino. Which is to say there is zero difference in the Left when it comes to the politics of race. As a matter of fact, to illustrate the point more vividly, here are some of Theodore Bilbo's progressive peers making their racial statement in the Washington, DC of 1928. And here are progressive Latinos in Arizona reacting to Governor Jan Brewer's signing of the immigration bill that was the subject of this week's Supreme Court ruling. Like those white progressive Klan members in 1928, these progressive Latinos were making their statement on race.

Not to be left out, of course, is Al Sharpton.

Here, for example, is the Reverend Al Sharpton (Black Racist A$$hole) making a racial pitch to blacks by insisting that the upcoming House contempt citation for Eric Holder is all guessed it...RACE!:

This, by the way, from the same Al Sharpton whose Bilbo-esque use of race is captured here.

This would be, by the way, the same Attorney General Holder who refused to prosecute the New Black Panthers for standing outside a Philadelphia polling place with nightsticks:

Sharpton also used his Holder "it's all about race" press conference to attack Texas Senator John Cornyn for calling on Holder to resign not just over Fast and Furious but for using the Justice Department to block states fighting against voter fraud. Voter fraud that, according to Sharpton, "does not exist."


No less than Sharpton's fellow MSNBC host Chris Matthews (White Racist A$$hole) took to his own Hardball show
on July 20, 2011 to say the opposite: "I know all about it in North Philly. It's what went on. And I believe it still goes on."

For those not from Pennsylvania, "North Philly" -- North Philadelphia, has a heavy concentration of African-Americans and Puerto Ricans, aka "Latinos." So on the one hand Matthews is saying there is voter fraud going on in a heavily populated black and Puerto Rican section of Philadelphia -- and Al Sharpton is insisting voter fraud isn't happening.

Yet mysteriously, as we noted yesterday, Matthews jumped on the Pennsylvania State House Majority Leader -- Republican Mike Turzai of Pittsburgh -- for publicly saying the passage of a Pennsylvania voter ID law would enable Governor Romney to win Pennsylvania. After all, we can't be having fraud-free elections in Pennsylvania, can we?

Did Chris Matthews Participate in Voter Fraud?

This is the same Matthews, by the way, who blurted a Bilbo-esque admission on air a while back while watching President Obama. What did he say? Oh yes....Matthews said that he "forgot he [the President] was black."

One can be certain that Theodore Bilbo wouldn't have forgotten either.  Thus goes the game of identity politics and appealing to Americans by race.

A recent contender in the race base game was this commercial on so-called "white privilege" sponsored by the University of Minnesota with an assist from the University of Colorado and the NAACP:

The commercial is a lovely example of racial Marxism. Recall that it was Marx who came up with the idea that all thought was the result of the class of the thinkers. There was no such thing as objective truth. Every concept that exists, went the line, was the result of an "ideological superstructure" imposed by class.

Racial Marxism, as vividly displayed in the "white privilege" commercial, is designed to convince that whites think differently than blacks (and presumably anyone else "of color") for no other reason than their color. The Ku Klux Klan -- filled with all those long ago progressives -- could not have said it better.

In fact, this was exactly what Theodore Bilbo believed. Not only did the progressive Bilbo agree with the University of Minnesota progressives and those from the NAACP that there was white privilege, he argued that it must be preserved at all costs. Writing in his infamous book Take Your Choice: Separation or Mongrelization...
.....Bilbo made a literary appeal to the white race based entirely on the views he had been using to win votes for decades.

Last but not least in all of this is the venerable leftist magazine Mother Jones, which featured the kind of June cover on identity politics that both Bilbo and Obama would surely admire. Titled "WTF, GOP?" it lists a Bilbo and Obama favorite "People who hate banks" as number two in a list of groups believes the GOP has offended. Not for Mother Jones (why aren't they named Mother Group?) the idea that Americans are individuals and that conservatives appeal to people in a color-blind, gender blind fashion. No sireee. The list of groups in addition to "people who hate banks" that are supposedly offended by the GOP include "Latinos" (but of course) and the Bilbo-esque "The 99%". There was also people who like sex (!!?), old people, gays, vets, gay vets, old people, sick people, scientists...etc. yada yada yada.

The other day MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry (Black Racist Bitch) stood up to do her Bilbo impression, applying a little Bilbo-esque racial thinking to the American (read: George W. Bush) response to 9/11.

Said the MSNBC host -- to the "Take Back the Dream" conference (a veritable cornucopia of skincolor judging/capitalist hating leftists who surely would have thrilled to hear from Theodore Bilbo):

The other thing that happens in that moment, I don't want to miss this, is that a new version of what America typically needs emerges -- and that is a racial enemy. Americans, in part, identify who we are and who deserves what through our notion of whiteness and who are our racial enemies that are the non-whites.

The new racial enemy became not so much Reagan's "welfare queen," who was imaginary, but instead this imagined other that is somehow Muslim, or Arab, or Sikh, or something else.

As stupid as Ms. Harris-Perry is, she may have no idea who Theodore Bilbo was. But like Barack Obama, she made her own version of exactly the kind of pitch that Theodore Bilbo used to fuel his entire career. Just as Theodore Bilbo needed racial enemies, so too, apparently, does Melissa Harris-Perry. Not to mention MSNBC.

Why? Because race is the base. And, although Harris-Perry didn't play the rich are the hitch card at this lovely gathering, an Occupy Wall Street-style hate fest about the woes of the "99%" was on the agenda.

Which brings us back to where we started. With this quote from the man himself, Theodore Bilbo:

I intend raising hell with the money lords, the privileged few, the men who hold 90 per cent of the wealth of the nation.

Imagine that.

A lifetime member of the Ku Klux Klan, a politician who got himself elected playing the race card over and over and over again -- a man who has been dead lo these past 65 years -- was once upon a time saying the very same progressive things as Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, Chris Matthews, and the conference agenda that hosted Melissa Harris-Perry.

Will racism ever end? Will envy ever end? Not if the Left has anything to say about it.


Because there are too many political and media careers that can be made profitable politically and financially by keeping racism and envy alive and well.

If he were here, you could ask Bilbo the Builder. But since he isn't... try Jay Carney.

Or Eric Holder.[/font][/size]
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

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