Come hell or high water, Elk County....

Started by Patriot, June 13, 2012, 05:06:21 AM

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Quote from: Vitriol on June 14, 2012, 11:17:37 PM
So by being opposed to any and all forms of incentives to get someone to move here, work here, or improve here you are happy with how it is here.

Happy with the status quo?  No.  Interested in continuing to follow 10+ years of policy leadership that has produced little, if any, forward progress (growth)?  No.  Prepared to see the what the efforts of smaller government, conservative policies can achieve?  Yes.  Anxious to see self interest and cronyism eliminated from government?  Definitely.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Varmit on June 15, 2012, 12:17:46 AM

Actually, I and others are trying to change it by exposing the poor way in which it is run and has been ran for quite some time.

By the way, deflect much?
. How is presenting a view that differs from yours about incentivizing growth of the area deflecting.  The issue to be on point is getting people to move here, or work here by offering a discount for five years on taxable improvements made here.  It has nothing to do with socioeconomic status or the fact that it wasn't your idea.  You are automatically opposed to anything you didn't create. 

What happens in  the sixth year of the program?    What is the net gain for the county if an improved asset is constructed verses not improving?  It depreciates.  It loses value.  It has a lower taxability.  With out new growth the value of elk county flatlines.  You spend more time bring down the faults but offer no other way to improve.  You do not want the communities to work together because that is socialism.  You want  less government but applaud doubling the county work force. That is counterintuitive.  You want less county waste but abdicate hiring more employees.  Sounds like a double standard.  You complain that the current commission has a ten year track record of failure but yet every seat was unopposed for how many terms?  Now you think because it is an election year the second coming will happen the first week of November. 

Offer me a solution that fulfills your bucket list.  Sit on your hands and watch has worked well for you. 


QuoteWhat happens in  the sixth year of the program?    What is the net gain for the county if an improved asset is constructed verses not improving?  It depreciates.  It loses value.  It has a lower taxability.

Please be careful of your statement, IRB, Tax Break can gain NOTHING for the county for X amount of years, or the depreciation that you speak of is in increments over a period of time.

Meaning....what normally should bring $taxes in for the county, will only trickle in.
How are the Commissioners to base their budget on what was supposed to be versus what is given.
I think you only look narrowly (sp) instead of a bigger picture for all.
ready to .....hmmmmm


Quote from: Vitriol on June 15, 2012, 07:23:45 PM
. How is presenting a view that differs from yours about incentivizing growth of the area deflecting. 

The "deflecting" comment was aimed at the way you made this a personal matter instead of sticking to the facts at hand.
I honestly don't see how a tax incentive like this one will do anything for the county as a whole. Businesses ARE NOT going to come to this county, period. At least not ones that are big enough to really make a difference. Why would they? We are in the middle of no where. Building costs, transportation costs, those alone would make it cost prohibitive. So the only people that are going to benefit from this are those that have the capital to invest in their own property.

I don't mind the communities working together, so long as it is on a voluntary basis and not mandated. I don't mind the county hiring more workers to do the job, such as they did with the Road Crew. They didn't double the work force size. Again, try and stick with the facts. If you don't have enugh people to get the job done than you hire more, thats how it works.

As far as "improving" Elk County, I don't see a major need for it. I like the fact that the population is small, if i wanted to live in a city I'd move to wichitia. Fix the roads and i"d be happy.

It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from Varmit:
I like the fact that the population is small, if i wanted to live in a city I'd move to wichitia. .

Finally---someone who feels the same as I do . For some of us that have spent our whole lives in this poverty stricken area, we did it because we like it here. It never ceases to amaze me the people that move here to get away from big city life, or the ones who moved to cities to make their fortune, then move back for the rural living lifestyle and the first thing they want to do is impose big city ideas on us. "we need zoning---we need to make sure a weed does not grow higher than 12 inches---we don't want stink'n chickens or hogs in our vicinity---and on and on " If you don't like rural living then maybe a city is better suited for you
---and Don't let the door of Elk county hit you in the arse as you leave !!!


That must be the reason I returned to Elk County after 56 years of living elsewhere.


Quote from: jarhead on June 16, 2012, 11:03:06 AM
Finally---someone who feels the same as I do . For some of us that have spent our whole lives in this poverty stricken area, we did it because we like it here. It never ceases to amaze me the people that move here to get away from big city life, or the ones who moved to cities to make their fortune, then move back for the rural living lifestyle and the first thing they want to do is impose big city ideas on us. "we need zoning---we need to make sure a weed does not grow higher than 12 inches---we don't want stink'n chickens or hogs in our vicinity---and on and on " If you don't like rural living then maybe a city is better suited for you
---and Don't let the door of Elk county hit you in the arse as you leave !!!

Or folks who, while they may be from here, have been infected with the 'bigger is always better' bug and try to impose big city planning initiatives quietly while not fully informing th rest of the public of 'the plan'.   Better roads, a decent store or two, decent fire & police protection... great!  Back door plans to use government to benefit a few who think they are somehow entitled or privileged?  I don't think so. 

As with Obama's latest 'selective immigration enforcement', it's less about immigration than it is a privileged political class who takes matters into their own hands, circumvents process and single handedly passes their personal agenda... especially with other peoples money.

What was it I said earlier...
Quote from: Patriot on June 15, 2012, 12:44:10 AM
Happy with the status quo?  No.  Interested in continuing to follow 10+ years of policy leadership that has produced little, if any, forward progress (growth)?  No.  Prepared to see the what the efforts of smaller government, conservative policies can achieve?  Yes.  Anxious to see self interest and cronyism eliminated from government?  Definitely.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Varmit on June 15, 2012, 11:58:12 PM
The "deflecting" comment was aimed at the way you made this a personal matter instead of sticking to the facts at hand.
I honestly don't see how a tax incentive like this one will do anything for the county as a whole. Businesses ARE NOT going to come to this county, period. At least not ones that are big enough to really make a difference. Why would they? We are in the middle of no where. Building costs, transportation costs, those alone would make it cost prohibitive. So the only people that are going to benefit from this are those that have the capital to invest in their own property.

I don't mind the communities working together, so long as it is on a voluntary basis and not mandated. I don't mind the county hiring more workers to do the job, such as they did with the Road Crew. They didn't double the work force size. Again, try and stick with the facts. If you don't have enugh people to get the job done than you hire more, thats how it works.

As far as "improving" Elk County, I don't see a major need for it. I like the fact that the population is small, if i wanted to live in a city I'd move to wichitia. Fix the roads and i"d be happy.

Actually Varmit, the infrastructure is already there for transportation.If i were a big business  I would locate to moline preferrably  building where the abandoned buildings are right next to the tracks.   Then petition the state to widen 99 from 160 all the way up to 400.  That would open up the corridor.  99 currently isn't a legal road to run semi's down.  It has to have a shoulder.  Not as through traffic that is.  The water is in place,but  is it enough water   Might have to connect to a larger source of water.   Communications is here, but need t1 lines coming in or fiber, not sure if that is available and a supply of natural gas for any manufacturing.  I don't know if thee would manufacturers willing but maybe tech companies IF and only if they could get the skilled workers they would need.  That would require the  high school to produce a labor force skilled enough to enter on a entry level job.   

Another idea would be to build up a packing plant. You can ship out to dist points via rail in refer cars.   Theres plenty of land for taking cattle to to feedlot them. theres two such businesses that could thrive here. Cheaper in that trans costs drop drastically if they are local and then if folks want to grow corn, theres the feed for the lots. Theres quite a few silos that sit unused in howard that i've seen.

Being that this economy hasn't hit bottom yet, and if it does its going to make 1928 look like a sunday picnic it would behoove folks to build and grow local producers of food!   You may not be able to drive or bring in food to the local store any other way if it gets bad enough and fuel prices go through the roof. 

Just saying you know...
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


I find it hard to believe that very many elk countians want a packing house and trucking operation in the county. Steve why don,t you push that in greenwood county where you live. I think jarhead  made the most sense about all this push to bring jobs and big business to elk county.


Quote from: frawin on June 16, 2012, 06:54:44 PM
I find it hard to believe that very many elk countians want a packing house and trucking operation in the county. Steve why don,t you push that in greenwood county where you live. I think jarhead  made the most sense about all this push to bring jobs and big business to elk county.

well then they don't want industry or jobs.  Elk has absolutely nothing to offer any business other than packing houses and that type of business.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

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