Come hell or high water, Elk County....

Started by Patriot, June 13, 2012, 05:06:21 AM

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Come hell or high water, Elk County Commissioners Hendricks & Liebau, in concert with the county appraiser and economic development director/youth coordinator are hell bent on implementing a 'revitalization' program ( read: 'property tax rebates for the special few') in Elk County.  For background, see the link below.  This is a giveaway program with absolutely no evidence it will grow or improve anything here, and it is being foisted on this county by a few elitists who are determined to recklessly keep up with the Jonses in other counties, regardless of the wisdom of doing so.  These are the same people who fully support state tax law changes that would allow for an increase in property taxes on grasslands.

No public disclosure has been made as to the realistic expectations of this program for Elk County.  No evaluation of the projected loss of tax revenues due to the tax rebates involved have been made public.  No specific geograpic areas have been targeted for the 'improvements' that this plan purports to promote.  In fact, as observed by the new county counsellor at Monday's commission meeting, the state of Kansas actually discourages applying this program on a county wide basis.  Do we listen?  No.  It appears that Commissioner Hendricks is damned determined to pad her political resume with yet another 'look what I got done in Elk county' item.... regardless of the need, outcomes, long term consequences, without solid evidence and in spite of any reasoned objection.  

At least Commissioner Ritz has the common business sense to stand alone against this do-little plan.  Why?  Because it has been thrown together (literally plagiarized from another county's plan), pushed without evidence of what it will accomplish and rushed into with no open study of effect or consequence.  In short, he seems to wisely oppose the "everybody's doin' it & just because we can" approach.

Well, Elk citizens, you're getting the county government you asked for.  Thanks to the efforts of at least two commissioners you have elected, you have the highest property tax rates in Kansas, some of the worst infrastructure in Kansas, a shrinking & rapidly aging population, and some of the lowest median incomes in the United States.  You wonder why our kids leave?  Wake up!  Some of your elected officials are obviously more interested in their personal pet projects, power, personal prestige, political resume building and ability to micromanage than they are the real growth of your county.  They have (other than in an election year) raised your taxes, refused to consider reasonable pay increases for a number of dedicated public employees, allowed infrastructure to suffer as they focused on movies after school, water slides at the fair, funded expensive tile roofs and unneeded boiler systems and engaged in tax dollar giveaways to every new 'program' with a hand held out..  Well, in case you haven't noticed, the entire economy is in bad shape, costs are up, services are down.  Many government bodies are looking to stabilize revenues, reduce taxes and cut unnecessary expenditures... at least the successful governments have.  Yet two of your elected officials are looking to add insult to injury by giving selective special tax treatment, in the form of property tax rebates, to a very few all at your expense.  You still have to pay for the checks they will continue to write.

There will be a noticed public hearing before this plan is finalized.  Look for it.

In other news, you have a chance this year to try a new approach. An approach that might recognize that your tax dollars belong to you and not a few elected officials and non-elected bureaucrats to waste or give away to every salesman with a slick pitch & a tin cup.  An approach that could lead to wisely chosen spending of your tax monies.  Will it be 4 more years of what hasn't worked, or a fresh look at the challenges we face?  Do your research, time is short.

Revitalization program basics:,13278.0.html

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


What happens in year six? 

You are certainly willing to squander tax payer subsidized pilots funds as quickly as they arrive(late).  What is wrong with investing in elk county.   

You want the expense of tearing down the courthouse?  No. Then you have to pay to keep the roof on it.  Why do you get to pick and choose what is good sound investing and what is beggar by redneck. 

You cannot project expected loss of  income to the county without guessing.   

I  think you are just pissed because you already built your goat porn infrastructure and can't expense it off.  You elitist values don't hold water.  You can not even remodel a bathroom and not have  spent ten grand.  You can half ass it and under cut professionals by hiring idiots but then you get electric lines ran in  plumbing pipe and have to repair it prematurely.  Quit looking ahead ten minutes and start gazing out ten years.  If you can see beyond you current obsession with KOMA, editorializing the local paper for shootouts with EK, and invest for the grand kids not your own miserly tax burden then we might see growth in the area.  You can't micromanage from your jazzy if you are not looking beyond your own personal retirement quest.  Cheap is not better.

If you buy a car and the dealer gives you a low rate you don't purchase because of the sales pitch.  If you can afford to buy the car you will shop the rates and find the best deal.  If you are looking between improving your  elk county residence or spruce up the sedgwacker place but elk county was going to give you a tax break for five years, you would build here. 

I have not seen you out grading the road, mowing the ditches to eliminate the burden of the county tax payer.  I have not seen a free clinic to give shots and deal with health issues sponsored by  With your extensive ability to google economic ideas should flow like water as you volunteer to take on the economic development role that you are morbidly obsessed with belittling.  With the exception of picking  one piece of recyclable material out of a  tire of your vehicle I don't see a positive impact you are having on the retaining of talent or the creation of jobs.   Are a part of the solid waste committee?  On a library board?
Ya, I know you want to be the county manager to show us dumb hicks how to get things done cheaper,  with no nepotism, no politics, no economic strife, and good Christian constitutional values.  But you don't have the sack to run for office.  Maybe after the election you could be appointed czar.   You create a county position, you create more government.  You are still talking out of both sides of your mouth.  You applauded the hiring of more road crew then complain about high taxes.  Fire all the employees and keep you money will not help one bit.
   You are like a super PAC.  No candidate just negative anonymous message. You jump on the headline and don't read the back page.

Research all you want,  time is not short just for the short sighted.


Taxes wouldn't be so damn high if the money were handled properly and not squandered!!! Most folks around here are doing good to pay their taxes. What and how is this program going to help? More importantly who is it directed at? Certainly not the average citizen! It is noting more than an abuse of power and position!

And granted it may be a guess but I would say that the losses to the county are only going to continue to grow under our current management. No jobs, high taxes with very little to show for it, no oppurtunity,...why would a business want to relocate here? We are hell and gone from anywhere without the population to support any major business. Regardless of tax rebates no ones coming. Get that through your head.

You want improvment in this county than quit throwing money out the window on pet projects and programs that show no measurable benefit to the county AS A WHOLE, and are only profitable to a select few.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Vitriol on June 14, 2012, 08:43:19 PM
What happens in year six?  

You are certainly willing to squander tax payer subsidized pilots funds as quickly as they arrive(late).  What is wrong with investing in elk county.  

You want the expense of tearing down the courthouse?  No. Then you have to pay to keep the roof on it.  Why do you get to pick and choose what is good sound investing and what is beggar by redneck.  

You cannot project expected loss of  income to the county without guessing.  

I  think you are just pissed because you already built your goat porn infrastructure and can't expense it off.  You elitist values don't hold water.  You can not even remodel a bathroom and not have  spent ten grand.  You can half ass it and under cut professionals by hiring idiots but then you get electric lines ran in  plumbing pipe and have to repair it prematurely.  Quit looking ahead ten minutes and start gazing out ten years.  If you can see beyond you current obsession with KOMA, editorializing the local paper for shootouts with EK, and invest for the grand kids not your own miserly tax burden then we might see growth in the area.  You can't micromanage from your jazzy if you are not looking beyond your own personal retirement quest.  Cheap is not better.

If you buy a car and the dealer gives you a low rate you don't purchase because of the sales pitch.  If you can afford to buy the car you will shop the rates and find the best deal.  If you are looking between improving your  elk county residence or spruce up the sedgwacker place but elk county was going to give you a tax break for five years, you would build here.  

I have not seen you out grading the road, mowing the ditches to eliminate the burden of the county tax payer.  I have not seen a free clinic to give shots and deal with health issues sponsored by  With your extensive ability to google economic ideas should flow like water as you volunteer to take on the economic development role that you are morbidly obsessed with belittling.  With the exception of picking  one piece of recyclable material out of a  tire of your vehicle I don't see a positive impact you are having on the retaining of talent or the creation of jobs.   Are a part of the solid waste committee?  On a library board?
Ya, I know you want to be the county manager to show us dumb hicks how to get things done cheaper,  with no nepotism, no politics, no economic strife, and good Christian constitutional values.  But you don't have the sack to run for office.  Maybe after the election you could be appointed czar.   You create a county position, you create more government.  You are still talking out of both sides of your mouth.  You applauded the hiring of more road crew then complain about high taxes.  Fire all the employees and keep you money will not help one bit.
  You are like a super PAC.  No candidate just negative anonymous message. You jump on the headline and don't read the back page.

Research all you want,  time is not short just for the short sighted.

Well, by golly... you sure told me, now didn't you?   I do believe I elsewhere lauded the commission for their 'investment' in Elk County with the PILOT funds.  So apparently I do support fiscally wise investments in our community.  As for ditch mowing, feel free to check again... my mowing is generally 5' - 10' beyond the edge that county cuts and usually includes a mile or more in length (both sides of the road, btw).  How about yours?  As with those items, most of your other assumptions and 'facts' are also either unfounded or untrue.  Or both.  

Do tell... have I yet again Konnected with a liberal nerve or two?

Varmit, your observations display positions based on reasoned study of the subject.  Thanks.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


By the way, Vitriol... as I've said before... your moniker is most fitting.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


QuoteYou are certainly willing to squander tax payer subsidized pilots funds as quickly as they arrive(late).  What is wrong with investing in elk county.  
1.  That is not only the most important question taxpayers should ask of their Comissioners.

2.   I noticed that your nic' Vitriol' isn't sarcasm as in ironic, but a  full out definition of your writing.
3.  This was the most interesting read thread as of yet.

From what I have been seeing, reading and observing in the county:  
A big city dream for a small town is great, untill the invite list to the party is only a select few rigged to appear to the masses to benefit the select few.
that would be a 'fail' on soooooooo many levels.

Something is just not right at the High county level!



You know what...hang on just a second.  Lets say they pass this thing and it goes into effect before election time.  That could actually be a major boom for the citizens of this county. Think about it. If the voters of this county decide to get rid of those commissioners that pass this put their name on a list and openly and publicly declare who they voted for, then shouldn't they get a tax rebate? 

After all they are making a MAJOR improvement to the county as a whole, that would include their property. 
Maybe this "neigborhood revitalization" isn't that bad of an idea!!!
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: Varmit on June 14, 2012, 09:46:47 PM
After all they are making a MAJOR improvement to the county as a whole, that would include their property. 
Maybe this "neigborhood revitalization" isn't that bad of an idea!!!

Of course, subsequent un-ringing of the bell might be a sticky wicket.  But, what the heck!  LOL

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


So by being opposed to any and all forms of incentives to get someone to move here, work here, or improve here you are happy with how it is here.  So shut up about high taxes.  Shut up about loss of population.  Shut up about lack of infrastructure.  You like it the way it is or you would change it.

Wasted opportunity.  But you all are so much more successful than I will ever be so I bow out to you guru's of prosperity and economic growth.  See you on the back nine.  Maybe I could caddy for you someday after the tax auction.


Never said I was opposed to anyone moving, working, or improving here. Please try to stick to the facts at hand. Um, NO I will not shut up about high taxes, espcially when they are wasted.

Actually, I and others are trying to change it by exposing the poor way in which it is run and has been ran for quite some time.

By the way, deflect much?
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.

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