Like Slimey Cockroaches & their crooked President, Liberals Spread Disease

Started by Warph, May 31, 2012, 08:45:08 AM

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TOLEDO UNION LEADERS Busted Stealing Romney-Ryan Signs

By: Jim Hoft
11/2/2012 10:18 PM

"The union leaders of Local 33 Sheet Metal Workers were busted this morning stealing Romney-Ryan signs."

Four Obama supporters driving a union truck were arrested this morning for stealing Romney-Ryan signs.
The truck was filled with stolen Romney signs.

The Ohio Liberty Coalition reported:

The Ohio Liberty Coalition today released a police report from the arrest at 1:00 AM Friday morning by the Perrysburg Police Department of four males, driving in a Ford F-150 pickup that was filled with stolen Romney campaign signs. The truck's owner is the Sheet Metal Workers International, Union Local 33 ( in Parma, OH. (Police Report Attached as PDF) Many of the stolen signs were believed to have been put up by members of the Northwest Ohio Conservative Coalition ( according to John McAvoy the President of the Group.

Police Report:

McAvoy described the situation as it was reported to him:

This morning 4 men driving a pickup truck registered to the Sheet Metal Union, Local 33 were arrested and charged with receiving stolen property – in the form of a bed full of Romney/Ryan yard signs, some measuring as large as 4′x8′. Also in the truck were tools such as drills, which were possibly used to take the large signs down. The signs were allegedly removed from several private property and business locations across Lucas and Wood County.

He continued by adding:

We find it unfortunate that the Sheet Metal Union is involved in such low behavior and actively suppressing freedom of speech during such an important election. We hope the news media will investigate. Wide reports of Romney signs being stolen have been an issue for many weeks, but this is the first we've heard of anyone being caught.

The Toledo Blade has more:

Those charged with receiving stolen property included John Russell, 39, of Toledo, and Chris Monaghan 41, of Rossford, who are both listed on the Sheet Metal Workers Local 33 Web site as business agents for the union's Toledo district.

The men were in a pickup truck registered to Local 33 in Parma, Ohio, police said.

Also cited were Corey J. Beaubien, 37, and Sean Bresler, 33, both of Toledo.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Navy SEALS Group on Nov. 4th To Broadcast Anti-Obama Commercial During National Geographic Bin Laden Film [Videos]

A Navy SEALS group will air an anti-Obama ad in swing states during the Osama bin Laden film that debuts on the National Geographic Channel less than 48 hours before the presidential election. The ad from the Special Operations OPSEC Education fund assails the president for playing politics with national security.

As The Inquisitr has previously reported, eyebrows were raised when it was revealed that SEAL Team Six: The Raid on Osama Bin Laden was apparently re-edited at the behest of movie mogul Harvey Weinstein to make President Obama look better.

US News has further specifics on the ad from the ex-Navy SEALS organization:

"OPSEC's ad, called 'A Bump in the Road,' is narrated by the group's president Scott Taylor, who says the Obama administration didn't 'tell the truth about what happened' in the attack on the U.S. consulate in Libya in September."

Obama referred to the Benghazi terror attacks as "bumps in the road," which is where the OPSEC ad gets its name.

Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein of the Weinstein Company is bigtime Obama backer and contributor who acquired the rights to the SEAL Team 6 film for about $2.5 million at the Cannes film festival in May.

It was Weinstein's role that reportedly prompted OPSEC to increase its ad buying according to US News:

"Taylor says OPSEC decided to buy spots for the ad beyond just Ohio and Virginia after realizing Weinstein was involved in the SEAL film, and that the film was airing on National Geographic just two days before the election."

Watch the ad from OPSEC that will will broadcast during the National Geographic SEAL Team 6 movie on November 4:

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

Our gas here never reached as low as $1.80 here in 2008 and was as high as $4.00+ that summer. Today I filled up at $3.55. I wondered where these sample prices come from? What would they be before all the various taxes are added? How can any president control gas prices? I don't know.


      You single out one item on the list and conclude with " I don't know " .  :o  ::) ???


Quote from: Diane Amberg on November 05, 2012, 01:12:22 PM
Our gas here never reached as low as $1.80 here in 2008 and was as high as $4.00+ that summer. Today I filled up at $3.55. I wondered where these sample prices come from? What would they be before all the various taxes are added? How can any president control gas prices? I don't know.

It is very simple. 1.68 was the national average.  Not your local price.   
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Source Tells Author Brad Thor: Obama Planning to Proclaim Early Victory to 'Demoralize Romney Supporters'

New York Times best-selling author Brad Thor, based in Chicago, tells TheBlaze that the Obama campaign may be planning to preemptively announce victory in the presidential election based on early voting numbers in an attempt to "demoralize Mitt Romney supporters."

Citing a "very solid source" in Chicago, Thor says the Obama campaign is looking to make it appear to voters that they have "this thing sewed up and are less than 24 hours to victory," according to his source.

Meanwhile, team Obama will also urge voters to get out and vote so they can say they were part of the important 2012 election that resulted in a second term for Obama.

While Thor can't reveal his source, he told TheBlaze multiple times that the source is very reliable. The flip side of the coin, the author explained, is that the Obama campaign is counting on the mainstream media to drive home their narrative should they implement this strategy.

"They are so invested in Obama," Thor said of the media. "I don't see how any truth loving person could look to the mainstream media ever again. This election should be the final nail in the coffin with the mainstream media." Why would the campaign resort to such a Chicago-style political tactic? According to Thor, it's because their support is diminished across the board and they know they're in trouble.

"Their support is down," he told TheBlaze. "All the polling has been the exact same thing. They have been oversampling Democrats, and they are not getting the 2008 levels of voting."

Whether or not the Obama campaign will set this plan into motion remains to be seen. As Thor points out, the plot could have been brought up but never considered seriously by the top officials in the campaign. If it is being considered though, the author hopes that all the attention forces the Obama camp to ditch the effort.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

I said I don't know, because I don't know how any President could control gas prices. So now what's the problem?


Obama Ends Campaign in Half-Empty Arena

Obama's big rally tonight turned out to be just like his first, opening salvo of the 2012 campaign: a half-empty arena in Ohio. According toRealClearPolitics' Scott Conroy, there were "empty seats scattered around the upper-level of Nationwide Arena ... Four years ago, after all, Obama was easily filling venues larger than that ..." The event even featured Bruce Springsteen and Jay-Z, and Obama still couldn't fill it out.

As it turns out, the empty seats didn't look exactly "scattered." They looked like substantial portions of the upper bowl of the arena, according to photos tweeted by those in attendance:

And thus the Obama campaign comes full circle: from tepid open to lukewarm close in Ohio.


The Obama Farewell Tour: Size Matters

by Wayne Allyn Root

The Romney landslide I predicted back on May 30th, and in the media virtually every day since then, is materializing. The signs are everywhere that Obama is enjoying his farewell tour. These are the last days of his political career. Read on and experience the signs of the huge defeat coming on Tuesday:

Protected by the biased liberal mainstream media and polls over-populated with Democrats (based on the 2008 election turnout), most Americans haven't a clue of the trouncing Obama is about to experience on Election Day. As a matter of fact, I've been a guest on several liberal talk shows of late where they actually think Obama's re-election is a lock. They see a light at the end of the tunnel, but they have no clue it's a train bearing down on them. Tuesday night will be a very long and sad night for Democrats.

But it will be even worse for the media that has drank the Obama Kool-Aid. Chris Matthews and all of MSNBC's hosts will need special medical teams standing by on-site and "permission to use electric shock" orders clipped to their clothing.

What makes me so sure of a Romney landslide? The signs are everywhere.

First, enthusiasm always wins elections. Obama's voters are disappointed and depressed. Many are in shock. They just can't believe the anti-business policies of the Messiah and his demonization of the wealthy didn't magically create jobs and incomes. Actually food stamp growth outpaced job growth by 75% under Obama. As my blue collar butcher father used to say, "Son, I'd love to hate rich people, but no poor person ever gave me a job." It turns out dad knew better than all those books Obama read at Columbia and Harvard Law.

Obama's core constituencies are blacks, Latinos, single women, and young people. How could they be excited?

Black unemployment is 14.3%. Latino unemployment is close behind. Single women might get free contraception under Obama, but that $10 per month savings is immaterial if you have no job and no income. Besides, sex just feels so much better when you've got a job.

And then there's those naïve young people. Four years ago Obama was a miracle man promising a bright future to college kids with wide eyes. Today unemployment and under-employment for college grads is 53%. Yes, I said FIFTY THREE PERCENT. Vote on Tuesday? Most young people will likely be in bed, covers pulled over their heads, zoned out on Xanax, and eating Doritos under the blanket with a flashlight.  

Doubt my gut instincts? The most shocking tell-tale sign of Romney's coming landslide is the panicked Democrat game plan in states like Minnesota, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. Polls show Romney leading or tied in these deep blue Democratic states. Sensing blood, the Romney campaign has suddenly decided to spend millions of dollars on TV ads in these three states. Obama's chief propagandist David Axelrod claims this is a sign of Romney's desperation. He says Romney can't find a path to get to 270 electoral votes.

How do you know who is telling the truth? Well that's pretty easy to figure out. Bill Clinton was dispatched to Minnesota a few days ago. Joe Biden was sent to campaign in Pennsylvania. Why? If these states are solidly in Obama's column, why waste Clinton and Biden's valuable time in the closing days of a Presidential campaign in front of home team crowds? Why indeed. Democrats are panicking. Obama's deep blue firewall has been breached. Romney's battleground has been expanded into states no one (except me) ever thought possible. Romney has Democrats on the run defending their no-longer-safe home turf.

But wait – the story gets better. On the last day of the campaign, Bill Clinton is making four appearances across the state of Pennsylvania. Why waste your biggest gun on the last day barnstorming a state already solidly in your win column? Bill Clinton should be in Nevada, Colorado, Ohio and Florida. Why waste his time defending a deep blue state that was supposed to be salted away 6 months ago? Because Pennsylvania isn't in Obama's win column. The state that has voted Democrat for President for decades is now trending Romney.

Hint: watch Pennsylvania on Tuesday night. If Romney wins it, or is even close, a Romney landslide is happening. Pennsylvania is "the canary in the coal mine."

But the most important sign is crowd size and enthusiasm. In my home state of Nevada, only 10 days ago, Democrats worked long and hard to barely pull 5000 people off the streets to come to an Obama rally in North Las Vegas. Meanwhile in Henderson, a quiet suburb of Las Vegas, an overflow crowd of 8000 jammed into a rockin' Romney rally that closed the streets for miles. Families came from far and wide with their children to see the next President.

Or take Ohio – the lynchpin of the entire election. Whoever has the enthusiasm will surely take the state. This weekend Obama attracted 2500 to a rally in a medium sized city. Romney/Ryan attracted over 30,000 to a rally in a small town. Obama then traveled to Cleveland, where his rally attracted 4000 fans. Four years ago, his Cleveland rally attracted 80,000. If only these were instead rallies for the unemployed, Obama would be playing to standing room only stadiums in every city in America.

The size of those crowds tells the depressing story that the Obama campaign and the mainstream media don't want you to know. Obama is no longer a Messiah. He's just another lying politician, with a boring message that no one wants to hear anymore.

Yes, Mr. Obama, size matters. And you sir are suffering from shrinkage.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


It is tempting in this election season to consider a 2012 version of the gauzy wisdom of "Won't Get Fooled Again -1978" by The Who... to wonder whether a majority of this nation still believes, or even wants to believe, the "same as the old boss" campaign rhetoric of President Barack Insane-Hussein Obuma, despite his persistent record of hyper-partisanship and failure, both foreign and domestic.

A better question as we ponder what is accurately if too frequently called "the most important election of our lifetimes," is "Who Are You?" Mr. or Mrs. Likely Voter?   

Who Are You?

And what does America mean to you?

Our children's Future May Depend On YOUR Answer!

Are you a "Progressive" who believes, as Barack Obuma does, that our Constitution, our society's rulebook (even if apparently officiated by replacement referees these days), is "political witchcraft" (Woodrow Wilson) designed to create a "supremacy for the rich and powerful" (Howard Zinn) which should only be supported by a president "as he understands it" (Franklin Roosevelt)?

Or are you a proud American who believes, as I do, that the Constitution "is the only safeguard of our liberties" (Abraham Lincoln), that freedom is being taken from us "by gradual and silent encroachments" (James Madison), that "the Constitution is colorblind, and neither knows nor tolerates classes among citizens" (Justice John Marshall Harlan) and that an important defense against "abuses of Constitutional power" is to "inform (Americans') discretion by education" (Thomas Jefferson)?

Do you believe, as Barack Obuma does, that there is a "right" to health care or a "living wage" or anything else which must be demanded or extracted from others with an implicit threat of force?

Or do you believe, as the Founders did and as I hope Mitt Romney at least feels in his gut, that our fundamental laws are the codification of natural and "negative" rights?  To wit, we have rights as human beings (not just as citizens) regarding actions that the government may not take against us or allow others to take against us, rather than commands regarding what others must do for us.

Do you accept as true, as Barack Obuma does, that "When you spread the wealth around, it's good for everybody"?  Or do you deem taxation beyond what is needed to fund the legitimate functions of government... to protect the life, liberty, and property of citizens.... as "lawful plunder" which inculcates Americans into a culture of dependency and out of our historic trait of self-reliance (to include family, neighbors, and charity when necessary) upon which American exceptionalism was built? (Liberals, including Obuma, view American exceptionalism as a myth.)

Do you consider, as Barack Obuma does, men (the term used the traditional way, to include women) to be too venal to be allowed to freely interact with others, especially in the economic sphere, and too stupid to be allowed to govern our own affairs, especially in the most important aspects of our existence as once-free people?

Or do you conclude, as Madison said in Federalist 51, that although "if men were angels no government would be necessary," over-regulation and over-legislation based on mistrust of our citizens' ethics or intelligence leads to loss of liberty and prosperity, while giving government nearly unfettered power over our daily lives?

These and many other such fundamental issues are at stake on Tuesday.  Questions about "entitlements" (think about what that word really means, and whether such a thing should really be possible under our Constitution), and questions about energy policy (whether to sacrifice the prosperity of a nation at the altar of "green").  Questions about whether national security means being liked or being respected, even feared, and questions about whether we want to live in a country where politicians buy our votes with our own money by promising subsidies for everything from education to health care to ethanol (as if any society that is not diagnosably insane would willingly implement a policy of burning our food).  And perhaps most importantly, critical questions about the immoral transfer of debt onto the backs of our youngest in order to fund the profligacy and cowardice of interest groups, unions, and politicians.

So, Mr. and Mrs. Likely Voter, I ask you again, as you look down at your ballot, Who Are You?

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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