Like Slimey Cockroaches & their crooked President, Liberals Spread Disease

Started by Warph, May 31, 2012, 08:45:08 AM

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Diane Amberg

 Red,  Obama and Republicanism? That's an interesting pairing! ::)  "My" leanings? You are so weird! You know nothing about me, apparently even less that I thought, and you have a very poor selective memory. Very sad.
  I voted McCain the first time and won't vote Obama the second time, not that it's anybody's business. As I've said so many times, I'm a moderate Independent.
  I don't care for all the Mitt flip flopping, on gun control and much else, but I'm just about out of choices. He's a terrible political liar and says what ever the people want to hear at the time. Too much like Leona Helmsley looking down on people.  Is he a leader, or just a boss who delegates everything that might stick to him?
He likes to fire people? What's he gonna do, fire congress? People with money don't bother me. I grew up with the duPonts. Know the Gore family and many others  BUT People who let money drive their decisions and let it affect them and expect to be deferred to because of it, do worry me. Would he run this country by executive order? Would he listen to advisers? How about foreign policy?
  As for you, Red, stay or go, it matters not to me, but you seem so miserable and unhappy when you post. Everything and everybody you post is ultra negative, full of gloom and doom and can't see the rainbow for the storm. It's a real shame.
 Give me a William Raspberry any day. I will really miss him.  
  Bye bye, Mr. Black Soul.  :P If you rode a horse I suspect you'd name him 'Wet Blanket". ;D ;D ;D ;D

Warph, it seems to me Tuscon had their chance and blew it ....or Gabby, or at least the others wouldn't have been shot. This armed to the teeth theory doesn't usually work in spite of the myths. Why wasn't the shooter blown to bits?  I'm not for gun control, but I've been around a LOT of outcomes of gun violence, and know how it really tends to play out. It sounds all big and tough, but getting a clear shot at the right bad guy isn't all that easy. It's not like TV!  People snatch hostages for cover. I'm surprised he didn't. The nut in the movie theater at least wore distinctive clothing.  At first they didn't know if he was alone once they figured out it was the dark. ( How does having a gun if you are shot through the wall going to help you?) But in some cases, other armed people can be easily mistaken for part of the bad guys and possibly harmed by accident. We've had enough "suicide by cop" here to know what it's all about too. We don't need several well meaning people shooting each other by accident either.
  We just had a big swat drill here on the U D Campus. We were involved of course, and one of the big problems they had was proper communications with everyone there. Now, suppose some mental hero happens to sees what he thinks is going on and starts shooting what they think are the bad guys? Oops?  There is much to make things more complicated than we can talk about on here.


Quote from: Warph on July 22, 2012, 02:58:17 PM

If wacko boy had fired off a round in an Arizona theater, or even a Utah one in the not too distant past, the entire audience would have drawn down on him and that boy would have leaked like a sieve.

States were people are allowed to own guns and carry concealed weapons have lower crime rates and lower murder rates.  Any criminal can get a gun any time he wants.  They are 'law breakers'.. this means they do not live by laws that say you cannot own a gun.  DUH!

Don't let the Liberal Clowns in Washington, who drink koolaid with their pinky finger out, decide how the Bill of Rights should work.

Aurora, Colorado already has strict gun laws in place including strict enforcement on no concealed weapons.  It did not stop a criminal... or to be more precised, an insane nut-bag.... from breaking the law.  

Take away all guns and crime will disappear!  No more shootings, no more robbery, nothing.

That's Bull Shit... it's False of course.

Bad guys don't buy their guns or register them legally and the bad guys always have weapons, come hell or high water.  They can get them illegally.  Don't people realize that?

Actually, criminals think twice about doing these things when they realize others are armed as well.  Concealed carry has actually lessened crime in areas where it is legal.

Let's use the killings for political advantage.  Use any name that sounds likely and don't vet your stories.

How lovely it is to try to promote your candidate by using deaths.

More falsehood.  The tea party had nothing to do with it at all.  But didn't it make Obama look good?  That is all that counts in the state run media.

                                        "Just the Facts, Ma'am"

                                      "It's Hollywood, Sgt. Friday!"

Blame this time rests quite heavily on the shoulders of Hollywood itself which continues to provide mind bending, brain warping movies that distort reality and encourage copycat crimes.

Yes, no matter how many denials the movie and record industry put forth, they are guilty of  promoting immorality at every level.

There is no way around that.

Its not just one movie either. It's movie upon movie, television show upon show and song upon song that tear down morality in so many ways. Add to that the Video Games.  The more steeped you are in filth, the more you take it for granted. It becomes part of who you are.

It is the truth and Hollywood has an inordinate influence on our public leaders who are unduly impressed by and paid for by the rich 'stars'.

It's a mess but it is the truth.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

Diane Amberg

So what does one do? If parents let their kids see so much violence on TV, movies, computers, even phones now and books... we still have books?... Teachers sure can't solve it, as much as we'd like to. I used to be horrified at how late kids were up watching TV on school nights! We try so hard not to get used to it, get hardened to it, but at some point you have to or you won't survive.
  This is one area where maybe we have too much freedom! But how do we get ahead of it?  Chances are a movie theater would restrict guns regardless.
  Some of the gun fight activities on the east coast, in the big cities have been at sporting events ,clubs and movie theaters with every hoodlum armed and shooting and lots of people being shot.  Some are in neighborhoods right out in the street. They know they all have guns! It changes nothing! Perhaps it helps the gene pool in some areas, but how do you stop a clean cut kid who goes off the deep end from killing people? Ya can't! One does the best one can and moves on.
  How is it different than one's family member coming home from war in a body bag? It's honorable of course, but it hurts  just as bad. What else can one do? Deal with it and move on.


Quote from Warph:
Kannon Cole, 7, watches his mother Marine Sgt. Bris Holland carry the flag at the beginning of San Diego's annual LGBT Pride parade. Holding his hand is her partner, Jaxs Jacquez. (Don Bartletti, Los Angeles Times / July 21, 2012)

I don't want to brag (OK, maybe just a little bit ) and I was probably not the most squared away Marine but did manage to make Sgt in 22 months. I see Sgt Holland has two hash marks so she has been in between 8 and 12 years and is still a Sgt ?? Maybe stunts like this is why ?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on July 22, 2012, 04:35:08 PM
So what does one do? If parents let their kids see so much violence on TV, movies, computers, even phones now and books... we still have books?... Teachers sure can't solve it, as much as we'd like to. I used to be horrified at how late kids were up watching TV on school nights! We try so hard not to get used to it, get hardened to it, but at some point you have to or you won't survive.
   This is one area where maybe we have too much freedom! But how do we get ahead of it?  Chances are a movie theater would restrict guns regardless.

Television can be a powerful entertainment and education tool for children given the right programming... however, studies have shown that television, and media in general, can also have a very negative influence.  Some studies indicate it can shorten attention span, distort body image, work in conjunction with other factors to escalate obesity, create fear, and increase aggressive and anti-social behaviors if exposure is unmonitored and unlimited.  Limiting television viewing time and encouraging physical activity are precautions that parents should consider.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



2016: Obama's America

A Review By Michael Berry

Dinesh D'Souza's 2016: Obama's America: Review by Michael Berry

The Hollywood Reporter notes that Dinesh D'Souza's film had a strong – albeit limited to one theater – opening weekend. Well, I hosted the opening night, and I'll tell you, first hand, what I saw.

As for turnout, literally every seat was filled for our opening. We turned away 100 people, even though the event was invitation only.

The film is not, and should not be reviewed as, some sort of conservative Michael Moore effort. Far from it. Instead, it tells a story with a remarkable balance, and in a restrained, delicate way. It left me not angry at Barack Obama, or – to use a trite and inaccurate term – "hating" him, but rather, pitying the man. Pitying him in the way a victim's family pities the man who murdered their daughter. Pitying him as a confused, sad, somewhat angry, hopeless man, struggling to become a man while fighting demons of a childhood filled with desperation. The theme of abandonment coarses throughout Obama's life in this narrative, told in the soft, polite voice of Dinesh D'Souza. While he's wrought horror on America, the film tries to understand why.

Rest of review @:
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



I read about a Putnam County (Florida) judge who sentences shoplifters to carry signs outside the stores they robbed that read "I Stole from This Store."  What a great idea!  It has always been my theory that embarrassment is a greater deterrent than incarceration.  That's why I always figured that if you arrested and convicted a young gang member, the silliest thing to do was to send him to jail, which would only earn him street creds when he got out.  Instead, I would put him on the back of a flatbed truck, deck him out him in a dress and lipstick and drive him around the neighborhood.  Perhaps you could even fund the plan by selling snapshots of the young thug to friends, neighbors and victims.

I would also extend the judge's notion to include congressmen and senators whose own misbehavior is rotten even by Washington standards.  Can't you just see people like Eric Holder, Barney Frank, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Charley Rangel and Anthony Wiener, on the back of a truck riding down Pennsylvania Avenue?  I mean, either do away with censure votes and contempt of congress proceedings altogether or see to it that misdeeds have actual consequences.

Bill Clinton has been ridiculed endlessly over his parsing of the word "is," but liberals manage to get away with using the word "big" as a pejorative only when referring to financial institutions, oil companies and pharmaceutical firms.  They never refer to big unions, big Hollywood and big deficits, although those are the big items that are truly wrecking this country.

Speaking of liberals always puts me in mind of children.  And while there are some tykes who are so adorable, they should be turned into the human equivalent of bonsais, those dwarf trees that the Japanese dote on.  Others should be locked away in cellars until they properly mature, say at the age of 45 or 50.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Boycotting Chick-fil-A Solves Nothing
By Susan Brown

I ate at Chick-fil-A six times last week to do my part to show support for a company currently under attack for upholding wholesome values. Eating at Chick-fil-A last week was my version of offering a one finger salute to the activists who allowed their feathers to ruffle after discovering the privately owned restaurant chain supports the Biblical definition of marriage.

With all the clucking coming from these activists, one would think Chick-fil-A contributed humanitarian meals to Hezbollah or money to a militant anti-gay group like the group of Muslim men on trial in the UK for allegedly handing out leaflets calling for the murder of gay people and purportedly describing methods to eliminate them. According to the UK Guardian, one of the men claimed the brochure simply "expressed what Islam says about homosexuality, adding that it was his duty as a Muslim to condemn it."

Then there is Chick-fil-A. A family owned and led organization committed to strengthening individuals, the family, and the community at large. The company reiterated their values in a recent statement articulating in part: "The Chick-fil-A culture and service tradition in our restaurants is to treat every person with honor, dignity and respect – regardless of their belief, race creed, sexual orientation or gender. We will continue this tradition in the over 1600 restaurants run by independent owner/operators. Going forward, our intent is to leave the policy debate over same-sex marriage to the government and political arena...."

The end. Curtains. Done. Forgetaboutit.

Oh, if only life were that simple. People are dying in other parts of the world because of their sexual preference, and people are worried about a chicken-serving fast food restaurant? That's ridiculous on so many levels. Why can't we celebrate the diversity we enjoy here in America over a chargrilled chicken sandwich and waffle fries?

The blogosphere is teeming with same-sex marriage activists labeling Chick-fil-A as a "hate group" and encouraging people to join them in a boycott against a company which is the antithesis of hate. Their public statement reflects their position, and the superior customer service I've personally witnessed over the years -- to every customer, regardless of their size, shape, color, religion, sexual preference, or scent (I've eaten breakfast there after a few of my long runs, and I've never been turned away) – speaks volumes as to the character of this company.

Chick-fil-A donates millions of dollars annually to various organizations besides pro-traditional marriage groups. It provides food during times of crisis, similar to what they did last week for the Aurora, Colorado police after the horrendous movie theatre massacre. It provides college scholarships, sponsors the Chick-fil-A Bowl, donating much of the proceeds to a range of charities and universities, and founded the WinShape Foundation which helps, among many other worthy causes, to support 11 foster homes.

We live in a free country, so we have the right to do just about whatever we want -- within the boundaries of the laws of the land and our personal convictions. Despite what we've been led to believe, politics is not everything, so why do so many of us (including the conservative anti-Oreo cookie crowd) feel compelled to politicize everything, including businesses?

Somehow I don't think we'll ever get an answer to that question. Oh well, I need to put my money where my mouth is, so I'm off to the grocery store and drive-through to pick up Oreos and a chicken sandwich. Chop-chop.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Obama Sings 'You Didn't Build That'

Below are the lyrics:

Who's the one who gave you success?

How can you talk that way?

Who's the one who built your business?

It's not because you're smart and work hard every day...

Baby, I'm the soul of your heart's inspiration...

I'm all you got, to get you by...

I'm the soul of your heart's inspiration

Without me– Barry– what good are you?

You wouldn't have much going

Thank goodness you had me

Somebody else made that happen

You didn't build it alone, nothing's free!

Baby...I'm the soul of your heart's inspiration


That business– you, you didn't make it, without me

And I'm telling you, sonny, I'm the reason you're growing, and thriving, or shrinking, and dying

Business, you can't ride it, without me...

Yes, I'm threatening your business!

If I go, all the bridges and roads will implode, yes I swear it!


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Bryan Fischer: Get ready: Big Gay is coming after Chick-fil-A

"I think we are inviting God's judgment on our nation when we shake our fist at Him and say 'we know better than you as to what constitutes a marriage and I pray God's mercy on our generation that has such a prideful, arrogant attitude to think that we have the audacity to define what marriage is about." ~ Dan Cathy, President, Chick-fil-A

Chick-fil-A is a family-owned, family-run business which is guided by explicitly biblical business principles and even closes on Sunday in honor of what the Scriptures call "the Lord's day."

Chick-fil-A started in 1967 and has recorded 44 straight years of sales growth. It now has more than 1,600 restaurants in 39 states and Washington, D.C. and plans to open 77 stand-alone restaurants and 15 licensee locations in 2012.

President Dan Cathy, who to this point has been somewhat reticent in publicly declaring his and his company's opposition to sodomy-based marriage, is now about to experience the full wrath of the homosexual lobby.

There is plenty of hate in the debate over same-sex marriage, but it's not coming from the pro-family community, for the simple reason that disagreement is not hatred. But there is a volcanic level of vitriol and venom that spews like magma from the darkened hearts of homosexual activists. Chick-fil-A is about to find out what it is like to be Pompeii.

They're gonna need to wear their big-boy pants for a long time, because the hatemongers in the homosexual movement will now set out to wipe them off the face of the earth. They are about to go all Ahmadinejad on the Chick-fil-A Chargrilled Chicken Sandwich.

Gay activists are not interested in debate. They have a singular goal: to punish, silence, neutralize, marginalize and destroy anyone who defends the institution of natural marriage against deviant counterfeits. Hell hath no fury like a woman-who-thinks-she's-a-man scorned.

Rest of story @:
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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