Like Slimey Cockroaches & their crooked President, Liberals Spread Disease

Started by Warph, May 31, 2012, 08:45:08 AM

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Rad, if you only knew how wrong you were , you would look more radical than you do now. I have never taken a dime of Government aid in my life, with the exception of Social Security.


                     Why do People Ignore What Obama Is?


The Obama campaign is all about character assassination. But it is to be expected.

He got elected because some people ignore things they should not ignore.

He is supported by a base that contains a lot of  anti-social people who have bitter feelings about supposed wrongs done to them.  Obama plays to that base with divisive, bitter, ugly rhetoric about others.

It is always  someone else's fault for him and his following.

It is never their own fault. They are a bitter bunch with super low esteem.

What  he says about others is all about himself in the end.

If you listen to him talk about others you will hear him talking about himself.

"We not gonna go round doing negative ads" he said.

His list of lies and empty words are legendary.

Every single thing he said he would not do is exactly what he does do.

Every statement he has made about what "they" do is what he does.

In fact,  his group  has slithered over to downright blackmail to get its way.

Does Obama hate America? Yes, he surely does and it was evident long before he got elected. We have been saying this all along. This isn't anything new. It is four years old now. It is business as usual. It was how he got elected to the senate: eliminating the opposition through character assassination.

People ignore who and what Obama is and has done.

They ignore his admitted drug use.

He is a law breaker for using drugs. He is morally corrupt for bragging about it. Kids who may look up to him have that as an example now. How can anyone over look that?

He admitted to bullying girls in high school.  An admitted bully. Very ugly.

It is a well established fact that you are known by the company you keep.

Yet so many ignore the people Obama has chosen for his friends.

His friends are Communists, Maoists actually who would love a cultural revolution complete with liquidation of people if that's what it takes. They have openly stated they would kill people if they did not change their thinking.

He grew up with serious Communist and anti-American brain washing from friends and family.

While he denigrates anyone who has built a business or made a success, Obama himself is not a success.   He  has built nothing. 

He does, however, spend a lot of time dismantling, dividing and tearing down.  Those are known Communist methods. They are Alinsky methods.

His followers are lovers of murderers like Che Guevara and Castro. They hold up Cuba as a model and bastion of greatness. They ignore the truth of the murderous men and regimes.

He didn't even bother to vote while in the senate and, while in college, which is iffy since the records are sealed , he was busy doing drugs and frying his brain.

All Obama can do is attack others. He has nothing to stand on at all. Nothing but drugs and bad company that surround him on every side.

There is no way the guy could establish a business. He is a talking head for an anti-America ideology that many seem to now love.

The number of people who voted for this is staggeringly obscene.  They don't seem to have grown up in the last four years either.

....Lemon-Lime Moon
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



When it comes to inevitabilities, people always refer to death and taxes.  But there's a third item that's even more of a sure thing. I'm referring to the goofiness of the Left.  Death is inevitable, but not always predictable.  After all, people die at all ages and under diverse circumstances.  In much the same way, taxes are always going to be around, but not everyone pays the same ones or at the same rate.

However, when it comes to the Obuma clowns who take pride in identifying themselves as liberals, progressives, statists, socialists or just plain Democrats, as surely as the sun will rise in the east, you can bet the farm that before it sets in the west, any number of these boobs will have you shaking your head and wondering if they're being serious or just going for the cheap laugh.

For instance, Obuma's EPA, otherwise known as America's storm troopers, have begun forcing refineries to blend 8.6 million gallons of something called "cellulosic biofuel"... made from wood and non-edible plant life, into their oil.  I'm not sure what good it's supposed to do, but I'm guessing it's the chemical equivalent of hamburger helper.  If you're wondering why, if I don't know its purpose, I object to the EPA's fining companies that don't follow orders like good little Nazis, it's because there is no such product! Nobody is bothering to manufacture it, as the EPA is well aware, but it's just another way for the dictatorial bureaucrats to flex their muscles and another way for the Obuma White House to levy taxes by calling them fines.

New York Times had this on it:
WASHINGTON — When the companies that supply motor fuel close the books on 2011, they will pay about $6.8 million in penalties to the Treasury because they failed to mix a special type of biofuel into their gasoline and diesel as required by law.
But there was none to be had. Outside a handful of laboratories and workshops, the ingredient, cellulosic biofuel, does not exist.

Obuma White House: Chicago crooks out to make a dishonest buck off the taxpayer and big business any way they can.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Once again Barack Insane-Hussein Obuma is putting you and your family at risk to achieve his political agenda!

Showcasing his total disregard for America's national security, Obuma has invited Mohammed Morsi, Egypt's new president, to the White House.  It sounds benign since he's a new head of state, but Morsi is a known terrorist and one of the Muslim Brotherhood's top leaders.

The roots of radical Islam's reign of terror track straight back to the Muslim Brotherhood.  For an American president to open the doors of the White House to one of this organization's highest ranking members, one of its most radical and defiant voices, is unconscionable.

So why is an American president welcoming Mohammed Morsi with opens arms?

Starting with his first foreign tour as president... where he repeatedly apologized for what he called "American arrogance" and endlessly bowed to Islamic dictators.... right up to this very day with his invitation of Morsi to the White House, Obuma has closed his eyes to the history of terror and anarchy the Brotherhood has wrought upon the world.  Now he has invited a man into the White House who, throughout his campaign to become Egypt's president, repeatedly called for jihad, religious war, the end of Israel, and death to Western nations.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Democrats' Ideal Voter: Illegal Alien, Single Mother, Convicted Felon
By Ann Coulter

Before taking the oath of office, Barack Obama vowed to fundamentally transform the United States. He has certainly done so. For example, Obama has:

-- destroyed the job market;

-- sent billions of taxpayer dollars to Wall Street, companies overseas, his campaign contributors and public sector unions;

-- forced the passage of a wildly unpopular national health care law on a purely partisan vote;

-- come out for gay marriage;

-- refused to enforce laws on illegal immigration;

-- eliminated the work requirement for welfare.

How can a country that elected Ronald Reagan have Obama tied in the polls with Mitt Romney?

The answer is: It's not the same country.

Rest of story:
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Obama's Fake Fairness Fairy
By John Ransom

Uh-oh. The Fake Fairness Fairy is on the loose again.

And that smell? That's not pixie dust. That, my friend, is the smell of Bull Shit!

Obama wants you to know that your next promotion, the car you own, your house, your kids, you don't deserve any of it. Someone else is mostly responsible for it.

"There is nobody in this country who got rich on their own," Senate candidate and fake Indian, Elizabeth Warren explained to us months ago. "You built a factory out there - good for you. But I want to be clear. You moved your goods to market on roads the rest of us paid for. You hired workers the rest of us paid to educate. You were safe in your factory because of police forces and fire forces that the rest of us paid for. You didn't have to worry that marauding bands would come and seize everything at your factory."

Warren- and Obama- explain that in return for not worrying about "marauding bands" taking everything we have, we should just allow a marauding government to take what they will, while we lay still and Think-of-England.

Apparently Warren isn't familiar with the 2nd Amendment, which has always been a most effective way of preventing marauders, public, private, quasi-governmental and federally governmental, from plundering our private property.

Her own state, Massachusetts, provided a great example in 1775 at the Battles of Lexington and Concord of the 2nd Amendment in action.

Perhaps as one of the other great Law Givers and Professors in this country, Warren ought to borrow a history book or two from Sarah Palin.

And actually read them.

Oh, and, never mind that the factory owner Warren and Obama take for granted already pays taxes for all those services Warren lists- just like the rest of us do. In fact, the factory owner probably pays more in taxes, plus pays for infrastructure improvements required under local zoning rules, improvements that likely make the locality more attractive economically.

***But, who cares about facts when you can whip out the Fake Fairness Fairy.

***More and more, the Democrats have been turning out the Fake Fairness Fairy.

***War on Women? The Fake Fairness Fairy.

***The War of Catholics? The Fake Fairness Fairy.

***Deporting some illegal immigrants, while allowing others to stay here illegally? The Fake Fairness Fairy.

***Tax hike on the evil millionaires and billionaires? The Fake Fairness Fairy.

***Solyndra, Fast and Furious, voter intimidation, Trayvon Martin, the war on energy- all brought to us by the Fake Fairness Fairy.

***Elizabeth Warren for real? No. The Fake Fairness Fairy

Look, I don't object to Obama turning the novelty of his "blackness" into the one-way mirror into which he never tires of looking. And I don't object when he then writes books about it, lies and makes a fortune.

Good for him.

But let me be clear.

He's done it on the back of the Fake Fairness Fairy that the rest of us pay for.

We paid for it with a great civil war, testing whether our republic or any republic can long endure.

We paid for it by separate, but equal laws that took its toll on white society as well as black.

We paid for it in the great civil rights struggle, which has rewritten our constitution to give equal protection under the law to all, although the Fake Fairness Fairy says that some laws are more equal than others.

So, now the content of character no longer determines our outcome.

Instead the Fake Fairness Fairy cares only about our race, gender, income or religion- as long as it's not Christian.

This, in part, explains our fake president's obsession with taking from some and giving to others in his quest for fake fairness.

After all, it wasn't fair he was born in Indonesia ;-).

It wasn't fair that he's parlayed a resume as thin as his body into fame, riches, a real estate deal with a convicted influence-peddler and notorious slumlord that included, a massively unfair mansion.

Was the Nobel Peace prize he was awarded fair? Was his Harvard degree fair? Was it fair when he unsealed the divorce records of his Republican opponent in the race for the US Senate in Illinois that set Obama up to be president?

I can understand why Obama might have some mixed feeling about whether he has actually earned his way in the game of life.

Because in truth, he hasn't.

Not in the way you and I and everyone else have to.

We don't get to appeal to the Fake Fairness Fairy when the coal mine shuts down. We don't get to appeal to the Fake Fairness Fairy when we miss a mortgage payment so we can make payroll for our employees. We don't get to appeal to the Fake Fairness Fairy, because there is no magic fairy that makes everything fair.

What you do with what God gives you is the only fairness that exists, to paraphrase Forrest Gump.

And come November Obama will discover the painful lesson that the rest of us knew a long time ago.

That Fairness Fairy?

She's fake!
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



President Obuma said during a campaign stop in Roanoke, Va., last Friday: "If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen."  He mentioned roads and bridges as examples.  Did he mean we should thank government for the structures because without them we might not be able to travel to a job interview, or to work?  The subplot in the Obuma campaign remarks seems to be that none of us can make it without government.  So what happens to those who do manage to succeed on their own?  Are they to be taxed and regulated to death as a lesson to other upstarts?

Obuma is full of crap on this one.

Government that is too large and controlling stifles ambition and initiative by penalizing success.

As the Obuma campaign attacks Mitt Romney's business success... and by association all who have succeeded or wish to succeed.. Romney should turn the tables and attack seven principles that have made government highly ineffective.

They are:

1. High taxes.  High taxes rob the productive and discourage innovation.

2. Too many regulations.  Overregulation inhibits private industry from performing up to its potential.

3. Overspending.  When an individual is in debt, he or she aims to spend less until the family budget is in balance.  When government spends more than it takes in, it creates an addiction and burdens current and future citizens.  Politicians won't tell anyone "no," so government keeps spending.

4. Foreign adventures.  We cannot afford to go everywhere in hopes of promoting liberty.  We should only send troops where our interests are clearly defined and an achievable outcome is likely.  Countries receiving military assistance must help pay the bill.

5. Bureaucracy.  There are too many people working for government. Many agencies and programs are unnecessary.

6. Health care.  Government can't make you healthy. Obumacare will not only cost more, but will reduce the quality and availability of good health care, as in the UK.  A private-sector solution is preferable.

7. Ignoring the Constitution.  The best habit the American government could practice is a return to the principles of that great document that set boundaries for government and removed them for its citizens.

Inspiration and perspiration are habits that usually lead to success.  Government's bad habits produce unending debt and stifle private-sector job creation.  That's the counterargument to these bad habits.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Top Ten Things Obama Has Not Released
by Joel B. Pollak 18 Jul 2012

As the Obama campaign and the media continue to press Mitt Romney to release more of his tax returns, and to suggest--without a shred of evidence--that he is a "felon," it is worth noting how much critical information Barack Obama has withheld from view--both as a candidate in 2008, and during his term in office. Here is a Breitbart News top ten list of things that Obama has refused to release (a complete list would fill volumes):

10. State senate papers. In the 2008 primary, Obama criticized Hillary Clinton for not releasing papers from her eight years time as First Lady--but failed to produce any papers from his eight years in Springfield. "They could have been thrown out," he said.

9. Academic transcripts. His supposed academic brilliance was a major selling point, but Obama (by his own admission) was a mediocre student. His GPA at Occidental was a B-plus at best, and his entering class at Columbia was weak. Can he prove his merit?

8. Book proposal. Obama's literary agent claimed he was "born in Kenya"--for sixteen years. His original book proposal exists--biographer David Maraniss refers to it--and seems to have embellished other key details of his life. Yet it has never been released.

7. Medical records. In 2000, and again (briefly) in 2008, GOP presidential candidate Sen. John McCain released thousands of pages of his medical records. Obama, who had abused drugs and continued smoking, merely provided a one-page doctor's note.

6. Small-dollar donors. In 2008, the McCain campaign released the names of donors who had contributed less than $200, though it was not required to do so. But the Obama campaign refused, amidst accusations it had accepted illegal foreign contributions.

5. The Khalidi tape. In 2003, Obama attended a party for his good friend, the radical Palestinian academic Rashid Khalidi. The event featured incendiary anti-Israel rhetoric. The LA Times broke the story, but has refused to release the tape--and so has Obama.

4. The real White House guest list. Touting its transparency, the Obama White House released its guest logs--but kept many visits secret, and moved meetings with lobbyists off-site. It also refused to confirm the identities of visitors like Bertha Lewis of ACORN.

3. Countless FOIA requests. The Obama administration has been described as "the worst" ever in complying with Freedom of Information Act requests for documents. It has also punished whistleblowers like David Walpin, who exposed cronyism in Americorps.

2. Health reform negotiations. Candidate Obama promised that health care reform negotiations would be televised on C-SPAN. Instead, there were back-room deals woth millions with lobbyists and legislators--the details of which are only beginning to emerge.

1. Fast and Furious documents. After months of stonewalling Congress, Attorney General Eric Holder asked President Obama to use executive privilege to conceal thousands of documents related to the deadly scandal--and Obama did just that.

In addition to the above, Obama and his campaign have lied about many facts about his past--his membership in the New Party; his extensive connections with ACORN; and his continued relationship with domestic terrorist Bill Ayers and Jeremiah Wright, among other examples. Obama's own memoir is filled with fabrications. And now he is lying about his opponent's honorable record in business. He--and the media--have no shame.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


I just heard from a Canadian friend that at an upper middle class public school in Edmonton, a teacher was suspended for giving students who failed to turn in their homework assignments a mark of zero.  Apparently, our own politically correct cowardice when it comes to education has seeped across the 49th parallel, because the official policy is to mark such assignments "incomplete."

In a way it makes sense.  After all, even if their baseball and hockey teams are no match for our own, there's no good reason why the self-esteem of Canada's lazy teenagers should be any lower than that of their American cousins.

Speaking of political cowardice, isn't it high time that judges and legislators stopped coddling homosexuals? While it's true that as a rule, being childless, they have a fair amount of money to contribute to those politicians who bow to their wishes, it's not as if they represent a lot of votes outside of San Francisco, L.A. and New York.

Frankly, I don't know just when it was that sodomites became a protected class, but it's rather obnoxious when politicians curry favor with them by promoting same-sex marriages and pretending that it is the equivalent of uprooting slavery and repealing Jim Crow laws.

One of the sillier things about homosexuals is the way they like to insist that inside every heterosexual is an interior decorator screaming to be let out.  If you buy that, perhaps you also believe that inside every liberal nutcase is a rational conservative begging to be set free.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


      "The Background of Obuma, the One"


This is the influence the current administration has under its belt.

The mentors Obuma had were mostly communists and revolutionaries who hate what the United States stands for.
Ayers, Alinsky, his revolutionary priests and ministers, Frank Davis Marshall, his grandfather.

You will hear Larry Grathwohl say they want to take over the country.

They 'have' taken over the government by using Obuma who is really too young to remember the Weathermen and their violence.

This man has more recent videos.  You need to hear this and tell others because this is the real deal.

Community organizers were once known for what they are: communist agitators.  And Communists are bullies.  They even keep their own on pins and needles with constant threats of "elimination".

That's been lost today as education has become so politically correct that it spurns and dumps the truth and those who fought Communist infiltration of America in the 50s and 60s are mocked today.

The plan of these 'rabble rousers' is to stir up envy, hate and strife both racial and economic.  It is all about hating anyone who you suspect might have something more than you have.

These agitators work on character weakness and exploit it.

During the riots in the 60's they bussed in "rioters" and demonstrators from out of town.  It was all staged.

Definition of RABBLE-ROUSER: One that stirs up (as to hatred or violence) the masses of the people; a demagogue.


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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