Like Slimey Cockroaches & their crooked President, Liberals Spread Disease

Started by Warph, May 31, 2012, 08:45:08 AM

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If you were told that in 59 different voting divisions of a major city, Barack Obama got every single vote, every single vote, 19,605 votes, and Mitt Romney got zero, would you think there was no voter fraud? Or would you think that this was a mythical city, a city that Barack Obama and his minions created out of whole cloth? Where would you find such a ridiculous, over-the–top statistic?

Welcome to Philadelphia.

Yup, the City of Brotherly Love has claimed that in 59 of its divisions, not one human being voted for Mitt Romney. Not 20, not 10, not 5 not 1. Zeeeerrroooo.

Rest of story:

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Yea, and when there were rumors that if a person voted for Mitt it showed you voted for that other guy but their answer was "well, the voting machines do have a glitch in them but it works both ways---some vote for what's his face and it shows a vote for Mitt"---REALLY---and you think we buy that BS now ?


Hypnotic chemicals in the water supply.... that and Obamaphones.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Might be because ohio is being investigated for vote machines that are running code that flips votes.   Interesting thing is they hired a programmer to write code to do just that and the owner of the company is a known criminal.   PLUS they didn't allow the source code to be analyzed for malicious code that would flip the vote before it was compiled and uploaded to the machines.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.



                California Jumps Off a Cliff

By Peter Hannaford on 11.14.12

Dr. Jerry Brown is the new Kevorkian.

On Tuesday last week California jumped off a cliff. You could call it a case of assisted suicide -- economic suicide. California had been contemplating the action for a long time, making several tentative efforts to do itself in. Finally, it was the advice of Dr. Jerry Brown, the well-known assisted suicide specialist, who made the convincing argument.

The patient had a terminal illness. The medical term for it is "gross fiscal irresponsibility." If not treated, it leads to total collapse of all systems. Having ignored the symptoms, California is now in the late stages. Here are some listed on its chart:

$200 billion in unfunded liabilities for public worker retirement benefits.

$106 billion in voter-approved bonds the state hasn't sold because it can't afford the debt service costs (including a $9.5 billion "down-payment" on a $50-90 billion "high-speed" train).

Deferred payment of required $10 billion to schools.

Years of large annual budget deficits, "balanced" by means of accounting tricks and deferred payments.

Brown has called the budget "a pretzel palace of incredible complexity." He said he would fix it if only the voters would pass Proposition 30 on last week's ballot. If they did not, he warned, there would be deep cuts in education and social services. Scare California voters over the word "education" and they will usually do what they are asked to do. They did it once again in the case of Prop. 30. College students turned out in large numbers, worried that its failure would drive up their tuition. Many parents worried that classes would grow and instruction diminish, yet California in recent years has ranked in the bottom 20% of all states for test scores -- despite its $50 billion annual education budget.

California already spends half of its total annual budget on education. The Teachers' union spent $100 million to pass Prop. 30 and defeat Prop. 32 (which would have stopped the union from spending members' dues on politics without their consent).

The top income tax rate now will go up to 13.3%, easily the highest in the nation (rich people will do as they have been doing in growing numbers, move to low- or no-tax states). The sales tax is going up, too, from 7.25% to 7.5%. (Most cities add 1% or so to that for local use.) The measure is supposed to "sunset" in a few years, but as Ronald Reagan once said, "The nearest thing to eternal life we will ever see on this earth is a government program."

Meanwhile, it will generate about $6 billion the first year, versus a budget deficit of approximately $16 billion. Some fix.

The teachers' union spends $250 million a year on politics. This has proved to be a good investment. This year it got them passage of Prop. 30 and defeat of Prop. 32 and enough victories of its almost wholly-owned state legislature that added to the majority's total. Result: two-thirds majorities in both houses, making it possible to pass any and all spending measures without the "brake" of minority restraint.

When and how did this begin? Back in the late 1970s when Jerry Brown was a young man and governor the first time, he planted the virus by permitting public employee unions to engage in collective bargaining. Gradually, but inexorably, this has led to domination of Sacramento by them, thus to extremely generous pensions and benefits. Democratic majorities in the legislature have become ever greater, thanks to the largesse bestowed on them by the California's richest special interest. All so that a state could commit economic suicide.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



5 Signs Of Societal Degeneration In America

By John Hawkins 11/17/2012

It's true that the "good old days" weren't always good, but we should also remember that our belief that we're completely superior to previous generations of Americans doesn't even remotely square with reality. It's fine to pat ourselves on the back for being wealthier, more educated and considerably less racist than we used to be, but we shouldn't lose sight of the fact that those less educated, backward people in their antiquated clothes were head and shoulders better than we are in a myriad of other ways. We should remember that the real problem isn't having a problem; it's having a problem and not even realizing that we have a problem. We have a problem and most Americans don't realize it.

1) Dependency: Our ancestors were some of the most independent people on earth. They spent months traveling across an unforgiving landscape, fought off Indians, built their own houses, ate the food they grew and carved out a life for themselves. Today, a large number of Americans are claiming that they're incapable of paying for their own birth control. There are 47 million Americans on food stamps, which is an all-time high. That's more than 1 out of every 7 Americans.

Since 2008 more Americans have gone onto Social Security disability than the net number of jobs that have been created in that same time period. Within the living memory of some Americans there was no Social Security or Medicare in this country; yet we've gone from 16 workers for each retiree in 1950 to 3.3 today to an estimated 2 workers per retiree in 2025. If the money that workers paid into the system had been set aside to pay for their Golden Years, that wouldn't be so bad, but unfortunately that hasn't been done. Everything paid into the system has already been spent, which means that retirees are going to spend their Golden Years completely dependent on younger workers who'll have to pay an unthinkably high tax rate to cover the bills we're leaving them today while they also fund the medical care and retirement of their much wealthier grandparents.

2) Debt: We've come a long way since the early days of the American republic when Thomas Jefferson had ferocious debates with Congress about whether we could afford to build a four-ship Navy to defend American shipping from the Barbary pirates. Today, even the almost half a billion dollars a year in corporate welfare that we give to PBS is considered to be a budgetary necessity in D.C. Additionally, we have a 16 trillion dollar debt that we're adding more than a trillion to every year. Despite the fact that members of both parties agree that this is "unsustainable," the most serious plan put forward to deal with it that could conceivably pass Congress (Paul Ryan's plan) wouldn't balance the budget for another 28 years and NOBODY seems to think that we can pay off the debt we already owe. By 2020, the United States is on track to need 19% of the world's GDP to fund our debt. It's frightening enough to think that we could be that dependent on other nations just to continue to function, but it's even more terrifying to realize that Washington politicians have no intent of stopping there. They intend to keep the pedal all the way down to the floorboard until we run right off a cliff into hyperinflation or default.

3) Decay In Entertainment: During WWII, when we had troops in the field, Hollywood made movies portraying them as heroes fighting for a just cause. Today, Hollywood undermines the war effort and talks about the troops like unstable drones. Actors openly encourage hatred against the country where they became rich and famous. Fifty years ago, Hollywood was much more culturally conservative and concerned about the moral values that television and movies promoted. Today, Hollywood generates a cultural sewer so rank that you'd have to go back to some of the more perverse Roman emperors to find anything comparable -- and that's before you even consider the habitual rudeness, stupidity, and ever present pornography of the Internet. You can't expect a generation of kids who grew up without dads, never went to church, and spent their formative years watching Jersey Shore, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, and anti-American garbage like Machete to produce an overabundance of model citizens.

4) Politics: As a society, we moved from expecting politicians to be better than the rest of us to expecting them to be more degenerate than the rest of us. Ted Kennedy left a woman to die in a tidal pool and was reelected. Marion Barry was reelected after being caught smoking crack. Barack Obama is the first President to be elected after admitting he used cocaine. Barney Frank had a prostitution ring run out of his apartment. Just this last election cycle, Jesse Jackson, Jr. was reelected from the Mayo Clinic. Because of the partisan leans of states and gerrymandering, for a majority of politicians, they have lifetime appointments and elections are mere formalities. Additionally, because of the corruption in Congress and the big money to be made off government decisions, serving in Congress has become a distressingly lucrative job. In 2010, the average net worth of a senator was 13.1 million dollars and the average member of the House was worth 5.9 million dollars. It's ironic that we hear so much negative talk about the "1 percent" from politicians in Congress because most of them are in the 1 percent and them majority of them got there through connections, corruption, and by handing out favors instead of earning it. If the people get the government they deserve, what does the quality of the representatives we have in Washington say about our people?

5) Marriage: Between 1890-1950 black Americans had higher marriage rates than white Americans.

Since then, we've seen the unconscionable slaughter of more than 50 million innocent children since Roe v. Wade, an explosion of out-of-wedlock births and a deterioration of marriage. In 1900 the divorce rate in America was 8.1% while in recent years, it has hovered between 40%-50%. Additionally, the illegitimacy rate has gone up 300% just since 1970.

Today, amongst under 30 women, 73% of black children, 53% of Latinos, and 29% of white children are born out-of-wedlock. Marriage in America is going through a Great-Depression-style crisis and there is nothing on the horizon that seems likely to lift us out of the tailspin.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



With each passing day, the connection between the White House, the Benghazi massacre and cover-up, and illicit love/sex affairs grows like a cancer.

Transcript from NewsBusters of Charles Krauthammer's compelling assertion that the Obama White House held the love affair of Gen. David Petraeus over his head as blackmail in order to get a favorable testimony from him on BenghaziGate:

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: I think the really shocking news today was that General Petraeus thought and hoped he could keep his job. He thought that it might and it would be kept secret, and that he could stay in his position. I think what that tells us is really important. It meant that he understood that the FBI obviously knew what was going on. He was hoping that those administration officials would not disclose what had happened, and therefore hoping that he would keep his job. And that meant that he understood that his job, his reputation, his legacy, his whole celebrated life was in the hands of the administration, and he expected they would protect him by keeping it quiet.

And that brings us to the ultimate issue, and that is his testimony on September 13. That's the thing that connects the two scandals, and that's the only thing that makes the sex scandal relevant. Otherwise it would be an exercise in sensationalism and voyeurism and nothing else. The reason it's important is here's a man who knows the administration holds his fate in its hands, and he gives testimony completely at variance with what the Secretary of Defense had said the day before, at variance with what he'd heard from his station chief in Tripoli, and with everything that we had heard. Was he influenced by the fact that he knew his fate was held by people within the administration at that time?

Of course it was being held over Petraeus's head, and the sword was lowered on Election Day. You don't have to be a cynic to see that as the ultimate in cynicism. As long as they needed him to give the administration line to quote Bill, everybody was silent. And as soon as the election's over, as soon as he can be dispensed with, the sword drops and he's destroyed. I mean, can you imagine what it's like to be on that pressure and to think it didn't distort or at least in some way unconsciously influence his testimony? That's hard to believe.


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Just Who Are the Fools

By Terry Paulson

A regular reader e-mailed me the morning after Obama's election victory, "You should probably leave the country. best for all concerned. slam the door on yer way out."

I replied, "Saving the future of America has never been a sprint.... It's a marathon. It's not a movie; it's a soap opera. It's not bad enough yet for people to wake up to reality. You're stuck with me, like I am stuck with you. America now will get what it voted for. I pray that my assessment of our short-term future as a result of this election does not come to pass. I will support him where I can, but I do not trust his promises."
Yes, I was disappointed and saddened for my country. The Democrats kept the presidency, held the U.S. Senate, and took veto-proof control of both California's Senate and Assembly. I received another e-mail quoting from a comment to a March 2010 Czech Republic Newspaper article published in the Prager Zeitung:

"The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president."

But such derisive rhetoric fails to address the reality conservatives face. First, most of the millions who voted for Obama are not fools. We conservatives believe they made the wrong choice, but they're not fools. The President is not a fool. While producing a terrible economic record, he ran a focused campaign, marshaled an impressive ground game, and got the votes out he needed to win. That is hardly the work of a fool.

The great American saga continues, and the true optimists are realists. They face the current realities and get busy attempting to change them.

Some suggest jettisoning principles to reach America's changing demographics, but changing core principles would be political suicide. Instead, conservatives must reach out and engage the voters they must convince and make the case in a way that's compelling to them. You do that by listening to, engaging, and influencing a new generation of Americans.

Seth Godin recently observed: "Who you hang out with determines what you dream about and what you collide with. And the collisions and the dreams lead to your changes. And the changes are what you become. Change the outcome by changing your circle." Conservatives need to start hanging out with and positively colliding with a wider circle of Americans.

Ronald Reagan would say, "They call me a great communicator. I prefer to say I communicated great ideas!" Reagan was an educator. His collection of taped speeches stressed those speeches that communicated timeless principles critical to the future of America. It's time for all conservatives to embrace that role.

It seems like a long way to the mid-term elections in 2014, but we can learn from the president's election game plan. President Obama realized his vulnerability and kept a campaign contingent in each of the swing states for four years. The drone of well-funded, last-minute ads won't change minds already sold on liberal talking points. Now is the time to start engaging, not just the swing states, but all segments of citizens on critical American values and saving the American dream.

If we conservatives don't make our case in a way that makes sense and changes minds, it's we who are the fools!
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


A National Crisis in Character

By Star Parker

Here's an excerpt from a letter I received the other day from a college professor:

"....throughout this election I discussed with students the differences between ideologies. The majority of them are on federal financial aid. They are fine with more taxes as long as they will be taken care of. It is disturbing to hear that they are willing to spend their own money on tattoos and cell phones but cannot buy the book for class until the financial aid comes in."
For those who see social conservatism as an annoyance and argue that Republicans must purge this agenda from their party in order to survive, I say "think again."

If Republicans want revival, we need honest focus on what's really wrong in America and what must be done to assure that a great nation will be standing for our grandchildren and great grandchildren.

This kind of thinking is different from polls and focus groups and clever schemes to manage media and voter turnout.

Leadership is about identifying the truth, believing it, and telling it in a way that people can grasp. Then they will respond and follow.

The professor's letter provides a snapshot, a hint, of what America's most basic problem is today. It's a problem of character and values.

Having lectured on over 180 college campuses over the last 20 years, I have seen exactly what the professor is talking about.

Of course government is too big. But how did it get this way? Americans vote every two years. They voted every two years during the whole period over which government grew to its current unwieldy size.

With the majority of the country now on one kind of government program or another, does anybody really think we can change this without talking about the human attitudes and values that produced it?

Democrats have a much easier problem than Republicans. They are not trying to change America. The trends and attitudes that got the whole country on welfare, that produced the moral relativism that is destroying our families and character, is the platform of the Democratic Party.
Democrat politicians just have one job. Deny the patient is sick.

Republicans, if they are going to be a real opposition party, have a much tougher job.

With all the talk about this last election being driven by demographics and turnout, the most basic point is the party and its candidate did not step up as a serious, principled opposition party.

We can't save Medicare and Social Security. They are bankrupt. Did we hear this from the Republican candidate? We heard wishy washy words about reforming these systems so we can save them.

Did we hear anything about how our public schools - controlled by unions whose agenda is growing their benefits and promoting moral relativism among our youth- are destroying our children and our future? No.

When Ronald Reagan was first elected in November 1980, 18 percent of our babies were born to unwed mothers. Today 42 percent are. Anyone who thinks this is not of crisis of the first order can just as easily vote for a Democrat as a Republican.
Americans just re-elected a president who opposed the Supreme Court decision banning partial birth abortion. The leader of our nation thinks it should be legal in America to kill a live, fully formed infant. What does this say about America today and our future?

There may be Republicans who think that we can ignore the crisis in character and values that underlies our fiscal crisis. There may be Republicans that think if we have a better tax system it doesn't matter if we have a country of single mothers, sexually ambiguous and confused men, and abortion and euthanasia on demand.

But ignoring these things would mean not just the end of the Republican Party. But the end of our country.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Your Future in Obama World

By Hillary Pugh

Here's what I may tell my almost-grown children, when they come home for the holidays. They're bright, in terms of GPA's, but they live in a lib college bubble that fuzzes up the truth about politics and the economy. What's obvious to most of us may be news to them:


It may seem as though nothing has changed, now that Obama and friends have retained control of the government, but that's an illusion. By laws passed and executive orders and regulations already written, by money printed and debt issued, the Powers That Be have already determined our future. You haven't noticed because most of the new policies haven't gone into effect yet, or if they are in effect, there is a lag time until their consequences are felt.

Money. When you shop for food or buy gas, you must have noticed prices going up, a dime here, a dime there. Inflation is already happening, thanks to Obama policies: limits on drilling and refusal to permit the Keystone pipeline drive up fuel costs. Shutting down power plants drives up utility costs. Printing money to offset federal debt inflates everything. Most goods and services will keep getting more expensive. Eventually, people on a low or fixed income (retirees and people on unemployment, welfare or SSI in particular) will struggle to pay for necessities, because cost of living increases won't keep up with rising prices. We won't let you starve, of course, but we won't be able to help you out as much as we have been because our own discretionary income will be smaller.

Health. We expected Romney to repeal/reform healthcare law, but in the wake of the election, ObamaCare remains the law of the land, even though the majority of Americans don't want it. Its effects on our family will be bad. Your grandmother is prone to falling. If she breaks a hip, she may need hip replacement, a $40,000 procedure  for which Medicare, under ObamaCare rules, is likely to deny coverage, since she is eighty-eight. In that case, the rest of the family will chip in and pay for treatment. Ditto for your grandfather's health needs, at ninety-one. We would not expect you guys to share the burden, since you are still dependents, and under the new law, covered by our policy through age twenty-six. By the way, our premiums are going up by several thousand dollars next year, mostly due to the new law.

Wealth. The day after the election, your father said, "I won't be able to retire. I'm depressed." He wasn't just being emo. He had expected Romney to be elected, bringing into DC a new administration that would be pro business. Instead, we're ruled by left-wingers intent on 'redistributing wealth' from productive people to political cronies and recipients of gubmint checks. Your father had planned to sell his business within the next four years and live on the proceeds in retirement, then pass on the remainder to you and your siblings. Now, that's unlikely to happen, even if the business remains prfitable. I'm not confident the GOP will negotiate a deal to reduce the tax hikes already written into law for 2013, so our taxes will go up. For the foreseeable future, your father will keep working, with the expectation the feds will keep raising taxes, maybe into the 'confiscatory' range (as in France, where the Socialist government taxes high earners at 75%). When your father dies, unless we somehow get out from under the yoke of Obamism, the feds will take a big chunk of his estate. You guys will have to create your own wealth.

Jobs. This fall, a lot of companies kept on employees in expectation 'the jobs candidate' would get elected, but as soon as Obama 'won', thousands of people got the pink slip. Unless you buy the notion that government spending stimulates the economy, these jobs aren't coming back anytime soon. Possibly, you and your friends will hang on to part-time student-type work even after graduation: tutoring, sales clerking, lifeguarding, serving food, camp counseling. Compared to the pre-Obama years, more jobs and promotions will be subject to racial quotas, meaning you may lose out on a position you'd otherwise get because you're white. Federal policy and money favor unions also, so don't be surprised if you end up joining one, to get a job. Remember how many applications you guys had to send out to get last summer's jobs? This year, you'll have to start sooner and apply to more places.

Graduate school. We won't pay for it, so a teaching assistanceship may be your first real job. This perpetual student subsistence may be especially popular if the feds forgive student loans. If the loan forgiveness thing doesn't happen, you can be glad we paid for all of your college so you can start out debt-free.

Your address. It will change. Of course, you'll move out of your college town after graduation -- no jobs there. There's no guarantee you'll live near us. Who knows where you'll end up? It's the American way to move in search of opportunity even if it means leaving behind family and friends. You'll probably end up in one of the red states, where jobs are more plentiful because local laws are pro-business, and because the culture suits you better ('the great sort' trend). Alternatively, you may send your resume to a healthier economy outside the US, such as Canada.

Travel. I'm sorry we didn't come out for parent weekend in October, but with the economy so shaky, spending $2,000 on that seemed extravagant. This year, we're spending over ten grand to fly you guys home for holidays and vacations. We'll probably do the same next year, but after that, you're on your own. Ticket prices will continue to go up. along with everything else. If either of you takes a job in a faraway spot like Germany, we won't see each other for a long time.

Lifestyle. After college, you probably won't be one of the 17.2 million American adults living at home with parents, although you're welcome here if need be. I expect you to live with roommates, for quite a few years. You and the roommates probably won't find jobs that pay enough to get your own places. Unless you marry a millionaire, frugality will be the trend: home cooking instead of so much dining out; house parties instead of going out; shopping for 'new' stuff at estate sales. You may have to learn to make your own coffee.

Friendship. In hard times, it takes on a new meaning. You guys have always used Facebook in a positive way, to keep in touch with people you'd otherwise lose track of, and that's good. Some of those contacts from way back may help you find a job or start a business. These connections will work both ways. Where once charities might call asking for donations, in Obama World people you actually know may be contacting you to ask for help getting a job or a few bucks to get by.

Government. your new best pal. Right now, you can wander the USA all day without running into a person in military uniform or a government office more threatening than the Post Office. That may change. Recently, the federal government has been issuing regulations at the rate of 68 per day, controlling healthcare, food, energy, education, law enforcement, travel and transportation, commerce, communications, the environment et cetera. Don't expect its attention to detail to stop anytime soon. ObamaCare calls for creation of 159 new agencies or programs. On the down side, the feds are apt to do really annoying things like tax or censor the Internet, and regulation overall prevents job creation. On the up side, all those agencies need staff, and if you get truly desperate for employment, you may find yourself working for one. I hope not.

Privacy. an evolving concept in Obama World. While U.S. citizens still have First Amendment rights in general, they may be limited in the workplace. Corporate and governmental employers punish political incorrectness. This girl lost her job for making a private posting about Obama on her Facebook page. That case may be an extreme example, but there's definitely a trend for large employers to monitor the personal lives of employees and demand conformity. Don't be surprised if your adult workplace prohibits wearing things like a cross or a flag pin, and demands per HR policy that employees not discuss politics or religion at work. As soon as you stop being a student, you will need to increase privacy on your Facebook page, or switch to social media with better privacy. PC behavior should be a no-brainer for you, after going to such a liberal college.

Gift-giving. Every Christmas for the past few years we have bought your grandparents another year of Internet service. That may sound like a boring gift, but I think that sort of thing is a sign of the times. They planned prudently for retirement but like many other people who invested in 'safe' Treasury-backed funds, the zero interest-rate policy of recent years has deprived them of most of their income. Our practical Santa gift is worth much more to them than another sweater. Your father and I hope we never become dependent on you guys, but in Obama World, everything seems to be upside down.

If you got the gene for optimism, you didn't get it from me.



"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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