Like Slimey Cockroaches & their crooked President, Liberals Spread Disease

Started by Warph, May 31, 2012, 08:45:08 AM

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Diane Amberg

 OK, so Pres. Obama doesn't get reelected. So then Mr. Romney will then immediately go to all out war? In how many countries? When? In January? With what equipment? (and in the meantime?) and pay for it how?   We can't even sell war bonds any more because they pay no interest!
Just who is the enemy? All Muslims? Just the terrorists? How can we tell? It's not like our enemies haven't burned embassies before. It's what ignorant, uneducated, unemployed extremists do. Just stick that goat out in front and away they go. The numbers aren't huge, but they are big enough. As far as "The Media," watch what other countries on TV have to say.They have no reason to cover for Obama.
 Our weakness will be in trying to be in too many places with worn out troops burdened with ridiculous rules. Marines     without ammunition?  Really!? North Korea is still out there also.


Hmmm.... you forgot France, Diane.  France's answer to National Lampoon and Punch has decided it's seen enough sunrises, I guess.  The cover of Charlie Hebdo today shows a Muslim in a wheelchair being pushed by an Orthodox Jew under the title Intouchables 2, referring to an award-winning French film about a poor black man who helps an aristocratic quadriplegic.  Meaning:

Oh Lord... another cartoon on the back page of the weekly magazine shows a naked turbaned Mohammed exposing his posterior to a film director, a scene inspired by a 1963 film starring French film star Brigitte Bardot.

Charlie Hebdo's website crashed today after being bombarded with comments that ranged from hate mail to approbation.  The magazine is no stranger to controversy over issues relating to Islam.  Last year it published an edition "guest-edited" by Prophet Mohammed that it called Sharia Hebdo.  Oh these kids today, with their long hair and crazy music and mocking Muhammad... tsk, tsk..

So what can we expect?  Cities in flames?  Mushroom clouds over the horizon?  A strongly worded letter to the editor?  I read that Dalil Boubakeur, the senior cleric at Paris's biggest mosque, appealed for France's four million Muslims to remain calm.

I hear Xanax works wonders.  But read the label for contraindications (for example, tell your doctor if you're taking St. John's Wort).

What I don't get is the need to throw in the Orthodox Jewish figure (a rabbi?).  How did Jews get mixed up in this controversy?   What is Charlie Hebdo trying to prove, that it's not just going after Muslim idols?  But.. there a real equivalency there?  Are we supposed to read a map of Israel on the guy's face or something?  Is this supposed to appease anti-Jewish Muslims?  Good luck with that.  I'm sure they see a rabbi and Muhammad as six of one, half a dozen of the other.  Or can you never go wrong in Europe by taking shots at Jews whenever the occasion presents itself?

Hey... I'm not asking strict Muslims to read Charlie Hebdo, just like I wouldn't go to a mosque to listen to speeches that go against everything I believe.

The magazine's editor, originally a cartoonist who uses the name Charb, denied he was being deliberately provocative at a delicate time. "The freedom of the press, is that a provocation?" he said.

Frankly, pissing people off just for the hell of it is not exactly... oh who am I kidding.... it's like what I do every day...

By the way, that film The Intouchables? It's made $351 million worldwide. Looked like Driving Miss Daisy Hospice Edition. Guess not.

Oh yeah, BREAKING News: France is closing 20 embassies around the world.  Because of the cartoons.  Probably wise.[/font][/size]
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


WTF. . . 0buma is the Commander in Chief and as such he should be tried for Treason (if this is true) for failing to protect and defend.  It's actually worse than that... things he (and Broom Hillary) has done have actually caused the death of Americans.

SHOCK: Obama To Apologize To Muslims For Mohammed Movie By Freeing Blind Sheikh Who Bombed World Trade Center

According to Team Beck's source, the move is part of Obama's apology for the Mohammed movie..."the crisis" they refer to in the article is Muslim rage at the anti-Islam movie, and by "resolve" the only mean apologize for and ban any such further criticism of Islam...


The U.S. State Department is currently in negotiations with the Egyptian government for the transfer of custody of Omar Abdel-Rahman, also known as "the Blind Sheikh," for humanitarian and health reasons, a source close to the the Obama administration told TheBlaze.

Glenn Beck revealed the controversial news on his show Monday.

The negotiations are allegedly part of the ongoing discussions with the Egyptian government to resolve the crisis plaguing the Middle East, the source told TheBlaze. Calls to the State Department for comment referred us to the Department of Justice, and nothing has been confirmed.

The Blind Sheikh is serving a life sentence in American prison for his role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. His release has been called one of the top priorities of the new Islamist administration in Egypt. Many have pinpointed the cause of last week's unrest in Egypt to be protests over the Blind Sheikh's release– not an anti-Islam YouTube video.

Citing the handling of the current crisis in the Middle East, and how the administration's explanation that an anti-Islamic video is to blame, Beck warned that the administration may be trying to initiate a "Bubba effect."

"If this is true, and we believe it to be true," he explained, "I believe this administration is trying to initiate a 'Bubba effect.' That is, the average person turning against the government, collectively...because no one trusts them."

"No matter how bad a citizen may be behaving, the citizen's reaction is worse in the Bubba effect. We have to be very careful America...because it's going to get tougher from here on out."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



10-part report raises questions about narrative of Obama's early life
By Doug McKelway

Published September 20, 2012

This photo released by Obama for America shows Barack Obama teaching at the University of Chicago Law School. (AP)

A newly published report raises questions about some established narratives in the early life of President Obama, suggesting the president's upbringing was one of privilege and not hardship.

The Washington Examiner published a 10-part report detailing Obama's path to the White House. Some of the information appears to conflict with the narratives the Obamas and the Democratic Party have pushed, most recently at the party's convention in Charlotte.

At the convention, Michelle Obama said they "were both raised by families who didn't have much in the way of money or material possessions."

Examiner Executive Editor Mark Tapscott questioned that.

"I'm sure he had a difficult childhood given the circumstances with his parents, but from a financial standpoint and social standpoint and so forth , it was not an underprivileged childhood," Tapscott said.

The Examiner reports that the Indonesian neighborhood, Menteng, where Obama's mother and step-father raised the young Barry Soetoro was the most exclusive in Jakarta.

Later sent to live with his grandparents in Hawaii where his grandmother was a bank vice president, Obama attended the exclusive Punahoe school. He later went on to Columbia University and Harvard Law School.

In his first job as a Chicago community organizer, Obama rejected more lucrative offers.

But while he worked in the city's impoverished Southside, he lived in exclusive Hyde Park.

Of his 12 years as a lecturer at the University of Chicago Law School, Time Magazine said in 2008: "Within a few years he had become a rock star professor with hordes of devoted students." But student evaluations obtained by the Examiner tell a different story. In 2003, only a third of students recommended his courses.

"It went steadily down in the last five or six years that he was there. He was among the lowest-ranked professors," Tapscott said.

Nor did the future president leave any record of scholarly writings, while similarly credentialed colleagues had a prolific presence in law journals.

"He showed up to class, he gave his lectures and he was gone," Tapscott said.

The Examiner found sharp contrasts between Obama's memory of his legal work, and the record of it.

In "Dreams From My Father," he wrote: "In my legal practice, I work mostly with churches and community groups, men and women who quietly built grocery stores and health clinics in the inner city, and housing for the poor."

But a document filed with the Illinois Secretary of State shows the young lawyer represented some well-heeled clients. In one case, he represented a politically connected preacher and real estate developer, Bishop Arthur Brazier, who had failed to provide heating and running water to 15 apartments in the dead of winter. Obama's client had all the tenants forcibly removed from the building, yet paid only a $50 fine under Obama's legal counsel.

For all of his critics on the right, community organizer Obama left many colleagues on the left disheartened, by allegedly selling out to the Chicago establishment.

The late radical journalist Robert Fitch, who specialized in urban politics, said: "What we see is that the Chicago core of the Obama Coalition is made of blacks who've moved up by moving poor blacks out."

D'Anna Carter, a neighborhood activist, singled out the president's closest aid, Valerie Jarrett, for criticism. Jarrett was CEO of Habitat Co., a low-income real estate firm that made millions of dollars in part by leveraging federal programs like the Low Income Housing Tax Credit with subprime lending to poor people.

"They were never interested in poor people. They would sell poor people a bill of goods," Carter said.

Some argue that President Obama won office on his strength as a reformer - he did vow to "fundamentally transform America." But the Examiner found as a state senator he rejected overtures to reform the Chicago machine.

"He made it pretty clear he wasn't interested in risk-taking or challenging the Chicago machine's lock on a lot of mechanics of government in Cook County in Chicago," said one frustrated former colleague, former state Sen. Steve Rauschenberger.

Mayor Richard J Daley -- the last of the big city bosses -- built that machine by rewarding allies with patronage positions. Today, Obama's choice of aides suggests an unbreakable bond to that machine. Closest aide Valerie Jarrett, campaign adviser David Axelrod, and former chiefs of staff Rahm Emanuel and Bill Daley all cut their political teeth in the Daley machine.

The legendary Chicago Tribune writer Mike Royko once penned this advice to mayoral candidate Richard M. Daley, the son of the big city boss: "Reward your friends and punish your enemies." It is a phrase the president once used to describe how Latinos should think about elections.

In a 2010 interview, Obama urged Latinos to say: "We're gonna punish our enemies and reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us."

To that end, The Examiner says 31 Obama campaign bundlers received clean-energy loans and grants totaling more than $16 billion. The auto bailout favored the United Auto Workers -- over secured creditors -- and eight of the 10 states getting the most contracts from the stimulus program were heavily Democratic.



How Obama Is Trashing the Constitution

By Robert Knight

It was Constitution Day yesterday (09/17/12), so I spent part of it compiling a non-exhaustive list of the ways Barack Obama has violated the Constitution.

First, let's dispense with a persistent media trope, which is that Barack Obama was a "constitutional law professor" in Chicago. Former University of Chicago Law School Interim Dean Richard Epstein blew a hole through that recently with his recollection that New York Times reporter Jodi Kantor's claim that Mr. Obama was offered tenure is utterly false. Mr. Obama was never even a law professor, just a part-time lecturer.

"nder no circumstances would an offer to Obama be tenured...," Dr. Epstein told the Daily Caller. "The thought that the law school could have made a tenure offer to a person with no academic writing was out of the question."

Now for some examples of Mr. Obama's violations.

Launching an illegal war in Libya.
Article I, Section 8 gives Congress the power to declare war. Under the congressionally-enacted War Powers Act, Mr. Obama had 60 days to get congressional approval after U.S. bombs started dropping in Tripoli, but he didn't bother. Putting the Muslim Brotherhood in charge of yet another Arab nation appeared to be a higher priority than following the law.

Undermining the nation's armed forces.
Article II, Section 2, names the president Commander in Chief. Instead of asserting American power, Mr. Obama projects weakness, emboldening our enemies. The murder of our ambassador and three other staff in Benghazi, Libya, and the attacks on our embassies in Egypt and Yemen, are bitter fruit of that reality. In addition, Mr. Obama rammed through Congress a bill homosexualizing the military despite failing to make the case that this won't hurt readiness, morale, retention or recruitment. He is unfit to be Commander in Chief.

Violating religious freedom.
Mr. Obama's Department of Health and Human Services ignored the First Amendment by issuing a Soviet-style order to Catholic and other faith-based institutions to violate their beliefs and provide insurance covering abortifacients, contraceptives and sterilizations.

Appointing agency "czars" without Senate approval.
Article II, Section 2, gives the president the power to appoint ambassadors, judges and top agency officials, but only with the "Advice and Consent of the Senate." Mr. Obama has appointed, without Senate approval, more than two dozen "czars" in federal agencies.

Making illegal recess appointments.
Article II, Section 2 allows the President to "fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate." While the Senate was in session, Mr. Obama made recess appointments of Richard Cordray to head the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and three members of the National Labor Relations Board.

Forcing Americans to buy health insurance.
Article I, Section 8 gives Congress the power to regulate commerce and levy taxes. It does not force Americans to engage in commerce. During policy debates in 2009, the White House denied that the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate was a "tax." But in court, the administration argued that it was a tax after all. In a shocking ruling, Chief Justice John Roberts bought the logic, upholding this unconstitutional monstrosity.

Refusing to enforce laws that he doesn't like.
Article II, Section 3 states that the president "shall take care that the Laws be faithfully executed." Mr. Obama directed Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. to ignore the Defense of Marriage Act and even work against it in the federal courts. Mr. Holder also suspended newly enacted photo ID voter laws in Texas and South Carolina.

Stonewalling Fast and Furious.
The Justice Department's subdivision of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms "walked" more than 2,000 firearms to drug gangs across the border to Mexico. U.S. Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry was killed, along with at least 100 Mexicans. The administration has shown contempt for Congress, and Mr. Holder denied knowing about the debacle despite evidence indicating otherwise. This is not "faithfully" executing the law or defending America's sovereign borders.

Violating Equal Protection and Voting Rights.
The 14th Amendment guarantees "due process" and "equal protection of the laws." The 15th Amendment guarantees that "the right of citizens to vote shall not be denied or abridged ... on account of race...." Mr. Holder ditched the case of New Black Panther Party members videotaped intimidating Philadelphia voters in 2008. Two former Justice Department officials testified that employees were told to ignore white complainants.

Using the EPA to attack America's energy industry.
In 2010, the Senate refused to pass the "cap-and-trade" bill that would have created a carbon-tax system, vastly increasing federal power over energy. The Environmental Protection Agency declared carbon dioxide a pollutant anyway and began exerting raw bureaucratic power. Mr. Obama's green zealots nixed the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada and virtually shut down new oil exploration and drilling.

Allowing the FCC to grab the Internet.
The Telecommunications Act gives the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) authority over wire and broadcasting, but not broadband. Congress and a federal appeals court rejected the FCC's claims of authority, yet the FCC released "net neutrality" rules in December 2010. This violates the First Amendment's protection of free speech. The FCC has no more authority over the Internet than it does over the musings of Joe Biden.

Attacking a state for upholding federal law.
The 10th Amendment says "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." In July 2010, the Justice Department sued Arizona for a law requiring state officials to enforce federal immigration laws. Nothing in the Constitution prohibits states from assisting in enforcing federal laws. Meanwhile, the Justice Department ignores "sanctuary cities" that openly violate federal law.

Giving a foreign leader platforms to denounce an American state. In May 2010, Mexican President Felipe Calderon addressed Congress, where he blasted Arizona to cheers from Democrats. Mr. Obama joined him later at a White House press conference where both men trashed Arizona. The president takes an oath that he will "preserve, protect and defend the Constitution," which guarantees that states are part of the United States, not part of a foreign country by default.

Using the National Labor Relations Board as a goon squad. The NLRB sued in April 2010 to stop the Boeing Co.'s new $750 million Dreamliner plant in right-to-work South Carolina because unions objected. Nowhere does the Constitution give the federal government the power to tell businesses where they can operate.

There's so much more, but I've run out of room. When liberals write the history of the Obama era, they'll have to perform contortions to cover up the sheer amount of lawlessness.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


President Obama Lies to Univision About Operation Fast and Furious

By Katie Pavlich

Yesterday, Univision reporter Jorge Ramos did the job the American press won't do by asking Barack Obama tough questions, including questions on the topic of Fast and Furious. Obama of course tried to dodge the question by falsely citing Fast and Furious as starting under the Bush Administration. In reality, Fast and Furious was initiated in September 2009 and was carried out starting in October 2009, well into President Obama's first term.

From the Univision interview:

Ramos: Shouldn't Attonrey General Eric have known about that and if he didn't shouldn't you fire him?


"I think it's important for us to understand that the Fast and Furious program was a field-initiated program begun under the previous administration. (LIE #1) When Eric Holder found out about it, he discontinued it. (LIE #2) We assigned a inspector general to do a thorough report that was just issued, confirming that in fact Eric Holder did not know about this, that he took prompt action and the people who did initiate this were held accountable." (LIE#3)

Obama: "Eric Holder has my complete confidence."

Click here to view:

A few things.

1) As I said above, Fast and Furious started in Fall 2009, President George W. Bush left office well before then.

2) (TRUTH) Fast and Furious was shut down immediately after Brian Terry was killed on December 14, 2010.
(TRUTH) Attorney General Eric Holder told the DOJ Inspector General he didn't know about Fast and Furious until January or February of 2011, he told Congress in May 2011 he had known about the program only for "a few weeks." Based on that timeline, how did Holder "shut it down" when the program was shut down before he admits to even knowing about it?

3) (TRUTH) People still haven't been held accountable. Resignations and retirements are not firings and Holder gave those named in the IG report at "responsible" glowing reviews in a statement he released Wednesday.

"First, Kenneth Melson, the former Acting Director at ATF, has retired from the Department, effective immediately. Ken has served the Department in several important roles for over thirty years, including as a United States Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia and more recently as an advisor on forensic science issues. I want to thank him for his dedication and service to the Department over the last three decades.

"Second, those individuals within ATF and the U.S. Attorney's Office for the District of Arizona, whom the OIG report found to have been responsible for designing, implementing or supervising Operation Fast and Furious have been referred to the appropriate entities for review and consideration of potential personnel actions. Consistent with the requirements of the Privacy Act, the Department is prohibited from revealing any additional information about these referrals at this time.

"Finally, I have accepted the resignation of Deputy Assistant Attorney General Jason Weinstein, a longtime career prosecutor who most recently served in the Criminal Division where he led our violent and organized crime, computer crimes and intellectual property enforcement efforts. Jason has dedicated much of his career to fighting violent crime and has led highly successful efforts around the country in this effort. The American people are safer because of his work. His commitment to the Department has been unwavering, and I deeply appreciate his 15 years of distinguished service here at Main Justice as well as in Baltimore and New York.

4) As Eric Holder continues to enjoy the full confidence of Barack Obama, the American people have lost their faith and support the Contempt of Congress charges against him.

A majority of Americans approve of the House vote to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress, according to a CNN/ORC survey released Monday.

Indeed, 53 percent of respondents looked favorably upon the rebuke of Holder's unwillingness to hand over documents related to the Fast and Furious gun-walking program, while 33 percent disapproved of the vote. 13 percent had no opinion.

5) If this was a "field initiated program" then why in the world was it necessary for President Obama to assert executive privilege over thousands of Fast and Furious documents on behalf of Holder?

6) While attorney generals have been asked to resign for far less than failing to do anything about a program allowing the trafficking of thousands of weapons to Mexican narco terrorists, resulting in hundreds of cold blooded murders, Holder still has a job and Obama has no plans to fire him.

7) It isn't surprising Obama lied about this horrific and lethal scandal in front of a Hispanic audience, afterall, he needs their votes and exposing a program that resulted in more than 400 deaths of Mexican citizens, run under an attorney general he has full confidence in, might complicate things a bit.

This isn't the first time Obama has been asked by Ramos about the scandal. Obama was questioned on his knowledge of the program in March 2011. Talking points sound familiar? That's because they are.

Click here to view:

Keep in mind, President Obama has offered zero transparency when it comes to getting to the bottom of Fast and Furious. He shipped his White House National Security Adviser Kevin O'Reilly off to Iraq as soon as the public found out he was getting emails from former ATF Special Agent in Charge Bill Newell about Fast and Furious. IG Horowitz said yesterday it was "impossible" to get any information from the White House about the program.

Click here to view:[/font][/size]

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Obama lies about the origins of Fast and Furious

By: John Hayward

Jake Tapper of ABC News reports on another whopper from Barack (Insane-Hussein) Obama at that increasingly landmark Univision forum on Thursday, in which Obama "falsely claimed that [Operation Fast and Furious] began under President George W. Bush."

(LIES, LIES AND MORE LIES) "I think it's important for us to understand that the Fast and Furious program was a field-initiated program begun under the previous administration," said President Obama, after the Univision hosts asked him why Attorney General Eric Holder hasn't been sacked for his role in the scandal. "When Eric Holder found out about it, he discontinued it. We assigned an inspector general to do a thorough report that was just issued, confirming that in fact Eric Holder did not know about this, that he took prompt action and the people who did initiate this were held accountable."

As Tapper points out, this is a blatant lie. Operation Fast and Furious began in October 2009, nine months after Obama took office. And while the Inspector General's recently released report does include a suspiciously high volume of testimony from subordinates protecting Holder's deniability by insisting they never told him what was going on, it's profoundly disingenuous (to say the least) for Obama to suggest that Holder "found out about" the operation and then personally swooped in to "discontinue" it. Operation Fast and Furious ended in a panicked frenzy after the death of U.S. Border Patrol Brian Terry, not due to any bold leadership from Eric Holder.

What Obama is doing here is echoing a false narrative constructed by his media sycophants, in which Operation Fast and Furious is deliberately confused with Operation Wide Receiver, an entirely separate program that implemented similar tactics in a profoundly different way. Among the signature differences, the Bush-era Wide Receiver program included radio trackers in some of the guns that were "walked" across the Mexican border, while Fast and Furious made no serious effort to follow the weapons. Wide Receiver was far smaller, and it was conducted with the knowledge and cooperation of the Mexican government.

But perhaps most significantly, Operation Wide Receiver ended in 2007. And the one thing that pretty much everyone, across the partisan spectrum, can agree upon is that it was a failure. The efforts to track those walked guns didn't work. The radio transmitters were actually introduced later in the program, after other, less direct tracking methods had proven inadequate. The RFID devices didn't work either.

It's astounding that anyone at ATF, or in the larger Justice Department management structure, thought it would be a good idea to try again, with even less precise and careful methods. There are plenty of criticisms to be leveled at every aspect of Wide Receiver, but every one of those questions only makes Fast and Furious look worse, rather than excusing it somehow.

President Obama could have told his Univision hosts that a similar program existed previously, or that Fast and Furious employed tactics that had already been "field-initiated under the previous Administration," but that's not what he said. Obviously, if he had spoken truthfully, the follow-up questions would have destroyed him... so he lied>:( :P

And the question asked of him by the interviewers really gets to the heart of the matter: we've only been tumbling down the Fast and Furious rabbit hole for the past year and a half because Eric Holder is still there. In times past – but not all that long ago – Holder would have been expected to take responsibility for the disaster and resign. There wouldn't even have been much serious discussion about it. And it probably wouldn't have been the end of Holder's career. He might never have been Attorney General again, but he would have earned respect for stepping forward, instead of hiding behind subordinates and claiming he doesn't really know what the agencies under his purview are doing.

The death of Agent Terry would have called for a top-level head to roll, and Holder's resignation would have contained the political fallout. An investigation of the Fast and Furious debacle would certainly have gone forward, but we wouldn't be talking about an essentially parallel investigation of the massive cover-up. Holder's replacement would have been given a certain presumption of credibility for dealing with the situation, and would have sustained it by firing more department heads. And everyone in the Justice Department would have learned a valuable lesson about the perils of launching crazy "field-initiated" schemes.

Instead, the need to protect Holder and his top deputies, and firewall the White House from the scandal, have led to this bizarre and painful situation, in which a compliant media strenuously ignores a huge and deadly scandal... except for a few interviewers from a single network, existing just far enough outside the media bubble to ask Obama the question that should have been ringing in his ears since Agent Terry's murder. And Obama could not answer that question truthfully.

(It is time for Eric Holder to leave the Justice Department long ago.  Now it's time for him to be escorted from the building along with Barack Insane-Hussein Obama!!!! ... two lying Bastards)

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Call To Action: We Must Retake The Senate To Repeal Obamacare –
List Of Closest Senate Races And Links To Get Involved

Battle for the Senate
Current Senate: 53* Democrats | 47 Republicans

In order to repeal Obamacare, we need a Republican majority in the Senate. The Senate currently has 53 Democrats, and 47 Republicans. Republicans must hold all of their Senate seats, PLUS pick up four more. According to Real Clear Politics, there are currently nine toss up seats for U.S. Senate. Two are currently held by Republicans. Below are the nine toss up Senate seats with links to contribute, volunteer, and to each candidate's Twitter accounts. Please consider contributing so that we can retake the Senate and Repeal Obamacare. If Mitt Romney wins the presidency, he Cannot repeal Obamacare without a Republican controlled Senate. It is Imperative that we gain at Least four U.S. Senate seats.

You can also contribute to the National Republican Senatorial Committee. The NRSC is "the only political committee solely dedicated to electing Republicans to the U.S. Senate." To contribute, visit

I have listed the Senate races by order of polling data. The races that are the closest are at the top. (RCP = Real Clear Politics) See toss up polls at Real Clear Politics Senate Toss Up Races.


Missouri US Senate Election 2012 – Must Win
Incumbent: Claire McCaskill – Democrat
Challenger: Todd Akin, U.S. representative – Republican

RCP Average 8/22 – 9/11 — McCaskill: 48, Akin: 42.7. McCaskill +5.3
RCP Missouri Polls

Todd Akin – Republican

Virginia US Senate Election 2012 – Must Win
Democratic candidate: Tim Kaine
Republican candidate: George Allen – Former U.S. Senator

RCP Average 9/11 – 9/18 — Kaine: 48.6, Allen: 42.2. Kaine +4.4
RCP Virginia Polls

George Allen – Republican

Wisconsin US Senate Election 2012 – Must Win
Democratic candidate: Tammy Baldwin
Republican candidate: Tommy Thompson – former governor, and former Secretary of Health and Human Services.

RCP Average 9/11 – 9/19 — Thompson: 45, Baldwin: 48.6 Baldwin +3.6
RCP Wisconsin Polls

Tommy Thompson – Republican

Massachusetts US Senate Election 2012 – Must Hold
Incumbent: Scott Brown – Republican
Challenger: Elizabeth Warren – Democrat

RCP Average 9/6 – 9/17 — Brown: 45, Warren 47.6. Warren +2.6
RCP Massachusetts Polls

Scott Brown – Republican

Montana US Senate Election 2012 – Must Win
Incumbent: Jon Tester – Democrat
Challenger: Denny Rehberg, U.S. representative – Republican, former lieutenant governor, and former state representative

PPP 9/10 – 9/11 — Rehberg: 43, Tester: 45. Tester +2
RCP Montana Polls

Denny Rehberg – Republican

Connecticut US Senate Election 2012 – Must Win
Democratic candidate: Chris Murphy – Democrat
Republican candidate: Linda McMahon – Former CEO of the WWF – Republican

RCP Average 8/21 – 9/16 — Murphy: 44.3, McMahon: 43.8. Murphy +0.5
RCP Connecticut Polls

Linda McMahon – Republican

Indiana US Senate Election 2012 – Must Hold
Democratic candidate: Joe Donnelly
Republican candidate: Richard Mourdock

Rasmussen Reports 7/31 – 8/1 Mourdock: 42, Donnelly 40. Mourdock +2
RCP Indiana Polls

Richard Mourdock – Republican

Nevada US Senate Election 2012 – Must Hold
Incumbent: Dean Heller – Republican
Challenger: Shelley Berkley, U.S. Representative – Democrat

RCP Average 4/30 – 6/10 — Heller: 47, Berkley:42.3. Heller +4.7
RCP Nevada Polls

Dean Heller – Republican

North Dakota US Senate Election 2012 – Must Win
Democratic candidate: Heidi Heitkamp
Republican candidate: Rick Berg, U.S. Representative

Rasmussen Reports 7/10 – 7/11 — Heitkamp: 40, Berg: 49. Berg +9
RCP North Dakota Polls

Rick Berg – Republican

If the GOP doesn't take back the Senate and win the presidency, Obamacare will most likely never be repealed. It will be here in some form or another.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


           70 Facts that SHOULD Boggle your Mind!


Why is the economy going to collapse?  Have you ever been asked that question?  If so, what did you say?  Sometimes it is difficult to communicate dozens of complicated economic and financial concepts in a package that the average person on the street can easily digest.  It can be very frustrating to know that something is true but not be able to explain it clearly to someone else.  Hopefully many of you out there will find the list below useful.  It is a list of 70 numbers that show why we are headed for a national economic nightmare.  So why does the title of the article single out Barack Obama?  Well, it is because right now he is the biggest cheerleader for the economy.  He is attempting to convince all of us that everything is just fine and that the economy is heading in a positive direction.  Well, the truth is that everything is not fine and things are about to get a whole lot worse.  Certainly others should share in the blame as well.  Congress has been steering the economy in the wrong direction for decades, the "too big to fail" banks have turned Wall Street into a pyramid of risk, leverage and debt, and the Federal Reserve has more power over the financial system than anyone else does.  Our economy has been in decline for quite a while now, and soon we are going to smash directly into an economic brick wall.  Unfortunately, a lot of Americans are in denial about this.  A lot of people out there doubt that an economic collapse is coming.  Well, if you know someone that believes that the U.S. economy is going to be "just fine", just show them the list below.

The following are 70 facts that Barack Obama does not want you to see....

$3.70 - When Barack Obama entered the White House, the average price of a gallon of gasoline was $1.85.  Today, it is $3.70 in Phoenix, AZ.

22 - It is hard to believe, but today the poverty rate for children living in the United States is a whopping 22 percent.

23 - According to U.S. Representative Betty Sutton, an average of 23 manufacturing facilities permanently shut down in the United States every single day during 2010.

30 - Back in 2007, about 10 percent of all unemployed Americans had been out of work for 52 weeks or longer.  Today, that number is above 30 percent.

32 - The amount of money that the federal government gives directly to Americans has increased by 32 percent since Barack Obama entered the White House.

35 - U.S. housing prices are now down a total of 35 percent from the peak of the housing bubble.

40 - The official U.S. unemployment rate has been above 8 percent for 40 months in a row.

42 - According to one survey, 42 percent of all American workers are currently living paycheck to paycheck.

48 - Shockingly, at this point 48 percent of all Americans are either considered to be "low income" or are living in poverty.

49 - Today, an astounding 49.1 percent of all Americans live in a home where at least one person receives benefits from the government.

53 - Last year, an astounding 53 percent of all U.S. college graduates under the age of 25 were either unemployed or underemployed.

60 - According to a recent Gallup poll, only 60 percent of all Americans say that they have enough money to live comfortably.

61 - At this point the Federal Reserve is essentially monetizing much of the U.S. national debt.  For example, the Federal Reserve bought up approximately 61 percent of all government debt issued by the U.S. Treasury Department during 2011.

63 - One recent survey found that 63 percent of all Americans believe that the U.S. economic model is broken.

71 - Today, 71 percent of all small business owners believe that the U.S. economy is still in a recession.

80 - Americans buy 80 percent of the pain pills sold on the entire globe each year.

81 - Credit card debt among Americans in the 25 to 34 year old age bracket has risen by 81 percent since 1989.

85 - 85 percent of all artificial Christmas trees are made in China.

86 - According to one survey, 86 percent of Americans workers in their sixties say that they will continue working past their 65th birthday.

90 - In the United States today, the wealthiest one percent of all Americans have a greater net worth than the bottom 90 percent combined.

93 - The United States now ranks 93rd in the world in income inequality.

95 - The middle class continues to shrink - 95 percent of the jobs lost during the last recession were middle class jobs.

107 - Each year, the average American must work 107 days just to make enough money to pay local, state and federal taxes.

350 - The average CEO now makes approximately 350 times as much as the average American worker makes.

400 - According to Forbes, the 400 wealthiest Americans have more wealth than the bottom 150 million Americans combined.

$500 - In some areas of Detroit, Michigan you can buy a three bedroom home for just $500.

627 - In 2010, China produced 627 million metric tons of steel.  The United States only produced 80 million metric tons of steel.

877 - 20,000 workers recently applied for just 877 jobs at a Hyundai plant in Montgomery, Alabama.

900 - Auto parts exports from China to the United States have increased by more than 900 percent since the year 2000.

$1580 - When Barack Obama first took office, an ounce of gold was going for about $850.  Today an ounce of gold costs more than $1580 an ounce.

1700 - Consumer debt in America has risen by a whopping 1700% since 1971.

2016 - It is being projected that the Chinese economy will be larger than the U.S. economy by the year 2016.

$4155 - The average American household spent a staggering $4,155 on gasoline during 2011.

$4300 - The amount by which real median household income has declined since Barack Obama entered the White House.

$6000 - If you can believe it, the median price of a home in Detroit is now just $6000.

$10,000 - According to the Employee Benefit Research Institute, 46 percent of all American workers have less than $10,000 saved for retirement, and 29 percent of all American workers have less than $1,000 saved for retirement.

49,000 - In 2011, our trade deficit with China was more than 49,000 times larger than it was back in 1985.

50,000 - The United States has lost an average of approximately 50,000 manufacturing jobs a month since China joined the World Trade Organization in 2001.

56,000 - The United States has lost more than 56,000 manufacturing facilities since 2001.

$85,000 - According to the New York Times, a Jeep Grand Cherokee that costs $27,490 in the United States costs about $85,000 in China thanks to all the tariffs.

$175,587 - The Obama administration spent $175,587 to find out if cocaine causes Japanese quail to engage in sexually risky behavior.

$328,404 - Over the next 75 years, Medicare is facing unfunded liabilities of more than 38 trillion dollars.  That comes to $328,404 for each and every household in the United States.

$361,330 - This is what the average banker in New York City made in 2010.

440,00 - If the federal government began right at this moment to repay the U.S. national debt at a rate of one dollar per second, it would take over 440,000 years to totally pay it off.

500,000 - According to the Economic Policy Institute, America is losing half a million jobs to China every single year.

2,000,000 - Family farms are being systematically wiped out of existence in the United States.  According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the number of farms in the United States has fallen from about 6.8 million in 1935 to only about 2 million today.

$2,000,000 - At this point, the U.S. national debt is rising by more than 2 million dollars every single minute.

2,600,000 - In 2010, 2.6 million more Americans fell into poverty.  That was the largest increase that we have seen since the U.S. government began keeping statistics on this back in 1959.

5,400,000 - When Barack Obama first took office there were 2.7 million long-term unemployed Americans.  Today there are twice as many.

16,000,000 - It is being projected that Obamacare will add 16 million more Americans to the Medicaid rolls.

$20,000,000 - The amount of money the U.S. government was spending to create a version of Sesame Street for children in Pakistan.

25,000,000 - Today, approximately 25 million American adults are living with their parents.

40,000,000 - According to Professor Alan Blinder of Princeton University, 40 million more U.S. jobs could be sent offshore over the next two decades if current trends continue.

46,405,204 - The number of Americans currently on food stamps.  When Barack Obama first entered the White House there were only 32 million Americans on food stamps.

88,000,000 - Today there are more than 88 million working age Americans that are not employed and that are not looking for employment.  That is an all-time record high.

100,000,000 - Overall, there are more than 100 million working age Americans that do not currently have jobs.

$150,000,000 - This is approximately the amount of money that the Obama administration and the U.S. Congress are stealing from future generations of Americans every single hour.

$2,000,000,000 - The amount of money that JP Morgan has admitted that it will lose from derivatives trades gone bad.  Many analysts are convinced that the real number will actually end up being much higher.

$147,000,000,000 - In the U.S., medical costs related to obesity are estimated to be approximately 147 billion dollars a year.

295,500,000,000 - Our trade deficit with China in 2011 was $295.5 billion.  That was the largest trade deficit that one country has had with another country in the history of the planet.

$359,100,000,000 - During the first quarter of 2012, U.S. public debt rose by 359.1 billion dollars.  U.S. GDP only rose by 142.4 billion dollars.

$454,000,000,000 - During fiscal 2011, the U.S. government spent over 454 billion dollars just on interest on the national debt.

$1,000,000,000,000 - The total amount of student loan debt in the United States recently surpassed the one trillion dollar mark.

$1,170,000,000,000 - China now holds approximately 1.17 trillion dollars of U.S. government debt.  Yet the U.S. government continues to send them millions of dollars in foreign aid every year.

$1,600,000,000,000 - The amount that has been added to the U.S. national debt since the Republicans took control of the U.S. House of Representatives.  This is more than the first 97 Congresses added to the national debt combined.

$5,000,000,000,000 - The U.S. national debt has risen by more than 5 trillion dollars since the day that Barack Obama first took office.  In a little more than 3 years Obama has added more to the national debt than the first 41 presidents combined.

$5,000,000,000,000 - What the real U.S. budget deficit in 2011 would have been if the federal government had used generally accepted accounting principles.

$11,440,000,000,000 - The total amount of consumer debt in the United States.

$16,048,655,.59 - The U.S. national debt as of Sept. 22, 2012.

$200,000,000,000,000 - Today, the 9 largest banks in the United States have a total of more than 200 trillion dollars of exposure to derivatives.  When the derivatives market completely collapses there won't be enough money in the entire world to fix it.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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