Like Slimey Cockroaches & their crooked President, Liberals Spread Disease

Started by Warph, May 31, 2012, 08:45:08 AM

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"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


President Scum-of-the-Earth Obuma & His Gay Freaks Trash White House

Last week, Obama ORDERED military service branches to celebrate "Gay Pride" month. What we now know is that the same day he issued that order, Obama hosted the first ever "gay activist" reception at the White House.

Obama welcomed his guests promising to make good on their agenda: "We'll get there because of every man and woman and activist and ally who is moving us forward by the force of their moral arguments, but more importantly, by the force of their example."

Now, photos are emerging that were representative of the "moral example" set by his guests after some of the activists posted a few photos in public forums.

Dining on crab cakes and canapés chased with the best wines, while being entertained by the USMC Band -- all at taxpayer expense -- some guests took time out to pose kissing under the official portrait of Ronald Reagan, while others offered gestures reflecting their opinion of the greatest president of the 20th century.

There was even a homosexual/transgendered marriage proposal, as recorded by an attendee and proudly posted on You Tube


White House spokesman Shin Inouye dodged criticism, saying, "The White House does not control the conduct of guests at receptions." However, Obama certainly did have control of the guest list.
This wanton defilement of our White House now ranks alone with the sexual assaults and abuses committed by Bill Clinton when his regime occupied this hallowed home.

Patriot Post: A Marine Comments on this:
Ron in Memphis, TN
Tuesday, June 26, 2012 at 12:04 AM

I am not afraid to comment. Why should we be shocked by the antics of immoral deviants while attending an official function at the White House? Why should we be shocked by the administration's reply "that the administration does not have any control over the guests in the White House"? Most people with any type of manners or decency would conduct themselves with some decorum. The reply by former Sen Inoyoe that they don't control guests is as far from the truth as anyone outright lying could get. One of the most guarded and protected buildings in America and they "can't control their guests"? C'mon people. I am an old Marine and that dog don't hunt. This just another example of why we need good leadership to get our Country back to God before it is destroyed. The Second Coming seems to be the only way we will see any redemption. I will accept that glady but I will not accept what has been done to my beloved Country and the sacrifices that were made so these implacable deviants can do what they want in the White House. God Bless the USA, AGAIN. Thank you.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


There is a rumor floating around that Hillary "Broom Hilda" Clinton might replace Joe "The Mouth" Biden on the ticket.  I don't think that's likely. 

...First of all, I am not convinced that she would add to his vote total, whereas it would definitely cost Obuma "The Mouth's"
vote.  After all, the folks who adore "The Broom" already adore Barack Insane Obuma.

...Two, I am convinced that Michelle "BroadHips" Obuma despises "The Broom", regarding her as a white hussy, and will never forgive her for giving rise to the "birther" movement during the 2008 primaries.

Even psychologically, it doesn't make sense.  By dumping "The Mouth", Obuma would be acknowledging that he might have made a mistake in naming him in the first place.  He would also be sending an obvious signal that he actually needed "The Broom's" help in order to win re-election.  That doesn't sound like the narcissist-in-chief so many of us have come to know and hate.

Finally, "The Mouth" has spent nearly four years proving his devotion to "Insane."  At times, when Obuma gazes at his vice-president's wagging tail, he's probably reminded of the Cocker Spaniel he noshed on back in Indonesia.

"The Mouth" locked his lips on Obuma's derriere in 2008 and he hasn't let loose since.  The only display of public affection that even comes close is the one that Bill O'Reilly shows towards himself when he insists that at least half the letters he posts at the end of The Factor are from readers gushing about "Killing Lincoln."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"A reporter in Arizona was forced into a closet by Joe Biden's staff to keep him from talking to guests at a fund-raiser.  The guy said it wouldn't have been so bad if Biden wasn't already in there for the same reason."

" 'The Donald' Trump is out, and Ron Paul is out.  At this point, the only person that could derail Obuma's reelection is Joe Biden."

"There was a private screening of 'The Help' at the White House over the weekend. And Clown Obuma said he really liked the film.... 'reminded me of home.  The best thing about private screenings, because we get to do them.... it's not like seeing it with the public, you know, where there might be some moron talking through the whole movie.  In fact, that's why we didn't tell Joe Biden.' "

"The White House may have to lay off all nonessential workers if the government shuts down. You know: interns, pages, Biden..."

"Joe Biden accidentally revealed the location of the Vice President's top secret bunker.  The guy can't help it.  But he did apologize.  He said, 'I am so sorry for the mistake.  The launch code is 85374.  It will never happen again.  It will never happen again.  My Gmail password is robot23.  What am I doing?  The house key is under the plant near the doorstep.'"

Hee Hee... that's ol' Joe Biden, alright.  Somewhat of a likeable guy... a funny guy.  But.. if butt-kissing Obuma's black a$$ were an Olympic event, that's the sort of thing that could earn Joe Biden a gold medal in London this summer.  Unfortunately, Biden doesn't come cheap.  According to Newsmax columnist Ron Kessler, Joe Biden costs the American taxpayer over a million dollars a year just in weekend travel expenses.  It seems that the man Obuma appointed to root out wasteful government spending takes a helicopter, designated as Marine Two, every weekend to Maryland, where he then gets on Air Force Two to fly him home to Delaware.  When the weather is warm and Obuma isn't out of town stealing campaign funds, Biden will return to Washington on Saturday so that he can play a round of golf with his boss before heading back to Delaware.  The cost of the one-hour round trip on Air Force Two is $22,000.  The cost of two such trips in a weekend is therefore $44,000, not counting the helicopter rides and the lost golf balls.

All of this is in addition to his $230,700 salary and the rent-free vice-presidential mansion, where five Navy stewards cook, clean, shop for food and do the laundry, at no cost to the Bidens.  Lest you think that's the end of it, the taxpayers are also stuck with the cost of renting 20 condominiums in the Wilmington area for the Secret Service agents who have to accompany him on his weekend jaunts to... ah.. Delaware.  

In case you were wondering, I think this is what the Vice-President has in mind when he refers to himself as just a regular Joe.

And... what the hey... it could be worse.  Look at Pelosi!
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Racial Politics Thicker Than Justice

By Star Parker

When the House voted last Thursday to find Attorney General Eric Holder in criminal contempt of Congress, members of the Congressional Black Caucus walked out.

Why is the Black Caucus trying to make this about race?

It's about Holder's refusal to turn over Justice Department documents requested by the House Oversight and Government Committee in its investigation of the "Fast and Furious" operation.

"Fast and Furious" was a "gun-walking" operation conducted by the Justice Department's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF). ATF would allow known smugglers to purchase arms from dealers in Arizona with the idea that they would trace them to their destination to operatives in drug cartels in Mexico.


Before the vote, Black Caucus chairman Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO) appeared on CNN calling the House contempt vote "....silly and detrimental to one human being." On MSNBC he told Al Sharpton, "This is partisanship at its most base level."

Sure, it's an election year. And if you had to stretch to appreciate the complaint against Holder being made by Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif), chairman of the House committee doing the investigation, you might buy Cleaver's claim that this is just Republican political grandstanding.

But you don't have to stretch to appreciate the case against Holder.

It seems pretty clear that "Fast and Furious" was a botched operation. The ATF lost track of some two thousand weapons that disappeared into the hands of criminals in Mexico. In December 2010, weapons traced to this operation were found on smugglers who murdered U.S. Border Agent Brian Terry. Others were tied to the murder of at least 200 Mexican citizens.

The investigation into these ATF activities began with inquiries by ranking Senate Judiciary Committee member Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) after Agent Terry's murder.

The Justice Department, in a letter to Senator Grassley, initially denied the existence of gun-walking operations. But this picture changed when ATF whistleblowers brought facts to the contrary to light. Subsequently, Justice withdrew its letter, saying its denial of the existence of these operations was mistaken.

Inconsistencies in Holder's testimony before the House committee produced further reasons for suspicion. And then Holder's stonewalling for months, refusing to produce the documentation that the House committee requested.

Whether there is a fire here remains to be seen. But there is plenty of smoke.

Yet Cleaver calls the House vote holding Holder in contempt "silly?" The chairman of the Black Caucus should have the opposite reaction if only for concern for his own community. Illegal drugs smuggled into the US from Mexico cause havoc among black youth. According to the Center for American Progress, there have been more than 25.4 million drug convictions in the US since 1980, and one third of them were black.

To grasp what's really motivating Cleaver, I apply what I call the "A Time to Kill" test.

In the 1996 film "A Time to Kill", a black man in a town in Mississippi hires a white lawyer to defend him after he kills two white racists who raped and mutilated his daughter. When the lawyer makes his closing argument to the jury, he asks them to close their eyes. He describes the atrocities that were done to the girl and concludes by saying "now imagine she's white." His black defendant is acquitted.

So close your eyes. Consider the details about "Fast and Furious" and then picture that the Attorney General is not Eric Holder but John Ashcroft (first Attorney General of President G.W. Bush) and that the murdered border agent, Brian Terry, is black.

Would Emanuel Cleaver now call this contempt vote "silly?" Would the Black Caucus have walked out?

For the Black Caucus this is about racial politics.

Fortunately for us, for Darrell Issa (who happens to represent my home district in California) this is about shedding light on what might be broken in ATF operations.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Henry Wolf, a guy out in California, has sued BMW North America, claiming that a 4-hour ride on a ridge-like motorcycle seat has given him an erection lasting 20 months.  Wolf is seeking compensation for lost wages, medical expenses, emotional distress and general damage.

In related news, Pfizer, the company that produces Viagra, is considering suing BMW North America for patent infringement, and Bill Clinton, 66, has indicated an interest in taking up motorcycle riding.


With the news that yet another electric car company, Fisker, is going to stop production of its electric cars, it occurs to me that green energy is a lot like the game of soccer.  No matter how hard some interested parties push it, America's not buying it.  In just the same way that we prefer football, baseball, basketball, hockey, golf and, at least during Olympic Game years, even gymnastics and synchronized swimming, we dislike soccer.  I'm not saying that nobody likes the silly game in which people pretend not to have arms and hands, and a 2-1 outcome has fans shaking their heads over the obvious lack of defense.  I know that immigrants from Third World countries who grew up kicking a casaba melon around think it's the cat's pajamas.  But most Americans prefer sports that don't require using one's own head as a bat.

As I was saying, it's much the same with green energy.  Although some people, especially those who have finagled a government loan to start a company, pretend to believe that wind and solar energy are an adequate substitute for fossil fuel, nobody else is buying the big Obuma lie. 

Something else they're not buying, just in case you hadn't noticed the scarcity of Volts on the open road, are electric cars.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"It is not enough to just remove Obama from office, because unless we understand the corruption that made his rise possible, he, or someone like him, will rise again"

Lies We Can Believe In
By Daniel Greenfield  Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Civil disobedience is the act of breaking the law and defying the authorities to do anything about it. So is tyranny. The difference between the two lies in which side of the power equation the breaker is on. When the law is broken, two things happen. Either the law is upheld or the authorities back away from a confrontation and find some way to save face.

The ObamaCare process involved breaking a long list of rules and laws and then defying the ragged remnants of the system to do anything about it. At every turn the United States was unable to stop a rogue chief executive and his ruling party from trampling the law. When the case finally reached the Supreme Court, the leading judicial body in the land sidestepped a confrontation by redefining what the action was, rather than rule on the law. It was a classic case of the authorities saving face.

Civil disobedience balances moral absolutes against legal principles. The Supreme Court exists to serve as the final bastion of the law against runaway moral absolutes. But just as in its showdown with FDR, the Court blinked, and our court, unlike that court, didn't even at least put up a good fight for the law before backing down. Obama didn't even have to threaten to pack the court with justices. All he had to do was make it clear that he wasn't going to follow the law, which forced the law to save face by following him instead.

The American chief executive has a great deal of power and a chief executive who dons imperial robes is a danger with few precedents. There have been conflicts between the branches, but even FDR made a pretense of bowing to some outside authority. Obama never has, with the exception of the King of Saudi Arabia.

If he were to be impeached tomorrow, as some urge, he simply wouldn't leave. I don't know what he will do if he loses the election, simply because I don't think he knows what he will do—I don't think the prospect of losing has seriously entered his mind. If he loses it will be a pitched battle between Valerie Jarrett and Michelle Obama on one shoulder telling him to stay and Joe Biden and whatever unfortunate soul is Chief-of-Staff at that point acting as the voices of reason telling him that it's over.

Even absolute monarchs make concessions to something outside themselves, to religion or tradition, but Obama never has. History, religion and tradition are nothing but lines that he drops into speeches in praise of himself. The American flag and the Constitution are trophies that he uses as backdrops, the same way that he uses Greek columns—these aren't things that mean anything to him. They're decorations for the sets playing the eternal movie of him.

Obama is not a politician. Politicians learn to compromise. They learn that they can't always get their way. Obama has never learned that lesson. He always gets his way. Or he did until 2010. No one has ever told him "No" and made it stick. There is no weight of life experience that tells him what to do when this happens.

Unlike many of his predecessors, Obama was never in the military. Unlike all of them, he never held anything resembling a real job that required him to do anything but show up and make speeches. Children are natural tyrants. Take a child throwing a tantrum off the playground, give him every privilege in life, leave out any real challenges, keep telling him that he's special for 50 years and he will be an actual tyrant.  

No one ever thought that a man with the emotional maturity of a child, with no life experience and no principles, would occupy the White House, surrounded by sycophants and worshiped by a press that acts as an extension of the White House Press Office. It took an extensive breakdown among multiple institutions and the national culture for that to happen, and the inability to assert the rule of law is a further symptom of that breakdown.

No one is fooled, unless to some degree they want to be fooled. To believe a lie, you have to want to believe it, and that means that at some level, you know that it is a lie.

Obama was elected because we, Democrats and quite a few Republicans, wanted to be saved from ourselves. We wanted to be saved from our policies, our debates and our guilt. In a time of crisis, we weren't looking for a reliable experienced professional to do the job, if we had been, McCain, for all his flaws, would have won by a landslide.

The man we picked had no experience and no skills beyond his surface charm. He was irresponsible and that was why the country chose him. His irresponsibility made our irresponsibility look good..Even his racist associations were a plus, they made voters feel better about their own prejudices. Every wrong, ugly, stupid and irresponsible thing that he did only made him more appealing to the people who voted for him.

Every now and then people like to get drunk. When things are a complete mess, that's when the temptation to open the bottle and pour it down the hatch comes. Things were a complete mess in 2008 and the country got stinking drunk. It decided to be completely irresponsible and feeling sorry for itself, it elected someone who wouldn't have been qualified for any position in his own Cabinet.

Since then, the country has sobered up. It thinks that Obama is doing a bad job, but it doesn't know how to tell him that he was only a one-night stand. He seems like such a nice guy and it would hurt his feelings to tell him why he was really elected. It wasn't because anyone, besides zombie liberals, thought that he knew what he was doing. It was because he seemed like a cheerful bright spot in a dour time and everyone felt sorry about slavery and segregation.

The problem is that Obama won't leave. 2010 was a sharp hint. Any halfway competent politician would have caught it and changed direction. But Obama refuses to understand hints. He refuses to understand the unspoken message because that gives him power. The power of the rude is in their rudeness. The rudeness is a challenge to anyone with manners to match him equally or shut up and take it. Some Republicans, like Joe Wilson, have matched him rudeness for rudeness, many more, like Justice Roberts, have chosen to take it instead.

A Head of Stare who refuses to follow the law is engaging in rudeness squared, but Obama is doing what the left has always done. The left refused manners and mores, it trashed the culture, threw out its morals, defied the law with acts of civil disobedience and once in office refused to accept any limitations on their power. And most of the time it won. It stared down the society, the police and the politicians, defied their rules and took their rulemaking powers for its own.

The power of the left lies in challenging the lies that society tells itself and creating the illusion of credibility and sincerity through that challenge. It succeeds when its enemies lack faith in their own ideas, their own policies and their own values. The more abrasively it challenges norms, the more it refuses to follow any rules but its own, the more credibility it gains as a liberation movement.

Obama is the apotheosis of the left's project, a brat nurtured on self-esteem, weaned on white guilt, educated to play with words and rewarded for staged confrontations with equally staged surrenders. All these qualities have shaped him into the entitled monster that he is, squatting in the Oval Office and grinning from the covers of a hundred magazines, determined to always win the only way he knows how, by ignoring the rules of the game.

If you have ever encountered someone genuinely worthless, yet successful, it was almost certainly a man or woman who refused to take "No" for an answer. That can be a useful quality in some fields, but it's also a perfect way for people with no useful skills to get what they want out of life. These are the people who don't get fired or denied promotions because it would cause too many problems, who get discounts they aren't entitled to, because they keep demanding them, who use determination and confrontation as substitutes for knowledge, ability and competence—who become a success story purely based on their enormous sense of entitlement and complete lack of shame.

Today such a man occupies the highest office in the land and rules accordingly. What the left once practiced as civil disobedience has become tyranny. Under Obama, the country is turning lawless because its chief executive is lawless. But Obama's rise to power is a symptom of deep-rooted problems in the country. They cannot be fixed just by voting him out of office, because there are other Obamas out there.

Obama's rise to power is a mirror of the national problems that got him there. All the things wrong with him are reflected, to some extent, in the men and women who voted for him. It could not be otherwise. His lawlessness is a symptom of an existing lawlessness. His contempt for values and morals, for tradition and history, for the nation itself, is a symptom of the contempt that the left has fed over the years until it has become a poison in the national bloodstream.

To truly defeat Obama, we have to be able to defeat those negative traits as well. To understand what gave someone like him power over so many people. It is not enough to just remove him from office, because unless we understand the corruption that made his rise possible, he, or someone like him, will rise again.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



I agree Jarhead.. and Warph... just because I don't comment on what you post.. doesn't mean I don't read it all and give you the big hero thumbs up warhoop!!

Well Behaved Women Rarely Make History !

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