Like Slimey Cockroaches & their crooked President, Liberals Spread Disease

Started by Warph, May 31, 2012, 08:45:08 AM

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       U.S. Sen. Feinstein (D) says White House at least partially
              behind intelligence leaks


A group of former U.S. Special Forces and intelligence operatives have created a non-profit social welfare organization named, Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund, Inc, to campaign against intelligence and military leaks.


The OPSEC group says it is not political and aims to save American lives. Its first public salvo is a 22-minute film that includes criticism of Obama and his administration. The film, to be released on Wednesday, was seen in advance by Reuters.

"Mr. President, you did not kill Osama bin Laden, America did. The work that the American military has done killed Osama bin Laden. You did not," Ben Smith, identified as a Navy SEAL, says in the film.

"As a citizen, it is my civic duty to tell the president to stop leaking information to the enemy," Smith continues. "It will get Americans killed."

An Obama campaign official said: "No one in this group is in a position to speak with any authority on these issues and on what impact these leaks might have, and it's clear they've resorted to making things up for purely political reasons."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Navy SEAL on Obama: "They're Just Saying Things That Will Get Them Re-Elected But Will Get Us Killed"

Bill Vollono has the breakdown of the incredibly compelling Special Ops Against Obama video that was posted on YouTube only yesterday but has already received over 601,000 hits!!! Swift Boat 2.0?

Intelligence and Special Operations forces are furious and frustrated at how President Obama and those in positions of authority have exploited their service for political advantage. Countless leaks, interviews and decisions by the Obama Administration and other government officials have undermined the success of our Intelligence and Special Operations forces and put future missions and personnel at risk.


The unwarranted and dangerous public disclosure of Special Forces Operations is so serious -- that for the first time ever -- former operators have agreed to risk their reputations and go 'on the record' in a special documentary titled "Dishonorable Disclosures." Its goal is to educate America about serious breaches of security and prevent them from ever happening again.

Use of military ranks, titles & photographs in uniform does not imply endorsement of the Dept of the Army or the Department of Defense. All individuals are no longer in active service with any federal agency or military service.[/font][/size][/b]

The star of the video, Benjamin Smith appeared with Megyn Kelly to add a few more swift kicks to the Obama Administration. This is a passionate guy. Love it.


It is not noted whether or not the Obama campaign official took the time to watch the video. In light of that uncertainty, here is a list of those featured in the video, along with their credentials:

(I would consider them in a position to speak with some authority.)

Those featured in the video:

Debbie Lee – mother of Navy Seal Marc Alan Lee, the first Navy Seal killed in Iraq.

Dave Lamorte – CIA Officer (Ret.), US Army Special Forces (Ret.)

Anonymous – Retired, Classified, CIA Officer

Ben Smith – Former Navy SEAL, Operation Iraqi Freedom

Bill Cowan – Lt. Colonel, USMC (Ret.), Special Mission Unit Operator

Dave King – Major, Special Forces (Ret.), Wounded 9/11 at Pentagon

Brian Gould – Master Sergeant, Special Forces (Ret.)

Jamie Williamson – Colonel, Special Forces (Ret.)

Fred Rustmann – CIA Officer (Ret.), CLA

Scott Taylor – Former Navy SEAL

Paul Vallely – Major General, US Army (Ret.), Deputy Commanding General - PACIF

Those quoted in print:

Senator Dianne Feinstein - Chairman of Select Committee on Intelligence

Robert Mueller - FBI Director

Senator Bob Kerrey – Former Navy SEAL

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Israel ready for 30-day war after Iran strike: minister

JERUSALEM (AFP) Wednesday, August 15, 2012 5:12:19 AM

Israel is prepared for a 30-day war on multiple fronts should it decide to strike Iran, and is "ready as never before" for such a clash, the outgoing home front defence minister said Wednesday.

In an interview with the Maariv newspaper, Matan Vilnai said Israel was ready to face the consequences of a clash with Iran that could be sparked if the Jewish state decides to launch a strike against Tehran's nuclear programme.

But he warned that any military engagement should be weighed carefully, and cautioned that Israel should "always coordinate" with the United States

"The assessments are for a war that will last 30 days on a number of fronts," he said, repeating the predictions of other senior Israeli officials that the Jewish state would suffer around 500 deaths in such a clash.

"It could be that there will be less fatalities, but it could be there will be more, that is the scenario that we are preparing for according to the best experts."

Speculation has risen in recent weeks about the possibility of an Israeli attack on Iran's nuclear programme, which the Jewish state and much of the international community believes masks a weapons drive.

Tehran vehemently denies those accusations, saying the programme is for peaceful energy and medical purposes.

As the speculation grows, observers in Israel have raised concern about the country's preparedness for war.

But Vilnai brushed aside such concerns, saying there was "no reason for hysteria."

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



In spite of all the alleged gaffes the left-wing press accused Mitt Romney of having made during his time abroad, I thought he was terrific.  First, he gave the Brits an honest answer when he was asked about the Olympics.  Who would have ever guessed that the folks who stood up to the Nazi blitz would fall completely apart over an honest assessment of the Games?

Even better was when Romney said the reason that Israel has a flourishing society and that the Palestinians are stuck in the Dark Ages is because different cultures emphasize different values.  If one group of people supports free speech, freedom of religion and the rights of women and, moreover, places a premium on education and hard work, while another fosters ignorance, intolerance and hate, stifles free enterprise and believes that all it takes to achieve Paradise is to blow up a busload of Jewish children, it's not too difficult to guess which society will prosper.

Speaking of Romney, when NBC news anchor Brian "Liberal Ragster" Williams asked him if it was true, as an unnamed source had told him, that he was considering an incredibly boring white guy to be his running mate, Romney quipped, "But you told me you weren't available."  Reagan couldn't have said it better.

And speaking of unnamed sources, you may have noticed that Obuma hasn't called Harry Reid on the carpet for first starting the rumor that Romney didn't pay his taxes for 10 years and then referring to himself as an unnamed source when spreading the lie on the floor of the Senate.  This is the same Obuma who lectured the rest of us about civil discourse not too long ago.

Now that Obuma's hair has begun turning gray, I think the folks at Grecian Formula are missing a good bet by not hiring him to do commercials for their product.  It's a natural connection.  After all, when it comes to our economy, this goof has spent the past three years employing the Grecian formula as his model.  As a result, we're nearly in the same dire financial straits as Greece.

It is also worth noting that, whether it's redistributing wealth or fomenting war between rich and poor, Obuma's first priority has been to create a classless society.  In one way, he has clearly succeeded. When you consider the likes of Joe Biden, Eric Holder, Valerie Jarrett, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Janet Napolitano, Jay Carney, David Axelrod, Robert Gibbs and Kathleen Sebelius, it would be nearly impossible to even imagine an administration so totally CLASS-LESS!

With Election Day looming in the near-future, I would like to point out to some of my fellow Republicans that they would do well to remove the term "Republicans in Name Only" (RINO) from their lexicon.  I understand that they wish that only hardcore, rock-ribbed, conservatives were ever ensconced in the Oval Office or Congress, but one might as well wish that unicorns were prancing in their garden.  For not only is America not a conservative nation, but, overall, it is barely right of center.  So while it is fortunate that some places can get away with electing true conservatives, most states won't and never will.

But does that mean that we should dismiss and demean the likes of Scott Brown, Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe?  After all, they didn't defeat people like Jon Kyl, Saxby Chambliss and John Cornyn.  They defeated a bunch of nutty left-wingers, such as Martha Coakley, Joe Brennan, Tom Andrews and Jean Bright.  And what's more, if they hadn't won those elections in Massachusetts and Maine, the Democrats would have three additional seats in the Senate, and it is highly unlikely that we'd have any chance of unseating Harry "Liar Liar" Reid as majority leader in November.  So the next time you feel like calling someone a RINO, ask yourself who you'd really prefer to see in the U.S. Senate, Scott Brown or Elizabeth "Squaw Woman" Warren.

In conclusion, Kim Jung-un recently reminded people, via North Korea's state-run media, that his father, Kim Jung-il had 11 holes-in-one the first time he played golf.

In related news, the NY Times reported that Barack Insane-Hussein Obuma recently sank 1947 consecutive free throws.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



The following deaths surrounding Obama and his Chicago, Union thug allies come into focus as a window into his reality not wild  "tinfoil" conspiracy notions!

In the meantime, between now and the election, 0bama will be busy pounding as many nails as he can into Uncle Sam's coffin.. Just in case!

THIRTY THREE UNUSUAL DEATHS connected to the Obama White House

1. Andrew Breitbart – Died of a massive heart attack, walking outside late at night, alone, in the dark approximately one week before he was to produce tapes of Obama's extremist activities in college.

More speculation?: Breitbart: "Wait" Till They See What Happens March 1st, Breitbart's Footage Shows Obama Palling Around With Terrorists.....

Sheriff Joe Arpaio: I Spoke with Andrew Breitbart Shortly Before he Died ......An Eyewitness Speaks Out About Andrew Breitbart's Death Scene... Breitbart's skin color described as bright red. (Often an indication of cyanide poisoning! Who were the four "strangers" with whom he had drinks in a bar near his home shortly before this "heart attack"  happened?)

2. Steve Bridges Dies At 48 – Bush Impersonator Who Offended 0bama by also impersonating him using black face make-up... It appeared that he apparently died "prematurely" of (UNCLEAR) "natural causes".  Killing "President Bush" in effigy as a warning for others to back-off?

3. Kam Kuwata – was found dead inside his Venice home after friend  concerned that they had not heard from him for a few days  alerted police. Political consultant in California. Democratic insider. Possibly the Obama consultant referred to in the pointed, derogatory Ulsterman Report:

Alledgedly viewed bizarre drug induced behavior from Obama during the the 2008 campaign.: "The Troubling Timeline".... The Death of a Political Operative "The Troubling Timeline" (UPDATED)

4. Lieutenant Quarles Harris Jr.- A key witness in a federal probe into Obama and his mother's passport information stolen from the State Department, who was fatally shot in front of a District church

5. Christopher Kelly – Committed suicide, under pressure to testify against former Gov. Rod Blagojevich relative to Obama's senatorial election.

6. John Wheeler – former presidential and Pentagon aide John Wheeler III was found in a Delaware garbage dump. Wheeler's cell phone discovered – Cause of death released in Wheeler case, blunt force trauma – Wheeler's cell phone found in a taxi — His family wants information – John Wheeler was assassinated by a hitman in a targeted killing, his widow has claimed – Who killed Jack Wheeler?

7. Donald Young – Openly gay friend of Obama's Murdered at Trinity Church in Chicago -... Key Witness In Obama Passport Fraud Case – Video report: Obama-Donald Young murder (December 24, 2007)

8. Larry Bland and Nate Spencer: Two other black members of Trinity Church Murdered at the same time – Report: Mother Of Obama's Murdered Gay Lover Speaks Up  With Video

9. BEVERLY ECKERT - Continental Flight Victim, Was 9/11 Widow (VIDEO, SLIDESHOW), was at the White House with Barack Obama, part of a meeting this president had with relatives of those killed in the 2001 attacks

10. Michael Scott – Although Chicago school board president Michael Scott's death had been ruled a suicide by the Cook County medical examiner's office, Chicago police characterized the case as a death investigation, and have not concluded that Scott's death was a suicide – he was subpoenaed to testify before a federal grand jury looking into the admissions practices of Chicago's elite schools. – also was under scrutiny over Olympics-related real estate dealings (with Obama's chief advisor, Iranian born, Valerie Jarrett).

11. David Koschman -  Murdered in a Chicago Rush Street brawl by Richard J. R.J. Vanecko, a nephew of Mayor Daley and White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley - Homicide case involving Daley nephew closed without charges: Witness to Killing, Involving Daley Nephew: "Deceased Didn't Start It"

12. Ashley Turton - wife of the Obama administration's House of Representatives liaison, Dan Turton, was found dead in a burning car Monday morning, Roll Call and other news outlets are reporting. Fire officials said it appeared the car crashed as it was pulling in or out of the garage behind a rowhouse in the Capitol Hill neighborhood of Washington, D.C., at about 5 a.m. Neighbors dialed 911 after spotting the fire.

The body was discovered after fire crews doused the blaze. The fire also charred part of the garage. Nobody in the house was injured, fire officials said. Ashley Turton worked as a lobbyist for the utility giant Progress Energy, according to Politico. She was a former staffer for U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn. The Rahm Emanuel Connection to the Deceased Ashley Turton, — The ATF investigates – Ashley Turton Crashed "Under the Influence "

13. Dawn Sylvia-Stasiewicz - Obama's First Dog Trainer Dies At 52. Rumored to be salaried at over $102,000 per year at tax-payer expense

14. "SARAH BERKLEY – Author of  "The Jihad at the Ballot Box" – a book examining Obama's relationship with radical Islam. Died in a mysterious car crash in 2003.

15. RUSSELL MCDOUGAL – Former FBI operative, January 23rd, 2007. McDougal was known to hold sensitive information about meetings Barack Obama had with arms smugglers.

His wife was murdered March 2006 after he went public with his initial reports.

His father died July 8, 2006 four hours after McDougal presented his findings on the Savage Nation. Suffered administrative retaliation after reporting discussions by jihadist groups concerning Obama to his superiors.

16. RODRIGO VILLALOPEZ - a television news camera man who shot the footage of Obama PUBLICLY describing small town voters as "bitter" and "clinging" to their guns during the primary season and furious at being filmed doing this.

17. BRIAN GORING – A defense attorney for Obama patron Antoin Rezko during his trial for extortion and bribery. Died of apparent "natural causes".

18. MERCEDES HUGLEY - one of Obama's white, female conquests while at Harvard. Filed sexual assault charges against Obama for date rape in 1990.

Because "date rape" was not considered a crime like it is today, she ended up dropping the charges. Two years later, she was found dead of an apparent cocaine overdose.

19. TAMIKA HILL – A former secretary for Obama's office in Chicago was murdered July 6, 2005 at a rib shack in the south side. Hill had spoken off the record with a reporter from the Chicago Sun Times about meetings Obama had with black militants in the city. She was murdered before she could ever be properly interviewed.

20. HASAD AL SHAREEZ - FBI informant. Reported to his handler in January 2001 that he had a tape about of a person named simply "B. Hussein" meeting with 9/11 hijacker Mohammad Atta in Prague. Was found shot in the basement of a mosque in Dearborn, MI in October, 2001.

21. DARSANO RAHARDJO – Childhood classmate of Barack Obama when he attended an Islamic madrassa (school) in Indonesia.

Was found with his head cut off in a Jakarta alley way in 1970. Many children at the school attributed Rahardjo's murder to the young Barack Obama.

It was likely done as an initiation ritual, since Islam demands that a boy spill another's blood before the age of ten to prove their loyalty to Allah.

22. REVEREND DAVID MANNING – Former head of the Trinity Baptist Church in Chicago. Was murdered during the apparent robbery of a catfish restaurant in 1972.

Shortly afterwards, Rev. Jeremiah Wright took over as head of Trinity and a many parishioners (who later left the church) suspected Wright in having a hand in Reverend Mannings death.

Decades later, Manning's son JAMAL MANNING was found dead of an apparent crack overdose in 2004. It was rumored he was going to bring evidence of Wright's complicity in his father's death. His testimony was timed to coincide with Obama's first senate race.

23. CHRISTOPHER HARGROVE - A former same-sex lover of Larry Sinclair. Found dead in a hotel room of apparent auto-erotic asphyxiation in January 2001. Was said to have been enraged when he found out that Sinclair had cheated on Jackson with Obama in the back of a limousine. To get revenge, Jackson planned to release digital pictures Sinclair had taken of the Obama encounter on the Internet.

24. PAUL ROTHCHILD – Democrat National Committee Political Director found dead in a hotel room in Washington DC in 2003. A "friend and trusted advisor" to senatorial candidate Barack Obama. Dead of an apparent suicide.

25. CURTIS "POOKIE" JACKSON – Chicago drug dealer. Was the subject of a police investigation in which he was suspected of funneling money to Obama's many various community projects. Killed in 1998 in an apparent gang murder.

26. HARVEY KENYON – Head of Obama's senatorial security team in Chicago. Gunned down in his car at a deserted intersection outside of Grant Park in 2005. Kenyon's son said his father was building a dossier on Obama. He allegedly threatened to reveal this information. After he died the files were mysteriously removed from his house

27. SHEILA BAUGH – A Washington DC madame. Died from a gunshot wound. Reported to have a black book of people containing names of influential people who visited the prostitutes in her brothel. One of those names was allegedly Barack Obama.

28. KEYSHAWN "SPOON" CALWORTH – Was found dead of an apparent heroin overdose May 18, 1997. Was reported to have ties to Obama's preacher Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

29. LAWSHAWNA MARTIN – 26 year old mother of five, a Cabrini Green resident with a history of substance abuse. Told two of her co-workers at the Blue Peppermint Gentleman's Club that she would have to quit work because she was pregnant again. Strongly implied that the "baby daddy" was Barack Obama. The next week, she was reported missing.

No body was ever recovered, but Lawshana has not resurfaced since making those remarks.

30. BILL FERGUSON – Senior aide to Barack Obama. Found dead of an "apparent heart attack". (Caused by knowing too much?)

31. GANDY BAUGH – Attorney for Obama friend, convicted felon Antonin Rezko. Died by falling out an eightieth story window of the Hancock Tower, January, 2003. His client was a convicted Chinese spy. He also arranged special deal and documentation (still unclear if it was legal) for Obama's purchase of Obama's current Chicago home and a property extension!

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



The Bucks Never Stop with President What's-His-Name
By John Ransom

There's a millstone hanging around the neck of the US economy.
And his name is Barack Obama.

Blame Bush if you want, but post-9/11, Bush's policies got the country moving in the right direction after a hard right hook.

Blame Bush if you must, but the "blame Bush" mantra doesn't change some critical facts:

You see, George Bush isn't running for president of the United States. Barack Obama is; and voters seem to be aware of this fact, to the dismay, no doubt, of the White House.

The New York Times/CBS News poll "A released Thursday," wrote the Washington Times in April of this year, "didn't ask voters about blame for the economy, but whether they thought an Obama re-election would improve their financial situations. Thirty-eight percent said it would have no effect; 33 percent said it would make their situations worse. Only 26 percent said a second Obama term would improve their economic situations.

You know why they say this? Because while the buck is supposed to stop on the president's desk, the buck- and the bucks- never seems to stop with Obama.

Every time Obama blames Bush, he just reinforces how irrelevant President Scholarship has become.

President Invest-in-Clean-Energy has pretty much had it his own way since his coronation. He spent the money he asked for. If he wanted more, he had two years to ask for it, and Congress would have given it to him.

And despite brave talk from President High-Speed-Rail, he was better at writing books than he has been at being president. Or at least he hired better people to write books for him.

Ah, yes, this is just another thing Sarah Palin was right about that the mainstream media couldn't sniff out for themselves. I guess going to all those colleges worked out better for Palin than having say, one journalism degree from one school and working at one job- journalism- your whole life.

Betcha five bucks that one year under a Palin presidency- or a Bachmann, a Perry, a Romney, or a [shudder, shudder, shudder] (Hillary) Clinton presidency- that the unemployment arrow would be pointing the right way.

Only an ideologue, tied to academic leftist-dogma, could be proud of such a disastrous record as President-Eat-My-Peas-and-Like-it. And apparently he's pursued all these goals on purpose.

And here's the most damning thing about President Class-Warrior: The only people making money so far are the stock traders. Every time I turn around, the stock market is threatening to make new two year highs, companies are reporting record earnings and even evil banks are reporting profits. Things are going swimmingly on Wall Street thanks to zero interest rates and the certainty that the Federal Reserve will provide enough liquidity to make the seas rise along with commodity prices.

Oh, and did I tell you President Fundraiser broke a presidential fundraising record?

The man who claimed he'd raise a billion bucks for his reelection bid won't make that lofty figure, but he'll own the record for the number of fundraisers given by a president.

"In the first 12 days of June," reports ABCNews, "Obama has attended 21 fundraising events. All told, he has now attended 163 re-election fundraisers for his campaign and the Democratic Party – almost double the number George W. Bush attended in his entire first term (86) and more than any other president in history."

And why doesn't it surprise me that President Balanced-Budget raised $300 million and spent a record $204 million so far this cycle?

Spending money recklessly is the only thing President War on Women knows how to do. Imagine what Obama would do with himself if the bucks ever stopped.

The people who are left out in the cold are the vast middle-class, and it includes people who make more than $250,000 a year. People like that, under the right president, can create jobs for the rest of us better than President Tax-the-Rich can with the entire power of the federal government at his disposal.

Whether you're a Democrat, a Republican or a swing voter- I'm talking about voters here- President I-Killed-Osama-bin-Laden-Personally, either created this economy on purpose or created it by accident.

It's time to pick one.

And let the buck stop where it may
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



20 Inconvenient Truths About Politics In America

By John Hawkins

1) Joseph Goebbels is often credited with saying, "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe." Not only was Goebbels right, his comments are at the core of the Democratic Party's messaging strategy.

2) There's a reason why being right isn't enough in our political system. It's because as a general rule in politics, emotions > logic, soundbites > longer, better arguments, negative ads > positive ads, liars > honest politicians, and wrong and easy > right and hard.

3) The race-neutral "people should be judged by the content of their character, not the color of their skin" model that white Americans have overwhelmingly accepted has been rejected by black and Hispanic Americans. Skin color matters to most black and Hispanic Americans and it matters a lot.

4) There is no practical way to balance the budget in the next decade without raising taxes and cutting defense, Social Security, and Medicare.

5) Neither the Republican Party nor the Democratic Party wants to solve our problem with illegal aliens. Democrats want as many illegal aliens here as possible because they believe they will eventually be able to turn them into poor, dependent American citizens who will vote for them overwhelmingly. Republicans have corrupt allies in the business community who are willing to give the GOP millions in return for cheap illegal labor. Additionally, some Republicans believe that coddling illegals will bring Republicans more Hispanic votes, although that hasn't been borne out by actual election results and it conflicts with the Democratic belief, which is likely correct, that they'll be the ones who'd benefit from illegals becoming citizens.

6) You cannot follow what's going on in D.C. just by listening to politicians talk. In fact, most Americans need a politically savvy translator to explain what's really going on because there is so little resemblance between what politicians say and what they do.

7) In presidential elections, the most indecisive, least informed, least deserving voters end up deciding the winner because they're the ones who are still undecided right before the election.

8 ) The vast majority of politicians in this country care much more about keeping their well-paying, prestigious jobs than they do about taking care of the country. Most of them would far rather back a popular proposal that's terrible for America than do the right thing if it makes it more likely that they won't be elected.

9) Except for the poorest Americans, everyone should have to pay in taxes what he gets back in government services -- along with a little extra to cover the poor. The fact that 47% of Americans aren't being asked to pay income tax and most of the Americans that do pay think they're being taxed far too much tells you that most people don't think they're getting their money's worth in services.

10) In national elections, liberal politicians usually promise to be moderates and later turn out to be lying if they're elected. On the other hand, Republicans usually promise to be conservatives and then break their promises to move to the middle.

11) Because of gerrymandering and the partisan lean of states, a majority of politicians in Congress don't ever have to worry about being beaten by anyone from the opposing party. Because of this, as long as they don't anger any powerful special interest groups from their party that could fund a primary against them, they might as well have a lifetime appointment to Congress.

12) If you don't vote, your opinion is so meaningless that there's no real point to even asking what you think.

13) America's debt crisis along with the rapidly escalating cost of popular programs like Social Security and Medicare practically guarantees that America's military is going to become considerably weaker in the coming decades.

14) The majority of politicians aren't going to appreciate the work you do for them, your small contribution, the signs you put up, or your help in getting them reelected. They will, however, pay a great deal of attention to you after they're elected if you provide them with a lot of money.

15) Americans claim to want politicians who are honest with them. However, in practice most Americans vote for politicians who tell them what they want to hear while calling it honesty.

16) This country is engaged in an unsustainable level of deficit spending. Yet we can't raise taxes on the rich to make a big dent in it, both parties claim to oppose middle class tax cuts, and making spending cuts is unpopular. So it's a lose/lose/lose/lose situation.

17) Politicians from both parties have proven that they can work together in a quick, bipartisan manner. Unfortunately, it only seems to happen when they're wasting extraordinary amounts of taxpayer money or when they're passing far-reaching, poorly-thought-out legislation in response to a crisis.

18) In the political sphere, most of the people who claim to be "victims" haven't been harmed. To the contrary, they're ecstatic about being "victims" because it gives them an opportunity to bask in public attention as the pretend-to-be aggrieved.

19) A majority of Americans have only the most rudimentary understanding of economics, history, budgeting, the way our system of government works, and the hottest political issues of the moment. That being said, these voters still often catch on when politicians are lying to them because the pols talk to them as if they know absolutely nothing instead of a little something about what's going on.

20) There's a simple reason a lot of politicians aren't nearly as concerned about the country going bankrupt as ordinary Americans: They have so much money and influence that they'll have the option of leaving if things get really bad.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



How Did Harry Reid Get Rich?

His career in public service has ended up being remarkably lucrative.

By Betsy Woodruff

Try this thought experiment. Imagine that someone grows up in poverty, works his way through law school by holding the night shift as a Capitol Hill policeman, and spends all but two years of his career as a public servant. Now imagine that this person's current salary — and he's at the top of his game — is $193,400. You probably wouldn't expect him to have millions in stocks, bonds, and real estate.

But, surprise, he does, if he's our Senate majority leader, whose net worth is between 3 and 10 million dollars, according to When Harry Reid entered the Nevada legislature in 1982, his net worth was listed as between $1 million and $1.5 million "or more," according to the Las Vegas Review-Journal. So, since inquiring minds inquire, let's try to figure out how Reid's career in public service ended up being so lucrative. He hasn't released his tax returns, which makes this an imperfect science, but looking at a few of his investments helps to show how he amassed his wealth.

In 2004, the senator made $700,000 off a land deal that was, to say the least, unorthodox. It started in 1998 when he bought a parcel of land with attorney Jay Brown, a close friend whose name has surfaced multiple times in organized-crime investigations and whom one retired FBI agent described as "always a person of interest." Three years after the purchase, Reid transferred his portion of the property to Patrick Lane LLC, a holding company Brown controlled. But Reid kept putting the property on his financial disclosures, and when the company sold it in 2004, he profited from the deal — a deal on land that he didn't technically own and that had nearly tripled in value in six years.

When his 2010 challenger Sharron Angle asked him in a debate how he had become so wealthy, he said, "I did a very good job investing." Did he ever. On December 20, 2005, he invested $50,000 to $100,000 in the Dow Jones U.S. Energy Sector Fund (IYE), which closed that day at $29.15. The companies whose shares it held included ExxonMobil, ChevronTexaco, and ConocoPhillips. When he made a partial sale of his shares on August 19, 2008, during congressional recess, IYE closed at $41.82. Just a month later, on September 17, Reid was working to bring to the floor a bill that the Joint Committee on Taxation said would cost oil companies — including those in the fund — billions of dollars in taxes and regulatory fees. The bill passed a few days later, and by October 10, IYE's shares had fallen by 42 percent, to $24.41, for a host of reasons. Savvy investing indeed.

Here's another example: The Los Angeles Times reported in November 2006 that when Reid became Senate majority leader he committed to making earmark reform a priority, saying he'd work to keep congressmen from using federal dollars for pet projects in their districts. It was a good idea but an odd one for the senator to espouse. He had managed to get $18 million set aside to build a bridge across the Colorado River between Laughlin, Nev., and Bullhead City, Ariz., a project that wasn't a priority for either state's transportation agency. His ownership of 160 acres of land nearby that stood to appreciate considerably from the project had nothing to do with the decision, according to one of his aides. The property's value has varied since then. On his financial-disclosure forms from 2006, it was valued at $250,000 to $500,000. Open Secrets now lists it as his most valuable asset, worth $1 million to $5 million as of 2010.

How Reid acquired that land is interesting, too. He put $10,000 into a pension fund his friend Clair Haycock controlled, to take over the 160-acre parcel at a price far below its assessed value. Six months later, Reid introduced legislation that would help Haycock's industry, a move many observers said appeared to be a quid pro quo, though Reid and Haycock denied that the legislation was the result of a property deal.

We don't know how much more money Reid has or how he made all of it. For that, we'd have to see his tax returns.

— Betsy Woodruff is a William F. Buckley Fellow at the National Review Institute.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Why Is There No Liberal Ayn Rand?
By Beverly Gage

American conservatives have a canon. Why don't American liberals?

Yale professor and political liberal Beverly Gage laments that conservatives have an intellectual tradition carried on in books, but liberals don't.  They used to and note what the key books were but don't any more, leaving them intellectually weak and poorly grounded.  Maybe this is why Liberals are so stupid.  .... Warph

Story at:

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Is There Anyone Obama Won't Betray?

By John Ransom

Bravo to the boys and girls in the military/intelligence community who have stood toe-to-to with Obama for jeopardizing the sources and methods that took out Osama bin Laden.

While the liberal press tries to make hay out of the fact that the folks behind the Special Operations OPSEC Education Fund Inc have...gotcha!..."Republican" ties, I'm thinking well thank God for Republicans in the military/intelligence community then. These are folks, well known to me, who have been at war since 2001, while the rest of America has been at the mall.

And why aren't heroes like, [cough, hack] John Kerry- largely a Gilbert and Sullivan sailor- who was so brave, that he spent four whole months in Vietnam; why aren't they speaking out on behalf of service members?

Oh, that's right. Democrats lost their moral compass while experimenting with LSD in the late 1960s.

So we should just give them a pass.

The OPSEC group has a serious point, however: It's bad enough that Democrats, like John Kerry, describe the Global War on Terror as a "bumper sticker." But when the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the United States plays politics with intelligence and the lives of our combat troops, you wonder if its not just LSD flashbacks from the 1960s, but perhaps LSD flash-forwards.

Of course, Obama has no need of drugs per se. When you are the Chosen One, all you need is yourself. Obama's self-love is much more powerful than LSD.

For example, the consternation we have seen between the U.S. and Pakistan for the past year signals the likelihood that at least some portion of the Pakistani government participated in the tip off that killed bin Laden.

The public row in the media between the U.S. and Pakistan was staged by the Pakistanis largely to cover up the fact that the Pakistani government turned on bin Laden. The fight was staged by us to help cover up the fact that they knew that we knew that they knew bin Laden was there for some time.

The average Pakistani revered bin Laden as a hero. So you can understand why the Pakistani government wouldn't want to own up to participating in the operation that took him out.

And the Obama administration has been happy to help advance the cover, even if it jeopardized American lives and the lives of our intelligence assets, by giving up a key person who helped us. Subsequently, Dr. Shakil Afridi, a covert agent operating for the United States, was sentenced to 33 years in prison in Pakistan for helping the CIA confirm the whereabouts of bin Laden.

The thought has hardly crossed Obama's mind that maybe it's time to stop supporting a country that supported America's public enemy number one for so long. And can you blame him? Dr. Afridi's Facebook page only has 38 members. Turning over Dr Afridi to thje Pakistanis was an easy call for Obama. When has Obama actually cared about 38 votes?

I guess there are just some things that the American people take lying down now- like betrayal of a friend.

Obama has made it quite clear that U.S. intelligence assets and U.S. military assets are just the chump change in a strategy of world conquest that largely only exists between the big ears of the One.

Think "Winning."

Likewise, Obama's sucked up to China and Russia as well.

A small insertion in a budget item passed last year bans scientific co-operation between the U.S and our largest creditor, the People's Republic of China. This information according to Congressman Frank Wolf.

China, Wolf charges, has also been involved in anti-American activities that have harmed national interests.

"Representative Frank Wolf (R-VA), a long-time critic of the Chinese government who chairs a House spending committee that oversees several science agencies," said Forbes "inserted the language into the spending legislation to prevent NASA or OSTP from using federal funds 'to ...collaborate, or coordinate bilaterally in any way with China or any Chinese-owned company.'"

It's been an open secret that the Chinese have sponsored a series of cyber attacks on U.S. interests for the last five years, including DoD facilities, intelligence centers and even the White House.

Wolf's own office computers, which contain information about dissident Chinese, have also been hacked from inside China.

Some intelligence types think that in addition to targeting military secrets, China's trying dry runs aimed at taking out our command and control.

But like the Pakistani drama, the Obama administration's words of condemnation regarding Chinese spying are mostly meant to keep us citizens happy.

The Obama administration would never cut off their supply of money by quibbling with China about espionage and national security.

Why would they? They can't even stand up to Pakistan or Russia.

Or Syria.

Obama has decided to ignore the prohibition inserted into the budget by Wolf regarding collaboration with the Chinese.

It's business as usual with China.

There is a growing unease amongst national security types that foreign policy and national security decisions are being made by the administration with an eye towards re-election rather than with the best interest of the United States in mind.

While the same charge can be leveled at any administration, Obama's team, notably less than subtle in matters requiring executive ability, tend to fall back on campaign mode when faced with hard choices.

They pick what's politically expedient rather than what's smart, presidential or right.

Hence Robert Gates decision to exit stage right at the Department of Defense and Hillary Clinton's decision to exit stage left at the State Department after the end of the term.

Will there be anyone competent left in Obama's administration if he were to win a second term?

The operation that got bin Laden isn't helping the administration in the national security community, either.

Far from it.

Many in the community resent the emphatic "I" used by Obama when announcing the operation.

But that's not the worst of it.

By changing the story 26 times in a quest for personal glory, devoid of any personal responsibility, Obama has left the impression that Navy SEALs killed unarmed women and an unarmed, old man, while the One shot and killed bin Laden, personally.

No amount of face time with the commander-in-chief can repair that rift. The chain of command is supposed to support the troops who have followed their orders.

One can argue the merits of continuing the friendship with Pakistan and China and Russia, while ignoring their anti-American activities.

But leaving members of the military out to dry, well, that's just un-American.

Just ask the folks OPSEC.

They have the bumper stickers to prove it
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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