Like Slimey Cockroaches & their crooked President, Liberals Spread Disease

Started by Warph, May 31, 2012, 08:45:08 AM

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When I hear liberals blame guns for what James Holmes did, I realize they don't appreciate how much worse the carnage could have been.  If, instead of entering the theater with his semi-automatic weapon, he had set off the bombs with which he had booby-trapped his apartment, God only knows how many more people would have been killed and maimed.

Liberals are always eager to ban guns, but even after the Oklahoma City bombing, you didn't hear them talk about banning fertilizer.  That's probably just as well because sane people would have then been forced to point out that manure doesn't kill people; people kill people.

One of the creepy things about liberals is that they only wish to discuss actions and inevitable consequences when the actions can be traced to conservatives.  You never hear them reprimand parole boards, which are nearly always comprised of social workers, psychologists and other college degreed morons, when one of the felons they release murders or rapes another victim.

You never hear liberals blaming people like Barney Frank, Chris Dodd, Ted Kennedy and Barack Insane Obuma, for bringing on the financial meltdown by insisting that home loans be given to people who couldn't come up with a down payment, all because they knew that the votes of those new homeowners could be so easily bought and paid for with the tax dollars of the solvent.

Have you ever heard a liberal lay the blame for Islamic terrorism at the feet of Jimmy Carter, the man who pulled the carpet out from under the Shah of Iran, thus inviting the Ayatollah Khomeini and his mullahs to embark on their mission of worldwide domination?

Speaking of lunatics such as Jared Loughner and James Holmes, it's been liberal state legislators who have cut funding for insane asylums and the ACLU who have fought the commitment of psychotics.  As a result, these days, there is no way to force the mentally deranged to take their medications and no way to get them off the streets once they decide to forego their meds until the day the voices in their heads send them off on a killing spree.

Also, you may have noticed that all the idiot clowns on the Left need to do is place "phobic" at the end of words in order to cow their opponents into silence. If you don't think that same-sex marriages are a great idea, you're homophobic.  If you don't believe that our country owes its creation to Muslims, you're Islamophobic.

Moreover, nobody is supposed to be judgmental, lest they be accused of bigotry.  So the fact that one of the major reasons that the black community is so dangerous and so dysfunctional is because more than seven out of every 10 black babies is born to an unwed mother is supposed to be ignored in the name of political correctness.  In one of Leona Salazar's columns, I read that the most appropriate name for those unfortunate babies is "souvenirs."   

In conclusion, when you realize there are about 315 million people now living in the United States, and that thousands of them didn't think twice about standing in line in order to see a comic book movie at midnight, and that tens of millions more will, in spite of all the rotten things this administration has done over the past three years, vote for Barack Insane Obama this November, it's rather surprising that such tragic events as took place in Columbine, Tucson and Aurora, are as rare as they are.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


America's Sicko's

There is much more to the collapse of America than just our economic problems.  The truth is that the United States is like a beautiful house that may still look great on the outside but that has rotted and decayed very badly on the inside.  In fact, the foundations of our country have rotted away so badly that our entire society is starting to collapse.  Just look at James Holmes.  It would be great if we could honestly say that James Holmes is an aberration, but we all know better than that.  James Holmes is not alone.  The cold, hard reality of the matter is that our degenerate society regularly produces sickos and monsters like James Holmes.  As I wrote about the other day, we lead the world in a whole host of bad categories.  We lead the world in child abuse, we lead the world in divorce, we lead the world in teen pregnancy and we lead the world in drug addiction.  The basic building blocks of society that tie us together and help keep us grounded (such as the family) are breaking down, but we still seem surprised that we have hordes of "lone wolf individuals" running around doing crazy things.  We are a sick, twisted society that is producing sick, twisted individuals.  If we do not admit how deep our problems really are, then we are never going to find any real solutions and we are going to keep being shocked when another James Holmes pops on to the scene.

Why didn't this type of thing happen back in the 1950s?

Why are our young people so violent and so mentally unstable?

What has changed?

Those are some very important questions.  But most Americans will forget this incident very quickly and they will move on with their self-absorbed lives.

But there is so much about this shooting that calls for further examination.

What would make a highly educated 24 year old man do something so incredibly evil?

Why are so many young people suddenly "snapping" these days?

As our society continues to decay, how much worse are things going to get?

It is almost to the point where people are going to start becoming afraid of gathering in public places.

Most Americans never would have imagined that it would be dangerous to go to the movie theater.

But now people are going to look at going to the movies much differently.

And could it have been possible that James Holmes had some help?

There are some important questions that the media is not really focusing on in this case....

-How did an impoverished college student put together an arsenal of weapons, ammunition and body armor worth tens of thousands of dollars?

-Why do some eyewitnesses claim that he had at least one other person assisting him?

-Why did he surrender to police without offering any resistance whatsoever?

It would be great if we could get some answers to those questions.

In any event, this is yet another sign of how far our society has fallen.  We are becoming more sick and more twisted with each passing day, and it is time to admit this fact.

The following are 20 more examples of the sickos that are overrunning America....

#1 A Sicko In Oregon That Breaks Into Homes In Order To Watch Computer Porn
According to CBS, one young man in Oregon has been breaking into homes with the intent of watching pornography on the Internet....

Police say a 21-year-old Oregon man broke into homes to look at pornography on the Internet, sometimes while the homeowners were inside.

Eugene police said Thursday they arrested Antone Forrest Deedward Owens on charges of burglary, menacing and coercion. Authorities say he broke into at least three homes since last September, sometimes entering the same home on multiple occasions.

#2 Delaware Pediatrician That Sexually Abused 103 Children
Who is the bigger monster - James Holmes or the Delaware doctor that sexually abused 103 children?  The following is from a recent Natural News article....

According to reports in 2010, Dr. Earl Bradley, who has since been dubbed "America's Worst Pedophile," stood accused of molesting 103 young patients in his office in the tiny town of Lewes, Del., since 1994.

Detailed in 160 pages of what ABC News described as "disturbing court documents," Bradley apparently videotaped his sex acts. The documents said Bradley repeatedly molested his child patients as their parents sat nearby and unsuspecting outside the waiting room of his BayBee's Pediatrics clinic.

#3 Jerry Sandusky
Jerry Sandusky was supposed to be a role model.  He was an assistant football coach at Penn State and he was heavily involved in charity work.

But it turns out that it was all a lie.  In fact, a whole bunch of people involved in the Penn State football program knew what was going on and did not report it.

In the end, Jerry Sandusky was found guilty of 45 counts of sexually abusing young boys.  He has become a national symbol of the depravity which is rotting away the very heart of this nation.

#4 Man That Kept His Wife Chained Up For 10 Years
What would you do to a man that kept his wife chained up for ten years?

According to one West Virginia news source, that is exactly what one man down in West Virginia did....

Earlier this month, Lizon was arrested after police say he kept his wife, Stephanie, chained up for nearly a decade in their home along Miller Hollow Road in Leroy, W.Va.

Lizon is accused of smashing Stephanie's feet with farm equipment and hitting her with a hot frying pan.

Police say she also had a miscarriage because of the abuse and was forced to have another baby while still chained.

#5 Serial Foot-Licker In New York
Did serial foot-lickers even exist back in the 1950s?

Why are there so many of them running around today?

The following is from the New York Daily News....

Police have a possible serial foot-licker in custody after a 49-year-old man was arrested for inappropriately touching two young girls at an upstate New York library.

Anthony Parri allegedly took off a child's shoe and rubbed the girl's foot against his nose and mouth in one of two incidents Tuesday at Penfield Library, according to reports.

One of the alleged attacks happened in an open area in the children's section, library director Bernadette Brickman told WHAM, ABC's affiliate in Rochester. The child's mom and a library employee witnessed the abuse and called the cops, according to the station.

#6 Houston Police Officer Accused Of Raping A Woman While On Duty
Who is supposed to keep all of these sickos under control?

The police?

Sadly, the police often are the sickos.

The following is from the Houston Chronicle....

DNA evidence has linked a Houston police officer to a rape he allegedly committed while on duty last month, according to the Harris County District Attorney's Office.

Officer Adan Jimenez Carranza, 32, was being held Friday at the Harris County Jail under a $30,000 bond, charged with aggravated sexual assault of a woman June 18 after a minor traffic accident, court records show.

#7 Philadelphia Police Officer Makes 14 Year Old Girl Watch Him Have Sex With A Prostitute After Sexually Assaulting Her
If we can't trust the police, then who can we trust?

Recently there have been a bunch of reports of sexual misconduct by police in the national news.

The following is how Fox News described one particularly disturbing incident from the Philadelphia area....

A Philadelphia cop was arrested over allegations that he abducted a 14-year-old girl, sexually assaulted her and made her watch him have sex with a prostitute.

Police found Anthony Dattilo, 36, at a motel in the Bensalem area of the city Wednesday while responding to a possible abduction, according to the Bucks County Courier Times.

Dattilo, a 12-year veteran of the Philadelphia Police Department, is reportedly in custody at the Bucks County prison on $500,000 bail.

#8 TSA Agent Spills Grandpa's Ashes And Laughs About It
Almost every single day there is another TSA horror story in the news.

But what you are about to read is one of the worst of them all.

The following is from an ABC News article....

John Gross was leaving Florida with the remains of his grandfather  in a tightly sealed jar marked "Human Remains, " ABC Indianapolis  affiliate RTV6 reported.

"They opened up my bag, and I told them, 'Please, be careful. These are my grandpa's ashes,'" Gross told the station. "She picked up the jar. She opened it up."

Gross said the TSA agent used her finger to sift through the ashes and accidentally spilled it.  He said one-third to one-half of the ashes spilled and that the agent laughed as he tried to gather what he could from the floor.

"She didn't apologize. She started laughing. I was on my hands and knees picking up bone fragments. I couldn't pick up all, everything that was lost. I mean, there was a long line behind me."

#9 Connecticut Man Threatens To Cut The Tongue Out Of The Mouth Of A 3 Year Old Child
What kind of a man would hold up a knife and threaten to cut the tongue out of the mouth of a 3 year old kid?

Sadly, that is exactly what happened up in Connecticut recently.

The following is from a WFSB report about this incident....

Police in Vernon are investigating reports that a man held a knife to a child's face and threatened to cut out his tongue.

On Friday, a woman named Heather Bonneville called police to inform them that a family acquaintance, who has been identified as Roman Fein, held the knife within inches of her 3-year-old son's face before making the threat to cut his tongue out of his mouth.

#10 Naked "Cannibal" Threatens To Eat Police Officers Down In Georgia
Why are so many criminals getting naked lately?

Why are so many criminals trying to eat people?

The following is from a recent Daily Mail article....

Karl Laventure, 21, was believed to be high on bath salts when he tried to attack the officers in Lilburn, Georgia.

And after they had managed to subdue him he began threatening to eat them.

Laventure appeared out of some woods and was seen running naked around a golf range near Atlanta, swinging a club around his head and screaming.

Police said that it took several officers to subdue the man who had 'super-human strength'.

#11 Public School Administrator In New York Fired For Not Participating In A Gay Orgy
Almost every day there is another story in the news about a new school sex scandal somewhere in America.

The following is from Courthouse News Service....

A public school administrator claims in court that his male boss sexually assaulted him in a hotel room after giving him pornography and trying to get him to join a foursome, then fired him for rebuffing the advances.

#12 Naked Florida Man Bites Chunk From Another Man's Stomach
This year criminals in America seem to have become obsessed with chewing on human flesh.

The following example is from a recent Daily Mail article....

A naked man allegedly flew into a violent rampage, biting a chunk out of another man's stomach after leaping from his roof onto a truck and urinating inside his home.

Officers responding to the scene needed backup to restrain Jeremiah Aaron Haughee with leg shackles, a spit hood and handcuffs after he continued fighting despite being Tasered five times.

Authorities did not carry out tests on Haughee to see if he was under the influence of any drugs.

Police first arrived at the home in Flagler Beach, Florida at 4.30 a.m. to find two men restraining the naked 22-year-old in a puddle of urine and glass.

#13 Father Who Killed His 3 Daughters Inside The Home Of His Ex-Wife
You know that society is really starting to break down when parents start killing their own children.

What one man up in Wisconsin is being charged with is absolutely horrific.

The following is from a recent CNN article....

A 34-year-old father was being held by authorities Wednesday in connection with the deaths of his three daughters, who were found inside his ex-wife's Wisconsin home with the gas fireplace turned on, officials said.

#14 Pregnant Woman Set On Fire In Detroit
These days not even pregnant women are immune to violence.

What one pregnant woman up in Detroit went through recently is hard to stomach....

A 22-year-old pregnant woman survived after being bound, driven to Detroit, set on fire and shot early Saturday morning.

The woman, who was nine-months pregnant, had returned from a movie with her boyfriend and dropped him off at his house in Warren when she was approached from behind, Warren police Sgt. Dave Geffert said.

The woman's hands, feet and eyes were bound with duct tape. She was then forced into her car and driven to an unknown place in Detroit where she was doused with lighter fluid, set on fire and shot once in the upper back, he said.

#15 New Jersey Man Throws His Own Intestines At Police
If the police were breaking into your home, would you cut out your own entrails and throw them at the police?

According to the Huffington Post, that is exactly what one man up in New Jersey did....

A New Jersey man allegedly cut out his entrails in front of police and then threw bits of his flesh and intestines at them.

The gruesome scene played out at a home in Hackensack, N.J., where 43-year-old Wayne Carter allegedly barricaded himself in on Sunday, NBC New York reported.

Officers got a call that morning when a witness said Carter was threatening to harm himself with a knife. Two cops responded, kicked in the door and found Carter in the corner, the station reported.

Carter allegedly ignored officers' orders to put down the knife, and instead began stabbing himself in the abdomen, neck and legs.

#16 Naked Man Brutally Murders A Hotel Maid
Why would anyone want to kill a 62 year old cleaning woman?

Many of the crimes that are being committed today are absolutely senseless.

The following is how the CBS affiliate in Sacramento reported this story....

A naked man who may have been on drugs was arrested Saturday for killing a Tracy motel employee.

Andrew Carreiro, 25, is behind bars accused of killing the 62-year-old woman who cleans rooms at the Hacienda Inn on the 600 block of West 11th Street.

Witnesses say they found Carreiro covered in blood and standing near the partially naked body of the woman, say witnesses.

"[It's] most definitely the craziest thing I've seen in my life, most definitely," said Jermaine Haynes, a motel resident who made the gruesome discovery.

#17 Crack-Fueled Sickos Abduct A Female Jogger
These days you are not safe anywhere in the country.

Just check out what happened to one math teacher from Montana.  The following is how a Daily Mail article described what two very sick drug addicts did to her....

After smoking crack cocaine over the entire trip, Waters allegedly told Spell the drug 'brought the devil out in him' and began talking about kidnapping and killing a female, AP reports.

After they spotted Arnold, Spell claims that Waters told him to 'grab the lady' and pull her into their Ford Explorer as she jogged by.

'Spell said Waters got into the back seat with the female and "choked her out",' the affidavit states.

After dropping Arnold's body in a rural area of North Dakota later that night, Waters bought a shovel at a nearby Walmart. They buried the body in a two- to three-feet-deep hole on an old farmstead.

#18 Female Teacher Has Sex With Four Male Students
Why are so many public school teachers having sex with their students?

Don't they realize that they will inevitably get caught?

Aren't the dozens of other school sex scandals in the news sufficient warnings?

The following is from the NBC affiliate in Tucson, Arizona....

A new police report reveals racy, disturbing details of the alleged relationships between an Ironwood Ridge High School teacher and four of her students.

Oro Valley Police picked up Melissa Dalton April 30th booking her on four counts of sexual conduct with a minor.

She posted bail and got out the next day.

Subsequently more Ironwood Ridge students came forward with more allegations. That prompted the Oro Valley Police Department to add eight more counts including six of sex with a minor.

Melissa Dalton was in her first year teaching at Ironwood Ridge High School. The 33 year old is a wife and mother.

#19 Texas House Of Horrors
The nightmares that were happening in one quiet house in Texas are so horrifying that it is hard to find the words to describe them.

The following is from a New York Daily News article....

Texas authorities said Tuesday they removed 11 children from a crowded home where a registered sex offender lives after they found eight confined in a small, dark bedroom with restraints tying some to their beds.

Along with the children, 10 adults were living in the one-story, 1,700-square-foot home in Dayton, about 30 miles northeast of Houston, Child Protective Services spokeswoman Gwen Carter said. One month after a raid on the house, authorities are still trying to determine how the children are related and why they were there, she said.

#20 Florida Man Bites The Lips Off Of A Kitten

What kind of a monster would bite the lips off of a kitten?

It is hard to imagine anyone actually doing such a thing, but according to WKMG this apparently happened....

A Palm Coast man was arrested on suspicion of biting the lips off a kitten and strangling another cat.

Angel Vega Roman, 28, was arrested Saturday and charged with cruelty to animals.

According to the Flagler County Sheriff's Office, Roman told an acquaintance that he accidentally choked his roommates' kitten a couple of weeks ago and bit the lips off another black and white kitten named Oreo.  Roman also tortured Oreo by burning its ear and whiskers with a lighter, a sheriff's report stated.

I know that I used a lot of disturbing examples in this article, but I wanted to make my point very strongly.

James Holmes is not an isolated case.  America is literally being overrun by sickos and monsters.

In the old days, our societal institutions were strong and they helped to tie us together.

But today there is very, very little that ties us together and keeps us grounded.  Faith in almost every major institution in society is very low and our families are falling apart.

The percentage of adult Americans that are married right now is at an all-time low.  The percentage of Americans with no religious affiliation at all is at an all-time high.

Our society is rotting from the inside out and many of our formerly great cities are degenerating into absolute hellholes.

Fixing America is not just a matter of fixing our economic system or our political system.

Fixing America is going to take a whole lot more than that.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


While most remember 2008 as a landslide, Obuma only won by a 6.3% margin.  In 2010, he suffered a serious political defeat. Now just over four months from the election, the White House's margin for error is extraordinarily thin.

The economy certainly has helped put Obuma in this precarious political predicament... with some assistance from public resistance to his own policies... and it could easily put him in a worse one.  At this stage, it is clear that it will not put him in a better one.  The result is that the Administration must somehow try to make this election not be about the economy.  Simply: if the election is about the economy, Obuma loses.  Obama's comment that the "private sector is doing fine" is a direct manifestation of his need to make the economy not be the issue in November.

Nothing to see here, folks... move along.

Instead Obuma is attempting to run on a myriad of other issues... such as immigration to appeal to Hispanic voters, student loans to appeal to the young, and against the Administration's self-declared Republican "war on women"... in order to bring together parts of his 2008 coalition around noneconomic issues.

Obuma won these groups decisively in 2008 (receiving 68% of the Hispanic vote, 63% of 18-29 year olds, and 56% of women), and then saw Democrats' support fall sharply in all three in 2010 (to 60%, 55%, and 48%, respectively).  He needs to win them back.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



I'm trying to understand love of country. It's hard hoeing. Maybe some things just ain't understandable. Or maybe it's 'cause I'm from West Virginia and don't have shoes, 'cause they ain't any that fits people with twelve toes. How are you supposed to love a country where you can't get shoes?

I'm not even sure there's any such thing as a country. Mostly my country seems to be a bunch of brigands in Washington who send you tax forms to get money so they can kill people in some place that never did anything to you and you probably don't know where it is. When did I ask them to do that?

It looks to me like a country is just a temporary mood ginned up to get everybody hooting and hollering behind the grenade industry with other people's money. People just naturally like to get together in packs and kill each other, or beat each other full of concussions like in football, or have gangs and zip guns and ball bats and smack hell out of each other. A country's just a teenage gang with older teenagers and better zip guns, I reckon. All you got to do is get them riled up about something that probably don't exist. You send the dumb ones to get killed and the smart ones cash the checks at home. That's what a country is.

Think about it. Isn't it true? When the gummint wants to go kill folks we mostly never heard of, in Halfghanistan or Eye Rack this week anyway, it acts like the country is one solid thing, a big happy family, and has to think the same things. If the  gummint hates Halfghans, or wants their oil or something, we all got to hate them because we ought to love our country. It makes as much sense as lug nuts on a birthday cake.

I can't see how there's anything special about a country. It's just a big herd full of little herds that hate each other and want to swindle each other and pick everybody's pockets and burgle their houses if they can't actually steal them. I mean, the blacks hate the whites and beat them lopsided so they can take pictures, and half the whites hate blacks but don't dare say so, and want to run Mieesicans out of the country, and the Messicans hate the blacks and the whites that want to run them back to Messico, and everybody hates Moslems, whatever one of those is. Maybe that's a country. It looks more like a bar fight waiting to happen.

What's funny is how people talk about how they love their country, but don't act like it. I mean, there ain't nothing more patriotic than a businessman who thinks he can make money at it. The newspaper in Charlestown says the gummint spends a trillion dollars on wars every year, either fighting them or getting ready or looking for new ones. I don't know how much a trillion is. I do know it never sees the inside of a soldier's pockets.

No. All they get is stumps and blinded and dead. The businessmen don't want them to win, because then the gummint wouldn't buy as many helicopters to get shot down and then buy more. But businessmen don't want the troops to lose either, for exactly the same reason. Nobody in his right mind stops a going concern.

We got two kinds of businessman, and they both love their country the way a bank robber loves a bank. One kind wants to bring the whole country of Messico to America so they can pay them twelve cents an hour under the table and get rich. The other wants to send all America's factories to China where they can pay twelve cents an hour and get rich. Both kinds drip patriotism like oil from a 1964 Harley. If anyone loved me like businessmen love their country, I'd go into hiding.

Then we've got the military that loves its country something crazy. In West Virginia I noticed that ticks love cows. (Why did I think of that, I wonder?) In Washington you've got whole packs of colonels strutting around like barnyard roosters, but with less brains, and saying that hippies and reporters need to support the Pentagon's troops in killing Halfghans. It's so they can show how much they love their country.

See, colonels think they are the country, and nobody but them gets to decide what the country wants. But what if I think I'm the country as much as some useless tax-sucking colonel with colored gewgaws stuck on his coat jacket like a stamp collection? And what if I don't want to bomb anybody that I don't know, just to make money for bomb factories?

I didn't know that Lockheed-Martin was a country. I do now.

I got my doubts about some other patriots too. Suppose you went up north to Wall Street and asked those Yankee tape worms if they loved their country. Reckon they'd say yes? Of course they would. Why, they love their country like a hog loves cornbread. Of course, the hog don't care whose cornbread.

Thing is, the tapeworms, along with the other part of the gummint that stays in Washington, just busted the economy and left half of us with no house. If that ain't patriotism, I don't know what might be. And they didn't even say they was sorry, probably because they were too busy hiding the money in off-shore accounts.  Somehow, patriotism usually seems to have dollar signs attached.

A famous fraud said, "Ask not what your country can do for you," but that's just what everybody does ask. Best I can tell, lots of folk love the United States till their gums bleed, but don't want to do anything for it except run it broke. Congress takes bribes the way a Las Vegas slot machine eats quarters. Big Pharma swindles the public like a riverboat gambler with three decks of aces in his pockets. The Pentagon ain't nothing but Section Eight housing with five walls, so's you can tell whoever built it wasn't paying attention.

I guess with lots of practice I might learn to love hookworm, or leprosy, or even rap music like they have on the radio out of Wheeling—though that may be stretching it. But I can't go lower. I got my limits.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



"Violence And Destruction Are Heard Within Her"
By Michael Brown

As America reels from yet another devastating tragedy, the message of the ancient Hebrew prophets speaks to us afresh: A nation that is filled with violence is a nation on the verge of collapse. Consider where we stand today.

While grieving families in Aurora, CO come to grips with their agonizing losses, it is sobering to realize that the movie theater massacre was actually the sixth multiple-victim shooting in America so far in July, with a total of 24 killed and almost 100 wounded (again, this represents multiple-victim shootings only).

As we look back over the last five years, the roll-call of horror and pain is overwhelming, especially when we remember that each of these "statistics" represents a precious, irreplaceable, human life (and note that I'm not listing the large number of people who were wounded):

• Jan. 8, 2011, Tuscon, AZ: 6 dead (at a political rally)

• Nov. 5, 2009, Ft. Hood, TX: 13 dead (at an army base)

• Apr. 3, 2009, Binghamton, NY: 13 dead (at an immigration center)

• Mar. 30, 2009, Carthage, NC: 8 dead (at a nursing home)

• Mar. 29, 2009, Santa Clara, CA: 6 dead (family members)

• Mar. 10, 2009, Samson, AL: 10 dead (including the killer's mother and grandparents)

• Dec. 24, 2008, Covina, CA: 9 dead (at a family Christmas party)

• Sept. 2, 2008: Alger, WA: 6 dead (at several locations)

• Feb. 14, 2008: Dekalb, IL: 6 dead (at a college campus)

• Feb. 2, 2008: Chicago, IL: 5 dead (at a store)

• Dec. 24, 2007: Carnation, WA: 6 dead (family members)

• April 16, 2007, Blacksburg, VA: 33 dead (at a college campus)

And can we ever forget April 20, 1999, the Columbine High School massacre, where the teenage murderers were reported to be laughing as they mowed down their fellow-students and teachers at close range and in cold blood?

Added to this – and perhaps related to this – is the ever intensifying culture of violence in TV and movies and video games, with a whole generation becoming increasingly desensitized to blood and gore. According to a report posted by the University of Michigan Health System,

• An average American child will see 200,000 violent acts and 16,000 murders on TV by age 18.

• Two-thirds of all programming contains violence.

• Most violent acts go unpunished on TV and are often accompanied by humor. The consequences of human suffering and loss are rarely depicted.

• Many shows glamorize violence. TV often promotes violent acts as a fun and effective way to get what you want, without consequences

• Children imitate the violence they see on TV. Children under age eight cannot tell the difference between reality and fantasy, making them more vulnerable to learning from and adopting as reality the violence they see on TV.

• Repeated exposure to TV violence makes children less sensitive toward its effects on victims and the human suffering it causes.

When the Academy Award winning movie West Side Story came out in 1961, I remember hearing my family talk about the fact that it was violent. (I was 6 at the time.) Yes, West Side Story, where the gangs wore ties and danced to choreographed songs in the streets, and where the shootings and stabbings were basically bloodless, was considered violent. Just 6 years later, in 1967, Bonnie and Clyde was the big hit, and the blood was certainly flowing by then. And Bonnie and Clyde certainly looks tame compared to Natural Born Killers, which also looks tame compared to the latest spate of mutilation and torture flicks, all for our entertainment pleasure.

And let's not forget today's video games, where the gratuitous, explicit, intense, and utterly sick violence is at the control of the person (probably kid!) pulling the joystick trigger (in fact, as you play the game, you are that person). As a columnist noted, one well-known video game included "using cat carcasses as silencers on your gun, hitting people with anthrax-laden cow heads and playing 'fetch' with dogs using the severed heads of your dismembered victims." And there is a massive market for these types of "games."

The book of Genesis, the first book of the Bible, states that one of the reasons God destroyed the world in Noah's day was because the earth was "full of violence" (Gen 6:11, 13; even if you don't believe in Noah's flood, the moral lesson remains the same). What, then, can be said of a nation like America, a nation so filled with violence, not to mention entertained by violence? And I have not said a word about the violence done to babies in the womb, the ultimate example of innocent bloodshed.

Shortly before Jerusalem's fall 2,700 years ago, the prophet Jeremiah heard the Lord say these words, which could easily apply to our country today: "Violence and destruction are heard in her; her sickness and wounds are ever before me" (Jer 6:7). Yes, America, a nation with so much potential and such a rich history, finds itself in the spiraling death grip of violence. How do we turn the tide?

Talk of gun control or media censorship is hardly the solution. The fact is that we have lost the consciousness of God and the fear of God, and without a heartfelt, genuine turning to the Lord, our future looks more bloody than blessed. 

The hour is as late as it is urgent.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



The drawback to elections, no matter where they take place, is that all sorts of people get to vote.  Just look around and you'll see the disastrous results of democratic elections.  In Gaza, the people elected terrorists who owe their allegiance to Hamas.  In Egypt, they elected Mohamed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood, who gave a victory speech in which he announced that the future capital of Egypt would be Jerusalem, of all places, and put out a call to his people, saying, "You are all Hamas.  Come forward, you lovers of martyrdom."  Not exactly Churchillian or Reaganesque, I'm sure you'd agree.

I am proud to say that while pundits of all stripes were doing cartwheels over the so-called Arab Spring, I was predicting that it would quickly show itself to be a typical Arctic winter.  When votes are taken in sewers, the one thing you can always rely on is that a rodent will be elected.

Closer to home, we have Obuma once again giving himself an "A for effort," and blaming his miserable results on those darn House Republicans, along with George Bush, the Japanese tsunami, the European economy, Fox News and Lady GaGa.  I only wish I had been blessed with such an easy grader when I was taking high school geometry.  This lump has done everything but blame Bo for eating his homework.

Obuma also used Romney's summer vacation to berate his opponent, going so far as to claim that when his own family went on vacation, they used to ride a bus and stay at the Holiday Inn.  I'm not sure which family he has in mind, but it sure wasn't his mother and father, who split up when he was two; and it certainly wasn't his mother and step-father, who lived in Indonesia; and it certainly wasn't his grandmother and grandfather, who were very well off and lived in Hawaii, where nobody ever needs to go anywhere on vacation.

On the other hand, Obuma's remarks did serve to remind us of all the pricey vacations he and especially Moochelle take every other week.  The vacation she, the kids and 21 of their dearest chums, took to Africa in 2011, cost $425,000.  What's more, the kids were listed as members of the White House staff, which apparently turned the safari into official government business.

The bottom line, as usual, is that the Romneys spent their own money taking their family vacation; the Obumas, as usual, were spending ours.

Speaking of Mrs. Obuma, she recently used a church pulpit to announce that there's no better place for Americans to discuss politics and social issues than churches.  As I have often observed, the only time that liberals aren't prattling on about separation of church and state is at election time when black ministers rake in greenbacks renting out their pulpits to be used as props by left-wing politicians... and their wives. But, then again, the only time the Obamas feel the need to attend church is when they happen to be delivering the sermon.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



At about the same time that Secretary of State Clinton was apologizing for the U.S. military killing Afghan soldiers who had reportedly been firing on our planes, we were sending that country two billion dollars in foreign aid.  This is the same cesspool that has seen Afghans wearing military uniforms... probably because they were members of the Afghan military... regularly murdering American soldiers with impunity.

It would be ironic if Obuma were to be re-elected because the nation's unemployment numbers aren't as high this year as they were in 2010.  I say "ironic" because in November of that year, 17 states elected Republican governors.  As a result, thanks to those governors, including people named Walker, Kasich, Christie, Martinez, O'Donnell, LePage, Brownback and Scott, the unemployment numbers in those states have decreased on average 1.5%!  And as usual, Obuma takes the lion's share of credit. And for once, come to think of it, he's entitled; after all, without the leadership he displayed in 2009 and 2010, there's no way that so many Republican governors would have been elected.

When I hear black politicians playing the race card by referring every chance they get to DWB (driving while black), as code for police harassment, while ignoring the crime rate among urban blacks compared to every other racial group in the country, I keep wondering when someone will start referring to the victims of black killers, rapists and muggers, as WWW (walking while white).

Although I realize that the American voter has a notoriously short attention span, and that Romney is probably waiting until after the GOP convention to start lashing out at Obuma's record, I would advise him and his cohorts to stop defending RomneyCare and his years at Bain Capital.  Someone should remind him that he's not running for governor or auditioning to be the CEO of a venture capitalist firm.  He is running for the presidency, and it's never too early to apply the war paint.  Hell I've been attacking Obuma and his left-wing cronie clowns for the past four years, and I've barely scratched the surface of their infamy.

Defeating guys like Gingrich and Santorum is child's play compared to defeating an incumbent president.  So, no more silly remarks, Mr. Romney, like "Obuma is a nice guy, but..."  He is not a nice guy. He's a narcissistic, thin-skinned, anti-American radical, who, at most, should be a member of the Berkeley (CA) City Council or the mayor of San Francisco, not the president of the United States.  Calling him a nice guy simply goes counter to everything we all know about this racist weasel.  This isn't a high school debate, and points are not allotted on the basis of good sportsmanship, as John McCain discovered to his chagrin in 2008.

It's fine to use the catchphrase "Repeal and Replace ObumaCare," but an even catchier and more compelling slogan for Team Romney would be "Repeal and Replace Obuma."
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



President Barack Obama has signed a secret order authorizing U.S. support for rebels seeking to depose Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his government, U.S. sources familiar with the matter said.

Obama's order, approved earlier this year and known as an intelligence "finding," broadly permits the CIA and other U.S. agencies to provide support that could help the rebels oust Assad.

Mitt Romney called Jerusalem the capital of Israel and it angered  and hurt the feelings of the little so-called 'palestinians' who occupy parts of Israel.

Ouch.  It is too sad.    I am broken up over this blatant insensitivity... NOT!

Antonin Scalia, rumored to be a member of Opus Dei, a group whose allegiance is to the nation of the Vatican, says the states can regulate guns.

What has really happened is that his fat cells have squeezed his brain to such an extent that he has lost the ability to shut up.

Many in US politics are suspected of owing their prime allegiance to Opus Dei and the sovereign religion/state called  Vatican City.

Is it right for those in positions of power to swear their prime allegiance to foreign powers?    I think not.  But this is why some memberships are kept quiet.
The operative word there is prime as in primary allegiance.
Gun control is, of course, simply an effort made by America's enemies to weaken the United States.
Criminals can always get weapons and even make their own!
Just look at the UN forces.

Meanwhile Bloomberg has long ago lost it but now tries to top himself with  extreme nut cake behavior.

Fox News reports:
Mayor Bloomberg is pushing hospitals to hide their baby formula behind locked doors so more new mothers will breast-feed.
Starting Sept. 3, the city will keep tabs on the number of bottles that participating hospitals stock and use — the most restrictive pro-breast-milk program in the nation.  

This guy has far too much time on his hands.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



Drones over U.S. get OK by Congress

Look! Up in the sky! Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It's ... a drone, and it's watching you. That's what privacy advocates fear from a bill Congress passed this week to make it easier for the government to fly unmanned spy planes in U.S. airspace.

The FAA Reauthorization Act, which President Obama is expected to sign, also orders the Federal Aviation Administration to develop regulations for the testing and licensing of commercial drones by 2015.

Privacy advocates say the measure will lead to widespread use of drones for electronic surveillance by police agencies across the country and eventually by private companies as well.

"There are serious policy questions on the horizon about privacy and surveillance, by both government agencies and commercial entities," said Steven Aftergood, who heads the Project on Government Secrecy at the Federation of American Scientists.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation also is "concerned about the implications for surveillance by government agencies," said attorney Jennifer Lynch.

The provision in the legislation is the fruit of "a huge push by lawmakers and the defense sector to expand the use of drones" in American airspace, she added.

According to some estimates, the commercial drone market in the United States could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars once the FAA clears their use.

The agency projects that 30,000 drones could be in the nation's skies by 2020.

Continued at:
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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