Making Howard a place to see (as well as other area towns)

Started by PrehistoricRez, May 06, 2012, 03:20:46 AM

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Quote from: frawin on May 06, 2012, 07:58:24 PM
Howard never had a Brickyard or a Cheese factory. What happened to Elk County was the Gasoline powered farm equipmet. When everyone farmed with horses lots of people lived on an 80 acre farm, had chickens, milk cow or cows, a few hogs, an orchard and big garden. As machinery came on peolple couldn't afford it and farm 80 acres. Families and especially if there was an elderly couple left the farm and the younger farmers bought or farmed more land on the shares.

I wasn't talking about howard alone, elk had the cheese factory and brickyard.  these were industries that hired people.  Howard also had a rail yard, feed mill, and other businesses that produced and shipped out product.

As far as mechanized farming, that I am sure wasn't a big problem. it made it so that those who wanted to farm could do more than 80 acres.  Produce more and yeah some quit, some moved to town some moved out of county.  thats the nature of progress.  But right now in todays age, Information/services age, there is nothing here for folks.  Even the taxes are driving farmers out.  the county has a nice racket going where unless you have x number of acres your considered non farm. Doesn't matter if your actually farming.  So they get to jack your taxes up.  Give ya an example, one farm 360 acres house barn several outbuildings, taxes on it are 970 dollars a year, 5acre farm not too far from there, house, shed, taxes are over 1800 a year.  thats theft pure and simple.   IF i am not mistaken, someone else i know has 160 acres, and the county split their house off the land so they could tax them more. This is a common problem across the nation.  The government is getting greedy and finding ways to steal more money
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Why was their a population increase in the 70's.  The only decade in over 100 years with a population increase.  What was going on in Elk County in the 70's that drew people here? 


Construction of the watershed lakes, Elk County RWD 1, West Elk High School, USDA (FHA) housing in Howard, Longton and Moline, etc. had a lot of people employed.  Martin Marietta at Moline was shipping out record amounts of rock, often running 24hrs a day.  There was also a lot of oil activity and farm prices were decent. 

I'd have to look at the census data, but there could also have actually been a small natural increase, that is more births than deaths.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


It was also in the 1970's that cross-bussing in the cities to achieve racial balance in the schools became law. Some folks found that a good reason to flee to the smaller communities.


Quotethats theft pure and simple.   IF i am not mistaken, someone else i know has 160 acres, and the county split their house off the land so they could tax them more. This is a common problem across the nation.  The government is getting greedy and finding ways to steal more money

While I agree some taxes are going up Steve, I must correct you on a misconception:
1.  You cannot compare apples to oranges in 160 ac vs 5 ac.  This depends on the classification, land use, land leases, et al.
2.  The county appraiser cannot split out a parcel on their own.  This has to start with the owner of the land.

Now, on the otherhand, I do agree that the government tends to get greedy, but the Appraisers' hands are tied when it comes to Ag values, Classification as per State Regs.


Quote from: readyaimduck on May 07, 2012, 04:32:52 PM
While I agree some taxes are going up Steve, I must correct you on a misconception:
1.  You cannot compare apples to oranges in 160 ac vs 5 ac.  This depends on the classification, land use, land leases, et al.
2.  The county appraiser cannot split out a parcel on their own.  This has to start with the owner of the land.

Now, on the otherhand, I do agree that the government tends to get greedy, but the Appraisers' hands are tied when it comes to Ag values, Classification as per State Regs.

and why isn't a 5 acre garlic farm considered a farm?  You produce to sell thats a farm isn't it?
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quoteand why isn't a 5 acre garlic farm considered a farm?  You produce to sell thats a farm isn't it?

No, to be a farm status, you have to file a form with the State. Please don't ask me the #.  (and it's NOT a 1099, lol)
Garlic is not a farming is a business, and unless advertised as such, then it is a 5 ac tract of land that is substantially making money and thank the regs(until they change it) it COULD be classified as comercial taxed at 35%. 
No different than my 3 acre plot that grows vegetables and sells at a farmers market  (<ok, that was a lie) but that is the difference in classification

edit:  forgot that I am ready


a Farm staus and an Agricultural status are different as well.  Don't mean to confuse you, however it is convoluted as to the qualifications. 
(example) You live on 169 acres of grass with cattle, have your home on 10 acres that you have garlic and sell it.
You will be taxed at a different rate for the cattle/Ag portion, then at a lower rate for the homestead and garlic.

I hate semantics as well as the other topics that tell the truth!


It seems that whenever I enter into discussion to set things right with the State Regs, that the discussion is closed.
Is this because Prehis Rex isn't interested into the facts, or just wants to stir chit?

There was some good discussion here prior to my correcting Steve, however that is not disuade anyone from persuing making Howard as well as other towns a place to see.  I don't live in Elk County, however I do know some Regs.

ready and wondering.


So, let me say if I were to move to Elk County....what would I enjoy?
1.  The roads, graveled and smooth so I can cruise the senery.
2.  The county, The COUNTY as a whole having events for all in all towns soponsored by them with coffers from the commision.
3.  Less competion from Howard as the 'only game in town'.  Howard is the county seat, nothing more.
4.  Comissioners that reclused themselves from personal interests in what was brought forth to them.
5.  No nepotism in the county government..and this includes friends of frinds that I donate to.
6.  More youth being involved in the stucture of the county.  Not nessecarily by funds, however if budgeted through legitamate means, then ok.
7.  A Country fair...not a Howard or Longton fair, but one consolidated fair for all towns to be represented in.
This would take 2 years to even implement, let alone for 3 commissioners to agree on.

Well, untill I retired  good luck all
Ready to stop cussing to discuss. 

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