the people you meet

Started by jason clatt, May 02, 2012, 12:52:19 PM

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jason clatt

When me and my wife came out to visit her grandpa in 07 we noticed as soon as we got into kansas people would wave,say hi,and were all in all friendly.  This came as a shock to us being from california....out there people wave at you a little different,it is usually with one finger.  Since our move in 08 i have been to allot of places here in Ks and in Mo plus a bit down in Ok.  None of those places even compare to the good spirited folks of Elk Co.  Wich is one of the main reasons me and my wife moved here, sure every town has that one grouch.  I was just driving out and about Howard today learning the street names and where everything is located, and i swear there was not one person that i passed or saw that did not wave at me.  To me that is what communites should be like.  makes me wish other places were as friendly as this little piece of heaven we have here in S.E.K ;D

Diane Amberg

 Do you have annual fire and ambulance fund drives there to raise money for your equipment, etc?
   I know you were able to purchase an AED. I think I have that correct.
  Are you one of the people who has the fireworks training?  I donate a tiny little bit to that every summer, even though I don't get to see them...and in spite of the verbal beating I take from some on here. We have fire works too, but UD has professionals who come shoot them off. We just stand by with the weed wagon and a pumper.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 02, 2012, 02:21:00 PM

  Are you one of the people who has the fireworks training?  I donate a tiny little bit to that every summer, even though I don't get to see them...and in spite of the verbal beating I take from some on here. We have fire works too, but UD has professionals who come shoot them off. We just stand by with the weed wagon and a pumper.

ROTFL, all the training you need around here is a 12 pack of keystone and a bic......>:)
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


The last I knew all the defibs that every fire station in the county, plus the schools, plus all sheriffs deputies were purchased from money raised from a charity shoot that Flint Oak put on. Many members of Flint Oak, although they didn't attend the shoot, opened their purse strings and were very generous . There is substantial amount of money somewhere for repairs, batteries or new ones, they also raised but I'm not sure who is in control of it or where it's at.

jason clatt

help....... my thread has been hi jacked :o :o


This is funny. Yesterday you tell Waldo if he's gonna post to stay on subject and now it's "your thread ". Looks like there is a new forum cop in town and it is no longer Teresa

Diane Amberg

I'm sorry. :'(  I was just interested...which, I guess doesn't set well on  here either. Between Al and I we've got 96 years in the fire service and usually firefighters where ever we travel are friendly kindred spirits. I'll go quietly.


Quote from: jason clatt on May 02, 2012, 04:46:21 PM
              go sure bashed the hell out of me in the other post

and as for the rest of you  GO TO HELL

Spoken like a true professional firefighter, EMT & city leader.  Perhaps now the silent majority in Longton will see the quality of leadership their council chooses as filler when left to their own devices.  Issues?  No.  Emotions?  Definitely.  Sad, really sad.

If it's all the same to you, I'll trade my tickets to hell for a trip back to reality.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: jason clatt on May 02, 2012, 03:16:29 PM
well hell sounds like you are the pro we been needing..bring your beer and your bic and show us how it is done my friend

P.S i have nothing to do with fireworks lighting i just stand by with the fire truck in case shit goes bad

I don't drink but i do stand backa nd watch the other ones that do drink  light them. Hey it can get quite intertaining watching
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

   Jason, what did I say that you considered bashing? I don't understand.

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