Commissioner Hendricks, perhaps this will help......

Started by Patriot, May 01, 2012, 10:43:56 AM

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One would think that after almost 10 years in office, a county commissioner would at least have a basic understanding of the Kansas Open Meetings Act.  Shamefully, that appears not to be the case....

Some distress on the part of Chairperson Hendricks was obvious at yesterday's Commission meeting when she realized a citizen was recording the proceedings on a video camera.  The  impression was clear that she wanted this activity stopped.  Why?  Doesn't the county record the audio of those meetings as well?  Come to think of it, what requires the recording of every name in attendance?  If  they don't speak,why must their name be published in the minutes?  Perhaps Commissioner Hendricks could benefit by reviewing the following:

K.S.A. 75-4318(c)  The use of cameras, photographic lights and recording devices shall not be prohibited at any meeting mentioned by subsection (a), but such use shall be subject to reasonable rules designed to insure the orderly conduct of the proceedings at such meeting.

While you're at it, you might consider that passing notes to Commissioner Liebau during an open meeting without sharing same with Commissioner Ritz and the public could also possibly violate the intent of the Open Meetings Act.  It sure raises questions among observers.

By way of trying to be helpful, our elected officials might consider the following...

The Kansas Attorney General's office provides some very helpful information here:

The entire Act can be reviewed here:

Our Clerk might want to review this as well, since that office prepares the minutes, and there are some very 'wording specific' requirements for those as well.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


So, are you running for county commissioner then, Patriot?


Yea, Patty---you running or not ? I can not sleep at night wondering and worrying. You need to come clean and let us inquiring minds know. Like sands thru an hour glass, so are the days of our lives--in Elk county !!


Wilma, I can't think of anything worse for Elk County than to have Ross or Patriot as a Commissioner. If we had had Ross and or Patriot as Commissioners we wouldn't have to worry about what to do with the Windfarm Monies, because there wouldn't be any. Think about it their two main supporters do not live in Elk County, don't own property in Elk County, don't pay taxes in Elk County.


Quote from oldtimer:
Think about it their two main supporters do not live in Elk County, don't own property in Elk County, don't pay taxes in Elk County.

You might be right oldtimer because I'm not even sure who their main supporters are or where they live but I know a few of their "worst enemies " don't even live in this fine state but people seem to give them a free pass on their input. Even some that no longer live here but squeal the loudest because "they still own property here and pay taxes"should step up to the plate so their names are not in the "delinquent taxes" section of the newspaper. Not growling at you, just stating an observation.


Quote from: Oldtimer on May 01, 2012, 03:11:56 PM
Wilma, I can't think of anything worse for Elk County than to have Ross or Patriot as a Commissioner. If we had had Ross and or Patriot as Commissioners we wouldn't have to worry about what to do with the Windfarm Monies, because there wouldn't be any. Think about it their two main supporters do not live in Elk County, don't own property in Elk County, don't pay taxes in Elk County.

I'm sorry you would make such a decision based on assumption.  Of course, there won't be much wind farm money left with your current leadership either.  Heck, half of the batch we just got is already gone, and neither Ross nor I had anything to do with that.

But maybe spending it wisely by prioritizing real needs vs wants all on the basis of valid constitutional functions of government would be a prudent idea.  Under the current circumstances, you can bet your pet dog I wouldn't be advocating for a golf course or an Olympic size swimming pool.  And your assumption that my 'main' supporters aren't local assumes my main supporters even post on this forum.  Seems that most of your positions are based on assumption.

But still, what do your opinions have to do with a lack of knowledge about the Kansas Open Meetings Act by our elected officials?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: jarhead on May 01, 2012, 02:32:19 PM
Yea, Patty---you running or not ? I can not sleep at night wondering and worrying. You need to come clean and let us inquiring minds know. Like sands thru an hour glass, so are the days of our lives--in Elk county !!

Sorry you aren't sleeping jarhead.  Try some cheese & a glass of whine at bedtime and then count the grains of sand.   ;D

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on May 01, 2012, 06:29:34 PM
Sorry you aren't sleeping jarhead.  Try some cheese & a glass of whine at bedtime and then count the grains of sand.   ;D

Better yet, read the open meetings act!  It'll put you right to sleep.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Sorry Patriot,
Afraid cheese might constipate me and then too much wine might give me the skitters. Be a bad dilemma to be in---plus---I aint drank a bottle of wine for several years but greatguns called me "tipsy" so she shamed me into going cold turkey on partaking of any alcohol .
No,I'll just keep looking like a hoot owl from not sleeping until you tell us whether you are running or not---the suspense is killing me !!

Janet Harrington

Quote from: Patriot on May 01, 2012, 10:43:56 AM
One would think that after almost 10 years in office, a county commissioner would at least have a basic understanding of the Kansas Open Meetings Act.  Shamefully, that appears not to be the case....

Some distress on the part of Chairperson Hendricks was obvious at yesterday's Commission meeting when she realized a citizen was recording the proceedings on a video camera.  The  impression was clear that she wanted this activity stopped.  Why?  Doesn't the county record the audio of those meetings as well?  Come to think of it, what requires the recording of every name in attendance?  If  they don't speak,why must their name be published in the minutes?  Perhaps Commissioner Hendricks could benefit by reviewing the following:

K.S.A. 75-4318(c)  The use of cameras, photographic lights and recording devices shall not be prohibited at any meeting mentioned by subsection (a), but such use shall be subject to reasonable rules designed to insure the orderly conduct of the proceedings at such meeting.

While you're at it, you might consider that passing notes to Commissioner Liebau during an open meeting without sharing same with Commissioner Ritz and the public could also possibly violate the intent of the Open Meetings Act.  It sure raises questions among observers.

By way of trying to be helpful, our elected officials might consider the following...

The Kansas Attorney General's office provides some very helpful information here:

The entire Act can be reviewed here:

Our Clerk might want to review this as well, since that office prepares the minutes, and there are some very 'wording specific' requirements for those as well.

So, do you suppose that whoever was videoing the meeting could possibly get that video to the Attorney General's office is there was a violation being committed? Lord knows that my letter didn't seem to do any good.

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