Obuma Kicks Door after Meeting with Congressional Leaders

Started by Warph, April 29, 2012, 02:24:14 AM

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Obuma leaving a meeting with Congressional leaders after Rep. Eric Cantor told the president that Republicans would not vote for his proposed tax hikes.  Obuma picked up his toys and stormed out of the meeting, kicking the door open as he left.

Oh, btw... did you catch this on ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC or CNN

There, my friends is the leader of our Country...... AREN'T YOU PROUD? ???

All the tyrants of the past have been known for their temper tantrums, but we can be proud.  We've got a Singer/Athlete in the oval office!  Hitler, for example, merely clenched his fists and jumped up and down.  Of course, the end result is the same. They all look about two years old.

It seems this poor child did not get his way.

Bet you won't see this on network TV.


I'm ready for another change, vote wisely this November !!!

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Well... your muslim President has done it again!

Obuma bypassed Congress last night, Signs Waiver To Send $192 Million To The Palestinian Authority with a stroke of his pen (money that we do not have).

This guy is nuts!  Does he HATE Israel that much? ??? ... or is that he hates Benjamin Netanyahu? ???  This sounds like a " 'Chicago-style black man's getto-gang' move... I'll cover your black ass if'n you cover mine... now go get 'em [Israel]"  Congress deliberately froze those funds, and not just because of the statehood demand through UNESCO.  Hamas, a terrorist organization, reconciled with Fatah and has rejoined the Palestinian Authority, which means we're putting almost $200 million into the hands of a terrorist organization.  That's like saying, 'Here's big bucks, PA.  Now go buy all the guns and bombs you need to blow Israel of the map!!!'

The language of the Palestinian Accountability Act could not be clearer: "No funds available to any United States Government department or agency ... may be obligated or expended with respect to providing funds to the Palestinian Authority." Obuma literally waived that statutory language off yesterday afternoon. ...Warph

Fox news:
So how will Congress react? I can't imagine leaders in the House and Senate were pleased to learn that President Obama – with a stroke of his pen – bypassed the legislative branch to fund an organization that sponsors terrorism and does not recognize Israel's right to exist. More to the point, though, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Obama have a less-than-friendly working relationship. One can't help but wonder how the president's shocking decision to provide financial assistance to the Palestinian Authority will be interpreted by Israel. Still, now that the President of the United States is planning on giving away $192 million dollars to a terrorist organization that threatens the national security interests of our closest, and only democratic, ally in the Middle East, the U.S.-Israeli relationship is about to get much more complicated.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Obama's "waiver" of the restrictions on Congress's Palestinian Accountability Act was first reported in the foreign press (AFP), which is where Americans generally need to go to get news about what the U.S. administration is up to. A report from the Times of Israel is here. [Hat tip, Creeping Sharia.] The New York Times, evidently too busy reporting on how much Israel sucks, did not find this story fit to print.

White House spinmeister Tommy Vietor stated that President Obama made the decision to pour American taxpayer dollars into Palestinian coffers in order to ensure "the continued viability of the moderate PA government." He added the claim that, as the report puts it, "the PA had fulfilled all its major obligations, such as recognizing Israel's right to exist, renouncing violence and accepting the Road Map for Peace."

In the real world, the very immoderate PA has reneged on all its commitments. In addition to violating its obligations by unilaterally declaring statehood, the PA has also agreed to form a unity government with Hamas, a terrorist organization that is the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. The PA continues to endorse terrorism against Israel as "resistance." Moreover, the PA most certainly does not recognize Israel's right to exist. Back in November, for example, Adil Sadeq, a PA official writing in the official PA daily, Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, declared that Israelis

"...have a common mistake, or misconception by which they fool themselves, assuming that Fatah accepts them and recognizes the right of their state to exist, and that it is Hamas alone that loathes them and does not recognize the right of this state to exist. They ignore the fact that this state, based on a fabricated [Zionist] enterprise, never had any shred of a right to exist..."

In sum, everything Obama is saying about Palestinian compliance is a LIE. Even if we were not broke, we should not be giving the PA a dime. To borrow money so we can give it to them is truly nuts.  (Hello China... look I need to borrow another $192 mill and promise to pay you back when I sell Delaware... 40% interest okay ???  ;D )

Will Congress do anything about it? There is a very simple answer to this: slash the executive branch's budget. That is the weapon the framers gave Congress to rein in a corrupt, spendaholic executive branch. You could start with a treble damages rule: Obama gives $192 million to the PA against Congress's directive, Congress responds by slashing $600 million out of the State Department's budget. That would be start — though State would still have $51 billion left over to fund the Muslim Brotherhood and its other favorite Islamic supremacists.

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


The "Obuma Brain Scars" thingys...

LOL... Leave it to the Brits: Mystery scars on Obama's head prompt another question from conspiracy theorists - has the President had brain surgery?  
He has been plagued with questions and doubts concerning his background throughout his first term as President.
Questions like - is Barack Hussein Obama actually American?  Is he a Muslim?  Is he actually an alien from another planet... a Robot, maybe? - have frequently been asked.

The next question circulating on the internet - has President Obama had brain surgery?

Internet blog sites, conspiracy theorists and forums are awash with rumours as to what those mystery scars on the president's head are from.

In pictures, Obama appears to have a long scar which goes up the side of his head and over his crown.
Some conspiracy theorists claim they are scars that you would see on someone who has had brain surgery.

President Obama meeting comedian George Lopez as the First Lady looks on. Some observers believe this image shows a distinctive scar which looks like those left after brain surgery. However, there could simply be another explanation such as a bad haircut or birth mark

But without medical records (along with his school records and real birth certificate) no one seems to be able to provide an answer as to the cause of the mystery scars. Is Obuma a Robot,

Ben Hart, a blogger for Escape The Tyranny a website which presents itself as a Social Network & Forum For Conservatives, said:  'Obama's almost done with his first term, and we still know almost nothing about the background of the President of the United States.

'Whatever happened to create that scar, 9if it is a scar) it was clearly something serious. Was it a brain operation? Has it affected his thinking?

'No one is allowed to see his birth certificate. He is just one big mystery man, which adds intrigue to what that huge scar is all about.

He also said that surgery might explain why the President gets lost speaking without a teleprompter, and posted a video of Obama struggling through a speech, repeating his words and getting lost mid-sentence.

They say that all they found when the doctors opened his noggin was this:

(Photo by rick harrison)

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1373780/Mystery-scars-Obamas-head-begs-question--President-brain-surgery.html#ixzz1tSLP7yrP
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Quote from: Warph on April 29, 2012, 11:12:50 AM

Obuma bypassed Congress last night, Signs Waiver To Send $192 Million To The Palestinian Authority with a stroke of his pen (money that we do not have).[/b]  

OK.. let me see if I have this right... The president misappropriates $192 million of public funds in direct & open violation of a duly passed federal law.  Might that rise to the level of a misdemeanor (let alone a high crime) defined in the Constitution as an impeachable offense?  Of course, the Democrat controlled Senate under Dirty Harry would likely never convict (even if the House did impeach), so what's the point.  We are so screwed. 

Move along voters, nothing to see here.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Corruption Chronicles:

Dems Want Law To Keep Obama Records Secret

In an obvious effort to protect President Barack Obama, a group of congressional Democrats has introduced legislation to create an official process that will allow the commander-in-chief to keep presidential records secret after he leaves office.Ironically, Obama revoked a similar George W. Bush order in one of his first official acts as president. In 2001 Bush penned an executive order severely limiting public access to his presidential records. Shortly after swearing in, Obama killed it as part of his much-ballyhooed commitment to government transparency. At the time, the new president claimed that he was giving the American people greater access to "historic documents."It was the right move. The Bush Administration did indeed demonstrate a disappointing penchant for secrecyand Judicial Watch was a frontrunner in the effort to make records public. Examples include: The Dick Cheney Energy Task Force records that JW pursued before the United States Supreme Court; Attorney General John Ashcroft's order advising government agencies to withhold all discretionary disclosures; invoking executive privilege to block the House Government Reform Committee's probe of the Campaign Financing Task Force.If the Democrats' proposed measure (Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2011) becomes law, former presidents will be allowed to assert a new "constitutionally based privilege" against disclosing records of their liking. Here is how it would work; the Archivist of the United States would be required to notify the former president, as well as the incumbent, of intentions to make records public. Anything that either the former or current president claims should be kept private won't be released.The veteran Brooklyn congressman (Edolphus Towns) who recently introduced the law in the U.S. House has yet to explain why it's necessary. What's certain is that Obama has failed miserably to keep his promise of running the most transparent administration in history. For examples read highlights from Judicial Watch's testimony before Congress earlier this year. JW was invited to testify in separate House and Senate hearings during "Sunshine Week," a national initiative by the news media, nonprofits and other organizations to promote government transparency and the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Hypocrisy alert: Obama used tax loopholes in 2011 to lower his tax bill

Obama: "Hey... NO BIG DEAL!  It's my money!"

How sincere was the president when he complained that the current system is so unfair that he, a rich guy, gets to "keep hundreds of thousands of dollars in additional income" while other parents struggle to send their kids to college? Suffice it to say that he wasn't sufficiently bothered to resist helping himself to a loophole in the tax code that decreased his taxable income in 2011 by nearly $50,000. The Washington Free Beacon reports:

President Obama and his wife, Michele, gave a total of $48,000 in tax-free gifts to their daughters, according to tax records made public on Friday.

The president and his wife separately gave each daughter a $12,000 gift under a section of the federal tax code that exempts such donations from federal taxes.

There is nothing illegal about the president's taking advantage of this tax shelter, but it does raise eyebrows given that he has lamented the myriad tax exemptions used by the wealthy—"millionaires and billionaires" like himself—to pay less in taxes. He has yet to propose a comprehensive plan to reform the byzantine tax code.

The Obama's tax return indicates that the gifts, likely for their daughter's college educations, began in 2007, when the maximum exemptible amount was $24,000 per couple. The maximum exemption has since increased to $26,000 per couple.

The Obamas paid a total federal tax rate of 20.5 percent on a gross adjusted income $789,674, which would typically fall within the top federal rate of 35 percent. According to an analysis of the president's tax return, he may have paid a lower rate than his secretary despite making more than eight times as much money as she did.

His most recent tax proposal—the so-called "Buffett Rule"—would increase taxes on about 4,000 millionaires and raise about $4.7 billion in new revenue per year, enough to cover about 0.4 percent of the projected budget deficit in 2012. Though the rule would apparently not hit the president himself.

Supporters of the rule have acknowledged that the projected revenue from the "Buffett Rule," which the Democratic-led Senate is expected to vote down, is "not even a meaningful small amount."

The Obama's untaxed gift to their daughters will leave American taxpayers to subsidize the college education of the children of the multi-millionaire Obamas

"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."


Romney returns show low tax rate; questions linger

By Steve Holland and Kim Dixon
TAMPA, Fla./WASHINGTON | Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:18pm EST

(Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney bowed to political pressure and gave the public a glimpse inside his personal fortune on Tuesday, releasing U.S. tax returns showing he pays a lower effective tax rate than many top wage-earners.

Unlike Americans who rely on a paycheck, Romney earns most of his income from investment profits, dividends and interest. The returns for 2010 and estimates for 2011 showed that he will pay a total of $6.2 million in taxes on income of $42.5 million.


The first page of the 2010 U.S. 1040 tax return for Mitt Romney and his wife Ann showing a gross adjusted income of $21,646,507.00 is seen in this document released by the Romney campaign January 24, 2012.

Page two of the 2010 U.S. 1040 tax return for Mitt Romney and his wife Ann showing total tax payments of $4,619,207.00 and overpayments of $1,609,441.00 is seen in this document released by the Romney campaign January 24, 2012.

The first page of the 2010 U.S. 1040 tax return for Mitt Romney and his wife Ann showing a gross adjusted income of $21,646,507.00 is seen in this document released by the Romney campaign January 24, 2012.

Page two of the 2010 U.S. 1040 tax return for Mitt Romney and his wife Ann showing total tax payments of $4,619,207.00 and overpayments of $1,609,441.00 is seen in this document released by the Romney campaign January 24, 2012.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."



March 19, 2009, 2:49 pm The Power of the Presidential Pen

President Obama became a millionaire four years ago through the popularity of his life story, which he chronicled through his best-selling book, "Dreams From My Father."

For Mr. Obama, the gift keeps on giving.

Five days before his inauguration, he signed a $500,000 book advance. This time, it was for a children's book, adapted from his autobiography, which is aimed at middle grade or young adult readers. (A White House official said Mr. Obama will get $250,000, with the other half going to the publisher.)

The deal, which was disclosed through a Senate financial disclosure filed this week, is the latest example of how Mr. Obama has profited handsomely from the power of his pen and the broad reach of his fame.

When Mr. Obama arrived in Washington four years ago as the junior senator from Illinois, the Senate ethics committee approved a $1.9 million book deal that included two nonfiction books and a children's book. He delivered one title, "The Audacity of Hope," but he will delay the second book until after he leaves office, according to the disclosure form that Mr. Obama's lawyer filed on Tuesday.

The presidential book deal was not announced by the White House, but rather unearthed on Wednesday by reporters for the Washington Times.

The disclosure form filed in the Senate Office of Public Records also shows that Mr. Obama received royalties of $949,910 last year from copies of "Dreams of My Father," and $1.5 million from "The Audacity of Hope."

So will Mr. Obama keep his share of the latest advance, $500,000, or find another use for it given the economic crisis that has engulfed his administration?


EXCLUSIVE: Obama's $500,000 book bonanza
by Washington Times  March 19, 2009

As he empathized with recession-weary Americans, President Obama arranged in the days just before he took office to secure a $500,000 advance for a children's book project, a disclosure report shows.

The terms of the book deal were disclosed in a Senate financial disclosure report filed Tuesday.

Analysts say there don't appear to be any rules that would bar such transactions after a president takes office, but it's unclear whether an incoming or sitting president has ever signed a book deal upon entering the White House.

"I don't recall any sitting president entering into a book deal," said campaign finance lawyer Jan Baran, former general counsel to the Republican National Committee. "They all have historically done that after they leave office.

"I recall the only ones who did sign book deals while living there were first ladies, and my recollection is they gave it to charity."

Mr. Obama approved the $500,000 advance on Jan. 15. The advance is against royalties under a deal with Crown Publishing, a division of Random House. The project calls for an abridged version of his book "Dreams From My Father" for middle-school-aged children, according to the disclosure.

A White House aide said that the deal had been in the works for weeks and that the publisher will abridge the book. The aide, speaking on a condition of anonymity, said the publisher will get half of the money while Mr. Obama will sign off on the final version.

In addition, the financial disclosure showed Mr. Obama brokered an amendment to an existing book deal with Crown Publishing to put off writing a nonfiction book until after he leaves office.

The book deal came on top of nearly $2.5 million in book royalties paid to Mr. Obama last year for "Dreams From My Father" and "The Audacity of Hope," according to the Senate report, which was filed by Robert F. Bauer, who served general counsel to Mr. Obama's presidential campaign.

The disclosure also cites income, listed as more than $1,000, paid to first lady Michelle Obama from the University of Chicago, where she had worked as vice president for community and external affairs.

Just as in 2007, public interest in Barack Obama the presidential candidate helped Barack Obama the author earn lots of money from book royalties, according to his latest financial disclosure report.

Last year, Mr. Obama reported earning $949,910 in royalties from "Dreams From My Father" and $1.5 million from "The Audacity of Hope." In 2007, he reported $3.2 million in book royalties from Random House.

Mr. Obama's books have helped boost the Obamas' income considerably in recent years, from about $1 million in 2006 to more than $4 million in 2007.

After getting permission from the Senate ethics committee in January 2005, Mr. Obama agreed to a $1.9 million advance for two nonfiction books and a children's book, of which $200,000 was to be donated to charity, according to his 2007 financial disclosure.
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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