Marco Rubio wants to rule the world....

Started by redcliffsw, April 27, 2012, 03:53:03 AM

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The Earth is not divided between good and evil, as Rubio seems to suggest. Rather, it is an amoral mess governed by flawed souls – many of them found within the US State Department. People have tried to bring order to the world before and they've all failed. So will Marco Rubio.

Rubio's target is obvious: Ron Paul, Rand Paul, and those elements of the Tea Party Right that dissented on Libya. Given that it barely scraped 20 percent in most primaries, it's amazing how much the Paulite revolt seems to have upset the Republican establishment. In fact, Rubio's entire speech (and it's a long one) reads like a step-by-step rebuttal of the Paulite critique of neoconservative foreign policy – the belief that America has a moral duty and a strategic interest to promote global democracy.
-Tim Stanley


I dunno, Red... it sounds like a load of lollipops to me.  This guy Timmy Stanley looks and sounds like a pip-squeaker to me.... (one that is small or insignificant).  He's evidently hasn't got over U.S. winning the Rev.War.  Where do these guys come from...  (Oh yeah, from across the pond).  Rubio "ain't" been picked yet as Romney's running mate and already they are on his ass, picking his bones.  What about Paul Ryan, or Rand Paul, Jeb Bush, Rick Perry, Mike Huckabee or even Nikki Haley...mmm mmm Nikki.  Give me John Wayne with his Resistol 5X Beaver felt Stetson any day over the namby-pamby Pauls'.  I'm not ready to become an isolationist.  I'm more the interventionist type... (BTW, it is time for Ron Paul to hang it up and endorse Romney so we can get on with the show).  I always like to tell people that John Wayne had a little bit of Ronald Reagan in him, not the other way around.  Here's Wayne talking about Liberals and "he's dead on taget" as Teresa would say:

On Social Entitlements:

...And MY Favorite:

with a little Archie Bunker thrown in:
"Every once in a while I just have a compelling need to shoot my mouth off." 

"If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all."
-- Warph

"A gun is like a parachute.  If you need one, and don't have one, you'll probably never need one again."

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