County Roads & Windfarm Money... WE HAVE A PLAN!

Started by Patriot, April 24, 2012, 10:37:12 PM

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Diane Amberg

Jason, why do your volunteers not have to have the pumper ERT? Ours all do, or our version of it. I'm not being critical, I'm just interested.
Thanks Wilma for your information. I didn't know Howard F Co. didn't leave the city limits.That's a mighty small district! Did I misunderstand that?  Patriot, how many miles does your ambulance have on it? Cozy, whatever that means, isn't the issue, reliability is. 


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 01, 2012, 01:48:17 PM
Patriot, how many miles does your ambulance have on it? Cozy, whatever that means, isn't the issue, reliability is. 

No, Sparkles, the issue isn't reliability of equipment, it's the appropriate use of funds - garages, or roads.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: jason clatt on May 01, 2012, 01:10:31 PM
Got a question..why cant some of that money be used to rebuild communites in the county..all these communiteis pay co taxes..just a though what do all you na sayers think

This one thinks that if the incorporated communities have needs, then they need to get off their chairs, develop a plan & request then present it to the county government for consideration.  County officials trying to second guess community needs in a town assumes there's a crystal ball somewhere in the county courthouse.  It's also arrogant to think the county knows better than the town councils what's needed in each community.  Elk Konnected, the Longton Ball Assoc., and (as of yesterday) the Howard Baptist Church have no problems asking for help.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: jason clatt on May 01, 2012, 01:57:18 PM
...dude you are talkin out of your ass.....nevermind you are not wrth the time that it took to type this...

You sound more like a coached mouthpiece for the Friends & Defenders of EK or a disgruntled employee than a concerned citizen.  Correct me if I missed something, but weren't you the one that suggested new fire/ambulance buildings were more important than road & infrastructure repairs and that road work was just 'pissing away money'? 

As for wasting time, would you at least try to spend some of yours spell checking?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

So keeping a safe reliable vehicle on the road isn't a proper use of funds?  Good grief. I know you all don't get a lot of calls, but Ill bet you pile up the miles with multiple drivers in all kinds of weather.  ! Holy Cow!   Pat said the following.....
As long as he/she suggests a new fire/ambulance or two to make your job a little more cozy, right?  That's not roads or garages now is it?
  Patriot, you must have some mighty strange priorities. Whew!
Besides, if I can't pick on spelling,you shouldn't either! HA!


Quote from: Diane Amberg on May 01, 2012, 02:54:21 PM
So keeping a safe reliable vehicle on the road isn't a proper use of funds?  Good grief. I know you all don't get a lot of calls, but Ill bet you pile up the miles with multiple drivers in all kinds of weather.  ! Holy Cow!   Pat said the following.....
As long as he/she suggests a new fire/ambulance or two to make your job a little more cozy, right?  That's not roads or garages now is it?
  Patriot, you must have some mighty strange priorities. Whew!
Besides, if I can't pick on spelling,you shouldn't either! HA!

I misspoke.  My comment should have read:  "...suggests a new fire/ambulance building or two.."

And this is not about equipment.

You're right bout the spelling game.  Sorry Jason.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


It's also important to look at all of the county needs & situations.  While I empathize and in some respects agree with your view regarding fire and ambulance services, I also think you may be subject to a bit of tunnel vision.  There are many things that have to be considered when such decisions about expenditures are made.  Do you know, for example, how much debt the county (and therefore the taxpayers) have?  Do you realize how much money the taxpayers spend each year, by law, on insurance premiums & payroll taxes on employees?  Will you acknowledge that there are some areas of this county you have likely never driven and therefore have no concept about the conditions of all those roads?  Are you aware of state/federal activities that may affect our county finances?  Are you the supervisor whose wife gets calls day and night from enraged citizens, being subjected to vulgarities because their roads are in terrible shape?  Or who can't even shop for groceries locally for the same reason.  Are aware of the costs involved in operating the jail or in conducting a murder trial locally?  Do you realize what is involved in planning and paying for an extensive catastrophe here?  Do you really see the 'big picture'?

All I'm suggesting is that the world is much larger than just what you read on here or see on an ambulance or fire run.  There's much more to prioritizing our spending than what you see when you 'do what you do'.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Hey Come Move To Elk County We Have The Latest And Greatest In Fire Service And Ambulance Service, Our Roads Aren't Worth A Shit And You Can't Get Anywhere After A RainStorm But What The Hell!!
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Quote from: jason clatt on May 01, 2012, 03:16:46 PM
...what have you done for the county..other than bitch

It seems from your posts here that I'm not the only person who could be accused of bitching.  However, I'm sure the real answer to your question might be surprising.  But those things are about us personally and not about the road plan.... which is probably much more important to the residents & drivers here.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Varmit, YOU are criticizing the roads? WOW! :o I do have one serious question.Why is your road gravel so big and sharp?

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