Forced to murder his own livestock (pigs)

Started by Ross, April 18, 2012, 07:14:46 AM

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Call to action - Join the demand to investigate Michigan DNR director Rodney Stokes over forced shooting of baby piglets in cold blood

(NaturalNews) There is nothing more pathetic, ugly and insidious than a tyrannical government thug who uses his power to destroy the lives of law-abiding citizens. Today, we have witnessed the outrageous acts carried out by jack-booted scumbags in Michigan's Department of Natural Resources (DNR) who masterminded armed raids on two ranches in that state, all with the intention of shooting and killing traditional livestock and arresting ranchers as felons. This is part of Michigan's new "Invasive Species Order" which maliciously and unlawfully targets traditional pig livestock as an invasive species, based entirely on their hair color and other physical traits.

Forced to murder his own livestock
This entire story stems from the DNR's forcing of Michigan small-scale pig ranchers to slaughter their own livestock or be arrested as felons. (Yes, you read that correctly.)
"I was served a search warrant yesterday at 7: 45am. I have killed all my hogs. [DNR] gave me papers that say I do not have any hogs on my property. All they saw were dead hogs laying around from my mass slaughtering. It took 12 guys 4 times in there to kill all of them, sows with young, Pregnant sows, dozens of piglets, and old mature boars. It has been a sad few weeks. Does anyone know what it feels like to open fire on 20 baby piglets in one group which weigh between 5 lbs and 15 lbs. They are so adorable and cute. They commented to everyone that they never saw a fence built so tough and no way would a hog get out of this area." (

This is directly a result of the orders of DNR director Rodney Stokes.

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