Started by frawin, April 13, 2012, 01:03:32 PM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 09:08:58 AM
What choices? Patriot ,the ones you reported on in the new thread you wrote, mostly the roads and associated costs.That was very high on people's list of interest in how the windy money should be spent. I thought retiring debt was good too, suggested long ago.

Thanks. Just wondered.  Wasn't sure if Delaware was Moraware of what was happening here than the locals were.... again.   ;D

Of course you Araware in Delaware that it's an election year here.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Oh yes, I do keep up. Cute puns, or whatever those are.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 10:30:37 AM
Oh yes, I do keep up.

No doubt.  So what's the latest from the social grapevine in Tucumcari, NM & is the noon balloon to Rangoon still running on schedule?

And as for those good choices you mentioned... truth be told, it looked a lot more like this:  http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,13594.0.html

Perhaps the EK supporters had no other choice.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Diane, I don't mean this ugly or disrespectful, but what are you?
Where do you come from with your ideas?
Are you hired by Elk Konnected, LLC as a volunteer to put out all of these mis-directions?
Really, are you just playing some kind of a game of distraction?
Or do you really fail to comprehend what is said to you?

I suppose your thinking is along the lines of, Spend as much of other people's money as you can get your hands on - it's good for the economy, oh and use other peoples resources it's free, except to the taxpayers.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 09:08:58 AM
To continue on from yesterday....Ross, why keep revisiting things that are now a year old as of today? People and groups do make mistakes but they learn from them, perhaps change horses and keep trying.

That information is not a year old as of today, only the thread Topic: Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25 (Read 64665 times) at http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,11780.0.html
Is a year old today.
Why do you wish to twist information? The rest happened days, weeks and months later.
But it happened and when do tigers change their spots. Oh, I expect them to keep trying, keep trying to utilize "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" programs designed as Konnected Kounty Kommissioners, yeah I expect that. I expect they continue to try to work behind closed doors and secretly as the good old boys club redesigned to control everything in this county, I expect that. They said they want open and honest dialog but run from it, Diane. So where is the change??????

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 09:08:58 AM
Keep in mind the original seed money for E K was from donations from 57 people, not your tax money.

No, not true, they claim that, but we showed that at it actually came from a state agency, go to the original thread and look it up. Read and read till you get it right, please. Even the self proclaimed founding member and member of Elk Konnected, LLC Steering Committee, while acting as County Commissioner at a County Commissioners meeting openly denied using taxpayers dollars and said the check from the state agency went straight to her Employer, Public Squares Communities, LLC. At which I explained it was still money for  Elk Konnected, LLC.

But beyond that their has never been any proof of any donating people, just believe what we say, right? The supposed number of donors of  $50 each equaled the exact amount of the check paid to Public Squares Communities, LLC by Elk Konnected, LLC to join the Konnected Kounty  Kommissioner's employeers organization. How many time does it need to be repeated before you comprehend?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 09:08:58 AM
They were willing to support a new venture and try to accomplish something good for the area. I doubt success was guaranteed. 

So you say?
Where is their   Vision Statement of:
Strong families what do they have to do with families and what happens in the homes of these families? Are they the SRS or what? By what actions or authority are they going to strengthen families? Are they keeping that secret?

Solid education what do they have to do with education? We have the local School board, and the State Board of Education. How are they going to provide a solid education? Are they going to secretly start a private school? 
Superior Lifestyle what the heck does that mean? Is that another secret of theirs?

"Stay with us as we grow!"
Where is their growth? On one hand they claim they don't have membership and on the other hand they claim membership, what's with that? If people are members why are they refered to as followers? If there are members where is the membership list?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 09:08:58 AM
As far as what they tried to "commandeer," our Channel 22 here is for the City of Newark, but groups are permitted to put information and coming events on it. Our reverse 911 is also used for things other than emergencies also. We got a call recently as to what day our fire hydrants were to be flushed. We also got one that a naked man was running down Wilson Street. ;)

The groups you refer to are not in Elk County now are they? And, I would bet they had to have permission to post, right? They did not try to commandeer anything. Right?

The report of fire hydrants were to be flushed was probably city or county business, right? Not an event put on by a privately owned company, right? The naked man was also reported by county or city officials or probably by police as a very important situation, and not solely for the benefit of a privately owned company, right. County or city government business. Apples and oranges Diane.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 09:08:58 AM
   I read every thing I could find on Public Squares so I know what they are about. They do have a number of communities on board now. How many have gone, of course I can't say. I don't see how you mean "controlled" by a private business. If there is a certain "recipe" for how they wanted things to be explained back in the beginning, why not? If they have a consistent program to be presented, then everyone gets the same information and understands the same thing.  Misinformation, which is so common on here, is less likely.

We are not dealing with Public Squares Communities, LLC but Public Squares Communities, LLC and our Konnected Kounty Kommissioners are. They have been paying the equivalent of dues to one of the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners employeers which is Public Squares Communities, LLC. This is a requirement of Public Squares Communities, LLC for Elk Konnected, LLC to pay with local government funds. Surely you read that on their web site. So where is that change you spoke of earlier, has the tiger changed it's spots???

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 09:08:58 AM
I still don't know why the sheriff was at that first meeting. All I've heard is your interpretation of it. He may have been there for his own interest...or Public Squares requested him. Was he paid to be there? I can't say. You are assuming if he was, it was from tax money...perhaps Public Squares paid him directly. Our State police hire out often for private work.

I believe someone told you on the other thread that our Sheriff's dept is paid a salary.
The Sheriff's department is a county agency and works ro Konnected Kounty Kommissioners, is that difficult to understand????

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 09:08:58 AM
  You said the commissioners could have have held their own meeting for input. I thought they did and do, every month.

So then Diane, why did the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners need to ask their organization Elk Konnected, LLC hold a special meeting on the subject. The outlet for input is already in place, right?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 09:08:58 AM
The aunt who spoke up?  Good for her for catching an error and saying something, but that was one person, one time and that action doesn't represent everyone.

Elk Konnected, LLC definitely doesn't represent everyone either do they. So far it only has 5 or 6 people listed on their web site.

I think the elderly aunt was pretty representative of the actual and real community. And due plenty of respect for her input. But that was not the only incident pointed out, was it?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 09:08:58 AM
   I'd be more interested in what is happening now.  Summer day camps being organized? one? several? Paid or volunteer or some of both? County? EK? Both? Your schools will be out soon, right? Fairs and parades and such being planned?

It will be interesting to see what or how Elk Konnected, LLC operates this summer? Will they use county resources and county grants to get their name on a Summer Day Camp again? Will they try to provide some form of development for the children if they do? Will they be able to get volunteers or will they have to pay people? Will they provide reciept's for money spent from any grants for a Summer Day Camp?  If they receive money from the county and if there is money left over will they return it to the county?

We that live here know what the real and actually communities of the county do for the summer and we support them by showing up and having a good time.

But this is really about not knowing what Elk Konnected, LLC with it's imaginary or non-existent community might pull next? Since they won't communicate openly and honestly IMHO.

Diane Amberg

 Patriot, Tucumcari? That's so funny. I've actually been there ;) ,East side of NM., west of Amarillo.Ya could hop on US 40 right near here and it'll take ya right there, even has some old pieces of Rt 66 nearby if I remember correctly.They'll be getting ready for the big chuck wagon cook off and the Cinco de Mayo celebration. We love NM and have been pretty much everywhere there at one time or another. We like AZ too, but Al likes NM better. We have traveled a lot, but not so much now as Al's Polio problems are worse these past two years. I've been to all 50 states so I can't complain. I can't help you with the noon balloon, the only one I've been on was at dawn near Reno.  (It was called, Under the Rainbow). If you've never done that you really should. It's amazing.
   Ross I have to leave, so I'll read yours later. I wonder how I'll be grumped at this time. :P ;D ;D ;D ;D


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 09:08:58 AM
  I'd be more interested in what is happening now.  Summer day camps being organized? one? several? Paid or volunteer or some of both? County? EK? Both? Your schools will be out soon, right? Fairs and parades and such being planned?
Thanks all you volunteers who work so hard every year.

Diane - They've been holding (or will hold) soccer camps in the different communities in the county. My kids are all grown, so I really don't keep up with that age; I've just heard some of the students at school talking about them. Several kids have been going to more than just the one in their home town. There is also a Pitch, Hit and Run event this Saturday. I haven't heard of any summer activities yet. I think they're still in the planning stages.


Quote from Ross:
Diane,Really, are you just playing some kind of a game of distraction?

Give that man a cigar!!


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 27, 2012, 11:16:18 AM
Patriot, Tucumcari? That's so funny. I've actually been there ;) ,East side of NM., west of Amarillo.Ya could hop on US 40 right near here and it'll take ya right there, even has some old pieces of Rt 66 nearby if I remember correctly.They'll be getting ready for the big chuck wagon cook off and the Cinco de Mayo celebration. We love NM and have been pretty much everywhere there at one time or another. We like AZ too, but Al likes NM better. We have traveled a lot, but not so much now as Al's Polio problems are worse these past two years. I've been to all 50 states so I can't complain. I can't help you with the noon balloon, the only one I've been on was at dawn near Reno.  (It was called, Under the Rainbow). If you've never done that you really should. It's amazing.

As I suspected, you are personally familiar with even totally remote places & things that involve hot air.  Thanks for the confirmation.  Poke, poke?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.



Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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