Started by frawin, April 13, 2012, 01:03:32 PM

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Steve:  it may be to the benefit of the community to have social/trades etc for the kids in the area.  I do not believe the county should provide it.  and to your comments as to why don't they make their own fun?   Because in most of some minds, fun is video and blowing the other icons off the charts to be a BIG man to their friends that can't type lol.  Or, they blow up animals just to see what they do, or they walk around trying to be cool.
Kids need direction, and from some of the things I have seen ELK KONNECTED sponser, it is just a party, or a disatraction with no followthrough.

Now, to Cat's comment:  "At least they tried"  I might agree with you , and yet I find that a very passive response from you Cat.
I don't wnat to take this to a OMG reaction, however people with questionable motives have tried, and was caught...others succeeded at a cost (that was the most generic parrallel that I could think of).

Perhaps they tried, but out of our pockets.  You can only tap the well a few times, but when the well needs to feed cattle and water the vegetables so we can eat our well is dry for others to a point.

If I give you 5 of my hard earned dollars to spend it on beer, does that make me feel good?  No
If I give you 5 of my hard earned dollers to spend it on a party?  No, and I won't contribute anymore to that same person that keeps asking.
If you ask me to pay taxes to help the youth have an education with a trade, learn how to cook, how to fish, how to balance a checkbook, I would raise that and double it.

This is only my opinion:  The monies are misappropiated by design, predjudiced in it's fundings and highly selfish in the reason for asking.

The youth?  Yes, they need guidance.  I just am not sure they are interested, but hey!  if there is a party....we'll be there, especially if it is free.

Night...Just had to get that off my chest.  Will answer any issues in the morning or after work.

ready to .......(fill in the blanks)

Diane Amberg

Sorry guys, ya can't turn back the clock.
 Steve just said said the kids won't mow now. They apparently don't have to. If their parents have enough so they choose to give them the money instead, then it stands to reason that those same adult taxpayers don't object to having Elk County tax money spent in part on behalf of their kids. Those parents must have something else in mind for their children. It's their choice.  If they didn't like it they wouldn't let their kids go to those activities and they would die from lack of attendance.
 Steve, or one of you, said that a great many people who live there aren't from there. Perhaps they are more familiar with tax supported activities than you would expect.They don't seem to mind how things are being done or they wouldn't support the activities. 
 If your kids there are like many, they spend a lot of time on the computer. Your people there might want them to have the choice available to get outside and interact with real kids and get some air and exercise with organized sports. There will still be plenty of time for them to spend many ,many hours watching sports on TV...with their parents, the fathers in particular.  ;)  Not all kids in Elk county are farm kids. Most of them get plenty to do at home.
   It would appear the local  kids' activities are well attended. The only EK flop seems to have been the wellness center, which as sold, or the rent was transferred, so money was saved or regenerated. It wasn't a total loss. I'm told there was a grant involved, perhaps a fundraiser, and some equipment was donated.    If ideas as to spending money in other ways are serious, suggest them at a committee meeting.
I'm not sure what the party analogy was. As far as extra money for school activities, sure, but doesn't the PTA do that already?
You keep reminding me that I don't live there. Well duh! I do try to see all sides, even though I'm not there.


It appears the events are well attended, the key word appears.
Where are the numbers.
A few kids out of how many?

And this again is still exploiting the kids er children by a privately owned business.

It really doesn't matter if all the children show up or none show up/
Exploitation is still exploitation, simple.

Using children as an excuse to get government money by a privately owned company to further their agenda, what ever it is, by using children is exploiting children.

I just can figure out any other way to explain it. And for Konnected Kounty Kommissioners to  vote to give their Konnection taxpayer dollars to exploit children is just plain VILE IMHO.



Quote from: readyaimduck on April 24, 2012, 08:44:22 PM

If you ask me to pay taxes to help the youth have an education with a trade, learn how to cook, how to fish, how to balance a checkbook, I would raise that and double it.

ready to .......(fill in the blanks)

So if you volunteer to pay taxes to "help", then would you expect others to be forced to pay too?

Or do we use "democracy" to vote upon on the thing - to take the liberty of others by forcing them to pay?


Quote from: readyaimduck on April 24, 2012, 08:44:22 PM
Now, to Cat's comment:  "At least they tried"  I might agree with you , and yet I find that a very passive response from you Cat.
I don't wnat to take this to a OMG reaction, however people with questionable motives have tried, and was caught...others succeeded at a cost (that was the most generic parrallel that I could think of).

Perhaps they tried, but out of our pockets. 

Ready, the reason I pointed out the fact that "at least they tried"...So many people in Elk County will sit in the coffee shops, bitching and moaning...But not putting forth one ounce of effort to effect any sort of difference.  Lip service...Just another form of spinning those wheels, burning up yards of rubber but not going anywhere at all.  Yes, I have no doubt that the efforts were out of the pockets of the citizens of Elk County...Elk County, as a society, is not a monetarily rich one.  There is no ability for there to be handouts on a continual basis.  The money for the activities has to come from somewhere, either private donations or monies that originally came in as taxes.  There have been a lot of allegations of wrong doing bandied about on this Forum...If these allegations are factual, where is the proof?  Have there been any arrests made of the offending individuals?  I agree...Some of what has been posted looks and sounds suspicious...And if there is any wrongdoing that is exposed, then it needs to be dealt with in a decisive manner.  However...I still thank EK for having at least gotten off their duffs and DONE SOMETHING...Amazing, given the amount of lethargy that exists in Elk County.


It seems to me that there is a "creation" of "needing to do something".

Yet, the 'gap', whether it exists or not, "must" to be filled with tax money, or the property of others?

Reminds me of the 13th Amendment, which eliminated private slavery and initiated government slavery.

Yet, some seem to thuink that democracy makes it better or even legitimate to steal from people thru government.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 24, 2012, 09:11:54 PM
Sorry guys, ya can't turn back the clock.
 Steve just said said the kids won't mow now. They apparently don't have to. If their parents have enough so they choose to give them the money instead, then it stands to reason that those same adult taxpayers don't object to having Elk County tax money spent in part on behalf of their kids. Those parents must have something else in mind for their children. It's their choice.  If they didn't like it they wouldn't let their kids go to those activities and they would die from lack of attendance.

When i was growing up friends parents bought them everything, christmas their tree was piled high with new stuff, mine was sparse.  The reason?  To teach character.   When you are given everything, presents, cars, education you don't care about it, it has no value. But when you work for it, it suddenly becomes very valuable. You see the value in it as you have given up some of your life to attain that goal.  Since you cannot get back the time you spent it then becomes very valuable to you hence you take care of it work with it and better yourself.
Parents are fools these days. They think they can just give their kids everything.  All that happens is these kids get a very unrealistic view of life.  No one serves anything on a silver platter to you after 18. 
The same goes for bad events.  You can't protect them from bad things but you shouldn't molly coddle them.  They will survive it and be stronger for it.

 If your kids there are like many, they spend a lot of time on the computer. Your people there might want them to have the choice available to get outside and interact with real kids and get some air and exercise with organized sports. There will still be plenty of time for them to spend many ,many hours watching sports on TV...with their parents, the fathers in particular.  ;)  Not all kids in Elk county are farm kids. Most of them get plenty to do at home.

This again is parents fault.  What ever happened to get off the computer, get off the tv and go outside.  You got Chores to do you know, get em done. Worked wonderful for my boys.

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Catwoman on April 25, 2012, 04:44:34 AM
Ready, the reason I pointed out the fact that "at least they tried"...So many people in Elk County will sit in the coffee shops, bitching and moaning...But not putting forth one ounce of effort to effect any sort of difference.

Yes Ready they have tried, to bamboozle the whole county with, "we are a community organizer" and we are going to exploit your children to prove it. But they, become an LLC, a privately owned company so they don't have to answer to the actual communities or anyone they don't want to respond to. They even dissed an actual/real community to get peoples attention. And as they hopped most people over looked their negative side of dissing the people of Elk County just as Catwoman is doing in her statement. And they fabricated their fictitous Konnected Kommunity to further confuse people. It appears to me to be a Kommunity not on the map and only consisting of a very few people. And their visionaries they claim to have, have recently mimicked another organization that had been planning a daycare meeting since as far back as January and they thought if they held their meeting first that it would appear to be an original idea. It didn't work.

Quote from: Catwoman on April 25, 2012, 04:44:34 AM
 Lip service...Just another form of spinning those wheels, burning up yards of rubber but not going anywhere at all.  

In actually Catwoman, it is called trying to communicate. And yes we are spinning our wheels, because Elk Konnected, LLC appears to be a failure at open and honest communications with the real and actual community of Elk County. Failure as in running a Wellness Center, which they tried, yes they tried, with other peoples money.

Quote from: Catwoman on April 25, 2012, 04:44:34 AM
Yes, I have no doubt that the efforts were out of the pockets of the citizens of Elk County...Elk County, as a society, is not a monetarily rich one.

I'm glad you recognize at least this much. But it was Elk Konnected, LLC asking elected officials that were acting as Konnected Kounty Kommissioners voting to give themselves the Elk County citizens taxpayer dollars to themselves, A very unethical move on the part of elected officials IMHO. These Konnected Kounty Kommissioners n order to have done the ethical thing would have recused themselves. Very simple.

Quote from: Catwoman on April 25, 2012, 04:44:34 AM
There is no ability for there to be handouts on a continual basis.  

There is no basis for the first handout from the county coffers.

Quote from: Catwoman on April 25, 2012, 04:44:34 AM
The money for the activities has to come from somewhere, either private donations or monies that originally came in as taxes.  

If the privately owned company Elk Konnected, LLC needs money, how about they earn it like any other privately owned business?

Quote from: Catwoman on April 25, 2012, 04:44:34 AM
There have been a lot of allegations of wrong doing bandied about on this Forum...If these allegations are factual, where is the proof?  

You are in fact alleging that what has been said is a lie by making such a statement. Where is your proof?

Where is your proof that you are not an Elk Konnected, LLC member?

They did not put it in the County Commissioners minutes that Konnected Kommissioner Liebau stated boisterouslyduring a meeting the  he would defend Konnected Kounty Kommissioners . Nor did they put in the minutes that he called my posts here on the forum vile. Nor did they put in the minutes that he said he did not have time to read this forum.

So anyway the proof is the word of upstanding citizens of Elk County, whose word is just as good as yours, maybe more so, since we live here and attend meetings.  When you say are not a member of Elk Konnected, LLC do you have proof?

Quote from: Catwoman on April 25, 2012, 04:44:34 AM
Have there been any arrests made of the offending individuals?  

There has not been any alleged criminal offense that I am aware of.
Do you know of some criminal activity that we don't know?

Ethics, unethical behavior is what has been pointed out.
The lack of principles, honesty with the public is what has been pointed out.
But if you know of something illegal the ethical thing to do is
report it to the sheriff's office.

Quote from: Catwoman on April 25, 2012, 04:44:34 AM
I agree...Some of what has been posted looks and sounds suspicious...And if there is any wrongdoing that is exposed, then it needs to be dealt with in a decisive manner.  

And you would deal with ethical wrong do in what fashion?

Quote from: Catwoman on April 25, 2012, 04:44:34 AM
However...I still thank EK for having at least gotten off their duffs and DONE SOMETHING...Amazing, given the amount of lethargy that exists in Elk County.

I suppose you find our attempts at an open and honest dialog with Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kounty Kommissioners lethargic? Pat yourself on the back.

You may thank them for getting off their duffs and doing something and that is acceptable and your privilidge. But milking the county of funds that should be going to actual communities to be used by them for the benefit of their children is just wrong IMHO. And to continue to exploit children for God only knows what they want to accomplish, is wrong, IMHO.

My best guess and opinion for the exploitation of children, is to establish themselves more in the county to further more control of the county, i.e. they have two county commissioners the President of the School Board and maybe another member or two on the school board. Is it possibly total control they want?

A few things to think on and consider.

Diane Amberg

Ross ,who says the money should go to "actual communities" for their use? What community groups are already in place? Are you sure they aren't happy about the existence of EK? Have there been complaints of a short fall by some groups already in existence?  If they feel that there is competition, why don't they say so? Maybe they actually like the cooperation.   
  Are you tending to parade your personal opinions as facts? Opinions are fine as far as they go, but facts have to be backed up with specific provable information, not rumor or hearsay.   
    Please tell me how does one prove they are NOT a member of an organization, if simply saying so isn't enough? Can you prove you are not a member of the communist party?  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  As far as the "exploitation of children." Why and how so? Do you have proof? Do the parents agree? If they think their kids are being exploited why don't they say so? They aren't mute are they? Do you really feel you must rescue them as they don't know any better? Exploitation of children is  a very serious charge. You have it down that E K actually said, we are going to exploit your children to prove it. (You just didn't bother with the quotation marks.) Who said they have visionaries?
You said they claim to have them. I'd like to read that statement, please.
   As far as the daycare business, you have a really long stretch going there to try to make a connection between the two organizations, when the one group already told you they aren't involved with the other?  Why wouldn't it be true? Why would E K care? If your people in Elk County really have been lamenting the loss and/or shortage of day cares why wouldn't that tend to come up as a subject of interest? Why must it somehow be an evil plot?

   I was told that all some here are doing is asking questions and that is just fine, so I am asking questions too. Care to bet how many true answers I get? There is an awful lot of unproved negative speculation going on. Just think a bit folks.


LOL...Now, Diane...No fair "Rossing" Mr. Ross.   ;D

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