Started by frawin, April 13, 2012, 01:03:32 PM

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Quote from: Catwoman on April 24, 2012, 04:12:12 PM
If nothing else, they at least attempted to bring people together to try to do something different for the children.  I can't vouch for their methods, as I am not a member and not privy to their discussions.  However...Looking at the list of activities that they have at least tried to have happen, it is heartening to know that the children of Elk County are at the heart of their efforts.

Catwoman it has been said over and over they use the county coffers and they vote to give tthe money to themselves.
They have used county resources such as office machines and paper and an employee or perhaps more without proper authorization.

They even hijacked the county's web site, until County Commissioner Liebau's own aunt called the on it at a County Commissioners, meeting.

They also hijacked the county's emergency call  system, untill lot's of people complained. They sent out several messages (4 or 5) on just one day alone for Elk kOnnected, LLC.

By using the county recreation fund for use by their privately owned company (whose buisnes is apparently, begging for money) IMHO they are stealing from the actual/real communities of Elk County. These community's could use those funds for children in their communities.

So i only want to ask you how are all these wrongs by Elk Konnected, LLC justified by handing out lollipops to a few children in the name of Elk Konnected, LLC?


As I said before...Not being a member, I am not privy to their inner workings.  I have no idea how things are or are not done there.  I refuse to comment on something I have no knowledge of...Period.  I only know how dull things are in Elk County for the children there...And anything that can bring some happiness to them is all right in my book.  I don't give a fig about things I can't control...I worry only about what I can personally have an effect on...To do otherwise is just to sit there and spin my wheels, going nowhere.  I leave that activity...Spinning wheels aimlessly...To others.   


Cultural Dictionary

Ignorance is bliss definition

Not knowing something is often more comfortable than knowing it.

Note : This proverb resembles "What you don't know cannot hurt you." It figures in a passage from "On a Distant Prospect of Eton College," by the eighteenth-century English poet Thomas Gray: "Where ignorance is bliss, / 'Tis folly to be wise.'"


Wow, I'm shocked (not really)! 

Asked for a single accomplishment done by Elk Konnected and all that was said (by a non-member) was "at least they tried." Thats paraphrased of course but I would have thought that for all the praise they're recieveing there would have been at least one thing that could have been mentioned!!

I mean seriously, all that money and nothing to show for it.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


How dull is it in Elk County for the kids?  How is that measured?

Does the spending of government money somehow or another alleviate the purported dullness there?


Quote from: redcliffsw on April 24, 2012, 07:13:18 PM

How dull is it in Elk County for the kids?  How is that measured?

Does the spending of government money somehow or another alleviate the purported dullness there?

Why should the entertainment of the youth be of concern of government or the taxpayer?  The only thing that the youth need is a solid foundation in respect, and being honest and hard working.  Fun and games is the responsibility of the parents or the youth themselves. 

WHy can't the youth go out and earn their own fun?  I did when i was young. I worked mowing yards, (Of which you can find today any kid that is willing to do that unless they are high paid and have riding mowers).  Gone are the days where you tie your mower handle to the back of your bike and tote it around cutting the lawns for people.   I've even tried to get kids to mow, they said nahhh their perents give them money they don't need to work.

By age 14 i had regular customers, made couple hundred a month and that was in the late 70's. not to shabby for only working on saturdays and a afternoon on weekdays. back then min wage was 2.15 a hour.  I cleared 5 a hour after buying parts and gas. 

15 -18 i fixed cars, did brakes, tuneups, ect ect.  I don't see that today anymore.  All i see is kids wanting to drive and party and have fun.  I did the driving and partying and worked hard on my own nickle, not my parents nor the taxpayers. 

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


If you start working at a young age you MIGHT wear out by the time you are 50. ;D


It's my personal opinion that Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kounty Kommissioners are simply exploiting the children of Elk County to further their agenda, whatever that maybe.

You don't see them spending time and money volunteering to make the lives of the elderly at the nursing home better, by handing out lollipops there, do you?

You don't see them handingout lollipops to the aged and homebound, do you?

You don't see them volunteering to handout lollipops in the form of food to the poor, do you?

It seems to me everything is about children, right?

Simply Exploitation of children in my books.   

Afterall, we have real/actual communities and if they could recieve the money squandered on Elk Konnected, LLC   perhaps those communities could do for their own children. Perhaps somethig more pemanent, like an extra slipper slide or swing set for their community park. Just whatever, that community deemed best for their children.

Now it appears that this so called community organization, which is really a privately owned company, might be trying to start a centralized daycare center (see children again) to make money off of them children and in competition with what might be as many as eight women or more that might start in-home daycare. Go figure.

I guess those women could then go to work for Elk Konnected, LLC   at minimum wage, do you suppose? Can anyone tell us what the going rate of daycare is here in Elk County?

All that is really something to be proud of I suppose? But since we can't indulge this so called Community Organization, to remain in an open and honest dialog with the real community and the fact that they only use publications which provide one way communications, or so called Kommunity Kommuity Konversations where they will have the sheriff throw you out if you question their agenda, remember it is their business meeting and they can do that, right? I guess we will never know the truth. Especially, since they became an LLC and are not required to open their books showing how much money they have actually recieved and how much they have spent and how much might be pocketed. Again we will never know, will we?

But we do know they are required by a Kounty Kommissioners Employer to pay his organization thousands in membership fees, recieved from Elk County and the School Districts tax coffers to remain a member of his business, Public Squares Communnities, LLC . It's a requirement listed on Public Squares Communnities, LLC web site. At least that is the way I read it. You too can go there and read it.

I shall repost this on the "Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25" thread so no one misses it.


Quote from: greatguns on April 24, 2012, 07:52:18 PM
If you start working at a young age you MIGHT wear out by the time you are 50. ;D

LOL aint that the truth!
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: greatguns on April 24, 2012, 07:52:18 PM
If you start working at a young age you MIGHT wear out by the time you are 50. ;D

I started working at a  very young age. And as a 15 yer old, while I was working and paying for my own clothes, my own car, my own gasoline and yes my own cigarettes, I had fellow classmates getting killed drunk driving, I had another classmate die of alcohol poisioning and his friend go blind from it. There were many other incidents similar where a classmate ended up at the Hucthinson Boy's Reformatory and girls were ending up pregnant and sent to homes for pregnant girls.

I, in the meantime was working and staying out of trouble. I was working a part time day job and an evening job.

I worked until 59 years of age, I had planned to work to 70 years of age. But due to on the job injuries, I was forced and I mean forced into disability retirement. And I really did not appreciate being forced by management into disability retirement one little bit.

But just think if they hadn't forced me into disability retirement I would not be having this conversation with you.

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