Started by frawin, April 13, 2012, 01:03:32 PM

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Diane Amberg

Sorry, I don't have to make up these things. I know what I was told. I gather the poodle has gray hair. More insults? Tsk,tsk. What a shame, but not surprising on here I guess. Now prove I'm telling lies, go on, just try. The best you can do is throw insults and speculate.I do not need to lie.The truth is what is is.
  In closing once more, thank goodness for volunteers of all kinds, including the Candy Stripers and Gray Ladies, the Donut Dollies and USO. The ones who sit with the the sick who are about to die so they won't be alone as they pass, the folks who read to children and cook for the needy and deliver the food from Meals On Wheels, the gardeners who grow extra food for the food banks and donate to church closets, the good people who pack tee shirts, socks, bug spray, soup packets, cookies and more for our troops over seas, especially the ones who don't have family there and all the youth sports coaches too.Then there are the women who go to the burn centers to rock and cuddle little ones with serious burns when their families can't be there, the volunteer fire fighters and EMTs who literally die for what they believe in.  There are of course many, many more of what we call "everyday heroes." They transcend politics and carry on no matter who is in office. I was fortunate enough to be awarded a Jefferson Award in 2006, for which I am very grateful and humbled. I am nationally in very good company.  Keep up the good work people! That's what makes America one of a kind and something to be forever proud.  Congratulations Robyn,keep those home fires burning.


The proof of your lies is in the fact that you don't talk to anyone that really knows me. And yet you say you do, that is a lie! Hence you are a liar.
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


EK volunteers go to burn centers... sit with the sick & dieing?  Now I didn't know that.  Yes, that's laudable. But is it factual?
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

the shadow

Dedicated to Diane. I first heard this song sometime in 1973. Loved it then and feel that it's appropriate now in depicting your true character! Enjoy!

The Shadow knows!


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 22, 2012, 09:08:52 PM
Sorry, I don't have to make up these things. I know what I was told.

We used to call that gossip, I think.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Varmit on April 22, 2012, 08:25:01 PM
You know what Diane, you're right. I am all of those things and more!! Maybe I should just put a disclaimer before my posts, something to the effect of...

"Old people that get offended easily, ya'll should just get the fu@k out now."

By the way you bloated, self important, scraggly haired, blowhard, know it all..my neighbors poodle called and told me to tell you it wants its hair back.
You haven't been told by anybody that knows me a damn thing. Of course those types of lies fly out of your blow hole on a pretty regular basis, that really its nothing new.
As for Angel, I kicked her to the curb quite a while back.
Count all the coup you want, personally I don't give a shit anymore.  Like I said before Bite Me.

So suck on that chocolate covered poop factory you flip lipped windbag.

How sad that the Forum has stooped this low, this has to be embarrassing to the the good people in Elk County that love it. This type of talk and trash should make people appreciate the quality of people that Liz and ken are. Remember the kind of people that Ross and Patriot represent when election comes.


Quote from: ELK@KC on April 23, 2012, 07:14:32 AM

See the quote of your's the first line of this post, your post is totally blank. why?
Because you had absolutly nothing to say,    Nothing,      Nada.

As a follower you show exactly what I think  Elk Konnected, LLC is all about,
by this show of arrogant ignorance and saying absolutely nothing. At least Elk Konnected, LLC at least in my opinion Elk Konnected, LLC does the samething with words.

Why? Why do you do this type of thing instead of trying to quell the problem?

Why egg on something between other people?

Why perpetrate the continuance of a wasted argument?

Are you as a Follower practicing manipulation, as in Elk Konnected, LLC?

Are you as a Follower practicing a form of control, as in Elk Konnected, LLC?

What do you hope to gain or prove by simply quoting someone else's post with out remarking or responding to it?

What is decent about such a post?
Nothing, simply nothing!

But I'm certain, we won't hear from the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners that your post is vile!

Because you are a born and raised Elk Countyian and a Follower, right?


What good work?                       What good work?                        What good work?                        What good work?                      What good work?                        What good work?                        What good work?[/b]


Hi everyone.

May I, make a suggestion?

Can we all take a break  and simply agree to disagree on the bullying subject and the personal bickering!

We are all guilty of incivilities, afterall we are all human!

That includes me, yes, I'm admitting, I'm guilty, as well of incivilities.

But please, this one I believe has gone on far to long and to let ELK@KC egg you on is just wrong.

No, I am not telling you to stop, I don't have that authority, but I'd like to see this end because it is non-productive for anyone.

Thanks everyone.


Quote from: ELK@KC on April 23, 2012, 07:14:32 AM
Remember the kind of people that Ross and Patriot represent when election comes.

I'm not sure I understand.  Are there 'people' that I represent?  Beyond the likes of Jefferson, Franklin, Washington, & company, I think not.  No, I represent some ideas... here are a few of those:

1 ) open, honest & frugal government
2 ) government that preserves the public trust
3 ) government that avoids favored entanglements with private business.
4) government that first takes care basic functions of police/fire protection, infrastructure (roads, bridges, etc.), emergency planning, and the like.
5 ) government that recognizes there is no such thing as 'free money', and knows that taxpayers ultimately pay for everything government spends.
6 ) government that recognizes Elk County as the #1 taxer in the State of Kansas & that abatements & rebates results in lost revenue & contributes to keeping tax rates high for its citizens.
7 ) government that recognizes the difference between a 'need' & a 'want' when it comes to spending the taxpayer's money.
8 ) government that understands its debt is the taxpayers debt & that debt is a curse on the public trust and must be reduced and eliminated where possible.
9 ) government that understands Elk County is shrinking, if not dieing, and creates & promotes a welcoming atmosphere to new residents & businesses.
10 ) a government that understands the laws that govern it and does not willingly to violate those laws (KOMA, wage/labor laws, unemployment insurance laws, etc.)
11 ) government that promotes teamwork between all elected offices and among its employees... not a hostile working environment.
12 ) government that recognizes individual communities are not only subsets of the state & county, but are organized that way in order to maintain their own unique cultural flavor.  They are unique in their own right & no single town should be generally favored above another by county government.
13 ) government that does not wait until the last minute to make changes in things like roads, repairs, replacements & roofs.

and finally.....

a government that understands it is responsible to the people
not the other way around.

No, the only 'people' represented by these views are THE people.  And, yes, please remember that at election time.  Ask yourselves, "Are my family & I driving better roads, paying less taxes and receiving better service from government than we were 4, 8, 10 or 20 years ago?  Are there more & better local jobs?  Do my children have a better future here?  Do my children & grandchildren have more reason to stay?"  If so, then keep the leaders you have.  If not, then elect different leaders.

In any case, remember:  The speed of the leader is the speed of the crew.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

Ross I agree too. I promised to stop fighting back as of midnight last night and I did. Besides, I used up my list of words.Bully, insult and rude are the only ones that are left in my storehouse. They will only be used if someone else starts on me again.
  Varmit is right though.I do make a good target. People with nice open personalities always do. Varmits insults last night show again how I'm treated .But I'm wearing my duck feather cape now.
 My "real self " is right here. Both my cheeks have healed so I can turn them once again if need be.
  Varmit, you are correct, I did not know you had kicked anyone to any curb. I suspect that is why you were among the missing for so many months. Anyway, I wish you well with this newish union. Also, I do not lie.You have no idea who knows me who also knows you.  Why do you think they would tell you? Grenola isn't exactly on the moon ya know, and forum people aren't my only friends and family in Kansas. Why I might even know some road workers,Ya never know. ;D ;D ;D   No, I won't name names.
  A wife and six kids now? I really do wish you well. I'm not sure how you have moved up in the world, but that's what she said.
 Patriot, if you are running for office I sure hope you won't treat people there as you do me. That stuff sure won't get you many votes.

Now as far as my comments on volunteers. I never mentioned EK now did I? Those were things that I know volunteers do.Yes my friend Georgia is a death and dying volunteer at our big Christiana hospital. They take some training and then are on call to come in when the time is close and there are no family or friends there.  Not quite the same as hospice. Why in the world would anyone question the truth about that? Why so suspicious?  ???
I really doubt a few of you are able to knock it off, but we'll see. Thanks Ross.

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