Started by frawin, April 13, 2012, 01:03:32 PM

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Diane Amberg

Sorry Steve, go back to reply # 63 on this thread. he screamed about Nazi "like behavior" and then said it didn't count as bully talk  ,but when I said someone had been "acting" like an inbred hillbilly long ago, it counted and I was called on it. Double standard again. .    Steve, you aren't the only labeler and name caller on here. Some simple people just don't know any better. ::)  They don't want to be called out on anything but want to be able to stick that old pointy finger at everybody else in their own defense .Ya gotta share the glory Steve,...(just pokin' ya..I really do like you)

   To answer his comment.... if he doesn't know, then he is one. I had said I was putting my manners aside for a time. He doesn't like it. If he hasn't by now figured out bully talk; would he talk to his mother as he does some of us?

  Thanks again all you volunteers! Don't let any of the sorry as**s break your sunshine spirit. You all are a very valuable asset to your communities, especially those who work with the kids.They need good positive role models outside their own homes. Parents can't do it all.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 20, 2012, 09:58:46 AM
Sorry Steve, go back to reply # 63 on this thread. he screamed about Nazi "like behavior" and then said it didn't count as bully talk  ,but when I said someone had been "acting" like an inbred hillbilly long ago, it counted and I was called on it. Double standard again. .    Steve, you aren't the only labeler and name caller on here. Some simple people just don't know any better. ::)  They don't want to be called out on anything but want to be able to stick that old pointy finger at everybody else in their own defense .Ya gotta share the glory Steve,...(just pokin' ya..I really do like you)

   To answer his comment.... if he doesn't know, then he is one. I had said I was putting my manners aside for a time. He doesn't like it. If he hasn't by now figured out bully talk; would he talk to his mother as he does some of us?

  Thanks again all you volunteers! Don't let any of the sorry as**s break your sunshine spirit. You all are a very valuable asset to your communities, especially those who work with the kids.They need good positive role models outside their own homes. Parents can't do it all.
You are correct about how how important it is to work with the young people, that is why we need to keep people Like Ken Libeau and Liz Hendricks in office. Not only are thay doing a great service by providing activities for all levels they did a great job in getting the Windfarm which will payoff for Elk County way into the future.

Diane Amberg

Did I just hear a couple of heads exploding? ;) That's nice to hear someone who is a Kansan say something nice. They tend to write me off since I'm so far away.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 20, 2012, 10:22:09 AM
Did I just hear a couple of heads exploding?


There missy.  Feel better now?  LOL

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg


you know if all this hokie pokie stuff is going on wiit this bunch and the commish call in the KBI ,and the  state A G fraud unit

Diane Amberg


Quote from: ELK@KC on April 20, 2012, 10:06:02 AM
You are correct about how how important it is to work with the young people, that is why we need to keep people Like Ken Libeau and Liz Hendricks in office.

Bullshitter Alert!      Bullshitter Alerrt!       Bullshitter Alert!      Bullshitter Alert!      Bullshitter Alerrt!        Bullshitter Alert!

Working with kids is not the job of County Commissioners, the job is taking care of county business.
It they want to be Elk Konnected, LLC so be it?
If they want to run a centrally located daycare center in competition with the folks that want to open in home daycare, as Elk Konnected, LLC, so be it.

If they want to be members of Elk Konnected, LLC and serve Elk Konnected, LLC so be it. Just get out of office first. Konnected Kounty Kommissioners should not  show their prejudice of favoritism towards their own organization as County Commissioners by voting to give taxes from the county coffers to thier organization.

They should RECUSE themselves on items brought to them from Elk Konnected, LLC or ECCEFit is the only ethical and principled and moral and honorable thing to do.

And until they RECUSE themselves they continue to show a lack of those qualities, IMHO.

RECUSE                RECUSE       RECUSE        RECUSE           RECUSE                  RECUSE
They can make a choice and Either be an elected official representing all Elk County Citizens and pay atttention to county business or get out of office and be a babysitter. Pretty Simple.

Quote from: ELK@KC on April 20, 2012, 10:06:02 AM
Not only are thay doing a great service by providing activities for all levels they did a great job in getting the Windfarm which will payoff for Elk County way into the future.

Come on now, how long did they keep it secret, about the windfarm?
Possibly, All during the time the wind tests and the contracts with the landowners were being written?  
And who are the landowners, friends and relatives of the Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners and possibly land owners themselves?

The windfarm was not brought to Elk County, by and for Elk County, there is no way you can convience me of that.

You could convience me that the landowners are responsible for bringing the windfarm here, because without the property being available the windfarm would not exist.
Or perhaps the Enel Corporation through their own decisions brought the windfarm here by offering the land owners sufficient money for their own wallets, which really makes more sense, because Enel has tons and tons of money and it would be their decision where they want to do business.

And if the Elk Konnected Kounty Kommissioners did such a good job for Elk County, why isn't Elk County getting $3,000,000 like Enid, Oklahoma who is getting the same size windfarm from the same foreign company?

Could it possibly be because the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners were concerned more about their families or their own wallets?


I worked up on the hill I asked them why we spread them out all over the place ,told me they tested the wind currents up there for 7 years ,so land owners knew it for along time ago.

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