Started by frawin, April 13, 2012, 01:03:32 PM

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Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 06:46:44 PM
And from a community economic development viewpoint, my one sentence answer to "what is Elk Konnected trying to accomplish?" is -  They are utilizing both internal and external financial capital in an attempt to slow and ultimately stop the loss of human capital through the creation of an entrepreneurial social infrastructure by bridging and bonding social capital and cultural capital.

I'll bet that's the same 'desired outcome' and methodology that's been in place since your failed tenure as the local economic development director.  But I didn't ask about desired outcomes or failed methods.  After about 8 or 9 years, where's the measured results?  The only real measures I've seen are supported by a history of increased taxes and a declining population.  At what point do you libs & moderates admit your best laid plans aren't working?  I suspect about the same time Obama and Reid admit all their failures.  Or should we double tax rates and throw more money at youth programs?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


I guess you could do absolutely nothing and see what that gets you.  Oh, wait that is what you and Ross are doing, absolutely nothing except attacking any and all who are trying to improve things.

There have been different groups of people trying many different things to change the economic situation in Elk County for decades. 

Without their efforts and financial sacrifices, I doubt there would be 1500 people left. 

But you and your ilk just keep right on gettin on with whatever it is that you are doing to improve things.
"Gloom, despair, and agony on me
Deep, dark depression, excessive misery
If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all
Gloom, despair, and agony on me"

I thought I was an Ayn Randian until I decided it wasn't in my best self-interest.


Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 05:45:39 PM
Yes you did Diane.

And as proof of one of my points, Ross just brushed that post aside like it didn't exist.

As I stated those were lolipops provided by taxpayers money, county coffers.
Money that should have been available to the actual/real communities, not some imaginary Kommunity supposedly run by a privately owned company called Elk Konnected, LLC and their Konnected Kounty Kommissioners.

Not brushed away, but explained very carefully, only stolen Lollipops, IMHO. Lollipops in no way increases the population of Elk County either.

They failed at running a Wellness Center and now according to this weeks newspaper they want to start a Daycare Center.
And my bet is with "Begggar-Thy-Neighbor" funds, right, by the continuation of manipulation of the County Coffers by Konnected Kounty Kommissioners, right?

You know like you mentioned:

Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 06:46:44 PM
And from a community economic development viewpoint, my one sentence answer to "what is Elk Konnected trying to accomplish?" is -  They are utilizing both internal and external financial capital in an attempt to slow and ultimately stop the loss of human capital through the creation of an entrepreneurial social infrastructure by bridging and bonding social capital and cultural capital.

Easily understood to be set up for Elk Konnected, LLC by Konnected Kounty Kommissioners.

Is that what taxpayers dollars are called, social capital?

Spending money on a daycare center for Elk Konnected, LLC will in no way increase the population of Elk County, what a foolish idea.

Enuf said for the moment.


Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 07:15:46 PM
I guess you could do absolutely nothing and see what that gets you.  Oh, wait that is what you and Ross are doing, absolutely nothing except attacking any and all who are trying to improve things.

Darn!  You really don't get it, do you?  Typical bureaucratic tunnel vision.  If you had been paying attention for the last year, spending time in local meetings and talking to a wide range of voters, you might see what change we've already promoted.  I'm confident that Elk County will see significant changes & results in much less than a 'few decades'.  If in no other area than better, more effective county management.

Your co-dependent view of our observations & questions as 'attacks' is shortsighted, at best.  Just like Diane, you and yours are not victims.  Neither are you martyrs deserving of some monument.  The real victims are the uninformed residents and overburdened taxpayers who have been kept largely in the dark about county operations & management practices.

Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 07:15:46 PM
There have been different groups of people trying...

Without their efforts and financial sacrifices, I doubt there would be 1500 people left.  

Now, now... that's pure conjecture on your part.  Is that like Obama's 'jobs saved' mantra?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 19, 2012, 06:24:04 PM
Sure, improved strength and stamina, planning and follow through,  learning and respecting rules, sportsmanship, good character traits, manners,  (decorum),  learning to be gracious after a win, accepting loss with dignity, team work, pride without arrogance and also many of the following.
.  As far as the fitness classes, weight loss, lowered pulse and stronger heart strength, stronger and slower breathing, improved BMI, improved stamina, improved leg and arm strength lowered B/P....    Can you list any measurable negative outcomes from same?

For what all of ten people, really something to brag about in the weight loss program.
And besides that, very few opeople need fitness classes if they exercise their arms pushing away from the talble and getting off their butts and doing something. I know, I allowed myself to get way over weight laying on the couch doing nothing but eating, i wasn't thinking about all them calories that I could not burn off. My big goof. But as soon as I was able to, I got back on my feet and got busy and I cut back on the hand to mouth. I was really ashamed of the big gut I had and now it's gone and been gone for a long, long time.

But actually none of what you say has anything to do with stopping the outflux of people or the growth of Elk County. It is all lollipops most likely at County Coffers expense.


If there was ever an individual I'd listen to, it's Flint.  Among his many accomplishments:  The creation of Elk County Rural Water District #2, the inclusion of Moline and Longton in the expansion of Public Wholesale Water Supply District #20 (Quivira Lake), the receipt of CDBG funding to start the only micro-loan program specificly for Elk County businesses, the researching of and speeches given on the pro's and con's of wind energy development and the initiation of contact with developers, the first use of industrial revenue bonds in Elk County that financed the $1 Million + expansion of Flint Oak, etc.  He has done a lot to attempt to help Elk County.  Wish everyone posting ad nauseum could say the same, on the same level.


Thank you, Cat.  I think we all needed to be reminded of that.


Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 07:15:46 PM
I guess you could do absolutely nothing and see what that gets you.  Oh, wait that is what you and Ross are doing, absolutely nothing except attacking any and all who are trying to improve things.

Oh, really. Asking that the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners become Elk County Commissioners, is doing nothing. Pointing out all that is wrong with your failed concepts. And the fact that you failed as Elk County Economic Development Employee is doing nothing. Asking people to get out annd vote in November is doing nothing.

Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 07:15:46 PM
There have been different groups of people trying many different things to change the economic situation in Elk County for decades. 
What happened when Sam's Club wanted to build their warehouse in Elk County?

Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 07:15:46 PM
Without their efforts and financial sacrifices, I doubt there would be 1500 people left. 
Look around lot's of properties are up for sale. Where are the jobs that can provide a half way decent living?

Oh that's right, Sam's Club warehouse built in the country in Oklahoma.

And actually if something similar wanted to come into Elk County I think they would be run off. Why? Because with them would come people with more money then the wealthy in the county have. And we all know money is power. Only one thing tops it, honest people. People like Mr. Ritz. And we need everyone to vote similar people into County Commissioners positions at election time.

Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 07:15:46 PM
But you and your ilk just keep right on gettin on with whatever it is that you are doing to improve things.

And your ilk, want socialism for a few select. Take from the taxpayers and citizens of Elk County to benefit only your ilk.

Quote from: flintauqua on April 19, 2012, 06:46:44 PM
And from a community economic development viewpoint, my one sentence answer to "what is Elk Konnected trying to accomplish?" is -  They are utilizing both internal and external financial capital in an attempt to slow and ultimately stop the loss of human capital through the creation of an entrepreneurial social infrastructure by bridging and bonding social capital and cultural capital.

Sure Elk Konnected, LLC wants social infrastructure, so that they might have even more control and access to more "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money. Just how is an Elk Konnected, LLC daycare center paid for with "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" money going to keep people from leaving, to find a job that pays a half way decent living.

Hasn't Elk Konnected, LLC had their eye on the wind farm money since the beginning?
Wasn't Elk Konnected, LLC formed for that one reason?
Didn't the founder of Elk Konnected, LLC know long before anyone else that the wind farm was being planned?

So really, hasn't social welfare for a few has been planned for a long, long time, right?


Well, well well, you know people can't come into the county to take a day trip to view, shop and reminense, as Howard has the only quasi-descent  roadfrom 400 tp 99 travelable to it's fine city.  Go South, and you take your life into your own hands.
I have been there, alot and I used to take the back roads so I could see deer, turkeys,the view,  etc but not any more.....the roads have not been kept up.   And yet, the county cut their (Road & Bridge) budget.   enuf stated?
well cut off my leg and call me Shorty!

And IF, IF they were to to come to the county, to start a business????   I would bring $100,000 of my own money to the table?
I think I could do it.  However, not the way the county is focusing on a select few of people prominsing things that aren't shaping up.

Let me put this another way, then I will shut up:
I said this before a year ago...in the ..ahem political lounge....I see Elk Connected as a Brushfire.  You know when really dry grass starts a huge blaze, then peters out?   It was fun and and an excited moment to watch at that time.  We all were in awe, or frightful.  Then it required other gasoline or other flammables/inflammables...they mean the same if you think about it(fill in the blanks) to fire that sucker back up.   I think the original issue from 2007 was that brush fire....and methinks the gasoline is coming from the weekly meetings.
I may not like Ross' methods as well as Patriots of questioning, however they do bring up interesting questions if not verging on the version of "Danger, Wil Smithl"!  (refer to the 70's)   Only thought provoking questions to get everyone to think.  And I can.

I do however, find that 2 commissioners of this crumbling county seem. seem to be a  part of the same issue that is causing all of this chaos.

Whether  or not we get the result from the "dancing with the Commisioners Konnected results", we at least as a community need to get the results from priorites of the county!  It's not about Elk Konnected as a focus, Ross, it's becoming about what is fracking wrong with the priorities?  They are not the only problem.

I do not live in Elk County, and I am in NO way affialted with elk Konnected, LLC, nor am I sleeping with any of the comissioners.
  oh...Ready to cringe at my typing


Quote from: Catwoman on April 19, 2012, 08:03:07 PM
If there was ever an individual I'd listen to, it's Flint.  Among his many accomplishments:  The creation of Elk County Rural Water District #2, the inclusion of Moline and Longton in the expansion of Public Wholesale Water Supply District #20 (Quivira Lake), the receipt of CDBG funding to start the only micro-loan program specificly for Elk County businesses, the researching of and speeches given on the pro's and con's of wind energy development and the initiation of contact with developers, the first use of industrial revenue bonds in Elk County that financed the $1 Million + expansion of Flint Oak, etc.  He has done a lot to attempt to help Elk County.  Wish everyone posting ad nauseum could say the same, on the same level.

Admittedly, those are laudable accomplishments... save two that I question.  That would be Flint Oak & the micro loan program.... 

While Flint Oak has certainly served as an employer for a percentage of the population & contributes through liquor taxes to the county recreation fund, how many tens of thousands of dollars in property tax revenue has been sacrificed through the 100% abatement given to them in the last dozen years, how much of their operating expenditures actually go to local business, and where do the profit distributions to their LLC members end up?  As to the tax abatement issue, who makes up for that loss of revenue?  Answer... every other property tax payer in Elk county.

If the micro loan program is the same one that recently ceased to operate, I was given to understand that only a very few loans were ever dispensed and only one business that was given those funds still exists.  All others failed or shut down.  Discussions at a recent commission meeting further revealed that the county, as administrator of those loans, operated as an unpaid middleman.  That would mean the taxpayer, again, supported that program via labor and saw nothing in return.  If the program you mention is different, then I'm mistaken.  If so, please indicate the evidences of success stories from the one you mentioned.

Finally, since Mr D has such glowing capabilities to enhance growth, why is he gone? 

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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