Started by frawin, April 13, 2012, 01:03:32 PM

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I would say the real Diane just left the room... :o ;D...You go, girl!

In answer to Patriot's question...EK deserves praise just for having attempted to bring something other than the same old, same-O to a place where anything new is viewed with great suspicion and closed doors.  Again...I am not a member or a follower...I am merely one who has watched as a hardworking group of people attempted the impossible...In spite of the naysayers.  That alone is enough to gain my respect.



Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 06:01:30 PM
Ross, who is the goose? Ya lost me.

Not meaning to be ugly but I don't want you thinking I am making this up, Okay?
I am quoting you.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
A very interesting turn of events for sure.  But what's good for the gander is also good for the goose.



Quote from: Catwoman on April 18, 2012, 07:33:05 PM
In answer to Patriot's question...EK deserves praise just for having attempted to bring something other than the same old, same-O to a place where anything new is viewed with great suspicion and closed doors.


Thanks.  But "attempted to bring something other than the same old" isn't terribly specific.  Perhaps you could be a bit more detailed?  Taking public funds to pay dues to Public Square Communities, LLC, not paying for printing flyers advertising a events they falsely claim they are sponsoring on government equipment and allowing a county employee (and EK member) to claim mileage reimbursements for posting those flyers countywide a just don't seem to rise to the level of praiseworthy.  In retrospect, those things sound exactly like the "same old".

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

the shadow

Geesh and good grief! Don't login for a couple of days and there's several new posts for these old eyes to read over and some long-winded posts at that! There is a lot to address so I might be a little windy too. So get comfy kids!

It has never been a crime to ask questions. Questions are how we learn. It is only a crime to answer questions when people have something to hide, as is evidenced by this whole Elk Konnected thingy (stole your word there Ross!). If they started this thingy with good intentions (which I highly doubt) then they went downhill really quick. When you start taking taxpayer monies in one of the poorest (if not THE poorest) counties in the state for extracurricular activities for kids and you let important things (say like the roads) go to pot, then there's a problem. When you cut a county budget for roads and can still put on a soccer camp for the kiddos with taxpayer money, there's a huge problem. Don't borrow money from the county, spend, say $200 on something for the "kids" and then write the rest of it off and stick it in your pocket! Don't borrow money from the state in the form of a grant for say $200 grand to start up a fitness center (because the Lord knows that's what the people of Elk County NEED), turn around and close it down and sell everything you bought with taxpayer money and pocket that too! 

I don't give a rat's fuzzy behind about how many initials can be pulled from Facebook claiming to be FOR a group. A lot of those are impressionable kids who ONLY care about what THEY can get out of people and some of those people just might be "liking" and befriending that group to keep tabs on them and see what they can learn. Moles if you will.

As has been stated before, if it's so important to use the drunk tax on the kids as intended, then give it to the cities of the county and let them use it for parks and recreation and swimming pools and slipper slides. Don't be giving yourselves money, wasting it on a one time "goody" then writing stories patting yourselves on the backs. Give them something substantial, something that lasts. THAT would be something other than the same-old, same-O.

Quote from: Catwoman on April 18, 2012, 07:33:05 PM
I would say the real Diane just left the room... :o ;D...You go, girl!
Yes, please, you GO, girl!


The Shadow                              KNOWS!
The Shadow knows!


I say to heck with anything for the kids of this area!  I didn't have soccer when I was a wee youngster and I turned out just fine.  Parks and swimming pools,  now that's some "hogwash".  Kids don't need those either.  They need to be working and paying there own way.  I say we implement internship and our kids go directly from primary school to endentured slavery to pay for their way in life.  Give them a bed and food and they work it off in your fields, gas stations, stores, and use a shovel and fix the county roads.  They learn a skill and become productive :P citizens, and we don't have to worry about our tax money being used frivolously. :P



Slavery?  I think that's a bit extreme.  But a work ethic... how is that a bad thing?

YSoSerious!   Date Registered:  Today at 09:47:04 pm.  Welcome back to the forum.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

uh, OK. WOW, and I thought I was angry. I'm sorry, Y  I don't know you do I?  Go for it! Welcome to the stew pot.

  Ross, yes I know what I said about the goose and gander, (my memory isn't that bad quite yet ) but you said that the gander had tried hard but failed...not quite a quote.... and I wondered who the gander was that you referred to. Not a big deal though.

For Patriot... you folks keep bringing up the same things over and over and over so I'll demand the right of doing the same whenever it suits me. As far as writing long for extra credit, sure, when I wanted to respond to so many posts it takes awhile. I just don't cut them up into a bunch of purple boxes. Besides my typing is very bad.  
  Shadow, for once you just stated your opinions without resorting to rude demeaning and underhanded smarmy remarks  to anyone else. It doesn't matter if I agree or not.Thank you.
The real Diane will be back another day. I'm tired and going to bed.


WOW Diane, way to deflect and not answer the question!  I'll refer YOU back to post #63, the question was "Please explain how I was being a bully?"

And you call me dumb! You can't even answer a simple question.  I am well aware of definition of "bullying" and I have never engaged in it. 

I don't give a hootin' hell what the commisoners or anyone else thinks of my posts!  I do have the Right to Free Speech and will excerise it when I want to.  If they have a problem with that or try to infringe on it in any way then I hope they have a damn good lawyer! 

As to the rest of your post diane, I say...whatever! You don't live here and are clueless about whats going on so it doesn't really matter what you think.  Like me, hate me, personally I don't really care. 
It is high time we eased the drought suffered by the Tree of Liberty. Let us not stand and suffer the bonds of tyranny, nor ignorance, laziness, cowardice. It is better that we die in our cause then to say that we took counsel among these.


Work ethic being a bad thing?  Did I say it was Patriot?  I am saying to put the little turkeys to work.  Is endentured servants a better word to use than endentured slavery?  Maybe Red could tell me, Red seems to be the authority on all things dealing with slavery?


Quote from Patriot
. Welcome back to the forum.

Are you trying to tell us that you smell Duck doo-doo ? "Shocking " isn't it ?

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