Started by frawin, April 13, 2012, 01:03:32 PM

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My turn to voice my opinion.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
A very interesting turn of events for sure.  But what's good for the gander is also good for the goose.

And the gander tried. But in my opinion failed miserably. I'm sorry to have to inform you.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
   Varmit the only people who don't understand what bullying is are bullies themselves. They never see what they say and do from anyone else's perspective, least of all the person who they are trying to victimize.  ( being bullied themselves at some point in time may be true, but is no excuse!) 
  Here's one definition for you..."Bullying is intentional aggressive behavior. It can take the form of physical or verbal harassment and involves an imbalance of power"........"
    Now that Teresa has turned the junk yard dogs loose that means I don't have to be polite here either. .Goody!

And you just bad mouthed the owner of this forum. Which is very unkind and a form of bullying. Didn't you recognize it.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
Varmit, this is for you and your ridiculous short fuse. I'll refer you back to reply# 63.
  Nobody is out to get you, in spite of your troubled history. Nobody on here contributed to any of that. It's sad but over.
If  some of you must try to get back at me some how, at least be honest and a person of good character and quote me correctly.  To do other is cheating and that devalues anything else you may have to say. People do notice!

Some people cry because statements are answered in this fashion, for clarity, that cry that their post is being torn apart, some how mutilated. Others worry about typographical errors or spelling. Some of mine are intentional and others just human error. I personally am not trying to get back at anyone and I diligently try not to take the affronts I have received as personal. I try to avoid bully tactics such as making accusations as to a persons character, such as your remark in this paragraph by you, "Varmit, this is for you and your ridiculous short fuse."  Oh, I'm human and I may goof, but it appears in this post that you have continually attempted to bully in one form or another.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
Frankly, I have family and life long friends in southern states and they are shocked at how I am treated by Kansans, the home of my relatives, both living and dead. Even some on here who sometimes disagree with my moderate independent politics will PM me and tell me how shocked they are at how I, and others, are  treated. And the hot tempered Varmit is jut a kid! Poke,poke

There it is again, the bullying, "And the hot tempered Varmit is jut a kid! Poke,poke." Poke, pok does not make the statement the least little funny.

Perhaps your friendss should read this forum?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
   I remember telling one young bully (6th grade) years ago that he might want to rethink what he was doing as he might want to work for that child's father some day.

You were talking to a child that has difficulty with the present day problems, that he has to deal with on a daily basis and you expect him to consider and understand something 10 or 20 years down the road. Really?

In my opinion the furthest out, that would be of interest to him would be getting his drivers permit in two years. Maybe not even that far out.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
   Varmit, I know how you are employed. Are you really sure you want to complain about people" wasting" tax money? ;D ;D ;D ;D

Now that statement really sounds like a threat and another form of bullying. Can you see it?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
As far as what EK has done that is positive, that has been answered before! Asking again and again won't change what others have already said. and yes, if you demand it, will will finish that list of initials and bore you to death. I know they aren't fake. I know right where I left off. They think that they or others are getting something out of the EK efforts.

No answers have been given except in the same form as this statement. But that a nice try Diane.
Initials prove nothing and I am sorry if you think otherwise. What exactly do, you think, these folks think they are getting out of Elk Konnected, LLC ?
Nobody says, not even the Followers, why is that?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
  If some projects are not popular or successful, perhaps they will try others, especially from the ideas that have come from the meetings .

Do you mean they will continue to run "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" programs until they get something right?
Do you think taxpayers should continue to finance their failures. Is that what you are saying?
Do you think it was productive of Elk Konnected, LLC , to diss actual communities in Elk County?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
   Ross suggested that the notes and ideas from the first meeting were collected an weren't really even considered.  I that what you would do yourself? Are you that dishonest Prove it! Prove what you think they did That's what some of you demand quite often when someone's comments opinions don't suit you.

Now a few paragraphs back up the line there you said, I quote,"at least be honest and a person of good character and quote me correctly."  , didn't you?  Well shouldn't that apply to you as well?

I have never suggested and I quote you again, "Ross suggested that the notes and ideas from the first meeting were collected an weren't really even considered." I do remember asking where is the proof that anyone at the meeting made any of the suggestions provided to the County Commissioners. That was a question and if you wish to misconstrue as something else, go for it.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
If the bullying causes EK to totally fail, perhaps someone should contact all those friends and name names so they know exactly who did them in. No, it wouldn't be me. But there are some parents who would!

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
  Am I always right? Of course not, but I do try. Will I error some times? Of course, but I normally respect my opponents ideas don't belittle them, label or call names. That  restriction will no longer apply to me or stifle my comments in any way My Kansas upbringing will suffer, but too bad.

Nobody Diane is ever right 100% of the time, except for my God and Lord Jesus. So don't be so hard on yourself  and please quit considering yourself as a victim.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
So now when you choose to come back at me the "well what about what "YOU"said or whatever. Iit won't work.  My self imposed manners barrier has been dropped.Some of you who really ARE dumb hicks just might get called on it. Now you decide who fits that description. Yuck,Yuck.

Diane, I have personally conceded to lacking a college diploma, I have also conceded to being a redneck hick. And I am real proud of it. But I think I have fared pretty well in life and better then some with college diploma's and I am quite happy to play with my horses, chickens and cows. I just don't want to be taxed to death by a "Beggar-Thy-Neighbor" little group of folks. Pretty simple, huh?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
   I may be back since this is still in the coffee shop, but you can have all the political threads to you few who will soon be listening to just your own voices echoing up and down the empty political halls. You few already know who you all hate and why, so there won't be much left to say, now will there. Red can keep on posting other people's words ,some of which can be proved to be political lies, but with some points I do agree. I'm not nearly as pro Gov't as some of you think, but perhaps in ways you can't, don't, or just plain won't understand.

Only time will tell? But if things continue, you may find more people leaving the area. Those that don't own their own retirement homes. It's mostly about attitude, in my personal opinion.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
Ya better pay attention to what just happened in Michigan. It could easily be coming your way ,especially in very rural areas.

What just happened in Michigan that you might be referring to? There is so much going on all over the place it's difficult to guess as to what you are talking about?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
   Better break out your oil lamps again and be prepared for 7 day work weeks and 10 hour work days...for the same money. Of course real ranchers and farmers already do that. ;D 

A person should perhaps be prepared for far more then that. Perhaps another great depression.
Who knows?

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
Hey Varmit! Go get stuck in a mud puddle! Now that's a real order I can live with. :angel:

Can that be considered bullying? Diane don't take all this so personal, after all none of it affects where you live in Delaware where each of the prisons in your county are capable of holding more prisoners than the number of people that live in Elk County Kansas. Now that is something isn't it?


If i am not mistaken this is what she is talking about.  DNR came in and forced a man to shoot all his livestock or go to prison.


I said this would start happening 2 years ago.  This is part of NAIS.  The Ag department also has came into farms and forced farmers to allow them to map their farms out for destruction of livestock.  IF your neighbor happens to get mad cow in his livestock, they will come in and use scorched earth doctrine and destroy everything for a couple mile radius of the infected area. 

Same thing for any disease whether or not its a serious problem.  For a good example, goats get a disease that causes arthritis. They theoretically can come in and desigate it as a kill zone and any goat within 2 or 3 miles is to be destroyed and the farmers have to pay for all of it and their land is used for the destruction and burial.  Then it is deemed unsafe to use for however long the Ag department wants.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: srkruzich on April 18, 2012, 02:25:03 PM
If i am not mistaken this is what she is talking about.  DNR came in and forced a man to shoot all his livestock or go to prison.


I posted that and I would have guessed she was referring to.
However I din't want to assume so.
There are just so many things going on that I think are perhaps wrong.

So, why should we have to suffer wrong doings here in Ellk  County?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 18, 2012, 11:20:14 AM
Varmit, I know how you are employed. Are you really sure you want to complain about people" wasting" tax money?

I suspect Varmit is a taxpayer.  I also suspect he is well aware of his rights under the 1st Amendment.  Ross may be on to something here as the comment sounds vaguely similar to a very out of place comment made by Commissioner Hendricks in closing the last commissioner's meeting... she uttered a general 'warning' about the use of social media (blogs, Facebook and forums, etc.).  It almost sounded like a veiled threat to someone (county employees?) regarding comments they may make in such venues.

I would remind the government (Ms Hendricks, Mr Liebau,  Mr Ritz, and others) that there are serious restrictions placed on government officials regarding any limits they may enforce on government employees' rights of free speech especially when expressed on their own time.  Civil rights lawsuits in federal court can be very messy and are terribly expensive to defend.

Commissioner Hendricks was very accurate about one thing... she said, "The taxpayers are watching."

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Over an hour of consultation.... hope it's Skype or Vonage.   ;D
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Patriot on April 18, 2012, 02:56:22 PM
I suspect Varmit is a taxpayer.  I also suspect he is well aware of his rights under the 1st Amendment.  Ross may be on to something here as the comment sounds vaguely similar to a very out of place comment made by Commissioner Hendricks in closing the last commissioner's meeting... she uttered a general 'warning' about the use of social media (blogs, Facebook and forums, etc.).  It almost sounded like a veiled threat to someone (county employees?) regarding comments they may make in such venues.

I would remind the government (Ms Hendricks, Mr Liebau,  Mr Ritz, and others) that there are serious restrictions placed on government officials regarding any limits they may enforce on government employees' rights of free speech especially when expressed on their own time.  Civil rights lawsuits in federal court can be very messy and are terribly expensive to defend.

Commissioner Hendricks was very accurate about one thing... she said, "The taxpayers are watching."

Now that would be a cause i would donate to to defend.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Be forwarned, this is long and rather angry. I sincerely apologize to my real friends, who know I'm not normally this common and coarse, but once I've gotten this out of my system I'll feel whole and renewed and stronger. :angel:

O K... bad dogs, watch my lips...er... fingers.
 Bully?  I DO NOT CARE ANY MORE.  I even wrote one definition of bully so I'd be clear, but I guess a few have only second grade reading level and it was beyond them.  I am not a victim. I am simply returning in kind whatever was unnecessarily meanly or rudely said. Turning whatever I said back on me is gonna get ya yelled at! I'm no victim.
 I'm going to practice being a verbal bully whenever it suits me.  Don't pretend you don't know what excessively rude is. Your mother probably slapped you upside your head if you were caught being mouthy and rude, especially to your elders.  I know exactly what I said back aways, and how and to whom, you don't need to tell me. I can read what I wrote, as well as write. I was being rude on purpose and you all should have been able to figure that out!  Some of you are much more practiced at this being mean business than I am, but I am trying and I'm willing to learn.
The constitutional amendments apply to me too, I'll have my say however and wherever and whenever I choose.  I AM EMPOWERED! ;D    I'm not a victim!
(Teresa doesn't need protection from you, she's tougher than I am. ;))  I ain't no victim!
 If I'm rude to one of you bad boys or girls...EAT IT!!!!
 Patriot just proved me right. I guess he just doesn't know any better. Turn what I say around or me will ya...PIFFLE! But then...... that means he DOES know what a bully is, so shame on him. Ya throw a rotten egg at me prepare to catch it, because it's coming  right back to you.  Bullies just can't help themselves. Personal insults and hot headed, impudent, self righteous, verbal and written attacks just go on and on, but to them are totally justified.  They don't care to see the damage they do because the receiver "had it coming".
Ross, who is the goose? Ya lost me.
No, it wasn't the business with the pigs, and as so often is the case, another part of the story was left out.
   That guy is not just some poor picked on little piggy farmer who would have killed those pigs himself, just a little later. How do you feel about feral pigs? I think you have them there too. I don't approve of what happened to him either, but he's not as innocent as the story sounds.  It was slanted for political purposes and I don't and never will like that stuff from any side.
  I was talking about the business with telephone lines and rural customers. If it happens, or spreads and has pups into other services, good luck.  Hopefully it will never happen. I thought it was Michigan...or maybe Wisconsin. I'll double check that...Regardless, it does worry me. Yes, of course,I worry about how taxes are spent. Why wouldn't I?  Problems happen here just like everywhere else.
 Earlier I had a big discussion with someone about the Secret Service. As far as I know, President Obama doesn't get to choose who or how many agents are assigned to protect who and where and when. That is done within the Secret Service. Much changed after 9-11 and yes, it is extremely expensive.
  I just can't imagine what those agents were thinking. seriously stupid. They will get punished I'm sure.
 You don't have to keep reminding me where at least some of EK's money comes from. I GET IT!. I also know that there are adult taxpayers there who DO approve how much and for what they have been spending.
 Beating it to death and revisiting it over and over is not ever going to get those questions answered. They are not going to answer you on here! No matter what they said long ago, it has changed. It had to. Ross, I know you are going for a record, and aside from being annoying, which I can deal with, you are not mean about it or particularly rude....most of the time.  Usually Steve isn't either.
But ...Varmit and Patriot are something else. Not that they care, they like making a game out of insulting this old gray haired, but feisty outsider. Perhaps there are prizes? I'm not impressed. Why do you carry on so?  Why so thin skinned? I'm harmless, as are my opinions.They don't hurt anyone.
Don't you want people to come there to spend money, at least in the businesses that do exist?  You would be nasty and chase out any new person who would come and try to make it a go with a new business there?  Steve, that really is sad.
  So, no more"nice" me. Flip stuff back on me and I'll remind you we are not on a playground, and this is not "but what about what you just said," being tossed back at me.
I just knew my purposefully nasty comments would come back. I could have won a bet that they would be used against me. I baited a trap and caught 'em.  (I'm usually above that kind of thing but playing in the verbal mud can be fun.)
     It's that double standard again.  The dogs can be nasty and hurtful and as insulting as they want, and rant and rage on and on because of their "rights," but those of us on the receiving end are supposed to remain polite and just let it go, because we're supposed to above all that and just consider the source and not get our undies in a wad? Am I right? After all, rights are only for a certain few WASPMs right?  I have the same rights to fee speech as anyone else here. Pat said so!
What about your own skives dudes? Why do you get so unnerved and upset? It's no big deal right, Steve? Now I'll wait for patriot and Varmit to have their heads explode.They won't be able to get back on here fast enough to try to put me in my place again. HA! O K have fun.  Sayonara



Wow!  What a dysfunctional, disconnected rant.  From rotten egg tosses to adiut taxpayers to dead piglets to white, anglo saxon, Protestant males to secret service agents and 911 to imaginary exploding heads.  You sure showed us, by golly.  Feel better?  Hope so.

You repeatedly say that you're no victim.  Who are you really trying to convince?  No, you're not a victim.  In that, you are correct.  Which makes your constant self-portrayal as a victim even more puzzling.  Any explanation?  I thought not.  Bullied?  Hogwash! Truly empowered?  Not even close, just out of control.

Now, about those appearances of impropriety in EK's use of political position & power, public funds, resources and employees... any good explanations?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

Diane Amberg

 Yup, just what I expected...and didn't take long either. Yes, I sure do feel better. I may ramble when I feel like it, but you can't prove I'm  dysfunctional or "out of control." Ya wanna see out of control? Look how mean Varmit writes. Now that's out of control.    I'll admit it took me awhile to get the rhythm of the forum when you few showed up and started in on us.  I had to understand that mean, rude personal attacks are allowed here. My Kansas parents did not bring me up that way. But sometime later  I  got some PMs that explained your kind.This forum was not that way back when it started. It has changed a lot. So have I.  So bite me if you can't take it and deal with it.
  I never said "hogwash." But maybe you are dyslexic and can't quote me correctly even though you might be trying to. I'm not sure.
   I don't have to have any explanations about EK or anything else. I've never heard any complaints except for you few self made enemies on the forum, nor does anyone owe me anything as an outsider. If you have proof go to the authorities and stop being a victim!


How's this for speedy?  LOL

Wow!  Another essay.  Going for extra credit in the advanced debate class, teach?
You didn't waste much time either.  Speaking of reading for comprehension... "Hogwash" wasn't a quote, it was an opinion.  Authorities?  I think we covered that with someone months ago in another thread.

Tell me, can the real Diane come out and play?   :)

Now, to what specific thing can you point for which EK deserves our praise?

Not Ready... but waiting.  LOL

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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