Started by frawin, April 13, 2012, 01:03:32 PM

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The record being set straight is who is hijacking a lounge for politcal information. ?
If it is EKonnecected to praise themselves, then take it outside of this thread.

I may be interested in trying to persue the quasi issues of Ross', however this is NOT the thread.

You just hikajaced this Red, and that is ungentlemanly.

You see, irrespective of IP addresses', spell check and emotions, there tends to be one side with accusations, and the other side that refuses to address them.  Whether it is bully tactics, which a few have tried to negate the bullying of EK, I find the whole topic to be mute.

Let's continue this at the next election of Commisioners, and see where this topic goes????

respectively, ready for the next spark to get us all up in arms.

the shadow

Methinks those initials are probably from Elk Konnected's facebook page, all 335 of their so-called friends, of which Diane is one. Those are their "supporters" and a bunch of them aren't even of taxpaying age yet or even from Elk County. Interesting though that the children of Elk County are being raised as sheep, ready to be led to slaughter by wolves in sheeps clothing.


The Shadow                                         KNOWS!
The Shadow knows!



Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 14, 2012, 03:48:02 PM
Good grief Red. Don'cha wanna go play in a tornado or something? I'd love to list all the more than 300 supporters that approve of what E K is doing...all of them taxpayers! (Don't feed the troll Diane, just let it go.) :P :P :P :( :'(

Thanks Shadow for the wake up.

Nice try Diane, simply the children of Elk County that have been and are being Exploited by you and "Elk Konnected, LLC" right?

You haven't go their permisssion to list their names because of being under age, right?

But Elk konnected, LLC's Facebook which is open to the public does right?

So we can check out the names and coompare your initials with those names, right?

And there actually 335 Elk Konnected, LLC Facebook Friends, right?

I apologize Ready I had planned to stay off this thread, but I find the exploitation of children deplorable and vile (vile as in the words of a Konnected Kommisioner)

Typical of Elk Konnected, LLC  and their Followers.
I find this activity very gross and demeaning to the Children and Citizens of Elk County.
Just My Humble Opinion.



OMG...Here we go again.  One simple reminder...This is not the Politics board.  Please stick to the intent of the board...Keep all of the Political statements where they belong...In the Politics section.  What had to be gross and demeaning to the person posting political drivel is the fact that they don't seem to be able to read..."Coffee Shop".  I can understand the inability to tell the difference, I guess... ::)


Quote from: Catwoman on April 15, 2012, 09:22:09 PM
OMG...Here we go again.  One simple reminder...This is not the Politics board.  Please stick to the intent of the board...Keep all of the Political crap where it belongs.

OMG...There you go again pretending to own the Forum and having the power to give orders.
But, I am gone of my own accord unless an Elk Konnected, LLC Follower post's any further far fetched tales on this thread and that includes you.
Thank you and goodnight to you  Boss. LOL


Ross, come off it.  I have never pretended to own anything...I have only pointed out the painfully obvious.  It is funny, how you seem to resent...And not be able to do anything with...The obvious.  And...I have to tell you..."Boss" is one name that I smile at... ;D  Thanks for that.  After the last two days that most of my people have gone through...A smile was appreciated, even if it came from nothing more than you.  ;) 

the shadow

My, my. Walk into any coffee shop across this great land and you're usually going to find 2 things: a television tuned to Fox or CNN and people discussing politics. Sometimes you just have to comment where you can. It's ridiculous that this public forum that one can comment anywhere on is so disgusting anymore. Diane has stated several times all over this forum that people should go play in tornadoes, which is in very poor taste. Catwoman belittles everyone she disagrees with like it's nothing to her. Wilma had been asking Ross if his knee was okay a while back. Then you have Patrick Perkins and his comment about wanting to see a taxpayer bullet shoot a forum member. You all found nothing wrong with any of those comments and threats; but Ross and his so-called loons aren't allowed to ask questions? Questions, really? You people are wrong when you say it is Ross and his loons running people off of this forum. All they want are answers and trust me those answers are out there, it's just that some people are too afraid to talk. But no, they aren't running people off of this forum, quite the opposite in fact. I've noticed anything that Ross posts on turns to gold; if you don't believe that then watch the number of views. More people in this county are tuned into this whole Elk Konnected mess than any of you want to believe. And I've noticed that it's usually those that don't live here and see things going on firsthand, that take the biggest offense to any of it. My God, Catwoman, Diane, Flint and Frank you guys are the biggest pot-stirrers on this forum! Oh, I just brought God into this post, maybe it should now be moved to the Religion section too!


The Shadow                                                KNOWS!
The Shadow knows!


The Coffee Shop
General topics and friendly conversations among the people of Elk County, Kansas

Good post Shadow. Let's see, Elk Konnected is a "general topic" and for the most part it has been a "friendly conversation " , then we have "the people of Elk county". Bingo, there lies the problem. We have three people trying to dictate where anyone can post---the Aflac Duck (that's payback for calling me Jughead), Kittylitter(that's because you love calling people vile names ) and The Alphabet Soup lady from Delaware----so tell me again you three---where do you fit in on the "people of Elk County "part ?


We don't stir the pot or dictate where to post...We have merely reminded you all that politcal rants don't belong on this thread and are better suited to the subject matter of the Political board.  We just don't back down to the bullies that have come to infest this Forum.  I don't disparage anyone who disagrees with me...I've had intellectual discussions with other members on this Forum who heartily disagree with me...The difference being, we agree to disagree amicably (for those who call names and become belligerent, I respond in kind...'nuf said).  I don't take their posts and pick them apart, line by line, in some OCD rant.  As far as you throwing mud on Frank, Diane, Charlie...You need to back off.  There are very few Moderates who continue to post on this Forum, because of its far right leanings...There has to be someone who represents the majority...And the rightwing extremists don't even come close to doing that.


Might I remind you that almost all of the regular participants on this Forum have ties to Elk County.  Some of them grew up in Elk County, but have had to go elsewhere to find a job that fits there education and training.  It would be pretty dull if it were limited to Elk County residents.  All we would have would be the rants of the radicals and the home based comments of the contented.

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