Started by frawin, April 13, 2012, 01:03:32 PM

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Quote from: Wilma on April 16, 2012, 07:56:25 AM
Might I remind you that almost all of the regular participants on this Forum have ties to Elk County.  Some of them grew up in Elk County, but have had to go elsewhere to find a job that fits there education and training.  It would be pretty dull if it were limited to Elk County residents.  All we would have would be the rants of the radicals and the home based comments of the contented.

Anybody remember a time in America when those with socialist & communist ideals were considered the radicals?  I do. Yet I think it's still to early to celebrate the demise of a truly free society in the US.  So fight on you believers in the collective,  the theft of private resources by government for the benefit of a few and the idea that government power & control is the answer to our ills, because it ain't over till it's over.  Long live a free and open Elk County where the liberty of the one outweighs the power of the many.

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Wilma on April 16, 2012, 07:56:25 AM
Might I remind you that almost all of the regular participants on this Forum have ties to Elk County.  

By all means you might remind us but
Isn't that just simply a wish or can you provide us a link to a web site where we can read the facts to back up such a statement? Perhaps you know each and every one of the 699 members of this forum, but somehow I doubt it. So show us the facts, please.

Quote from: Wilma on April 16, 2012, 07:56:25 AM
Some of them grew up in Elk County, but have had to go elsewhere to find a job that fits there education and training.
Sure some grew up here in Elk County, but are not here now.
Often people leave their home towns to look for work, adventure, individuality and to be grown up (out from under mommy and daddy's thumb), some join the military, others go to college. So what is the point?
What does that have to do with Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kommissioners? Please explain!

Quote from: Wilma on April 16, 2012, 07:56:25 AM
It would be pretty dull if it were limited to Elk County residents.
I agree fully with this statement, good job Wilma.

Quote from: Wilma on April 16, 2012, 07:56:25 AM
All we would have would be the rants of the radicals and the home based comments of the contented.

You shouldn't call people names and please don't refer to yourself as a radical.
And I think you made a mistake saying home based comments of the contented, I'm home based but far from contented with the Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kommissioners and the secrets held by them from the taxpayers and citizens of Elk County especially concerning Economic Development. Are you suggesting by using home based, that those that don't live here lack something?

Let's get it right, okay.


You tried, Wilma... ::)  Keep on with the keepin' on...If enough Moderates keep posting, then the bullies don't completely win, do they.


Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 07:12:35 AM
We don't stir the pot or dictate where to post...We have merely reminded you all that politcal rants don't belong on this thread and are better suited to the subject matter of the Political board.

Yet, you continue to post your political opinion's, and trying to order people not to reply to them. Which I find pretty narrow minded. You even put down the way others communicate. Again, I will remind you of the fact that an Elk Konnected, LLC Follower posting a notice associated with Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kommissioners is of and by itself a political statement.

Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 07:12:35 AM
 We just don't back down to the bullies that have come to infest this Forum.  

It is difficult to back down from yourselves and that is terrible problem. Which side has made the threats and told people to play in a Tornado. Please, be reasonable.

Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 07:12:35 AM
I don't disparage anyone who disagrees with me...I've had intellectual discussions with other members on this Forum who heartily disagree with me...The difference being, we agree to disagree amicably (for those who call names and become belligerent, I respond in kind...'nuf said).  

So you claim!
What's your problem communicating intellectually right here and now?
Have I called you any names?
But you have called names right here in this post by using political labels and not very politely either?
And I believe you have used the terms incorrectly.
Your poor form of communication is what comed across as belligerant to me, sorry.
To emulate you, I respond in kind, 'nuf said.

Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 07:12:35 AM
I don't take their posts and pick them apart, line by line, in some OCD rant.  

I wish you would take any of my posts apart and communicate clearly. Sometimes it is difficult for this old man to keep all of your statements straight and I don't consider it taking the post apart, but simply keeping my responses straight with your statements. Much less confusion that way for you, me and everyone else.
There is nothing OCD about clear communication. This post might be very confusing without responding in this form.
However, might  I suggest that the name calling could be considered OCD or maybe even something worse.
No you don't tear a post apart you just have the same OCD rant over and over and don't recognize the convience of clear communications.

Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 07:12:35 AM
As far as you throwing mud on Frank, Diane, Charlie...You need to back off.  There are very few Moderates who continue to post on this Forum, because of its far right leanings...There has to be someone who represents the majority...And the rightwing extremists don't even come close to doing that.

Oh come now, throwing mud at statements like, "Go play in a Tornado" really and some of the other off the wall remarks, Really?

And this post of yours is just full of political statements, but yet, you won't follow your own advice, nice job.
Moderates, far right leanings and right wing extremists are for your information, political terminologies.
And again with the orders, "You need to back off." Can't you find a better way of protecting them?
Like stating what has been said, that makes, you make such a statement, and then communicate why it is wrong?
Try communicating instead of a statement that could be confused as a possible threat.

Another thing can you provide specific and detailed information who the moderates, far right leanings and right wing extremists are? Or are you just in to making radical statements?

One last thing, please give proof of the minority and majority you speak of.
I bet you can not do it!


Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 07:12:35 AM
 There are very few Moderates who continue to post on this Forum, because of its far right leanings...There has to be someone who represents the majority...And the rightwing extremists don't even come close to doing that.

? why?   This country was not founded on the majority.  Only the rule of law.  Where the majority cannot bully the minority into submission.  

Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 07:12:35 AM
We don't stir the pot or dictate where to post...We have merely reminded you all that politcal rants don't belong on this thread and are better suited to the subject matter of the Political board.  We just don't back down to the bullies that have come to infest this Forum.  I don't disparage anyone who disagrees with me...I've had intellectual discussions with other members on this Forum who heartily disagree with me...The difference being, we agree to disagree amicably (for those who call names and become belligerent, I respond in kind...'nuf said).  I don't take their posts and pick them apart, line by line, in some OCD rant.  As far as you throwing mud on Frank, Diane, Charlie...You need to back off.  There are very few Moderates who continue to post on this Forum, because of its far right leanings...There has to be someone who represents the majority...And the rightwing extremists don't even come close to doing that.


Quote from catwoman :
We just don't back down to the bullies that have come to infest this Forum.

Cat, That is so funny.
My dear lady, you are the biggest bully on this forum IMO. Someone asks a question and you don't like their question so you fire right back calling them names. Don't believe me ? Go back and read some of your own posts. Let me see what some of the names were----cone head---little man---small man---nimrod and pig head are just a few of them.


Quote from: Catwoman on April 16, 2012, 08:29:08 AM
You tried, Wilma... ::)  Keep on with the keepin' on...If enough Moderates keep posting, then the bullies don't completely win, do they.

Pardon me Catwoman for asking, but what was Wilma trying to do?

Win what, Catwoman?

Do you comprehend enough, if so
Please put your intellectual communication skills to work and finally answer a few simple questions. Just once, please.
Clue this redneck, hick without a college diploma in and please keep it simple. I'll check back later this afternoon, I have chores to attend to,  so please take your time.

There is that name calling again Catwoman. Don't you get your own messages?
It seems typical of Elk Konnected, LLC Followers.

And I didn't give you guys the name Followers that came from Elk Konnected, LLC .
A few of their insiders were talking out at Harrods one day and didn't realize an employee over heard them laughing about and making fun of the Followers.  I can only say this now, because the employee no longer works there. I sure would not want to cause someone their job. No, I can not prove it, enuf said.

Terrible, huh!

Diane Amberg

As usual ,people will misquote me if they think they can somehow do me harm.. It's not me they are hurting. Even extremists will catch the differences.
   Kids also pay sales taxes when they spend, so they do pay taxes. I wasn't specific, and tried to be careful with the wording. (In a manner of speaking, so do I as a Delaware resident, but that's too long and complicated to get into here.)
 I'm glad that I don't have to print the rest of the initials, but I said they were people who approved of E K.  And yes, I am one of them, but I also support Girl Scouts, 4-H, library improvements and many others including the Howard Fireworks. My choice to make, nobody has to agree, but don't act uncivilized about it...please?
I'm sure like any group or committee, things can be improved, as it can with any group that is just getting started.
  Without being extremist, can you make some really positive suggestions?  Is the general population of Elk County getting good value for their tax dollars? If not, how can that improve? And I don't mean by going to extremes and cutting off all services to everyone.
 Why doesn't every resident see it the same way?
Are you saying they are all fools and only you few know "the truth?" Have you tried the honey instead of vinegar approach?

The ones who volunteer, regardless of for whom, deserve thanks for trying and working hard for something they believe in that benefits the whole community, or at least the ones who choose to participate.  But....if you pound on 'em enough they may give up and I guess that's what you really want? Dog in the manger stuff?
   Ross, I don't want to fight with you, but of the 669 members here you can easily count for yourself who posts regularly, who occasionally and who is inactive or never posted at all. Just look at the members lists. Now see, I did it for ya, but don't ask me to count 'em too!

 As far as the tornado comment, it was one time, in one place, to one person only,  and IT WAS A QUESTION, NOT A STATEMENT. I'm sure you do know the difference. Get it right! If you need to go back to reply #3 and read what I really asked! I'm told that questions are just fine. HA!
 Didn't you read what I really asked?  He could have simply answered "no." If he's offended, I'm sure I'll hear from him. He must get tired of you feeling you need to to protect him from nasty influential me and all that power I wield. :'   ( You will even cheat to try to skewer me?  Why bother?  People can read what I said for themselves.
 Remember too, we did have a hurricane, including a tornado, in our area last summer with lots of house and tree damage right here and sadly, two deaths not far from me.  Our season starts again June first. We were personally lucky last summer. If you despise me that much you can always hope that this summer we won't be so lucky.

   If you are keeping count, I expect there are at least 50 rotten comments made directly to me personally for each one that I get up off the door mat and throw back when I finally call foul to the bullying.  
So I'm not perfect. I've run out of cheeks to turn. Why must you keep score? It doesn't strengthen your position. Double standard? You can rip me on and on and over and over, but I can't return it? How convenient for you. Where is that in the invisible rule book?
 IMHO, some of you are suffering from what is called ''Small Town Syndrome," and a few other similar research names. It's unfortunately so common now it is actually being studied.  There are little places that are on the cusp of becoming ghost towns and the residents who are trying to do something about it are met with opposition at every step. Some would rather see the towns die than make any changes,  welcome new people in or encourage anything that isn't old and musty.

  If you really have proof of foul play and illegal things are really happening, why not stop grousing and do something about it. Go for legal action. Are you hoping someone will do it for you?  Not likely.  
  By the way,, Ross why does your lack of a college diploma bother you so much?  You keep putting yourself down with all that "ah, shucks," stuff. Isn't that getting a little old?   As I've said many, many, many times education is important, but it needs to be what the individual needs and that isn't always college! I certainly don't look down on people without a degree. Heck, lots of them have more and make more money than I do/did.  But some optimistic person like me started them off with all the basics.

  My pizza shop friend sure has many more millions than I do and owns a lot of Newark's commercial property... He's a real self made hard work success story from Greece. A very generous man also.  ( Gus Tsongus ) He worked hard, invested well and taught his kids to do the same. He's retired now.

In the meantime, thank you, ALL volunteers of all kinds and from all groups, for keeping on, ignoring the trolls, and doing your best to do something good in and for all of Elk County, especially for the families with children. They will have good memories to look back on, from many sources.
 Maybe one will grow up and start a Brew Pub there some day, with local flavor, and make Elk County famous...the only local beer with the ever- so- slight hint of salt and crude oil in it. Great with catfish sticks. (that's not a poke, just a joke, honest)
  Now, back to the original point of this thread please. I'll not add anything more unless, as Thumper would, it's something nice.  That is unless someone tears into me personally again.


So you claim!
What's your problem communicating itellectually right here and now?
Have I called you any names?
But you have called names right here in this post by using political labels and not very politely either?
And I believe you have used the terms incorrectly.
Your poor form of communication is what comed across as belligerant to me, sorry.
To emulate you, I respond in kind, 'nuf said

I just had to do this because I find it so funny - - - line 6 of the above post, word number 8 - comed It's not in my dictionary, so would you please enlighten me as to it's meaning, Mr/Ms Ross?

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