Started by frawin, April 13, 2012, 01:03:32 PM

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Diane Amberg

Jar, you said you had read hundreds and hundreds of posts from forums here. May I ask why? You have no ties to here that I know of and you all seem to think we're nothing but a bunch of socialist commies here, with no positive attributes at all, so why would you bother? I can't trust you any more than I can the others, so what are you up? ???
As for the others and EK, haven't you figured out yet you are not going to be catered to? You are considered just a negative distraction and a minor nuisance.IMHO
   Red, I really do wish you would find out what modern socialism is. According to the way you seem to think, any group that bands together to share resources (and save money) are socialists. Any person or  group that creates a village or town or city where there is a collective funding of money, taxes, if you will, that benefits the group rather than just one person must be socialist in nature. Yet some communities celebrate Founders Day rather than hide in shame.
 According to that thinking the founding fathers were socialists too! They banned together in New york and Philly and shared resources for what they thought was the greater good.They benefited themselves too. Remember good old Ben Franklin managed to get the contract to print all the money. An early monopoly. They also didn't just leave people alone to do whatever they wanted.There were rules of conduct and health regulations and much more that I won't get into for fear of being too wordy again.Were they Marxist before Marx existed? You snarl those Commie, Marxist, Socialist, labels around like they taste bad, but I'm not sure you understand their real principles.


Quote from Diane:
Jar, you said you had read hundreds and hundreds of posts from forums here. May I ask why? You have no ties to here that I know of and you all seem to think we're nothing but a bunch of socialist commies here, with no positive attributes at all, so why would you bother? I can't trust you any more than I can the others, so what are you up?

Yes, by all means you can ask---It's a free country--for now !!
Why would you think that I have no ties from back there ? My mothers side of the family came from back east. Why would you not think that have exchanged PM's with people from Newark and surrounding areas ? Why would you not think that one of our Corpsmen is a recreantly retired Paramedic from your neck of the woods ? Do you really think that some of us from Elk county has not traveled as extensively as you and have been to many of the same places ?
My "feelers "are very hurt that feel you can't trust me---but that's OK ,but please explain what you mean "so what are you up ? "


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 30, 2012, 11:57:24 AM

As for the others and EK, haven't you figured out yet you are not going to be catered to? You are considered just a negative distraction and a minor nuisance.IMHO

Diane, you have certainly proved a point.
If that is their negative attitude, that only makes them a negative force by your own description.
They may throw them a lollipop here or there, in an attempt to create their message, but will not offer up meaningful change. Just what is that worth?  Not a plug nickle.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 30, 2012, 11:57:24 AM
    Red, I really do wish you would find out what modern socialism is. According to the way you seem to think, any group that bands together to share resources (and save money) are socialists. Any person or  group that creates a village or town or city where there is a collective funding of money, taxes, if you will, that benefits the group rather than just one person must be socialist in nature. Yet some communities celebrate Founders Day rather than hide in shame.

I know I'm not Red, but this is an open forum.

And this is not founders day is it?

Is modern socialism some form of brainwashing? Do question anything, do as peer group pressure demands? How sick is that?

We only have one group trying to claim a lot of benefits with no way of showing any such thing.

Sounds to me like you have been brain washed, Diane and I sure am sorry to hear that. Try to be nice to yourself, you as an individual are just as important as any group.

The County is made up of communities (real, actual communities), not groups. The communities are made up of individuals. But under your modern socialism I guess individuals are nothing, is that right?

Elk Konnected, LLC is not a community, and only has an imaginary community, an Imaginary exsistant community. . They consist of very few people that beg for money to continue to Exploit the children of Elk County as a form of advertisement and by handing out lollipops IMHO . They may throw them a lollipop here or there, in an attempt to create their message, but will not offer up meaningful change. Just what is that worth?

Regardless of whether the average American's actions are ethical or not, simply by being instructed by authority, it was proven that most people would compromise their own compassion and empathy in order to succumb to authority. Elk Konnected, LLC has no authority, zero, nada. They are simply a privately owned company. And people should not compromise themselves because someone says modern socialism is the way to go.

There are always individuals or small groups of very few individuals who try to distort facts by subjectively using them out of context, or in the case of imperical data, changing parameters of a statistical analysis so the numbers will fit a predetermined outcome. Such as surveys and lists they turn over to County Commissioners as shown on page another thread on this forum.

When these individuals try to hide behind a cloak of anonymity, then others must ask why. What does the individual or group have to gain (or lose) by the presentation of unadulterated facts or statistical analysis?

Such as names attached to the information, unless they do not exist?

They simply throw a Taxpayer paid for lollipop here or there, in an attempt to create their message, but will not offer up meaningful change. Just what is that worth?

A board of directors is a body of elected or appointed members who oversee the activities of a company or organization. In most cases it can require very little involvement in the day-to-day functioning of the governed entity, but it is typically always staffed with individuals vested in the best interest of the company or organization. Isn't a Steering Committee the same thing with a different name? Isn't it just word twisting?

There is a fervor for ever more tax cuts for the wealthy, paid for on the backs of the middle class and lower class.

I have long felt the purpose of an organization: it is to create a mutually beneficial relationship between itself and those that it serves. But where is it? Where is the attitude of working with the people of Elk County? Hidden behind an LLC. No transparency, just hiding from everyone.
"I am as desirous of being a good neighbor as I am of being a bad subject."

"Poor man wanna be rich, rich man wanna be king/And a king ain't satisfied till he rules everything," Bruce Springsteen 1970's.

I think Thomas Jefferson put it best in his 1816 letter to John Taylor: "I sincerely believe, with you, that banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale." This, I believe can also be applied to the economic programs suggested by Konnected Kounty Kommissioners.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 30, 2012, 11:57:24 AM
According to that thinking the founding fathers were socialists too! They banned together in New york and Philly and shared resources for what they thought was the greater good.They benefited themselves too. Remember good old Ben Franklin managed to get the contract to print all the money. An early monopoly. They also didn't just leave people alone to do whatever they wanted.There were rules of conduct and health regulations and much more that I won't get into for fear of being too wordy again.Were they Marxist before Marx existed? You snarl those Commie, Marxist, Socialist, labels around like they taste bad, but I'm not sure you understand their real principles.

What gibberish!

Diane Amberg

  By all the wise comments our little states gets, especially the fact that Al and I go back many years as casual friends with Joe Biden, and Al working for NCC, and associated with Joe all those years, why would I expect anything but negative comments from the self absorbed smart Alecs. Am I touchy about it? You bet your sweet bippie I am.
   You ask a number of "whys". Because in 5 years you have never mentioned any of it, that's why.  Of course you may have traveled, I would never question that, but military doesn't count, and very few people have been to all 50 states! You would have said so.  ;)  By the way, according to Red it hasn't been a free country here since the Civil War.
 As far as you knowing one of our NCC, Kent or Sussex  "recently retired", Paramedics, chances are I would know him and you would have said so, or asked if I knew him.That's just what people do. There are so few of us, we mostly all know each other. Besides, I'm famous...they all know me. 8) ;D ;D ;D  
 Since Al is on the pension board for NCC he knows who is retiring because they go over the paperwork at the pension meetings ,and he represents the retired Paramedics. They all know him.
  If they are old enough to retire, they are in my age group and I trained a lot of them before they went on to Paramedic school.
  My question about what are you up to...you people love to set me up as a mark, so what else would I think? Another excuse to play "Gottcha?" Why wouldn't I be suspicious? I doubt your little feelers are the least bit hurt. I'm not that much of a sucker.
   So where are your mother's people from? Most every bodys family is from "back east" at some point.
By the way, Ross... My comments to Red had nothing to do with EK, so don't try to make a connection where there is none.
Every day he posts from professional bloggers who write about everything that is wrong with everything and everybody in this country, from their own point of view, of course. I have caught misinformation, misleading partial information and outright lies from people who should know better.  I get tired of the socialist labels being tossed around. People most certainly can be part of an  organized group and remain as individuals too.They don't have to give up their citizenship or become discontented grumps to try to do good for a community.There will always be differences but at some point a consensus needs to be reached or nothing happens.
  My comment to you about the forum was just my personal opinion, so try to  chew off my leg if you must.
   Please tell me, how many people do you have now who are against EK and what they are trying to do? Do you have committee meeting too? Are you organized? This inquiring mind wants to know.
    Gibberish? Don't you wish! "It was proven"....by whom? proof please?


Self absorbed smart alec ?? Wow, so much for me trying to be civil. I asked what---4-5 questions and I get called names? You can ask 20 questions in one post but no one else is allowed to ask any ? Why is it you always resort to calling people vile names ? Why do you have to bully people ? Is it because years and years ago when you were a teacher and dealt with children, you could bully them around and it is so ingrained in your personality that you continue today ?
You say "military doesn't count"---I hope you are referring to your world travels obsession with that comment. No, I have never been to all 50 states and never hinted that I had. Probably been to three quarters of them but what difference does that make ? Being to all 50 does not impress me, nor on my bucket list, but if that's what floats your boat, then I salute you.
Now why in the world would I ask you if you knew my corpsman buddy ? Spilling ones whole life story on a forum is not what most people do.
I'm done here so go bully someone else. Ross has broad shoulder I hear---for a little feller !!


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 30, 2012, 11:57:24 AM
  Red, I really do wish you would find out what modern socialism is. According to the way you seem to think, any group that bands together to share resources (and save money) are socialists. Any person or  group that creates a village or town or city where there is a collective funding of money, taxes, if you will, that benefits the group rather than just one person must be socialist in nature. Yet some communities celebrate Founders Day rather than hide in shame.
 According to that thinking the founding fathers were socialists too! They banned together in New york and Philly and shared resources for what they thought was the greater good.They benefited themselves too. Remember good old Ben Franklin managed to get the contract to print all the money. An early monopoly. They also didn't just leave people alone to do whatever they wanted.There were rules of conduct and health regulations and much more that I won't get into for fear of being too wordy again.Were they Marxist before Marx existed? You snarl those Commie, Marxist, Socialist, labels around like they taste bad, but I'm not sure you understand their real principles.

Diane, you should be saying they are banded together for the of sharing resources that they took from the government.
Individual freedom and liberty trumps your organizations and it's your organizations that are stealing from individuals thru government.

It's no wonder that you seem to favor the Marxists.  Our founding fathers were not socialists.



Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 30, 2012, 11:57:24 AM
Red, I really do wish you would find out what modern socialism is.

She's got a point... the "modern" way is called being a progressive.  And to be inclusive, liberals, moderates, democrats, republicans and independent centrists are allowed in the club.  New name, same old theft & redistribution of private property.  I wonder, are there "modern" definitions for communism, Marxism & Leninism. 

Get with it, will ya red!  LOL
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: jarhead on April 30, 2012, 05:24:05 PM
No, I have never been to all 50 states and never hinted that I had. Probably been to three quarters of them but what difference does that make ? Being to all 50 does not impress me, nor on my bucket list, but if that's what floats your boat, then I salute you.
UNfortunately i have been to 49 out of 50 states, my truck wouldn't float over to hawaii.  I had the displeasure of going through dc deleware and its shit roads, and maryland all the way up the northeast.  Roads are shit, commies run everything, was never so glad to get out of there!  The ONLY state i enjoyed was new york state near fulton where i went salmon fishing.  It was a nice visit there but wouldn't want to live there.   California ranks right down there with dc. as low as it can go. 

Sorry larry, i just hated it there.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Jar, when I said self absorbed smart Alecs I didn't have you in mind, but there are several on there who are and they know It.  I said smart Alecs, plural, and you are only one person. Now tell me what names I called you personally?  How did I bully you? I just tell it like it is!
   After the verbal battering I take from them every time I post anything you'll have to understand why I'm skittish and shy about answering certain kinds of questions. Every thing I say gets thrown back at me.
  Again with the teaching snipes! Now who is being rude! Traveling to all 50 states? That wasn't even this post.
  Red, "My" organizations? What organizations? The local fire company? Oh, please!
Steve, I agree our roads should be better. We gripe too, so you'll have to stand in line to complain. But at least they are paved.
All in all, we get pretty good services for our tax money. We don't charge beach fees the way New Jersey does and we don't have sales tax. We pay less in taxes than PA or MD.  Having said that I'm glad we don't have to do a fund drive every time a street light has to be changed. Taxes do some good as well as being a nuisance. Yes I'm grumpy.Just deal with it.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 30, 2012, 10:03:10 PM
After the verbal battering I take from them every time I post anything...

First it was bullied.  Now it's battered.  What's next?  :'(

Some measurable EK results, please.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.

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