Started by frawin, April 13, 2012, 01:03:32 PM

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Diane Amberg

I'm sorry, I don't mean to over do it and I know I can and do ramble,  but when a bunch of questions are asked of me or I disagree with something I tend to give very complete answers, whether you like it or not. ;D ;D ;D.
  I wish you could all get along . :'( You're right, I can't fix it, but I do have more friends there and in other counties nearby than any of you know about, and some family too.  The ugly fighting makes me sad.  Especially sad for a number who no longer post or have cut 'way back. There are at least 14. I'll try to talk shorter, but keep in mind I don't go on the political forums any more at all and only here because it's in the coffee shop. I don't have many choices left. :'( :'(


Holy moly,
Ross if you are gonna break all that down and answer every question---then you better get started son---cause you got your work cut out.
Diane, I have one little simple question to ask---and I aint being snarky, just curious. I have read 100's and 100's of posts on the New Castle county forum and the Newark,De forum and I see no rant----I mean post from you---none. My question is---do you not try to solve the problems in your own back yard ?

Diane Amberg

Oh my...you have no idea! Al and I are both letter writers and phone callers and council meeting attendees, etc. You'd be surprised how often our ideas, especially Al's, are implemented. I'll spare you the details but the answer is YES!
  I am on forums here too but with a screen name, so if you went on it you wouldn't know me.


Reply 3264
Quote from Diane:
So far anyone with an apposing view who dared to speak up has been verbally attacked and insulted. You won't even let them speak from behind screen names without trying to figure out who they might really be so you can take them on, yet you use screen names yourselves because you can. How is that right?

So you use a screen name on your local forum ? OK, thanks for answering my question.

Diane Amberg

No, you don't get it. Nobody here uses their real names,at least not on the forums I'm on. They would think it was strange if I did. No, that's not correct, the administrator does.  Welcome to them. They can be really fun. Join in if you wish.


Not sure what you mean, "no I don't get it"  Didn't know I said I got anything. I only went to the two forums I mentioned so I might not of went to the  Forums you post on. Care to share the links to them and your screen name so some of us can keep up with stuff you post so when you are too busy to post on the Elk County forum?
I figured I went to different forums that you are on because I know you talk about "east coast manners" and believe me---some of the posts I read are a far cry from what I would call using any manners. Gives a new meaning to "vile".  :D
The two forums I went to had lots of people using their names so again, guess that confirms I went to forums you don't post on. Thanks

Diane Amberg

Sorry, I misunderstood what you meant. But I did misspeak. I went back and looked and there are a couple of people who do use their real names. Vile?  Better not... Use the personal insults on my main forum here, and you will be banned, some times for six months, some times permanently. There are lively political discussions, but personal insults aren't tolerated. (Many of them too can't stand President Obama)  A couple of you wouldn't last 5 minutes on it unless you changed your ways. Like yours, we have people with ties to Newark but aren't here any longer, some who went to UD.  You asked have I helped people.If you mean by way of the forum,yes to that too. I've been able to help some people with specific needs ,answer questions and match some people with help they couldn't find and answer a lot of fire safety and EMT type questions.There is more but that's enough for here.
The one Newark forum (Topix) and the NCC one,(also Topix) I don't really care for. They have a lot of short news threads and very few posts, but can be rude and rough... I rarely go there unless I'm looking for something specific.The other in particular I check in every day. The trouble is I'm much older than most of them .Silver Eagle is about my age and one or two more, but most are much younger.  By the way, if you see a RobForaker, He's everywhere!and makes me sound like a mute.


And still we wait for a few specific laudable, measurable examples of EK's community unification & organizing skills.

How about it frawin? ddurbin? catwoman?  diane? elk@kc? Other friends of EK?

Chirp... chirp... chirp.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Whoa! Talking about asking the impossible.
Wait a minute!
Just wait a minute!

It's been an impossible question since the beginning, hasn't it?

The Who?
How's have been impossible to respond to in any form of intellectual reasoning, hasn't it?


Quote from: Patriot on April 29, 2012, 07:58:29 PM
And still we wait for a few specific laudable, measurable examples of EK's community unification & organizing skills.

How about it frawin? ddurbin? catwoman?  diane? elk@kc? Other friends of EK?

Chirp... chirp... chirp.

Patriot, there you are standing in the way of socialism again.  That's good.

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