Started by frawin, April 13, 2012, 01:03:32 PM

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Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 26, 2012, 03:39:40 PM
...wind farm money, which isn't "taxpayer" money since it didn't come from taxes as far as I know. Isn't it profit sharing of some kind? Someone can correct me if I'm wrong about that...

The windfarm money is a payment in lieu of taxes (property taxes), PILOT.  Once that money hits the county's bank account, it would be public funds.  Regarding taxpayer money, in particular, the origin of wind energy funding is currently about 70%-90% federal & state subsidy.  Last time I checked, federal & state monies are also public funds, the vast majority of which is supplied by taxpayers in one form or another.
Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 26, 2012, 03:39:40 PM
  Brown heroin? (#Two) Really? Steve shouldn't even know what brown heroin is, let alone be using it in a post.
  Perhaps it would have suited better if the various citizens names had been published so they could have been ridiculed personally.


Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Why what? Why did you bring up heroin in a post? How should I know?


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 26, 2012, 05:50:58 PM
Why what? Why did you bring up heroin in a post? How should I know?

I believe i used it as a comparison to the addiction of windfarm money.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.

Diane Amberg

Perhaps they should just hand the money over to you few and the rest of the residents can then complain that their ideas weren't heard. Shouldn't everyone have an opportunity to be involved?   Personally, I thought some of the first ideas suggested on here were very good ,but it is a process. Should ideas be ridiculed immediately? If so, then there is no free flow of ideas. It sounds like some good choices are being made by the people who were elected to make them.


Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 26, 2012, 09:44:12 PM
It sounds like some good choices are being made by the people who were elected to make them.

To which choices do you refer specifically?

Conservative to the Core!
Gun control means never having to fire twice.
Social engineering, left OR right usually ends in a train wreck.


HOW many of those ideas were actually valid ideas worthy of receiving tax dollars based on valid county expenditures. By that i mean infrastructure, county payroll, ect.  Not parties, EK, or any other socialist expenditure. 

IF i remember pay down the debt was one valid idea, roads was another, lowering taxes is another.
Curb your politician.  We have leash laws you know.


Why do they need ideas?  It's county government, not some club or charitable organization.

Americans ought to stand against the socialists and their principles and Elk County is as good as any place for folks to stand. 



Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 26, 2012, 09:44:12 PM
Perhaps they should just hand the money over to you few and the rest of the residents can then complain that their ideas weren't heard.

No Diane, that is not the way anything get's accomplished, neither does anything proper get accomplished by using weird tactics and outsiders from half way across the State. Nor does it help by, county commissioners by using a privately owned business with which they have an association with. Food for thought.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 26, 2012, 09:44:12 PM
Shouldn't everyone have an opportunity to be involved?   Personally, I thought some of the first ideas suggested on here were very good, but it is a process.
But shouldn't the biggest idea be to tend to County Government business, first and foremost. I.E. roads and equipment and paying off debts, etc. Getting County Business under control first.

Yes Diane, everyone that wants to be involved should be allowed to be, but not controlled by a privately owned company.

There were a couple of ideas that were good but the WMCA, how many millions would it cost to build and how much would the yearly franchise cost. And again all theses ideas were secret, done in a very controlled atmosphere by a third party. The third party being another privately owned company, "Public Squares Communities, LLC  and Employer of a"Konnected Kounty Kommissioner[/color",  who is also the self proclaimed founding member of Elk Konnected, LLC.  If the county commissioners really wanted input they could have held their own meeting and showed real leadership abilities. The local schoolboard actually did that very exact thing when they were discussing shutting down the grade schools.

Quote from: Diane Amberg on April 26, 2012, 09:44:12 PM
Should ideas be ridiculed immediately? If so, then there is no free flow of ideas. It sounds like some good choices are being made by the people who were elected to make them.

Most of these ideas ridiculed themselves, but some showed methods of control. A free flow of ideas does not mean having the sheriff's office on stand-by outside the door as a deteriant and then calling them to escort people out of what was suppose to be a public meeting. as called on to do that to.  And Diane I was not the only person the sheriff wBut was actually a private meeting of a privately owned company, where perhaps that is proper procedure.

I believe some good choices are being made by our elected officials, but only because of public pressure brought about by this and and any other thread concerning this situation, see, Topic: Elk Konnected Hand out at County Commissioners meeting on 4/25  (Read 64665 times) at:
http://www.cascity.com/howard/forum/index.php/topic,11780.0.html and any other thread praising "Elk Konnected,LLC".

I believe it has been clearly stated and shown that Elk Konnected, LLC and Konnected Kounty Kommissioners should not be in bed together and that the Konnected Kounty Kommissioners should do the proper and ethical and show some integrity and recuse from voting on anything that Elk Konnected, LLC and ECCEF bring before them. At least one Konnected Kounty Kommissioner has said many , many times she wears so many hats, she can not keep them straight, she even said at a County Commissioners meeting. If she truely means that statement perhaps it is time for her to make some serious decisions for her self, which would be of a big help to Elk County, don't you think?

This whole sitituation is not near as simple as you appear to think it is, now is it?
Every situation in every part of the country is different for each situation and every part of the country.

And nobody from Elk Konnected, LLC disputes anything said on these threads, and they have been represented on this forum by the self proclaimed founding member Elk Konnected, LLC. They have claimed to want to have open and honest dialog with the Elk County citizens and as yet have failed to do so, IMHO.

Just a few of RED Flags that have been brought out ovever the last year:
They also failed at running their business know as the Wellness Center?
They failed at commandering the County Web site, didn't they?
They failed at commandering the County Emergency Call System also, didn't they?
They did accomplish commandering the County's Summer Day Camp last year by having a County Employee who is also Konnected put Elk Konnected, LLC's name on it, didn't they?

These actions have been stymied by concerned citizens displaying their concern's by calling the County offices and attending County Commissioners Meeting's and even having the County Commissioner's challenged by the Aunt (relative) of one of the County Commissioners at their meeting. So people ar not so afraid to experess them selves as you seem to imply.

How long will these kind of actions continue by Elk Konnected, LLC ?

Percieved idea's are brought about by actions follwed by in-action on the part of the person or person's or company's or organizations who brought those actions, now aren't they Diane?

Diane Amberg

What choices? Patriot ,the ones you reported on in the new thread you wrote, mostly the roads and associated costs.That was very high on people's list of interest in how the windy money should be spent. I thought retiring debt was good too, suggested long ago.

To continue on from yesterday....Ross, why keep revisiting things that are now a year old as of today? People and groups do make mistakes but they learn from them, perhaps change horses and keep trying.
Keep in mind the original seed money for E K was from donations from 57 people, not your tax money. They were willing to support a new venture and try to accomplish something good for the area. I doubt success was guaranteed.    As far as what they tried to "commandeer," our Channel 22 here is for the City of Newark, but groups are permitted to put information and coming events on it. Our reverse 911 is also used for things other than emergencies also. We got a call recently as to what day our fire hydrants were  to be flushed. We also got one that a naked man was running down Wilson Street. ;)
  I read every thing I could find on Public Squares so I know what they are about. They do have a number of communities on board now. How many have gone, of course I can't say. I don't see how you mean "controlled" by a private business. If there is a certain "recipe" for how they wanted things to be explained back in the beginning, why not? If they have a consistent program to be presented, then everyone gets the same information and understands the same thing.  Misinformation, which is so common on here, is less likely.
I still don't know why the sheriff was at that first meeting. All I've heard is your interpretation of it. He may have been there for his own interest...or Public Squares requested him. Was he paid to be there? I can't say. You are assuming if he was, it was from tax money...perhaps Public Squares paid him directly. Our State police hire out often for private work.
 You said the commissioners could have have held their own meeting for input. I thought they did and do, every month.
The aunt who spoke up?  Good for her for catching an error and saying something, but that was one person, one time and that action doesn't represent everyone.
  I'd be more interested in what is happening now.  Summer day camps being organized? one? several? Paid or volunteer or some of both? County? EK? Both? Your schools will be out soon, right? Fairs and parades and such being planned?
Thanks all you volunteers who work so hard every year.
   Patriot that comment about Delaware was uncalled for. I didn't approve of that bill in the first place. How can I get it through your hard head, I grew up in Dairy country in PA! I even lost a friend at age 9 when the John Deere he was driving rolled over on a hill and crushed him .  What farm experience do you have? Do you even know which end of a cow to milk? >:(
  You have lots of opinions, but which of us has more farm experience? Phooey!
   As far as Delaware, where I live now, we are 41% farmland, which is a lot for a little state....2,480 farms.

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